St Manga School (part 7 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 6
Kai and Tyson didn't go to lesson at all today. They had recently just 
returned from looking at a game shop, they walked back into the school 
grounds hoping no one would have seen them skive most of the day. 
"Remember don't make it obvious. Don't tell anyone about the 
relationship. " Kai demanded quietly.

"I know Kai," Tyson replied. "You've told me a hundred times."

"Just so it goes in!" Kai sneered crossing his arms.

"THERE YOU ARE!" boomed a female voice. They both looked at the loathing 
brunette named Hilary marching up to them. "LOOK HERE TYSON!" She 
snapped crossing her arms. "I've known you since you were four. We've 
been good friends for a while."

"Yeah," Tyson replied. "So what's the problem?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" Hilary asked in a pissed off way.

"None of your business... Hey how did you know?"

"Misty has a picture of you two kissing on her phone!" She stated, "The 
rumours are going wild."

Kai sighed as he rested his palm on his forehead. "This is exactly why 
you shouldn't tell people we're together!" Kai told Tyson. "Everyone 
wants to stick their noses in. Especially the idiots in your class!"

"Hey!" Hilary snapped, "I'm in that class as well! Anyway," She said 
trying to change the subject. "Vicky Pollard's sitting on this girl."

A brown furred cat meowed as it crawled in it's feline manner. This was 
Sassi, a homeless kitty who walked around the school quite often. Her 
eyes were of a delicious shade of chocolate brown and her paws were 
scratching gently on the ground. She looked up on Tyson, Kai and Hilary 
and purred lightly. "Has any of seen my squidge?"

"I didn't know the cat could talk," Tyson stated looking down at the 
active cat meowing away.

"Me neither," replied Hilary as she was touched by the cuteness of 
Sassi, "It's so cute though. Come here Sassi..." Sassi looked at Hilary 
strangely as she slowly rubbed her front left leg against her neck 
whilst licking her paw. Hilary had her hands out as she kneeled to the 
floor. "Come on kitty!"

"Ok," Sassi thought whilst she crawled into Hilary's arm. "You have a 
nice sweater, you look cute too." The cat had her paws on Hilary's 
sweater and purred on it.

"Wow she said I'm cute!"Hilary cheered happily whilst hugging the cat 
tightly. "So Sassi, how've you been?"

"I'm ok," Sassi replied whilst feeling squashed by Hilary's arm. "I was 
just looking for H-hog my boyfriend."

"I haven't seen him around." Hilary stated whist stroking her very 
lightly. "I'm sure you'll find him."

"I'm going!" Kai stated as he walked in a careless manner as he took a 
stroll. He ignored the huge palaver and walked straight in.

"I'll go with you," Tyson replied as he followed Kai. Hilary decided to 
follow whilst holding Sassi in her arms. Sassi turned her head in each 
direction to see if she could see her dearly beloved H-hog. She turned 
at Vicky Pollard as she continually ranting and swearing and had her 
fist sparking at Eric.

"That guy in the fight is new right?" Tyson asked Hilary. "haven't seen 
him around."

"Yeah," Hilary replied.

Tyson sniggered at the fight scene, one transfer student was already in 
a fight on his first day and the way Vicky Pollard behaved made it 
absolutely amusing to watch. Tyson walked in the direction as if he was 
just about to join the others from watching the fucked up fight. "The 
fight looks awesome, I wanna watch it!"

"No you're not any fight!" Kai barked as he pulled onto Tyson's arm. 
"You're coming with me! We're gonna find Ray and Max." Tyson sighed but 
agreed with Kai and walked besides him. As they both entered the hall. 
Ino tilted her head up and stepped towards Tyson.

"We know you and Kai are a couple!" Ino shouted. "We saw the pictures 
and you look very hot together."

"Thanks Ino!" Tyson cheered back whilst trying hard not to go red.

"Don't talk to her," Hilary warned Tyson. "She's a bitch."

As them three were out of Ino's sight. Sakura quietly walked up to her 
with a bittersweet facial expression resting on her face. "Ino," Sakura 
said feeling intensity in her stomach. "Can I talk to you alone for a 

"Can it wait?" Ino replied just about to step away from her watching 
from outside the window, "Only I want to know what's going on out 

"No it can't wait at all!" Replied Sakura in an awkward tone, she 
watched the blonde sigh as she stepped under the school staircase. 
Sakura secretly smiled as she looked at Ion's backside, then she thought 
'on my god! how on earth were people going to react now if they knew she 
was a lesbian? A lot of controversy would spark but it would probably be 
quite normal now due to rumours that Tyson and Kai had kissed.'

