Dawn had spent the first five minutes of break in the girls' toilets. Her lip-gloss was gently shimmering on her pink lips; she had just about finished fixing her makeup. Some of the other girls, like Ino, Rukia and Misty, were doing the same. Dawn smiled at Misty and the redhead smiled in return. The blue-haired girl stepped behind her as Misty turned around. "Hi Misty!" She smiled, in an excited manner opening her arms and hugging Misty tightly. "Hi Dawn!" Misty replied in a neutral tone. "How are you?" She asked. "Oh I'm ok," Dawn had replied cheerfully. "What about you?" "Oh I'm fine," Misty smiled. "I'm just shocked." "Shocked!" Dawn said. "How come?" "I had no idea that Tyson and Kai were an item," Misty told Dawn almost slightly whispering. "You mean the Tyson that's in Ash's class!" Dawn exclaimed. "Oh my god I don't believe it! How come it's always the hot guys that are gay?" "Whose gay?" Ino, a blonde wearing a purple silky shirt and black trousers, interrupted. "Tyson and Kai," Dawn replied, turning to face Ino. "Misty told me just now." "Those two are gay?" Ino asked again in disbelief. "Kai is more asexual than homosexual. As for Tyson; isn't he straight? I thought he was dating Hilary?" "That was just a rumour," Misty announced. "Him and Hilary were just friends; they never went out." "Wait," Ino didn't quite believe what she was hearing. "How do you know they're gay?" "Daisy, my sister." Misty answered with attitude. "She was having drama and she saw them kissing in the back of the drama studio." Misty took out her cell phone, scrolling down to her inbox. "She took a picture of it, and she sent it to me. I also saw them at the back of the drama studio, but they were doing work." Misty showed the picture that she was going on about to Dawn and Ino. The image contained the back of Kai's head and the front side of Tyson's face. Ino zoomed closer to the picture dropping her face in excitement. 'dropping her face', do you mean 'dropping her jaw'? "Oh my god!" Ino exclaimed. "They're gay! Wow, wait till I confront that homo skiver!" "That's homophobic behavior!" Dawn pointed out. Ino and Misty stared at Dawn with a weird expression on their face. "No it's not!" Misty replied, giggling with Ino. "Anyway, Gary's been sending me a lot of messages recently." "You mean Gary Oak?" Ino asked leaning her head forward, facing Misty and instantly cutting Dawn out of the conversation. "Yeah, him!" Misty nodded. "Today he hugged me as well." Misty had started to become bright red in the face, whilst giggling to herself at the same time. "I know what it is!" Ino shouted out. "You two are in love," Ino started laughing with Misty. "Come to think of it, you and Gary would make a great couple." "Thank you. "Didn't you have a huge crush on Ash?" Ino asked curiously crossing her arms. Misty nodded back. "I'm sick of tired of waiting for him." Misty admitted. "I'm just gonna be friends with him." "Good for you," Ino replied, "and Gary is hell of a lot hotter than Ash." "Yeah he is," Misty said. Dawn exited the bathroom, leaving Misty and Ino to gossip amongst themselves. As she left, she spotted a redheaded tomboy walking along the corridor, and noticed it was one of her friends, Zoey, who was her dance partner in dance. She saw Zoey turn around quickly, and cried out, "Hey Zoey!" giving a wave. Zoey smiled and waved back, then marched a few steps towards Dawn. "Hey," Zoey replied coolly. "Are we able to practice our dance routine tonight after school?" "Oh, sure," Dawn replied. "I need to practice anyway." "Indeed you do!" Zoey said sharply. "We need to work on your timing and sharpness in your moves. Things that I am willing to help you with." "Yeah," Dawn replied. "Can you help me on set study too?" "Fine," Zoey breathed. "Anyway, how long are going to stay for?" "I don't know," Dawn answered honestly. "Until you're satisfied." Dawn was feeling quite nervous, she was doing a duo with Zoey for her dance exam. The exam was still a long way away, but the dance needed to be perfect nonetheless. Dawn had absolutely no idea what she was going to do for her duo; she was hoping that Zoey had some ideas. "You know our duo?" "Yeah," "Well, I haven't got any ideas for it." Dawn admitted. "I hope you're not angry with me." "Practice sessions are vital, then!" Zoey stated sighing at the same time. "Meet me at lunch," She said. "I want you in your dance kit at lunchtime, ok." "Ok," Dawn replied. "Dawn," Zoey said as she went to hold her hand. "I know I may sound strict and all but the truth is, I really care for you." Zoey looked up at Dawn and smiled. "I know you love dancing very much. That's why I want to help you. There are other reasons too," Zoey admitted. "Which are what?" Dawn asked curiously. "I'll tell you when the time is right." Zoey told Dawn. "Misty was telling me that her sister caught Tyson and Kai kissing in the back of the dram studio." Zoey pointed out weirdly. "Misty told me that too." Dawn replied. "She also showed me a picture of them kissing." "Good for them then." Zoey announced. "Guy on guy action is hot as well as girl on girl." She then remained silent for quite a bit. "Anyway, I gotta go. I have a detention with Kakashi." "What