St Manga School (part 6 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 5
Mr Blackadder sat quietly next to Mr Baldrick, almost feeling like he 
was about to snooze. Baldrick couldn't help but notice the sheer 
tiredness of him. He watched Blackadder close his eyes as his head 
collapsed on the table. "Are you alright sir?" He asked watching the 
tired miserable man half asleep from the rest of the world. Blackadder 
pushed his head back up and glared at Baldrick, in a most evil manner.

"Do I look alright Baldrick?" He barked repulsively. "I have to do 
something about this school. Nothing in this school is right at all!"

"Looks perfectly fine to me," Baldrick replied whilst looking around 
Blackadder's empty classroom. "What's wrong with it then?"

"What is wrong is that I don't own it." He announced clearly. "That 
Tsunade bimbo, with huge breasts shouldn't be running this school."

"Why not?" Baldrick asked.

"Because lesbians can't even handle their own emotions, let alone a 
school." Blackadder sneered shoving his face near him.

"Miss Tsunade's not a lesbian is she?"

"She has to be," Blackadder replied in a more softer tone. "The women 
are always around her. Shizune, Sakura Haruno, Tent, Hinata, Mrs 
Umbridge was there this morning. Two other lesbian students walked out 
this morning as well. Lucky bitch!" Blackadder stood up and continued 
his rant. "And out of all the teachers, Jiraiya has been appointed 
deputy head." Edmund Blackadder crossed his arms in disdain miming the 
word pervert for a few seconds. "The deputy head of this school is a 
perverted crazy tramp named Jiraiya."

"He's not too bad," Baldrick replied. "Anyway," He continued turning 
round. "I thought you were deputy head."

"Acting head deputy!" Blackadder replied. "If I am going to end being 
head master, it will be a long and dreary."

"Do not fear my lord," Baldrick replied in confidence patting Edmund's 
back, "For I have a cunning plan."

Edmund scratched is small beard smirking to himself in sheer delight. 
"You're cunning plan can wait Baldrick." He rejected Baldrick's idea and 
starting walking around in small circles as his other hand had his index 
finger waving around in the air. "If I could blackmail Jiraiya, enough 
for him to get fired, I should then, have a high chance of becoming 
deputy head. That means that I need to be strict and arrange policies 
for the school's benefits. I'll hide my claws until such a time where 
Tsunade is no longer principle. Fight hard enough to own the school, if 
successful, then St Manga will be mine." He smiled as he decided that 
his plan would work perfectly.

"Very well thought out Mr B," Baldrick praised smirking with him. "Good 
things come to those who wait."

"Thank you very much Baldrick." Blackadder replied feeling more 
refreshed then he did ten minutes ago. "Do you have any students who are 
willing to draw pornographic images?"

"I'm not sure," He answered, "However, I have a very talented artist 
called Tracey Sketchit."

"PERFECT!" Blackadder snapped in joy. "Next time he's in your class, you 
ask him to draw a very sexually explicit drawing." He demanded in 

"Oh most certainly Mr B!" Baldrick replied with his thumbs up.

"Don't forget to keep this a secret!" Blackadder warned him before 
marching off.

Tenten, Temari, Ino, Sakura and Hinata were gathered round an oblong 
table with benches at lunch time. The tables were similar to the rest of 
the tables in the hall. Hinata remained quiet but she felt a lot better 
than she was in history.

"So all of you walked out in History?" Temari asked in shock. "That 
sounds so cool."

"Blackadder bullying us wasn't at all cool!" Sakura replied. "He threw 
Naruto's pencil case at Hinata." The candy floss haired girl looked over 
at the timid bluenette. "Are you feeling much better Hinata?"

"Yeah," She replied in a gentle voice, "Much better."

"That guy playing that console has cool hair and a cute face." Temari 
pointed out staring at him. "Is that Ritsuka from your class?" The girls 
turned to look at Temari's new crush.

"That's not Ritsuka!" Sakura said looking the male bluenette and noticed 
it was Eric. "That's the USA transfer, Eric Hitoshi."

