St Manga School (part 9 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 8
Zoey and Dawn's audition and Vash's Health and Social care class

Dawn felt the butterflies in her stomach as the nerves started to kick 
in. She knew her lyrics, she knew her movements and she knew what she 
had to do. She just hoped that Zoey was cheering her on. The bluenette 
saw the redhead wink at her. She felt less nervous around her. 
Hopefully, Dawn wouldn't mix the audition choreography with another they 
were doing in the lesson, her and Zoey both took a long time getting it 

Timing, she can't forget the timing. No way she couldn't. Everything had 
to be precise. She could impress Zoey, and she really wanted to. If only 
she could get this right, she could impress the girl in front of her. 
The uplifting soothing music started, they jumped further apart from 
each other. They sharply span in fast speeds whilst their arms waved in 
the air. "Well, what a life we've had!" Zoey opened the song as she 
pointed her hips in Dawn's direction watching her skip around her. "It 
just feels so fabulous!"

"When you hold my hand," Dawn twirled to Zoey and held her hand, "So 

"I like the way you move," Zoey smiled as they let go of each other's 
hand and jiggled their hips about. "It looks so dangerous!" Zoey 
continued to tap around her.

"It's just so fun, seeing you run for my heart." Dawn quickly ran into 
Zoey, leaning on top of her chest.

"You're looking so glamorous tonight!" They sung together as Zoey leaned 
forward. "I got a feeling everything, is gonna be alright!" Zoey gently 
pushed Dawn forwards as she walked around in circles; she ended up 
circulating around Dawn. Zoey liked the fact that Dawn was in tune and 
hasn't forgotten the lyrics. "We're going to say it loud. We're going to 
amaze the crowd. Forever, if possible, dance so high, till the end is 
nigh. Enjoy it! Enjoy what we do!"

Dawn had plenty of space to scurry to Zoey again, this time, like they 
rehearsed to reach perfection, the red head lifted her hips and raised 
her in the air with extreme care and ability. "I feel on top of the 
world, when we interact," Dawn sung placing her nerves behind her as 
Zoey walked around on the spot with her. "And that's a fact!"

"Because you look so glamorous tonight," Zoey placed care gently on the 
ground as she wrapped her arm around her waist. Dawn sang with her few 
the end of the song as they danced in ballroom style with their vivid 
hips and lively feet. "I got a feeling that everything is gonna be 
alright!" They both held onto their note on the last syllable as they 
spun out of their dancing position. "It's gonna be alright!" Their 
finishing position ended with the bluenette chained onto Zoey like a 
magnet. The music stopped and most of the audience cheered, especially 
the boys who auditioned before them and May and Misty.

Miss Lust from the judging panel stood up and applauded the girls for 
their hard working efforts, Kakashi slowly stood up and clapped too. 
Dawn felt so much happiness that she kissed Zoey on the cheek 
shamelessly. "Well done Dawn," Zoey whispered, "You were fantastic!" 
Zoey returned the kiss as well which made Dawn even happier. They both 
left the stage feeling accomplished.

Everyone in the audience was clapping, except from two girls from the 
back row; suspicious friend, Miyu and Zoey's girlfriend, Chisato. The 
brunette noticed that Chisato was on the verge of tears when she saw 
Zoey publicly kiss Dawn. Their other two friends, Hisae and Yukari, were 
clapping regardless of Chisato's state. The honey haired girl ran off 
covering her face as Zoey came closer. Miyu watched her ran away and 
then glared at Zoey, then chased Chisato.


"Good morning guys!" Mr Vash smiled cheerfully as he walked into his 
class, walking in the classroom finishing off a box of donuts. "How are 
we all today? Are you ready for some learning?"

"Yes Mr Vash." The class replied in unison. Vash looked at his class and 
didn't really like the way the students were seated. The blonde 
certainly didn't like Luna's large yellow polka dot glasses. However, he 
liked her mauve dress, he was able to see some cleavage. He spotted the 
new transfer, Eric Hitoshi and the lonely student Chloe Bizarre sitting 
alone on different sides and excluded from the rest of the class. The 
class were attentive but didn't look like a friendly or proper class.

