The New Student Ritsuka was standing outside his new classroom. He was fairly nervous, as he had never met any of the other students before. He was a skinny boy who appeared quite feminine, and his cat ears and cute eyes only made him seem even more feminine. He watched Mr Ikura, his new teacher make his way into the classroom. "Alright everyone," Mr Iruka announced as he walked into the classroom, "We have a new student!" Iruka looked out through the open doorway and smiled. "Ok, introduce yourself." Ritsuka walked into the classroom and closed the door, looking as nervous as he felt. "I'm Ritsuka Aoyagi." He announced. "What's with the cat ears?" asked Naruto, a blonde haired loudmouth. "And are you a boy or a girl?" "I'm a boy," Ritsuka replied. "Don't mind him," Iruka advised Ritsuka. "That's Naruto Uzamaki." Ikura was looking at Naruto, "I suppose it's his turn to be the joker of the class. Now let's find you somewhere to sit." Iruka looked around and found three empty seats, scattered around. One of the seats was behind Naruto. "Well I suppose you can sit behind Naruto for the time being; have fun." Ritsuka nodded, moving to sit behind Naruto. As he did, he heard a few girls whispering about the cuteness level of Ritsuka. Not sure about this, is the 'he' Naruto or Ritsuka? If it's Ritsuka then it should be 'As he did, he heard a few girls whispering about his cuteness level.', but if it's Naruto then it would be 'As he did, Naruto heard a few girls whispering about Ritsuka's cuteness level.' "But that's where Sasuke sits!" Naruto pointed out. "Sasuke, hasn't been in school for the past three weeks," Iruka stated. "Things can be sorted out once he returns, in the meantime Ritsuka will be sitting there." Naruto glared at Ritsuka, then he started looking at his clothes and smelt him; he could smell a whiff of sweet perfume. "Are you sure you're a boy?" Giggles sounded around the classroom as he asked Ritsuka this. Ritsuka nodded in reply. "Must be gay then," Naruto confirmed. "Naruto!" Iruka said sharply, "That is no way to treat a new student, try to be nice to him." "I wasn't not being nice!" Naruto said back. The door slammed open, and another student slid into the classroom like a sudden shock. The student was male; he had a red trendy cap and a dark blue ponytail. Ikura threw his palm to his head in shame, "Late again, Tyson Kinomiya." "Yeah," Tyson replied, "I'm sorry for being late." Tyson made his way to sit at the back of the classroom, in the empty seat next to Kenny, who had thick glasses. "As I was saying," Iruka announced. "Our new student Ritsuka Aoyagi, he'll be part of the class for a while, so be nice to him." Meanwhile Hinata Hyuga, a timid girl with long midnight blue hair, was still looking over at Naruto in a fond way. She was sitting next to May Maple, a lively brunette who was trying to get the attention of a dense raven-haired boy named Ash Ketchum. Ash was already half asleep from staying up too late the night before. Whilst Iruka called out the register. "Ash wake up," May whispered tapping his back. Ash got up slowly and turned to May. "Did you do your Science homework?" "We didn't get science homework, did we? " Ash asked. "Yeah we did, that essay, we needed to finish it." She reminded him. "Oh yeah!" He said. "I finished it in the lesson." "So did I, " May replied, "but I did check it over yesterday at home. You know what Snape's like." "Yeah," Ash said. "Snape should wash his hair through." May giggled at this comment. "So what do you think of the new kid?" "Ritsuka seems ok." May answered, "Maybe you can invite him over," May suggested. "I'm sure your mom will like him." "We could do," Ash whispered back. "I'm sure Dawn would love to meet him." "Ash Ketchum," Iruka called out. "Oh, here!" Ash replied. "You would have heard that the first time, if you hadn't of been whispering to May!" Iruka pointed out. Ikura continued on with the next name. "Kinomiya!" "Here!" "Maple!" "Here!" "Ash, what do you say to this," May whispered to him. "Today at break, we should just hang round by our own, I want to talk to you in private." "Yeah, sure." Ash replied. The bell nutritiously rang. The students stood up and left for next lesson. "When's Science?" Ash asked. "Right now!" May replied whilst trying to hold his hand. "Can you sit next to me?" May asked. "I'll help you, and I'll let you copy my work." "Sure!" Ash exclaimed in excitement. "Definitely!" As Ash and May walked out of the classroom, Tyson Kinomiya called tothem both. They turned to face him. "Was that Science essay due in today?" Tyson asked. "Yeah it was," Ash replied. "Why? You didn't do it?" May asked. "I've done half of it." Tyson admitted. "Oh man! I'm gonna get busted by Snape. Tell Snape I'm absent ok? I'm gonna go and see Kai!" "Alright then," May replied. "We will. " "Thanks you two!" Tyson cheered as he walked away from them. Luck sparked when he saw Kai just about exiting another classroom. He zoomed through the corridor to catch up with him. "Kai!" Tyson called out, hoping Kai could hear him. He saw Kai make eye contact. Kai stopped and waited patiently for what Tyson wanted to say. Tyson finally managed to catch up with Kai. "What lesson do you have now?" "You ran all this way just to ask me that?" Kai sulked. "If you really want to know, I've got English with Miss Umbrigde." "I haven't completed my science essay," Tyson admitted. "So Kai, wanna skive the lessons?" "Well, if you really want me go with you, " Kai replied, "then yeah, I'll go with you. Best to go behind the drama studio," Kai suggested. "Principle Tsunade's got camera's in the hall!" "Where ever you wanna go Kai," Tyson replied. "I'll go with you."
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