"He's nice!" Temari thought out. "I'd date him if I wasn't with 

Ino froze the minute she heard Temari mention Shikamaru. She actually 
wouldn't mind going out with Shikamaru, in fact she had his eye on him 
for a while. "When are you going to make your first moves on Eric then?" 
Ino asked hastily. 'He he, I might actually get my claws on Shikamaru. ' 
She thought deviously.

"Not now," Temari replied. "I'll keep looking for now. Let him make the 
first move."

"Let's hope Shikamaru doesn't hear that." Tenten said giggling to 
herself, "You'd be in trouble there."

"Look at Hinata over there," The class rep Hilary said to Emily and 
Mariah. "I think she's a really nice person." She told ginger nerd Emily 
and all pink Mariah, "How on earth did she join them group of bitches."

"Tenten's OK," Mariah replied moving her candy flossed fringe out of her 
face. "It's just Ino I don't really like. She's not a good friend."

"They're all just as bad as each other!" Emily pouted. "Fucking whores."

"Don't be mean," Mariah said to Emily nudging her shoulder harshly.

"Hinata's got a crush on Naruto." Hilary whispered to the two girls. "I 
bet you I can boost Hinata's confidence, so I can hook them up."

"You think you can that?" Emily asked with a less than impressed look on 
her face. "I'd be surprised if you could."

"Sure I can!" Hilary smiled.

"Naruto and Hinata do make a rather sweet couple," Mariah added. "We 
should befriend her and help her."

"I'm so happy you like my idea Mariah," Hilary replied in a happy tone. 
"I'm going to go to her, wanna come with me?" Hilary leapt to her feet 
and walked up to Hinata. Mariah quickly followed her whilst Emily 
remained sitting down in a miserable mood.

"Hinata," Hilary called in joy. Hinata turned and faced Hilary, as the 
brunette in a white skirt kneeled down and wrapped her arm around the 
shy bluenette. "You know me, Hilary from your class. Well if it's ok 
with you, perhaps you could hang with us now." Hinata looked around the 
other girls and noticed Ino was giving Hilary the absolute evils.

"Is that OK with you lot?" Hinata asked wanted their permission first.

"Yeah," Sakura replied quickly, "That's fine with us."

The brunette class rep smiled as Hinata followed her and Mariah over to 
where Emily was sitting. Hinata noticed that a coloured girl with bright 
blue wavy hair also joined her. "So Hinata," Hilary cheered. "This is 
Mariah, That's Emily, and the girl who just sat down is Ming-Ming, but 
Minger is much easier."

"Excuse me?" Ming-Ming said in an offended tone glaring at Hilary. She 
then quickly turned and gave a huge cute smile at Hinata. "Hello 
Hinata!" She cried happily, "So cool that you're gonna be in our 
friendship group."

"Sure she is," Mariah smiled.

As Hinata sat next to Hilary they all leaned closer to each other and 
Hilary pushed Hinata along with her, "So Hinata," Hilary spoke facing 
the dark shaded bluenette, "You have a really huge crush on Naruto, 
right?" Hinata's face started to glow red and she began to stutter. She 
was slowly nodding at the same time. "Let's take that as a yes." Hilary 
confirmed to prevent Hinata from getting further embarrassed.

"Would you suck his cock?" Mariah asked Hinata curiously causing her to 
blush even harder as Emily and Ming-Ming erupted with laughter. Hilary 
looked at Mariah with slight disgust but was struggling to hold back 
laughter herself.

"You shouldn't ask such questions like that!" snapped Hilary, "You don't 
have to answer that question Hinata ok."

"Err... yes I would." Hinata answered in a shade of red in 
embarrassment. The girls giggled loudly as they could but also were in 
shock at the same time.

Mariah calmed herself down and gave everyone else time to reduce their 
laughing rate. As soon as they all calmed down, Hinata's blushing has 
calmed down. "Well, I got a sleepover tonight," Mariah stated, "Do you 
wanna come Hinata?"

"Sure," Hinata replied. "I'd love to."

"Awesome!" Mariah cheered. "Meet up with me after school, she told 
Hinata. Hilary, Ming-Ming and Emily are going to be there too."

"Cool," Hinata smiled gently.

"It's gonna be fun!" Hilary happily told Hinata. "We're a going to have 
a huge make over, we're going to talk, take photos and all sorts."

"Sounds exciting," Hinata thought out.