"I'm not really happy with the way you guys are seated," Vash announced 
with his hand resting below his chin as his other fist banged the table. 
"Some of you are too lonesome and some of you are too crowded. Listen 
up, I want Chloe, Luna, Eric, Temari, Brock, Luke and Rebecca to collect 
their things on the table in front of me, the rest of you move into the 
middle." Brock, Luna, Chloe, Eric, Luke and Rebecca collected their 
stuff and sat around the table that Vash had banged his fists on. Vash 
nodded in approval as soon as the six took their places in the front 
row. "Now for the second row, I want Ray, Max, Emily, Mariah, Vicky, 
Usagi and Rika, the third row I want Alice, Lain, Yolei, Ken, Hermione 
and Ritchie. I want Ami, Shikamaru, Rei Hino, Draco, Other Rei and 
Ritsuka behind, and the rest of you at the last row."

"For goodness sake," Luke muttered to Rebecca. "Why do I have to sit 
with these idiots."

"Don't worry," The curvy Rebecca replied as she stroked his leg. "You've 
got me."

"Thank god I do!" Luke sighed. He sighed even harder when he turned to 
see Luna. "Oh my god Luna! What are you wearing?"

"Yeah!" Rebecca shouted in agreement as she stood up. "I'm sorry but you 
look like a tramp."

"At least I don't look like a prostitute," Luna replied calmly. Some of 
the class sniggered at both Luna and Rebecca's comments.

"I do not look like a prostitute!" Rebecca snorted as she screamed; Luke 
was scared and thought she was going to slap her, he didn't want her to 
get expelled. "I'M GOING TO SLAP YOU! YOU COW!" As the curvy raven 
haired girl threw her arm in the air. Luke quickly stood up and held a 
really tight grip on to her arms.

"No Rebecca," Luke begged as he held onto the girl tighter. "I don't 
want you to get expelled!"

"Ah," Vash awed as he smiled. "Beautiful young sweet love between 
Rebecca and Luke."

"I assure you Mr Vash," Luke muttered as he pulled the fuming girl away 
from Luna. "We are NOT a couple. We are just friends..."

"..with benefits!" Luna continued for him. Luke sighed as he realised 
the heavy girl from him.

"You can shut up Luna!" Luke snapped as he pointed her finger directly 
at Luna in an irritating way. "You're lucky I didn't let Luna slap you!"

"Oh my god Luna, you are well Looney," Vicky jeered, participating in 
the outburst, as her alcoholic fume and nicotine was realised. "You 
should be in the Looney bin."

"Some of us want to learn!" Hermione, a smart intelligent girl from the 
third row snapped at Vicky and she showed an annoyed expression on her 

"Shut up you teacher's pet!" Vicky screeched back and she stuck her 
middle finger at Hermione angrily. "You are well gonna get beaten 
Hermione Granger!"

"Good one Vickie!" Draco Malfoy praised as he smirked at Hermione and 
muttered 'Mud-blood' sticking up his middle finger at her. Vicky grinned 
as the devious Malfoy winked at her.

Paul, a young purpled haired man with bad boyish features, sighed. Out 
of the class, he was friends with Draco, Ray and Ken; he was more closer 
to Draco and to Ray's other friend, Kai. He didn't really like them, 
only respected them. Why? The reason was because they were what defines 
strong. He felt tempted to spit on his girlfriend Vicky, as he watched 
her make a complete fool of herself. Paul knew perfectly well that 
Vickie was cheating on her; he wasn't bothered with it all, it was her 
choice. Paul just doesn't want to get any sexual transmitted diseases by 
her. So he wouldn't sleep with her, despite her bullshitting that she 
has given him a blowjob, it was actually Chloe Bizarre who preformed 
oral sex to him; the very reason why Vickie scrolled her on the floor 
and sat on her. He knew that Vickie was just using him to - make her 
look hard.

"That's enough!" Vash announced in a sharp and angry manner. "Bullying 
will not be tolerated!"

"Yeah but some people deserve it!" Vicky snapped in a bored tone.

"That's enough!" Vash barked. "From now on until I say, absolute 

Luke and Rebecca sat down as they both glared at Luna with evil 
disgusting looks. Rebecca stood up again and sparked her anger out on 
Chloe, "If you fucking dare, Chloe Bizarre touch up Luke, like you do 
with every other guy, I'll fucking kill you!"

