St Manga School (part 3 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 2
"Ayeka and Ryoko," Principal Tsunade breathed, sitting in her chair 
looking less than pleased. "This is the third time this week you've been 
sent here. Am I correct? "

"Yes miss," The two girls replied in unison. Ayeka, with purple hair, 
and Ryoko, with bright blue hair, were pulling looks at each other. 
Ayeka looked more annoyed, whilst Ryoko looked quite delighted.

"This is your fault," Ayeka muttered to Ryoko.

"These constant cat fights are getting ridiculous," Tsunade pointed out. 
"All of this is over Tenchi Muyo! Seriously," Tsunade laughed. "Get over 

"To correct you, Principal Tsunade," Ayeka siad back in a rather posh 
accent. "It's all Ryoko's fault!"

"Yeah," Ryoko admitted with her arms crossed leaning against the wall in 
a relaxed manner. "I can't help it I love Tenchi, but I love Ayeka at 
the same time."

Ayeka gasped in horror. At the same time her face started change from 
beige to red. "That means you're bi... Oh never mind" Ayeka muttered 
appearing disgusted. "Why do enjoy pissing me off so much?"

"Ayeka, don't use that kind of language." Tsunade requested politely 
whilst listening to Ayeka getting stressed out and Ryoko teasing her.

"You know, Ayeka, you're pretty cute when you get angry." Ryoko grinned. 
"Come here, darling." Ryoko crawled up to Ayeka and grabbed her really 
tightly. Ayeka froze without any idea what to do whilst Ayeka glared at 
Tsunade in a rather emotional manner. "Please, you can't expel us just 
because we're in love with each other!"

"In love!" Ayeka spat out. "Ryoko, don't be so..." Ryoko pressed her 
fingers against Ayeka's lip and began hugging her rival tighter. Whilst 
Ayeka was less than pleased with Ryoko telling the head mistress they 
were a lesbian couple, she didn't want to get kicked out of the school 

"Yeah," Ayeka said. "Please don't expel us."

"You two calm down." Tsunade requested again, calmly. "I never said I 
was going to expel you. Don't jump to conclusions." Ayeka and Ryoko 
nodded in unison. Tsunade stood up, shaking her blonde hair to the side. 
"Just, these fights are getting stupid now," She pointed out. "It's a 
bad example to set for the younger students. There are enough fights in 
this school as it is." Tsunade marched to the door of her office and 
opened it slightly. "Please, I don't want to hear that you too have been 
fighting again, ok?" Both of the girls nodded in agreement. "If I do, 
I'll have to give you further punishment." Tsunade warned them as she 
opened the door much wider. "You may return to your lessons."

Ayeka and Ryoko walked out of the office and returned to their classes 
silently. Tsunade closed the door behind them and sighed. "When will 
these kids grow up?" She went back to her desk, looking through paper 
work. There was a soft knock at the door. "Come in," Tsunade replied. 
The door opened wide and showed a slightly plump woman in bright pink 
furry clothes looking quite distraught. Along with her was a male 
student with bright blonde hair and an innocent face. Tsunade sensed 
that there was trouble going on. "Miss Umbrigde, what is it?"

Umbrigde stepped forward, "I apologise for disturbing you, Principal 
Tsunade," She said sincerely. "I'm afraid I have brought this student 
along for his atrocious behavior."

"What's Takeru Takaishi done?" Tsunade asked trying to hide her look of 
boredom under a professional look.

"He used offensive language," Umbrigde replied, sniffing as her eyes 
filled with tears. "He called Miss Haruno and myself.... a 'Pink cunt' 
and has been using course language throughout the lesson. He also," 
Umbrigde continued, "Threw violently, and knowingly, a chair and it 
landed in Sakura Haruno's face."

"Is the chair damaged?" Tsunade asked whilst writing the incident report 

Umbrigde nodded. "It snapped in two I think. It may have also cut her 
face." Takeru looked at Umbrigde evilly, as if she was exaggerating her 
claim. Yes, he did call Sakura that, only because Sakura was annoying 
him like hell's fury.

"You have to teach, Umbrigde," Tsunade stated. "You go and teach that 
class and I'll sort this lad out. Any more monkeys; send them straight 
to me!" She demanded. "Oh and tell Sakura to come over, I want to hear 
her side of the story."

"Very well," Umbrigde smiled like poisonous honey. "I will do that." 
Umbrigde walked away from Takeru and marched out of the office door.

"Sit down, Takeru," Demanded Tsunade, "This is gonna take a while." 
Takeru sat in the chair that was on the table's left. He looked around 
for a while. The office was filled with trophies and school photos, 
other than that the office was grey and professional. "Ok, Takeru, what 
happened?" Tsunade asked sharply.

"Well, Sakura was irritating me," Takeru replied nervously.

"So that gives you the right to throw a chair at her?" Tsunade replied 

"I didn't throw a chair at her," Takeru answered. "I accidentally kicked 
it and it landed in her face."

"Well," Tsunade muttered. "Hardly accidental if it snapped in half and 
it cut her!"

"THE FAT BITCH WAS EXAGGERATING!" Takeru snapped. "The chair didn't 
break it just had a crack on it!"

"Damage to school property," Tsunade confirmed whilst writing the 
incident report down almost like she didn't hear Takeru shouting. 
"Course language, violence towards a fellow pupil, and bad attitude 
towards staff." Takeru began feeling angrier. Why did the Principal 
always take the staff's side of the story?

There was another knock on the door, this time louder. "That should be 
Sakura," Tsunade said. "We'll see what she has to say. Come in." The 
door opened and Sakura had entered the office. Funnily enough, Sakura 
was scratched, but not much, as there were only a few red blobs on her 
right cheek. "OK Sakura, tell us what happened in this lesson."

"TK, Davis and Kari were getting quite distractive, " Sakura started. "I 
was struggling to get on with my work so I asked them nicely if they 
could keep the noise down. TK said 'how about no?' and those three 
laughed their heads off. I asked for the second time if they could calm 
down but they refused again. So I asked Miss Umbrigde if I could move so 
I could get on with my work. Umbrigde had a go at the three of them and 
then he started calling me a pink cunt and that's when he threw the 
chair at me."

"Where did the chair land?" Tsunade asked.

"The chair didn't land in my face, but from Umbrigde's angle that's what 
it looked like. It hit my left arm." Sakura flaunted her bruised arm. "I 
got this scratch on my face from karate practice yesterday."

Takeru felt relieved but in a way he was not. Now that Sakura's point of 
view of the incident has shown that Umbrigde was exaggerating. Takeru 
felt that Sakura had inserted a few lies. Firstly, Sakura did not ask 
nicely for them to be quiet. Secondly, him, Davis and Kari put together 
made less noise than Sakura herself. The reason why Takeru called Sakura 
a pink cunt was because he heard her say nasty stuff about Kari, such as 
calling her a whore. Takeru wanted to say all this, but he knew there 
was hardly any point if they weren't going to listen. He hated to admit 
it, but Sakura made her side of the story believable. Takeru had no 
choice; he had an incident report on his way.

"OK Sakura," Tsunade replied. "You may go." Sakura left, without making 
eye contact with Takeru; she simply walked out.

"Takeru, I am not pleased with your behavior today." Tsunade said. "I 
shall be writing a letter to your family tonight, with a photocopy of 
this incident report. In the mean time you'll be having detention with 
Miss Umbrigde, and I will check if you attend that detention."

Onwards to Part 4

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