"It is," Hilary replied in an excited way.

"Did you hear about Tyson and Kai?" Ming-Ming asked. "Apparently they 
were kissing in the back of the dram studio."

Hilary's faced Ming-Ming and gasped. "Oh my god! This isn't one of your 
bullshit rumours is it?"

"Nope," The bright bluenette replied. "It's actually true. Go up to 
Misty if you don't believe me. She showed me the picture,"

"Are you OK Hilary?" Mariah asked in concern from looking at the 
brunette's mouth wide open. "Did you have a crush on one of them?"

"Off course I don't!" Hilary gasped back.

"Homophobic?" Emily asked.

"NO WAY!" Hilary breathed loudly and angrily. "I knew Tyson since I was 
4. I was a cheerleader for him... He was like a brother to me... How 
come, they didn't have the decency to tell me that he was gay?"

"Well, not everybody goes round telling people they're gay." Emily 
pointed out whilst pushing up her glasses. "Anyway, they might have not 
have been ready to go public."

Mariah noticed a brunette sitting in a deserted table outside, quietly 
drinking a bottle of water and writing something down. From what Mariah 
could see the girl was wearing a very stylish black and white top, a 
gold necklace, and a collection of bracelets on each arm. The girl's 
hair was quite long and straight and a part f her long fringe was 
banging on her glasses. She couldn't help but feel bad for her. The girl 
looked very stylish and cute, yet it seemed she didn't have any friends. 
The candy floss haired girl caught another plump girl in a pink jacket 
and joggings walk up to her. Mariah knew who that other girls was, 
another student named Vicky Pollard, who had a large mouth on her. 
Mariah saw Vicky violently pushing the girl to the floor and it appeared 
as if Vicky was going to kill the girl.

"I'm going to stop Vicky," Mariah said in anger. She stood up and 
marched straight outside to where the aggressive blonde was pushing the 
quiet brunette to the ground. Hilary, Emily and Ming-Ming quickly 
followed them whilst Hinata followed in a slower footpace. As Mariah 
reached Vicky Pollard she glared at her and looked as if she was about 
to explode with anger; and she did. "Hey Miss Piggy! YOU FUCKING LEAVE 

"OH MY GOD!" Vicky screamed back as she stood up and looked at Mariah. 

"Well I just did," Replied Mariah the anger in her voice still remained. 
"You deserve it too for beating up girls who are prettier than you!"

"Oh my god you are such a lesbian Mariah," Vicky yelled. "Anyway I don't 
care, you're well going to get beaten!"

"Is that all you can say?" Mariah asked almost laughing at Vicky's 
stupidity. "Leave the girl alone, and I won't report you."

"Ha-ha," Vicky laughed, "You think you're so hard don't you!" Vicky 
continued to kick the brunette and then she sat on the girl like a sofa.

"Actually I don't!" Mariah yelled, "But bullies like you really piss me 
off. So get your ass of that girl!"

"The girl ain't even got nothing to do with it, anyway SHUT UP!" Vicky 
continued to yell. "I'm sitting on her as a joke!"

"YOU'RE NOT FUNNY!" Hinata screeched to Vicky. The rest of the girls 
looked at Hinata and Vicky grinned as if she didn't care. "You're a 
nasty person Vicky! How can you ever treat a person like that? It's just 
mean and cruel!"

"Yeah but Tai Kamiya fingered Sora in the science lab." Vicky answered, 
"Anyway SHUT UP you can't tell me what to do you ugly Minger!"

"I'm going to report you to the principle!" Ming-Ming snapped as she 
marched off.

"I'm coming too!" Emily replied as she followed the bright bluenette.

"I ain't done nothing or nothing!" Vicky snapped as she stood up. "I'm 
getting a proper wedgie now." She said to herself and then she sat 
herself back down on the girl, "That's better!" Vicky noticed Hilary, 
Hinata and Mariah give Vicky an evil stare. "DON'T GO GIVING ME EVILS!" 
She snapped in a stress mood. "Oh my god," Vicky said as she saw Eric 
giving her an evil look. "That guy over there is well scary," She was 
pointing at the angry male bluenette. " He looks like someone from a 
horror movie or something. He will well fuck you up." Vicky leaned 

Onwards to Part 7

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