Zoey and Dawn had spent most of lunch in the one of the spare gyms. The walls were a pale white and mirrors faced them both. "Ok," Zoey said in a calm manner to Dawn holding onto her arm. "You're timing still is off, you've got to keep in time with me. This has to be brilliant for the audition. The audition is in half an hour's time!" She held onto Dawn's waist softly. "Don't panic, we've been working hard for this. Don't forget to smile," Instructed Zoey watching the blue haired girl smile brightly. "That's good," Zoey nodded in approval. "Oh can I go and see someone in a bit?" Requested Dawn, "We need to talk about the reading!" "Not now!" Zoey replied, "After the audition or tomorrow," "Sure," Dawn replied nodding her head. "Just imagine, we get to performs this in front of the whole school, if we get it right." "That's why we have to get it right," Zoey asked. "This is our opportunity to show what we love, and hope that our talent shines though." "Can we try the routine again?" Asked Dawn feeling the huge nervousness with Zoey that close to her, right around her waist, she couldn't believe it, it felt almost too god to be true. If she didn't do well in the audition, she might ever be able to dance with Zoey again. Well, accept for the dance lessons but never of this closeness and much passion. Dawn's hidden passion for Zoey was one of the reasons why she wanted to try hard and do her best even more. "Yeah," Zoey replied, "Let's try it with this song, it's 'the other life' by Chiaki Ishikawa." "I love that song!" Dawn exclaimed before Zoey pressed the button. They both quickly got into their starting position as they jumped further apart from each other, mimicking each other's movements like a mirror reflection. They span in fast speeds whilst their arms waved in the air in a graceful manner. Dawn's hips pointed to Zoey directly and skipped around the red head as she twirled to her. They twirled as the dialogue in the song started, they held onto each other's hand whilst smiling. Dawn was pleased because she liked dancing with Zoey and the red head was pleased because Dawn was in time with the music. "Great Dawn!" Zoey exclaimed as she span around her, tapping her feet and watching Dawn's movements compliment the music perfectly. "You're getting the timing out. Keep it up!" "Awesome!" Dawn shouted as she quickly ran into Zoey, leaning on top of her chest lightly and quite professionally. She blushed as her face landed in her chest, when Zoey leaned forward, their hands clasped and Dawn's back landed on her chest. "I think we're going to do well in the audition." "We will if you carry on like this," Zoey told her in a cheerful manner as she gently pushed Dawn forwards. The music slowed down and both of the girls walked around in a circulating each other slowly and carefully placing one foot in front of the other. Once they did at least two laps around each other. Dawn was had just about enough space to run up to Zoey again, this time the red head lifted her hips and raised her in the air. Dawn felt amazing when she was being lifted by Zoey, she felt like a princess and she loved it. She flew her arms in the air with ecstasy. She felt like she was on top of the world when Zoey was walking around on the spot. "Zoey!" A young brunette girl in a black school uniform dress stood their. Her hair was wrapped in a side ways bun on one side and a slim pony tail on the other, with a lose fringe. Her hair style was trapped by a shiny red ribbon. "Can I have a word with you please?" "I'm just helping Dawn with our dance routine," Zoey informed Miyu whilst she swayed Dawn around. "Can't it wait?" "No it can't." Miyu answered as she watched Dawn get placed down back to the ground by Zoey, they both looked very reluctant. Zoey bent over and stopped the music. Dawn gave a huge sigh as she saw Zoey walk over to Miyu. "I'm going to practice ok," Dawn told Zoey as she had her finger ready to put the music on again. "OK Dawn," Zoey said before she turned to face Miyu. "So what is it Miyu?" "Chisato was waiting for you all day." Miyu confirmed. "She was waiting for you to call, but she hasn't heard from you!" "I had detention with Kakashi," Zoey told Miyu, "I've been practising my dance routine as well and I can't find my cell phone. Tell her I'm sorry I didn't tell her." "You spend more time with that girl dancing then you do with Chisato." Miyu continued with a serious look on her face. "Dawn and I have an audition today," The red head replied. "It's important we get it to perfection. I'll try and spend more time with Chisato soon; I promise." "I'm not sure if I should believe you," Miyu admitted honestly. "Why not Miyu?" "The way you dance with Dawn," Miyu