Mr Edmund Blackadder, head of the history department in St Manga School had walked into his own classroom. Most of the students that he loved to hate were in the classroom. None of them looked particularly happy in the lesson, neither was he, but he enjoyed bullying them sometimes. His classroom was rather dark, due to the fact that he always preferred the darkness over the light. The room was rather plain, boring and miserable; just the way he liked it. "You had a cover lesson with Mr Baldric yesterday," Mr Blackadder announced searching through some paper works. "Can anybody tell me, what you did in the previous lesson?" The class remained silent, apart Ino was giggling with another girl next to her. "Perhaps you can tell me Ino," He requested boldly he then faced the girl. "Or maybe you Tent!" Both girls gave him a nasty look. "Her name is Tenten," Ino corrected the teacher, "Not Tent." "Tent - Tenten whatever," Blackadder replied. "You're name is Tent in this classroom, that will just make things easier." "That just makes you a bully." Ino confirmed angrily. Blackadder marched towards Ino, he didn't seem angry, but not really calm either. "The more you shout out," Blackadder whispered in a sly manner. "The more time you waste, on what could have been your education." He walked around the classroom resting paper work on his chest. "Sasuke is not in again." He pointed out. "The little skiving brat," Blackadder had muttered behind his breath, though Naruto overheard him. "Sasuke's not a brat!" Naruto pointed out almost as angry as Ino and Tenten. "He's been really ill lately." "Ah Naruto," Blackadder said cheerfully raising his hands in the air. "The clown of the class pissed off! The student that every teacher loves to hate." "And you're the teacher that every student loves to hate!" Naruto answered back sounding really mad. "So I guess we're even." Blackadder smiled. "Students hate me, teachers hate you. I guess it's all equal. Unfortunately, I don't do fair." Blackadder grabbed onto his pencil case and aimed to the top right corner of the class and tossed it carelessly. The pencil case had slammed onto the back of Hinata Hyuga's head behind her sapphire hair locks. "What a goal!" Blackadder grinned. "You're an asshole!" Naruto snapped holding onto his bag with the intention of packing. "What the fuck did you do that for?" "Why thank you Naruto," Blackadder replied standing in a proud and non-remorseful stance. "The official retard of the class, with the mind of a disabled person and the brain of a five year old. As for that timid trash named Hinata, I simply threw your pencil case at her head, so she will be awake in the lesson and will hopefully speak." "Insult her like that again," Naruto warned Blackadder, "I will seriously knock you out!" "You give me no choice, but to report you to the principle." Blackadder announced calmly. "Whatever," Naruto replied quickly walking over to Hinata and collecting his pencil case, "I've got detention with Granny Tsunade anyway, won't make such a difference!" Blackadder was aware that Naruto was about to walk out of the classroom. He silently breathed a sigh of relief, walking away from Naruto quietly waiting for the right time to speak. "If you're going to walk out of my classroom," Blackadder sneered as he marched slowly to his whiteboard. "Take Hinata with you." Naruto harshly opened the door as he evilly glared at Blackadder. Blackadder grinned without any sign of remorse as he watched Naruto grab Hinata's hand gently. Blackadder decided to open the door for both of them. "Sometime this week would be delightful," He commented sarcastically. "Shut up you stupid bastard!" Naruto spat back as he stormed out of the classroom. Hinata quickly followed him after closing the door after her. "Good riddance," Blackadder muttered. "Hate them two. One's too loud; the other's too quiet. They'd make an interesting couple. Needless to say, their children would be retarded." "Don't be so horrible!" Kari shouted out looking angrier than she would normally be. "Neither of them are retards! The only retard in this one is you. Why do you have to be so cruel to us all the time?" "It is the way of life Kari," Blackadder replied appearing sincere and evil at the same time. "Life is not fair, and the truth is painful like anal rape caused by an elephant with needles stuck into you and being stung by a million wasps. Something you all need to learn." "Mankey!" Davis let out, in a distained way. "I do not want to imagine that," Davis whispered to himself pulling his face in sheer disgust. "The only thing he can teach us is how to bully people." Kari muttered to Davis. "I mean, it's every lesson, he picks on students. Too much bullying in this school." She pointed out. "Most of it's from him." She banged her desk loudly on the table. "He is so pissing me off. Naruto was smart walking out of this class." "If you're walking out I'll join you." Davis told her. They both looked at Blackadder who was staring at the pair of them as though he was waiting for them. "Now we've had some drama," Blackadder announced. "Let's get back to history. Turn to page one hundred and sixty nine in your books and write some notes while you're at it." He sat down at his desk and noticed Ino was sitting there, arms crossed with her textbook firmly shut. "That includes you Ino," "I don't think I should any work in this lesson today." Ino replied softly. "Why not?" "Cause you're a bully." "Oh dear," Blackadder sighed angrily. "The blonde bimbo has replaced the clown of the class." He looked around the students whilst pointing at Ino. He and Ino had found themselves in a staring contest. She was finding it diffulcult not to laugh, whilst he was finding it hard to keep his anger in control. She watched Blackadder's fist start to shake pretty violently as his teeth gritted. "Calm down dear," Ino smiled. "It's only a commercial!" Ino and Tenten bursted out with high pitched giggles, the rest of the class quickly joined in. Blackadder stood up and spied Ino with a disgusting glare, after ten seconds of glaring he finally decided to flip, marching in explosion to Ino's desk then banging his fist sharply onto his table. "For goodness sake Ino, get on with your work!" Demanded Blackadder loudly."...otherwise, there will be Hell to pay." "I am not listening to anything you say." Ino replied calmly, whilst crossing her arms tighter. "Until you say that you're a loser and that you're going to apologise for being mean." "Shut up you bimbo!" Blackadder snapped leaning back on his chair. "You know Naruto's so gonna get you for this," Sakura pointed out. "If Sasuke was here, he'd give you a black eye." "Not if I get them expelled they can't." Blackadder replied in a confident tone. "Get on with your work, or you can join them." "I think I might join them actually." Sakura said in a relieved tone hastily dragging her bag on the table placing her stuff in it. "Anyone else want to join me?" The class cheered in a sigh of relief. Sakura stared into Blackadder's eyes, and she noticed him also grinning. "Class dismissed." Blackadder replied as he returned to his desk and watched the History class leave. "Last one out close the door behind you."
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