"So," Ino said yawning away. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Sakura breathed as she started to hold onto Ino's hand and shaking back 
her pink hair. "This isn't going to be easy telling you this but..."

"But what?" Ino asked in a hurry. "What is it Sakura?" Sakura remained 
silent trying to find the right words to say. She started finding 
herself moving closer to the irritated blonde. "Sakura, you're getting 

"Oh sorry," Sakura breathed as felt the butterflies in her stomach. "OK, 
I know you got a crush on Shikamaru..."

"You got a crush on him too?" Ino asked, then the blonde laughed 
hysterically. "I had no idea Shikamaru was your type. I don't wanna be 
fighting over guys with you again." Ino remembered the time when they 
were both fighting over Sasuke. Sakura won that fight and even ended up 
losing her virginity to his brother. Sakura hasn't seen much of Sasuke 
since he found out that she had a one night stand with his brother and 
her feelings have transferred onto Ino. She heard Ino start ranting , 
she shut her eyes tightly almost feeling like she was going to burst.

"No I don't!" Sakura snapped. "How can I when I'm totally in love with 

"What!" Ino gasped. "You're a lesbian, so you're in love with me?" 
Sakura nodded, gently hugged her and gently kissed her on the cheek. Ino 
got her breath back rather quickly, "Let's see what's going on out 
there." She decided as Sakura found the temptation to hold her hand. 
"You look but you can't touch yet, lesbo!" Ino smirked enjoying her 
attention from Sakura. "Try to keep your hands to yourself, we can sort 
your feelings out later." The girls looked outside to see Eric and 
Vickie in a fight. Ino watched the mysterious girl stand up carrying her 
notebook with her. The harmed girl scooted off away from everyone else.

"Poor Chloe," An intelligent voice from behind them came. Both girls 
turned around to see a girl with angelic white hair in a bright blue 
cardigan and a floral dress that Ino wanted to set on fire. The girls 
knew she was Luna Lovegood, often nicknamed as Looney Lovegood. 
"Victoria can be so stupid sometimes."

"You know the girl's name Luna?" Sakura asked, "The girl who got beaten 
up, and yeah, Vicky is stupid and fat too."

"Bullies are very stupid people," Luna announced as she looked at the 
girls. "I know a lot of stupid people."

"Sure you do," Ino replied feeling uncomfortable around Luna.

"Anyway you two," Luna said, "Congratulations on being a couple. You 
both make a very nice couple!"

"Oh, err... Thanks Luna." Ino said in discomfort as she held a tight 
grip on Sakura's hand.

"You're welcome," Luna replied.

"So what do you know about that Chloe girl?" Sakura asked the bright 
blonde Luna curiously. "She's quite cute."

"She's very reserved." Luna said in a state of sympathy, "She seems 
quite timid too, she's had a tough life is well. Not much is known about 
her, she's a private person."

"Does she have any friends?" Sakura asked Luna.

"Not many," Luna replied as the bell notoriously rang. Luna playfully 
skipped away from the girls as her blonde locks flew around her. Ino 
glared at Luna with a not a very pleased expression on her face. Ino and 
Sakura watched as she saw Vicky Pollard stand up and walk off in a mood 
the minute Principle Tsunade was marching to her.

"This is going to be good." Ino stated as she walked outside and then 
heavily sighed. "Damn that dress Luna was wearing was horrible!" She 
muttered. "It's something my grandma would wear."

"I like Luna's dress," Sakura said. "It's colourful and graceful. Don't 
be so mean." Ino crossed her arms as she watched Vicky's annoyed 
expression on her face. She turned as she stepped three puppy steps 
towards them and pointed at Sakura.

"Hey you fat bitch lose some weight!" Vicky snapped, "I've heard about 
you, you went into with both of the Uchiha brothers. She is totally 
having their babies cause she sat in their bathwater!"

"Right Vickie my office right now!" Tsunade roared looking as if she was 
about to throw a fist at her. "The only fat bitch around here is you 

"OH MY GOD!" Grunted Vicky, "This school is well rubbish, and I so 
cannot believe you just said that Tsunade. You are well gonna get 

"Because you're making it rubbish!" The feisty principle replied. "Now 
you get your fat ass in my office now."

"OH SHUT UP YOU CUNT!" Vicky screeched with her arms whaling in the air, 
as if she was being accused of a terrible crime. "I ain't even done 
nothing you bitch. SHUT UP!"