for?" Dawn asked. "I gave him a bit of lip." Zoey admitted, laughing to herself. "I kicked the ball and it was about to hit his face until he caught it. He and Harley, they were teasing me like hell. So, I kinda flipped. Although I didn't intend to, and now I got detention for it. See ya around, Dawn." Dawn watched Zoey walk away in a cool manner. She found it quite appealing and Zoey didn't sound like she was bothered about the detention at all. One thing that Dawn noticed about Zoey was that she was always relaxed, and she meant every word she said. Dawn wondered if Zoey actually liked her much more than a friend. But whether it was the love of a sister, or the love of a girlfriend, she didn't know. When Zoey was out of her sight, Dawn walked by herself. she would usually have been hanging around with her friends, however, they were nowhere to be seen. She pushed the wooden door open and stepped outside the building into the school grounds. Dawn spotted Ash and May together in a rather caring manner, holding hands, and giggling with each other. She approached the pair of them, they faced her, and they all smiled. "I take it you two are going out, I presume?" "Erm..." May paused for quite a long time, "Yeah, we are." "She just told me how she felt about me," Ash added happily, wrapping his arm around the brunette's arm. Dawn smiled, feeling happy for her friends. "So that's why I couldn't find you?" Dawn said. "Anyway, I won't be here at lunch." She told them. "I gotta practice my dance routines." "That's fine," Ash replied. "We'll see you after school, then?" "I'm in dance practice after school as well." She admitted. "So I'll see you tomorrow." A vicious, direct bell rung. Time seemed to have flown at the speed of light. All three of them returned tothe school building. "Yeah, see you tomorrow!" Ash called to Dawn. She gave a quick wave and walked into the second classroom on the left. "So I guess we have Maths now?" Ash sighed heavily. "Yep!" May replied. "Shit," Ash muttered in agony. "Trigonometry!" He yelled unhappily. "It's too hard for me!" "Hey, don't worry about it!" May assured him. "I'll help you. Even though it's pretty hard for me too." "Thanks, love." Ash replied happily kissing her cheek in front of the class. "Got yourself a girlfriend now I see?" A female voice came from behind him. Ash turned around to see his mother, Delia Ketchum, who was also his maths teacher. "Hi, mom," Ash said in an embarrassed tone. "Yeah, May is my girlfriend." "How nice," Delia said happily. "Don't get too carried away," Delia reminded her son. "And use a condom as well!" The rest of the class were sniggering away, but looking at the new couple at the same time. There was a knock at the door; Principal Tsunade could be seen out the window. They also spotted another boy beside her, who seemed very new to the school. "Come in!" Delia called. Tsunade opened the door and stepped into the classroom. The students were all sitting down, on their best behavior. The new student was standing behind Tsunade, wearing casual jeans and a grey shirt with a pair headphones and the word 'Salvation' written on the shirt. "IT'S GRANNY TSUNADE!" Naruto shouted out rather loudly, as if he was at the opposite end of a football pitch to everyone else. "Recess is over, Naruto," Delia informed the loud blonde. "That is no way to treat the Principal." "Too right it's not," Tsunade smirked. "Especially when I am about to introduce a transfer student." "Oh my god, not another one!" Naruto muttered. "Yes, Naruto," Tsunade replied bluntly. "He's a transfer student, and he's from the USA. He's here to study in peace, so it's best to be on your best behavior. His name is Eric Hitoshi." Tsunade paused and looked around the class for a couple of seconds. "Well, I'll leave Eric and the rest of the class with you, Mrs Ketchum. Naruto, you've got a detention with me for disrupting the class." Tsunade closed the door and left abruptly. "Oh man!" Naruto exclaimed. "Why is it always me?" "'Cause it's always you who calls her Granny Tsunade!" Davis announced. "Why do call her 'granny', anyway?" Delia asked Naruto curiously. "She doesn't look a day over twenty five. " Kari and Davis, were sitting next to each other, and the transfer student was sitting behind them both. Kari looked behind her and smiled at Eric. "Hi, Eric, I'm Kari Kamiya, welcome to the class." Davis turned around and smiled too. "Hey! I'm Davis, great to meet you." "Hi." Eric replied quickly. Kari stood up. "Mrs Ketchum, I've got an idea I think everyone will might like." "Go ahead Kari, " Delia said cheerfully. "What is your idea?" "Well, since we have two new addictions to the class," Kari stated in an enthusiastic tone, "and the news about your son getting a girlfriend. I think we should celebrate by having a free lesson. I mean, lets give the two new students a good first day." "Very thoughtful idea." Delia thought. "Sure, you can have a free lesson. " The class felt quite relieved. "Try not to be too noisy, there's crosswords on the table if anyone wants to try them." Delia said taking sheets of paper from under her desk and placing them on her table.
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