Team Kunoichi is formed! Kunai littered ground of the Konohagakure's training ground as Hinata Hyuga and Tenten trained with each other. The unusual pairing was the result of several various factors; Hyuga Neji and Rock Lee were each busy training with Hiashi Hyuga and Maito Gai while Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino were each busy with matters of their clan, leaving the two kunoichi to train with each other. Though Hinata was no substitute for Neji, she was still able to keep up with Tenten nonetheless, making up for her lack of 8 Trigrams Rotation with her own technique which did virtually the same, surprising the weapon master. It seemed that the longer the kunoichi trained with each other, the closer they became, causing the girls to realize that they were interested in each other more than they were ever before. Hinata was absolutely gorgeous, as Tenten noted with as watched with an unnatural amusement, her eye, particularly focused on the Hyuga's oversized breasts. Though many think the weapon master's heart was reserved only for the genus of the Hyuga Clan, Neji, she considered this to not be even close to the truth. In fact, she considered that Neji being male as her primary turn off. Of course she let them believe what they want, since she knew they'd never understand her feelings; despite Konohagakure's reputation for being a wealthy and pacifist village, there was an ugly secret many seemed to overlook. Konoha refused to accept relationships that wasn't "natural" as it was termed, thus enforcing the kunoichi's education to include forcing the "importance" of men to them and an undying loyalty to it. Even if Tenten wanted to be open about her sexuality, she would be shunned and alienated from her comrades. If only there was a way... "Thank... you... for... helping... me... train... Tenten-sama..." Hinata said, interrupting the weapon master's thoughts. She was doubled over, panting; her clothes soaked thoroughly through with sweat, giving the weapon master an interesting view of her body. "It's...nothing!" Tenten said with a smile, blushing lightly while she tried to catch her breath. She hadn't noticed it, but she never felt after training with Neji, but then that was she was focusing purely on the training at hand and not other things, especially not admiring her training partner's body. "Why don't we call it day and hit the baths?" "Okay," Hinata said with a sigh of relief. Though she could keep up with the weapon master's speed, she wasn't as confident in her skills as her cousin and feared that she would miss a single kunai and hurt herself or worse. Tenten could hardly wait. She enjoyed bathing with a fellow kunoichi; it allowed her to do things she could normally not be able to do without drawing any unwanted attention or suspicion to her real sexuality. Just as the kunoichi reached the village gates, they found Shizune walking briefly in search of someone. The medical kunoichi quickly spotted them and briskly ran to get within talking range. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you! Tsunade-dono has a mission for you and- god! What's that smell?" Once she became close enough to smell, she pinched her nose with forefinger and thumb. "We were training; sorry!" Tenten said embarrassedly. She didn't realize it herself how much they stank until Shizune pointed it out. "We were going to bathe..." Hinata said, blushing from self-consciousness. "Well there's no time!" Shizune said, "Tsunade-dono has been waiting for you over an hour now!" The kunoichi gulped, knowing that the fifth lord Hokage had little patience and a short temper. Without another word, they walked straight towards the village, acknowledging the reactions of the villagers as they passed with dismay. Just as they drew close the Hokage's office, they could hear a conversation from the other side. "Come on, Tsunade-obasan, what the hell is up with all these damn D rank missions?" The familiar voice the number #1 hyperactive, knuckleheaded annoyance whined. "I'm sorry Naruto, but the only higher ranked mission we have currently requests only Kunoichi!" Tsunade, the fifth lord Hokage said with a grumpy tone. "Kunoichi eh...?" Naruto said. After a poof his voice changed to that of a girl's "How about now? If I stay like this-" "'If'?! What if you can't Naruto?" Sakura said, "Not only would you break the conditions of the contract, but the client may never hire us again, you idiot!" "Come on, they can't be series! Who'd hire a Team of Kunoichi anyways?" Naruto said. "Naruto, don't question the reason behind the client's request!" Tsunade said. "They want a team of Kunoichi; I'll give them a team of kunoichi!" "Wait a second..." Naruto said, "You been giving us mission after mission and not only that, you're assigning us any mission you can get your hands on... DON'T TELL ME YOU HAVE BEEN GAMBLING AGAIN! HOW DEEP IN DEBT IS THE VILLAGE?!" "Naruto, do you think I could gamble away the entire village's entire revenue with in a few hours?" Tsunade said with a hidden edge in her tone of voice. "Knowing your loosing strea-" Naruto cut off as the sound of a fist socking somebody in the face followed by Naruto crashing through the door with a bloody nose. "Why you arrogant little brat! That's it! I will sure you get the worse, most degrading and horrible of D-Rank missions!" Tsunade yelled; veins bulged visibly on her forehead from anger. "Forgive him, Tsunade-dono! He's speaks without thinking!" Sakura said, her face pale white. Tenten and Hinata gulped, seeing that Naruto did a pretty good job pissing her off. As curious of their mission they were, they felt it safer for her to calm down. "Oh, hello Hinata- Gawd! What's that smell! It smells like some animal just died!" Naruto said, pinching his nose. N, Naruto said that I, I stink! Hinata thought, her face turning pale white as she fainted. "Naruto!" Sakura said picking the ninja up by the collar of his cloak and shaking him. "What the hell are you thinking? You don't ever tell a girl that she stinks (even if it's the truth!)" Looking out the door at Naruto and Sakura, Sai thought, so women don't being told they stink... "Here's your mission, come back when you finished and I might show mercy on you!" Tsunade said pointing at them. "Understood," Captain Yamamoto and Sai, stepping out of the office and joining up with the others. As Team Kakashi left, most noticeably with Sakura dragging Naruto along whose nose was still bleeding, Tenten cautiously knocked on what remained of the door. "Come in," Tsunade said, having looked down at a document on her table before acknowledging the kunoichi. "Oh, it's you, where you have been and what's wrong with Hinata?" she asked seeing the girl passed out. "Naruto was talking without tact again," Tenten said, dragging the unconscious kunoichi into the room. "Sorry about being late, we were training." "I see; here, use this," Tsunade said, offering a jar of smelling salt. Tenten took the smelling salt and waved it under her nose, causing Hinata to quickly regain consciousness. The girl looked around with a daze, slowly remembering what happened. "Several mysterious abductions have been happening in Yuri no Kuni and their princess is afraid that she will be the next target. Your mission is to protect her until the individual involved with these abductions have been brought to justice. Go pack and take a bath; the princess and her bodyguard are waiting at the gate." Tsunade said, explaining the mission. "Um, Hokage-dono, we heard that they asked specifically for only kunoichi, why?" Hinata asked. "Because, Yuri no Kuni forbids men from laying a foot in their country," Tsunade says. "Do either of you have any more questions?" The kunoichi shook their heads and the fifth lord Hokage dismissed them. Hurrying to the baths, they washed away the sweat and dirt as quickly as they could before returning to their individual residences and packing. Within less than a half hour, they were prepared and headed to meet their client.
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