St Manga School (part 2 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 1
"Not another word." Snape demanded, passing sheets around the classroom. 
"Absolute silence is required for this test. I assume you have all 
completed your essays and you are ready to hand them in." He sneered. 
"Well, except from Uzamaki, Hyuga, Ketchum, Kinomiya and Motomiya." 
Snape's eyes scanned the science class. "Where is Mr Kinomiya? I suppose 
it doesn't matter."

Hikari Yagami was giggling next to one of her friends, Davis Motomiya. 
"Do you dare me to say it?" Hikari giggled.

"Go on Kari," Davis whispered, nudging Hikari's shoulder. Hikari raised 
her left hand whilst grinning at Davis.

"Yes, Miss Yagami?"

"Snape, I think you look very sexy in black." Hikari announced rushing 
her words and almost shouting them. At that moment Davis roared with 
laughter. Naruto gave Hikari a slightly dirty look. However, some of the 
class couldn't help but laugh at Yagami's comment. Snape froze, looking 
less than amused.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Yagami," Snape said dreary. "Keep 
your fetishes to yourself. You have a test to do."

"Nice one Kari," Davis winked at her.

"Don't encourage her, Motomiya." Said Snape whilst throwing a test paper 
directly at his face.

"One more thing, sir," Davis shouted out, raising his hand. Snape 
reluctantly stopped again and gave Davis an evil look. "So," The 
goggle-headed boy began to stutter. "I heard you like mudkips, is this 

"Ode to the mudkips!" Naruto shouted out randomly. "What the hell, that 
was completely random!" Sakura, a pink-haired girl sitting next to him, 
nudged his shoulder as a signal to remain silent.

"If you're going to make jokes, Motomiya," Sneered Snape, unimpressed. 
"At least make them decent."

"That was a decent joke!" Davis shouted, standing up as he spoke. "You 
lot thought it was funny?" Kari was hiding her giggles through covering 
her mouth. Kari raised her free hand. "Thank you Kari!" Davis exclaimed.

"You're welcome honey!" Kari smiled.

"Did you just call me honey?" Davis asked as red blushing dashes formed 
on his face.

"Motomiya and Yagami," Snape snapped. "Can the pair of you leave my 
classroom? You will both do this test in a lunchtime detention!"

"Still think you're sexy in black, sir," Kari smiled as she left the 
classroom with Davis.

"You're compliment will not immune you from this detention, Miss 
Yagami." Snape assured her.

Davis and Kari both left Snape's classroom in silence, holding back 
their laughter with great difficulty. Snape marched back to the 
blackboard. "Now that those disturbing two are gone," Snape announced. 
"You have the rest of this lesson to do the test. Absolute silence, 
starting now."

Meanwhile, at the back of the drama studio, Tyson Kinomiya and Kai 
Hiwatari rested their backs against the wall. Kai looked down at Tyson, 
he didn't really care that he was skipping a literacy lesson. The 
teacher, Miss Umbrigde, was like poisoned honey and wore a lot of 
fluffy, furry pink. "Hey Kai," Tyson spoke picking up his bag. "Sorry I 
made you skip your lesson."

"I forgive you," Kai replied less enthusiastically. "I hate Miss 
Umbrigde anyway."

"Me too!" Tyson replied suddenly. "I mean she's a total fake and she's a 
nasty one." Tyson looked on his timetable and realised, he has English 
with her just after science. "Oh man! She's teaching us next lesson!"

"Well why don't we stay here until recess?" Kai offered, whilst doing 
some of his homework. "The lessons are boring as usual."

"Yeah great idea." Tyson thought. "It's not as if anyone's going to 
catch us?"

"Well if we're quiet," Kai suggested, "then yeah, no one will catch us." 
Kai's face leaned closer to Tyson. Tyson was more then helpful to tilt 
his head forwards to him. Kai began nibbling Tyson's bottom lip. 
Fortunately for him, Tyson was willing to open his mouth wider, and 
accept Kai's tongue. Kai began pulling himself back and continued 
kissing Tyson passionately. Tyson's red cap flew down to the floor, as 
the band that tied his hair together was pushed away from his dark blue 
hair. Tyson's hyper fingers were playing with Kai's dual hair.

Kai's eyes remained closed for the moment. "How was that?" Tyson asked, 
his voice seemed deeper and more serious then him usual hyper behavior 
he showed in lesson time. Tyson managed to catch a glimpse of Kai's 
blushing cheek out of his recently opened eyes.

"It felt like you were in love with me," Kai whispered to him. "You 
didn't really skip Science cause you didn't finish your essay did you?" 
Tyson began blushing himself. "You did it to see me, didn't you?"

"In a way yeah," Tyson admitted. "Didn't want another detention from 
Snape, and I wanted to see you."

"So are you going to say it?" Tyson asked leaning on Kai's shoulders in 
a cosy manner.

"We don't have to say we love each other," Kai answered, "'Cause we 
already know."

"So anyway, there is a new kid in our class," Tyson told Kai whilst 
wrapping his arm gently around Kai's neck. "His name's Ritsuka, don't 
know what he's like but he's rather girly. I was late coming to school."

"Tyson, don't tell anyone," Kai requested seriously. "Don't tell anyone 
about us, it's for your own good. People aren't going to accept us."

"Kai," Tyson replied. "You're wrong! I don't care what everybody thinks. 
Even if not everybody accepts us, the main thing is that we accept each 

"I just don't want to go public yet." Kai told Tyson. "It will just make 
me feel embarrassed. You're confident and shameless; you wouldn't 

"Actually," Tyson replied rolling over to face Kai directly, "I do 
understand how you feel. The reason I'm so confident because I've never 
regretted anything I've done." Tyson put his head down for a few seconds 
and then gently touched Kai's cheek. "Kai, just so you know. You've got 
nothing to hide from me."

"Yes, I know," Kai nodded. "I think you better finish your essay now so 
all you have to do is hand it in later. That's what I'm going to do 

"Well, if you say so," Tyson said cheerfully "OK". Tyson got the rest of 
his school stuff together, colleted his pen from his pencil case and 
grabbed two and a half pieces of written-on paper and his science 
exercise book and continued his homework. "So what was your homework 
about, Kai?"

"Oh, we gotta write ten poems." Kai answered "For English, two have 
gotta be sad, two have to be happy, two have to be funny, two have to be 
romantic and the last two can be about anything we want."

"How many poems have you written?" Tyson asked curiously.

"Done all of them apart from the funny ones." Kai answered back, "I've 
done ten but two of them aren't amusing. Humour isn't my thing. I guess 
I can try it, though."

"Yeah go for it, Kai," Tyson encouraged. "I wanna read your other poems 
as well!"

"Well if you want to." Kai said passing five pieces of paper to Tyson. 
"Go ahead, tell me what you think."

Onwards to Part 3

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