"We have a new person in the class today," Kakashi announced to his PE class as they all lined up. "He's best friends with the student, that you may know. He's a close friend of Ash Ketchum, and I don't want you to treat him any different to the rest of us! Everyone say hello to him!" The class looked down and waved at the yellow mouse below them and they said hi in quite a strange reaction. "Yes, it's his Pikachu!" -- Sapphire Corandum sat patiently in the principle's office. She was also a student of this school a year ago, now she's left school. She continued being an expert in magic and witchcraft, the reason she was wanted to become a teacher was because she adored her sister, Shyst. She deserved a lot more love then she was getting, Sapphire's sister was painfully shy and so sensitive. The long pink haired lady was fully aware of the crazy people that were part of the school. She wanted to protect her sister and she was relieved that her tutor, Paz granted her the permission to protect her sister. When Sapphire inspected her old school, she realized that nothing had changed at all, the staff were all the same and the hall way was the same as ever, the occasional litter and doodles on the walls. She wondered how on earth Vicky Pollard was not expelled? She saw Vicky smoking outside the school gates at break time. Naruto Uzumaki, she utterly despised the loud lad with a pure passion, as well as the other ninja wannabes, she could finally punish the whole lot of them at her own pleasure. 'Shyst, your sister's here to protect you!' Sapphire's childhood was far from perfect. Her parents, especially her father was consumed with greed. She thought that she suffered bad, but after changing her father into a beast and her mother into a rabbit girl, it seemed like Shyst was the one who was suffering now. Sapphire's suffering had ended when she cursed her parents but the pain still continued for Shyst. Her sister was timid, dependent, weak and childish, she was the complete opposite of Sapphire who was brave, independent and strong. Shizune entered the office. Sapphire remembered Shizune very well, she never left Tsunade's side, she was almost like Tsunade's assistant. The short dark haired woman smiled at Sapphire as she walked over and sat in the principle's chair. "All grown up I see, Shizune." Sapphire told her as she flicked her pink hair back. "Erm yeah," Shizune giggled. "Tsunade has to deal with some students, so she asked me to keep you company till she's done!" "I see the students are still crazy as ever," The witch confirmed as smiled at Shizune. "Nothing has changed at all since I graduated." "Yep, we're still the same." "I'm surprised Naruto is still here," Sapphire admitted. "Is he one of the students that Tsunade's grilling?" "Actually no," Shizune replied. "It's Boob bearing Rebecca and Luke." "I'm surprised she's not pregnant yet!" Sapphire muttered whilst she placed her elbow on the shiny wooden desk. "They're just lucky," Shizune replied. "Anyway, what brings you into becoming a teacher?" Shizune spun around the chair as she asked. "Just looking out for my sister," Sapphire stated as she folded her arms. "I'm leaving when she graduates." There was then sudden silence, Shizune smiled and said, "So how's the magic coming along?" "It's coming along brilliantly." Replied Sapphire as she firmly held onto her golden stick with a sapphire gem at the end. "I'm much better with magic, then I used to be." "That's good to hear." Tsunade entered her office in an exhausted state as Shizune stood up and allowed the poor principle to sit back in her seat. Tsunade sighed as she twirled round the chair and faced Sapphire. "Welcome back Sapphire," Croaked the blonde principle. "You'll be in your class after the bell rings, OK. Firstly I have remind you of some rules, since I am aware that you're here to look out for your sister, and also your abilities. Number one, don't use your magic to punish the students. Number two, only use violence in extreme cases. Number three, no swearing, and finally, always be on time for staff meetings." "You've cut half the fun out there principle," Sapphire chuckled as she stood up. "But OK, I'll listen to them." "Good. Now here is your school planner," Tsunade announced as she handed the witch a green book. "It has the school rules, your time table for lessons registers, and a diary for you to write deadlines and important dates." "Thanks Tsunade," Sapphire told her. "It will be useful indeed. Oh and another thing, if ANYONE bullies Shyst, in anyway whatsoever, including people who are making her feel uncomfortable, let me deal with them!" "You have a deal," Tsunade said as she shook hands with the new teacher Miss Sapphire Corandum . "The students are going to be shocked when they see you, and I'm sure you'll give them a good kick in the butt when necessary." "Kids these days," Sapphire moaned. "They all need their butts kicked, especially Naruto. I'm surprised you haven't expelled him yet." "He's getting better, although