Naruto Fanfiction
B r o k e n w i n g added 2007-12-14
by arashi-enkou
Pairing: Hinata/Sakura
Can a bird with a broken wings still fly?
Kunoichi-Ai updated 2010-02-01
Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
by Elkat
Pairing: Hinata/Tenten
Tenten thinks more of her fellow kunoichi than anybody knows or would approve of, but is forced to keep her true feelings secret due to Konohagakure's narrow views on non-heterosexual relationships. Assigned a mission along with Hyuga Hinata, she must travel to Yuri no Kuni, a country to prohibits men, to protect its princess from an unknown assailant. Yet neither kunoichi knows that Yuri no Kuni has a special belief... [UNFINISHED]
Never Have to be Alone added 2007-11-16
by Amelia_Seyruun
Pairing: Ino/Sakura
After a 'little' argument, Ino reminiscences about one special childhood moment, then goes to find Sakura.
Rivals, Friends and Lovers added 2005-01-17
Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
by Blood Shinobi
Pairing: Ino/Sakura
Sakura's and Ino's rivalry has become so bad that they are
forced to spend a whole week alone in a forest to turn their rivalry into friendship. The events during that week will change their lives forever. [LIME]
St Manga School added 2008-11-11
Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
by C. Gholy
Pairing: Dawn/Zoey, Ino/Sakura, Chisato/Miyu, Ayeka/Ryoko, Alice/Lain, Various/Various
Crossover with Pokemon, Naruto, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tenchi Muyo, Serial Experiments Lain and many others. AU and crossover. Plenty of shipping goodness, randomness and madness with plenty of fandoms mixed in this school based drama fic, and as Tsunade as the principle. [UNFINISHED]
Two Connected Hearts: One Ful of Love, the Other of Revenge added 2007-11-16
Parts: [1] [2]
by Mizuki_San16
Pairing: Anko/Kurenai
Anko is upset after the Hokages' funeral and is determined to kill Orochimaru. Kurenai tries to comfort her long time friend only to realize that her feelings for Anko are more then just mere feelings of friendship. But does Anko feel the same? Will Anko finally get her revenge? [UNFINISHED]
Lemon (contains adult situations)
Flowers and Friends updated 2008-04-21
Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
by Yamiyugikun
Pairing: Ino/Sakura
One day Sakura visits Ino's flower shop. She feels lonely because Sasuke is gone and turns to Ino. Ino comforts Sakura, and their relationship evolves into a romance. [UNFINISHED]
In Media Res added 2005-06-28
by MissLemonlime
Pairing: Ino/Sakura
It has been one year since Sasuke left and Sakura is feeling down. But when she sees her old friend Ino and confesses her lonleyness, they become more than just friends.
Practice Makes Perfect added 2008-01-27
Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
by nighinvisible
Pairing: Ino/Sakura
Now friends, Ino is shocked to discover Sakura is clueless about dating. Her tutorials help Sakura get Sasuke, but was that the point?