Brock started at Rebecca's nice looking bum. He loved her wonderful 
curves and large boobs and her crazy personality. He had to have a feel, 
he just had too, almost as if his life depended on it. So what she had a 
huge temper on her, at least she was entertaining, Brock grabbed onto 
her soft butt and spanked it. As he did, Rebecca created a huge scream 
and punched Brock violently in the stomach. "HE TOUCHED MY BUM! YOU 
FUCKING PERV BROCK!" She fisted Brock's cheek and he fell down with an 
embarrassed look on his face. He stood up only to have the skinny Luke 
in front of him.

"OI you dirty bastard!" Luke snapped as he glared at Brock. "You keep 
your filthy black hands of Rebecca!"

"I am not going to tolerate any racism in my class," Vash announced to 
Luke in a very serious manner.

"I love Health and Social care," Temari whispered to the new boy, Eric, 
tapping him on the shoulder. "Absolutely crazy and unpredictable, just 
priceless. You will love these lessons!"

"Do Luke and Rebecca like each other?" Eric whispered to Temari, knowing 
he'll get a grill in if they overheard.

"I don't know," The blonde replied. "Luke is confused about his feelings 
for Bex. Bex might be doing it for the attention but she seems like she 
loves him. They did have sex in the boy's bathroom."

"Did they get caught?"

"By Snape," Temari told Eric, "He dragged them right out of the bathroom 
and straight into the principle's office. I was there, poor Luke, his 
cum was dripping all over the floor and Bex's boobs wobbling about. 
Principle Tsunade was furious, she was not happy!"

"I'm sure she wouldn't," The bluenette replied in a cold manner. 
"They're just lucky she didn't expel them!"

"They were suspended and isolated for a long time," Temari pointed out 
as she laid back on her chair, "They've only just finished it two weeks 

"I know why, they're both insane."

"I hope you're not bitching about me Temari!" Rebecca moaned as she 
heard Temari drop her name.

"Actually," Temari replied grinning. "I was talking about the time, 
where you and Luke were caught doing it all ways!"

Eric did wish that they would just shut the hell up, especially Rebecca, 
Vicky and Luke. He completely understood Hermione when she said that she 
wanted to learn. He felt for Hermione, especially after the rude 
comments that Draco was giving her. He would defiantly not take offences 
like that rather lightly at all. He personally didn't care what Temari 
had to say. He gave evil glares at Rebecca, intending it to be a death 
stare. The sudden silence in the class was an absolute god send to him.

"OK," Vash said in a relieved tone, "Now that we finally have some peace 
in this classroom, we're going to talk about exercise! So if you turn to 
page 69 in your book that will be great."

"Yeah," chuckled Luke, "Hermione should listen to this, she needs to 
loose some pounds."


"69!" Draco interrupted loudly, "That Chloe's favourite position," some 
of the class giggled at this remark, and then he aimed at Hermione again 
with an even bigger grin on his face. "A little bird told me it was 
Granger's favourite position too!

"That is NOT a way a lady should be treated," Vash announced to Draco in 
an angry accent. "I am appalled buy your lack of manners."

"I'm appalled by your lack of ability to teach!" Draco answered back in 
a rather sly manner. "Wait till my father hears about this!"

Hermione gasped as was annoyed by the revolting comments. 'Why doesn't 
Vash just send them out?' Hermione thought to herself. 'Even better, 
sent them both to Principle Tsunade and she can kick those revolting 
cockroaches out!' She huffed in disgrace and Malfoy's laughter wasn't 
helping. She felt sympathy for the students, like her, who actually want 
to learn and value the lessons properly. She had sympathy for those who 
also just wanted to study and get on with their work. People who was 
studying and wanting the most education they can get from so much wasted 

Vicky felt something hard land on her head. Her hand crept upon her hair 
and found a piece of paper stuck onto it. Vicky unclenched the paper and 
flattered it out. She read the note with extreme difficulty, She saw 
Paul's name from the bottom and knew it was from him. Despite Paul's 
writing being crystal clear, Vicky had problems reading, writing and 
spelling and being dyslexic was her excuse.

"So Rebecca," Vash stepped closer to the curvy girl as he smiled. "How 
about you and Luke demonstrate some exercises." He suggested.

"Ok," Rebecca said shamelessly when she stood up. Half of her breasts 
were starting to show as she stretched her arms out wide. Hermione could 
not bear to watch as she buried her head in with the text book. Rebecca 
didn't care that her boobs were about to pop out; she was used to it.

"You might wanna pull your top up!" Vash told her whilst secretly 
enjoying her cleavage.