whispered, making sure that Dawn didn't hear, "it's almost as if you were dancing in a romantic way." "Lighten up Miyu," Zoey told the brunette whilst laughing out loud. "I'm not cheating on Chisato." "I won't have you treating her like meat to the side," Miyu told Zoey directly with anger in her tone. "You almost made her cry!" "I'm not treating her like meat," Zoey snapped at Miyu, feeling as if she was going to get a slap around the face by Miyu if she wasn't careful with what she was about to say. "You've got the complete wrong idea about me." "I apologise if I do," The brunette stated closing her eyes for a few short moments. "But I won't allow you to abuse Chisato's feelings like this. I dislike your attitude towards Chisato by kissing both boys and girls behind her back!" "That was a rumour," Zoey confronted Miyu, "I haven't kissed anyone recently other than Chisato. Now if you excuse me, we both need to practice this dance routine!" Zoey turned around and smiled at Dawn as Miyu left the hall peacefully. "Who was she?" Dawn asked, trying to hide a jealous tone in her voice. "That was Miyu," Zoey replied as her palm rested in her hands. "She's my girlfriend's best friend." "You have a girlfriend, as in dating a girl?" Dawn asked as she felt a little tint of sadness. "What's her name?" "Yeah," Zoey answered. "Chisato Inoue, she talks non-stop; mainly about Miyu and her life. She can get rather annoying at times through, all that talk about Miyu." "Is she the cheery girl with really light brown hair?" Dawn asked curiously, "and the end of her hair is puffed up wearing the same clothes as Miyu was earlier, that girl?" "Aha!" There was then a sudden pause, the hall was filled with silence, and there was no sudden movement for about a couple of seconds. They both looked at each other whilst blushing to each other with their very direct strong eye contact. The bluenette smiled and giggled to her self. "Ash is going to the audition as well," Told Dawn in an excited tone, "Drew, Harley, Tracey, Gary and this other guy named Ritchie's joining him too. They're dancing as well as singing." "Geez," Zoey muttered. "I'm surprised Brock and Kenny didn't join. They're both pretty good singers; Brock is a much better. If I was straight, or if he was a girl, I'd date him in a heart beat." Dawn was feeling a tiny bit of jealousy, she felt like saying that she wanted to go out with her, but her nerves stopped her rather quickly. "What's wrong with being bisexual?" Dawn asked, without even thinking about what she was saying, nor did she think about Zoey's reaction. "I am!" Dawn covered her mouth and attempted to hide most of her cheek at the same time. Her cheeks were very red and she could feel the heat from both of the cheeks. "It's just the way I am!" Zoey answered trying hard not to blush. "Hey Ashy boy!" Gary winked looking at him in his costume. "You're looking great in them clothes!" Drew, Harley, Tracey and Ritchie were very close behind him. They had their fashionable costumes on, Harley was standing out very much with the high amount of foundation lightening his face as the cherry red colour on his lips and cheeks stood out. The way he had his hair done in a curly manner along with his dark long female eye-lashes, made him look more like a flat chested woman fresh from the Moulin Rougue. He was wearing fish net tights, ballet shoes and a pink mini skirt. Drew had some guts to wear a very dark pink and black lingerie with a bunny tail near his ass. "Our performance is going to be our claim to school fame!" Gary announced in a confident tone. Gary was wearing a sleeveless black vest and black shiny leather trousers that looked tight on him whilst a black top hat with a white stripe around the rim suited him nicely. Ash and Ritchie were very identical with black sleeveless shirts a bit like Gary, only looser and they were both in very comfortable looking bright blue jeans whilst they wore their own caps in pride. As for the broad shouldered Tracey, he was wearing a black T-shirt with lip stick marks on and green shorts. All of the boys wear wearing shiny glossy lip gloss. The music teacher, Miss Lust was sitting next to Kakashi, who was the PE teacher, but he also teached dance as well. Ash felt slightly nervous with the beautiful dark appearance of Miss Lust. She looked evil and not very friendly in his opinion. He felt butterflies dance in his stomach in a very hardcore way. "Are you guys ready?" Gary asked. They all nodded apart from Ash who was looking rather nervous. "This is kinda gay!" Ash pointed out to the five of them. Gary decided to look at Ash in disdain. "I don't really like that fact I'm wearing lip gloss. Also Miss Lust doesn't look like a nice