he still calls me Granny-Tsunade." "Some people never change." The bell's sound had alarmed everyone. Sapphire faced the door in determination. "Good luck Sapphire, for your first lesson teaching." Tsunade whispered whilst she patted her back. Sapphire then marched out the office with a determined smirk on her face, as she closed the door behind her gently. What a huge surprise she would give the class if they remembered her. -- "Rnebecca and Luke so loved each other!" Ritchie exclaimed as he explained what happened in health and social care, with Ash, May, Tyson and Naruto. "She called Umbridge an old slag." "Good for her," Ash said as he roared with laughter. "I'd love to be in your lesson Ritchie, they sound so cool." "I didn't do anything in the lesson," Ritchie admitted. "I was too busy flirting with Gary and Tracey. Vash didn't do anything." "Rebecca is so fat ain't she? And Luke is fucking snob anyway," Naruto replied as he crossed his arms. "They're just attention seeking idiots and I hate them. They were ones who had sex in the restroom" "Why hello there Mr hypocrite," Sakura shouted as she turned to glare at Naruto. "Weren't you the one who urinated on the wall and wrote 'Granny Tsunade is fat' on the wall. You did date Rebecca if you remember?" "Don't remind me!" Naruto moaned as he leaned backwards on his chair. "Oh and by the way Ritchie, Ash and Gary," Sakura smiled as she waved her arms, "Your auditions yesterday were brilliant. Tell Drew I loved his outfit and tell Harley and Tracey, I thought they was cool as well." "Thanks," Ritchie and Ash replied. "What auditions?" Naruto asked furiously. "Don't tell me it was when they were singing that song from Right Said Fred." "Yep it was," Sakura snapped at Naruto. "They were brilliant. Very sexy and very talented." The jealousy from Naruto seemed to be at a raging rate. "Cheer up Naruto," Luna said as she smiled at the moaning loud blonde. "It's Christmas soon." "Another four months time!" Max Tate, a cute blonde guy, who was Tyson's friend announced to Luna before he saw Gary lean on his desk and wink at him. "What are you doing Gary?" He asked as he felt Gary move him from his seat and dance with him. "What are you doing to my friend, Maxie?" Tyson asked Gary as the bluenette watched Gary ram his tongue down Max's throat. Their eyes were firmly shut and they held onto each other rather tightly. Tyson's face turned into a face of horror and by looking at his other friend, Ray, who was also in quite a shock; Gary's actions were very unexpected. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?" "What's wrong Gay-boy?" Gary smirked as he winked at Tyson. "Jealous that it wasn't you who I kissed?" "NO WAY!" Tyson snapped. "I can't believe you just kissed Max like that!" "Just for a bit of fun," Gary winked as he pushed Max away from his seat and sat down again. "THAT WAS HOT!" Sakura yelled out as she praised the kissing between Gary and Max. Sakura faced Ino, who was looking quite sad than her usual self. Ino came with Sakura to the doctors to test if she was pregnant. Although Ino was hoping that the results would be negative, the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant. Ino felt that a huge ton of bricks had fallen on her. First her friend admits she has a crush on her and now that she was pregnant, with either Sasuke or Itachi's kid. "What's wrong Ino?"Sakura asked in concern. "Nothing," Ino sighed as she rested her head on Sakura's shoulder. "It was just, I was hoping you wouldn't be pregnant. I do love babies a lot just, I feel bad I wasn't there for you that's all!" "Don't worry about it!" Sakura said as she smiled. "We should get through this, somehow. The pregnancy is going to be a secret OK." "I think that's the best thing to do, for now." The classroom door opened widely and the tall woman, Sapphire arrived as she stepped to the teacher's desk. This was the first few seconds of her life being a teacher, and the rest of it was going to be interesting. The wand was still placed firmly in her hand as her face looked strict and direct. The class were in shock as they remembered Sapphire from when she graduated from last year, and they knew she was Shyst's sister. # "Sapphire!" "Sapphire!" "Sapphire!" The class shouted out her name in extreme shock as they whispered amongst themselves. Sapphire smirked as she looked at her new class. "Exactly the reaction, I was expecting!" She confessed. "As you know, I am Sapphire, from now on you will call me Miss Corandum!" Sapphire marched around the black board with head hands behind her back. "I will be your new teachers from now on." "Can this day, get any worse?" Naruto shouted out as he leaned backwards on his chair. "A witch for a teacher!" "Things will get a lot worse, if you carry on disturbing the class! " Sapphire warned Naruto as she pointed her wand at him in a rather aggressive way. "I make the rules here, there'll be no nonsense, you will do nothing but work!"
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