"REBECCA NO!" Luke cried out in embarrassment as Rebecca aggressively 
grabbed him and kissed him generously. Luke was silenced by Rebecca's 
tongue ramming into his throat. She then rested her breasts on his face, 
whilst Luke was pretending to act like he really hated it.

After much struggling reading, Vicky finally got the message that Paul 
sent her.


You're a nasty girl and I hate you.

You can't spell, read or write properly.

Even a five year old has better grammar then you.

The real reason I didn't have sex with you,

Is because I don't want your STD's

I don't need a horrible person like you.

You are disturbing my education.

You're dumped.


Vicky decided to get her large bottle of white cold vodka from her bag, 
as she tossed a packet of cigarettes at Malfoy. Draco smirked as he 
placed the packet in his bag, saving it for later. She was extremely 
pissed off with Paul dumping her by a note. She didn't even know what 
grammar was at all. She opened her mouth in horror. "Oh my God Paul!" 
Vicky snapped after opening the bottle. "I so can't believe you just 
wrote that!"


"I don't want to hear another word from you," Paul replied as he was 
struggling to get on with his work.

"I'll see you on top of Hermione with your cock out!" Vicky roared at 
Paul unhappy with what he said.

"Enough of this foolish behaviour!" Vash requested. "Let's get back to 
our discussion!"

Hermione had absolutely enough. She stood up, as she angrily packed up 
her stuff and was about to storm off the class.

"Stay where you are Hermione," Vash requested again as watched her storm 
the door.

"No!" Hermione snapped. "It's too distractive. I'm going where I can 
study!" She swung open the door and left, and in a rough manner closing 
the door. The class were shocked that the teacher's pet walked out of 
the class. Eric quickly followed her, a few seconds after Hermione 
stormed out of the door. Another person stepped in. It was Miss Umbrigde 
in her usual pink clothes, with a poisoned smile on her face. That smile 
was only going to turn into a dramatic sigh as she saw the behaviour, 
she had deemed unacceptable. She gasped in absolute horror when she saw 
a glimpse of Rebecca's breasts bouncing on Luke's embarrassed face and 
to make it worse she saw Vicky enjoying a bottle of Vodka.

"Rebecca and Luke," Miss Umbrigde announced in an agonising tone. "I am 
quite aware that you two feel that you are madly in love with each 

"Which we are not!" Luke snapped in annoyance.

"When I am talking, you are silent," Umbridge barked back. "You may be 
denying it now, but everybody knows you love each other and since you 
two are so young and vulnerable. You shouldn't be having sex in front of 
the class."

"We were not going to have sex!" Luke and Rebecca shouted out in cannon.

"The principle needs to be here this minute!" Umbrigde demanded and then 
she pointed at Vash. "As for you Vash the stampede," Umbrigde said quite 
angrily but then followed by a sincere pose with her arms by her side, 
"perhaps, your ability of teaching should be questioned. You seem to 
lack a lot of Authority, not what I would expect from a former 

"Shut up you old slag!" Rebecca snapped at Umbrigde as she licked Luke's 
ear. Miss Umbrigde looked down on them, with a look of pity.

"Oh my god, I so can't believe you just said that!" Vicky snapped as she 
chucked a packet of cigarettes to Rebecca. "You well deserved it ya fat 

"I will not be spoken to like that!" Umbrigde snapped as looked at 
Vicky. "Poor Victoria, where did you go wrong?"

"She is such a lesbian." Vicky whispered to the row behind her.

"What's going on in here?" Principle Tsunade marched through classroom. 
"I saw two students walk out and..." The woman's anger increased as she 
saw Rebecca and Luke in the same position as they were a few minutes 
ago. Rebecca was laughing and placing her breasts back in her shirt. 
they stopped what they were doing. The female blonde principle pointed 
at Vicky, and then opened her palm aggressively. "That Vodka is going 
straight into my hand Miss Pollard. You are in enough trouble as it is, 
and consuming alcohol in a classroom is not getting you anywhere. And no 
smoking either!" Tsunade continued as she caught the packet that Rebecca 
failed to collect on the floor. "I'll deal with you later, Vicky 
pollard." She decided as she focused on punishing Rebecca and Luke. "You 
two follow me! And I am not happy; I heard what you said to Umbrigde, 

Rebecca and Luke followed Principle Tsunade reluctantly out of the 
classroom. Afterwards, Umbrigde, still in a strop, left the room in 
sheer shock.

Onwards to Part 10

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