woman." "That's the whole point" Gary answered, "It's meant to look gay! We're having a laugh. Just remember the words and remember everything we've been trough and we'll be fine. Don't worry about her, just pretend she's not there." "OK, next we have Ash, Gary, Ritchie, Tracey, Drew and Harley up please?" Kakashi announced, Miss Lust was smiling at the thought ofan all boy stage; more guys to eye on. Gary dragged Ash near the curtains with him whilst the other four quickly went on their positions. "OK you ready Ash?" Gary asked the raven haired boy. "I'm ready when you are!" Ash replied winking at Gary. Gary smirked as he counted whilst clicking his fingers to himself, "Three, two, and one." "I'm too sexy for my love!" Gary sung as he hopped to the stage naturally trying to be sexy and he posed with his hand resting on his black hat. Gary grabbed Ash by his arm and held him tightly to his chest. "Too sexy for love," Harley shouted dragging Drew to the stage in a very hyper manner. "Love's going to leave me!" Harley gently pushed Drew and the apple haired boy jumped to centre stage, Gary did exactly the same to Ash but with more aggression and he bumped into Drew. Ash blushed in embarrassment as Drew smiled and kissed his own hand and rested it delicately on the raven haired boy's cheek. "Let's play some music!" Ritchie and Tracey cried out in unison as they tapped their way through the stage. In the audience, Zoey placed her head down in shame whilst Dawn, Misty and May erupted with laughter looking at the site of their male buddies dancing around on the stage. Although it was weird, it was simultaneously funny and creepy. May was feeling a little sorry for Ash as she could see his red cheeks from where she was sitting. Gary was dancing with Ash, Drew was dancing with Harley and Ritchie and Tracey were dancing together. "I wanna borrow Drew's lingerie at some point," Dawn admitted admiring how the dark pink and black fabric and the white bunny tail on his butt area compliment the lingerie on Drew. The six of them lined up with Ritchie in front, they were al holding onto the bottom of their shirts in a proud manner. "I'm too sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt so sexy it hurts." Ritchie exclaimed as he turned around pulling Ash in front if them. "And I'm too sexy for Milan, Too sexy for Milan new York and Japan!'" Ash roared whilst the other lads behind him marched and leaped in opposite directions. "And I'm too sexy for your party," Drew announced whilst Harley walked over to Drew in a feminine manner. "Too sexy for your party..." "No way I'm disco dancing!" Gary sneered as he pushed Ash violently to the floor. Ash quickly returned to his feet as Drew took centre stage whilst Harley continued to dance around him. "I'm a model, you know what I mean," Drew told the audience singing quite well in tune. "And I do my little turn on the cat walk." "On the cat walk," Tracey announced in a sharp tone whilst taping his feet. "On the cat walk yeah." "We do our little turn on the cat walk," The six boys twirled in unison, although Ash and Ritchie were a slower than the other four. They marched into a tiny circle and held onto each other's arm. Drew and Gary sun their way out of the circle vividly and tapped to each other like a mirror reflection, then they nodded their heads at each other as they leapt over and gave a high five. "We're too sexy for our cars, too sexy for our cars," Drew and Gary sung in unison. Their voices complimented each other rather well. Harley and Tracey performed cartwheels until they were in level with Drew. This left Ash and Ritchie dancing in ballroom style together. "Too sexy by far!" Harley and Tracey sung their line in unison as their voices highly contrasted but gave a nice combo. Gary body flipped his way over to them as Ritchie and Ash stepped up near the front holding onto their hats with pride. "And we're too sexy for our hat!" Ritchie and Ash shouted in joy as they both moved together in unison. "Too sexy for our hats what ya think about that?!" They both removed their hats from their head and flew them across the audience. Afterwards they rolled over to the other four and stood up in a shoot. "We are models!" They shouted together swaying their hips in a rather vivid and hyper way. "You know what we mean and we do our little on the cat walk" They sharply turned to the curtains all of them were marching accept for Harley as he playfully walked and spanked Drew at the same time. "Yeah on the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah!" Drew became accidently aroused and his voice showed it and it stood out much more than the rest of them. Ash started to feel the embarrassment from Drew's arousal but