"Did you just call me a bitch?" Tsunade asked her in a calmed down voice 
but still had an angry look on her face. She looked at the rest of the 
students gathered round who were suppose to be in their class, had made 
her pissed off even more. "The rest of you get back to class!" She 
demanded in her sheer fury. "Otherwise I'll put the whole lot of you in 
a very long Saturday detention."

All those who had gathered around expecting a huge fight, scooted off 
the minute she had threatened them with detention. Ino grabbed her new 
girlfriend by the arm and gritted her teeth as they both walked back to 
class. "So Sakura," Ino barked in a distained sound. "You're pregnant 
and you don't know weather the father's either Sasuke or Itachi!?"

"Well, I was on the pill," Sakura replied. "Itachi wore a condom when I 
had sex with him, but Sasuke didn't use any form of contraception." 
Sakura was as honest as possible and tried her best not to embarrass 
herself. She flicked back her candy flossed hair and stroked Ino's 
cotton coloured fringe. "I also brought a pregnancy test kit, but I 
haven't tested it yet!"

"That's what we're going to do after school!" Ino announced. "You're 
getting that pregnancy test!"

"If I am pregnant," Sakura warned Ino. "I'm keeping it. Getting a 
paternity test ASAP is well."

"Are you sure about that?" Ino asked rather hoping she would get an 
abortion. "There are termination clinics; I'll help with the money." 
Sakura glared at Ino from that point.

"I Hate abortion!" Sakura muttered. "I'm not even going less than a 
hundred feet away from the abortion clinic."

"Fine," Ino said displeased. "You're giving it up for adoption anyway 
aren't you? Or dump it in the bush?"

"I'll decide when I feel like it." Sakura said in discomfort. "Please 
Ino try to be a bit supportive."

"It's pretty hard when you've just told me that you love me and then 
Vicky goes and says you're pregnant!"

"What Vicky says shouldn't be an issue!"

"It is if it's about you," Ino answered as she walked into the 

By the time the girls had taken their seats, Mr Iruka walked in looking 
at the class with an unimpressed expression. He each fist around the 
side of his waist and his mouth opened. "I've heard a lot about this 
class today," he started. "But I wasn't pleased with what I've heard. 
Where do you guys want me to start?" He asked as he sadly read a piece 
of paper. "This is from Snape, I'll read it word for word...

'The class was having a test today, but the test was late starting due 
to the strong chemistry between Motomiya and Yagami. Miss Yagami flirted 
with me with the intention to amuse the class whilst Motomiya asked 
stupid questions. '"

He dropped that note on the table whilst he placed the register in his 
hand. "I also heard about some very bad attitude issues in English this 
morning. Miss Umbridge was almost reduced to tears when I last spoke to 
her. Apparently TK you threw a chair at Sakura's face."

"It wasn't anything like that!" Takeru told him. Still feeling ticked 
off about his unjustified detention.

"A word of advice TK," Mr Iruka told the blonde wearing a white bold 
hat. "Swearing in front of the principle is only going to make things 
worse for you. You're very lucky you wasn't suspended." As Iruka picked 
up his plain red pencil, Ash turned around to Tyson and tried to get his 
attention. He tried by calling his name quietly, but no luck. He 
eventually got louder until he snapped out.

"Hey Tyson you filthy transsexual," Ash had no idea he was that loud 
that every body turned to face Ash and Tyson. May banged her head in 
embarrassment and most of the class laughed. Tyson gave Ash quite a 
dumbfounded look of shock.

"Geez Ash," Tyson sighed. "Where did you get that idea from?"

"I think the word he's looking for is homosexual," Sighed Iruka feeling 
a huge disappointment from their wild behaviour. Ino cringed at the 
thought that this could be the very type of exploitation that she would 
suffer if everybody find out about her and Sakura being an item. She now 
knew that keeping her new relationship as low key as possible would be 
the best thing to do. She also hoped that Sakura was not pregnant, 
because if she was, it would be even harder to maintain a low key status 
and would be vulnerable to even more vicious rumours and lies.

She could not believe the plain stupidity of the students in her class 
sometimes. Even goody two shoes Kari was showing her immature side. TK 
also was a charming guy, but after seeing his rage with Umbrigde and 
Sakura, it completely changed her whole opinion and impression of him. 
With all of this, Ino realised one thing, school can show the best of 
you, but also the worst. She was starting to realise that the worst of 
her is going to show to Sakura if she is indeed pregnant. She was 
actually worried for Sakura, but she had no idea how to show it.

Onwards to Part 8

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