carried on as usual, as he was trying very hard to force the smile again. "We'll shake our little touché on the catwalk." On the instrumental solo, they both skipped into three lines. Drew and Tracey on the first line, Gary and Ritchie on the second and Harley and Ash on the third line. "I'm too sexy for my..." Drew and Tracey whispered together and then leaped out two steps. "Too sexy for my..." Gary and Ritchie whispered in unison kneeling down and they crawled either side of the stage. "Too sexy for my..." Ash was lip syncing whilst Harley shouted his line out so loud, it wouldn't have such a difference if Ash made a noise or not. "'Cos I'm a model you know what I mean," Harley came back in tune whilst his hips moved around with his skirt in another vivid and happy tone. Almost as if the stage was his home. "And I do my little turn on the catwalk," Gary's voice was starting to get fantastic he winked at Miss Lust as she smiled at him lustfully he created a little quick turn and winked at Miss Lust again. "Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah," Drew and Tracey announced as they crawled onto the stage together singing in absolute unison. "I shake my little touché on the catwalk!" Harley turned around and swayed his hips hardly whilst his bottom moved around with him. A microphone rolled done to the stage as they all stood up, except from Tracey who collected the microphone. "I'm too sexy for my cat," Gary hissed as he grabbed on to Ash's arm tightly. "Too sexy for my cat!" "Poor pussy, poor pussy cat!" Drew sang in a sympathetic tone whilst stroking Ash's hair lightly and gently. "I'm too sexy for my love." Tracey announced holding a microphone in his hand waving his left arm around as he passed it over to Ritchie. "Too sexy for my love!" Ritchie sung in a little bit out of tune. Then he passed the microphone to Gary and Harley and Drew spun behind him. The other three did the same. "Love's going to leave me!" Harley, Drew and Gary sung together. Ash felt a sigh of relief when he realised it was his last line. He was also relieved that they were going to sing the last line together. "And we're too sexy for this song!"As they sung their final line, Ash, Tracey, Ritchie and Gary slid onto the four together until they skidded into each other. Harley stood in a rather feminine pose, his fingers ran in his hair and his knees were sticking out. Drew didn't want to ruin the lingerie by moving around on the floor, so he twirled over on the left side of Harley. Nearly everyone who in the audience was clapping their hands in a very happy manner. "SEXY!" Misty and May cried out at the same time whilst their hands got hurt from their applause. Gary blew a kiss at Misty, whilst he nudged Ash over to do the same. Ash, whilst still embarrassed blew a kiss at May. Both Misty and May blew a kiss back. In Drew's usual pride he bowed down in gratitude. Harley was blowing kisses to the audience as if there was a million in front of him. All six of them exited the stage with a huge sigh of relief. "That shall be the last time ever, I wear a lingerie for you Gary," Drew announced to the brunette in a determined fashion. "I'm glad I made the most of it then." Gary smirked in a pleased manner. The boys walked up to the audience and walked towards were Misty and the other girls were sitting. "Can we take the lip-gloss off now?" Ash asked as his hand was near his mouth, ready to remove the shininess on his lips. "Yes you can!" Gary answered him giving him much more relief, and then Ash wiped away the lip gloss in a flash. "That was different," Kakashi told Lust honestly. Miss Lust was kinda horrified but kinda pleased at the same time. "Two of them dressed up as a girl, One sexy guy, three of them were out of tune." Pointed out Miss Lust whilst playing with her glossy black hair. "But their chorography was fine." "Their chorography could have been better," Kakashi whispered to Lust. ""It was good nevertheless though. Ash looked very nervous." "Thank you guys," Miss Lust shouted to the boys. "You were great, and certainly very sexy." Lust giggled to herself. Kakashi looked at her strangely as he looked up on the list, ticking Ash and the rest of ther guys names off. "I'm feeling more confident now!" Zoey admitted as she felt her ears could finally have some relief. "I think they were pretty good." Dawn replied. "Well," Zoey answered. "I think they were god damn awful." "Ok, next up is Dawn and Zoey Please!" Kakashi announced. "Come on Dawn," Zoey hissed."We're up next. You know the words to the song right?" "Yes I do!" Dawn said as she moved her blue fringe. "Ready or not, here we come!" Zoey told her.
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