Harley adored the painting that he had drawn of Mr. Blackadder as he felt that Blackadder looked adorable in his painting. He adored it, the colors were bright and beautiful to his eyes, and the background was stylish and trendy. In the painting, Blackadder was holding five kittens in his arms, although he would never do this in real life, he thought it was a sweet idea. Tomo stared at the painting, thinking it wasn't really good and decided it needed much more tweaking. She was still wearing her underpants on her head, as Yolei was still in some of her lessons. Sakaki then joined Tomo as she looked on on the painting. She didn't like how the cat's didn't have any eyes, and watched Tomo try and edit it with her pen. "What are you doing?" Sakaki asked Tomo as she watched Tomo add eyes to the painting. "That painting's crap," Tomo admitted her own opinion. "It needed some eyes as well, so it will need some fixing." Harley overheard this, and was very offended, he spent a lot of time working on that picture and felt that Tomo was very arrogant and did not understand the beauty of his art. "Tomo stop being a bitch." he cried out as he was quickly starting to get furious over what Tomo was doing to his picture. "I'm only trying to help." Tomo replied as she ignored Harley's request. "Then why did you say it was crap?" His eyes were starting to swell up as he was quickly starting to cry. Tomo felt a heavy feeling in her nose. The feeling was as if she was about to sneeze really badly. Then she let out a massive "ACTHOO!" Sakaki felt a sudden shock as she saw the snot that landed on the painting. "I don't think Harley's going to be happy about that." Sakaki pointed out as it was clearly obvious the painting had been sneezed on. "He's gonna be upset." Tomo tried to rub the snot from the painting, with very careful detail. Harley gasped in horror as he stood up and marched over to his painting. "What are you doing?" Harley asked in frustration. Tomo and Sakaki walked away as they returned to the table, where Yolei, Tima and Yomi were doing their work. Meanwhile, Harley rushed to his picture whilst he faced Tomo. "Who the hell do you think you are Tomo?" Harley asked as looked furious. "You think you can just go and ruin other people's work, would you do that to other paintings? No would not!" He gasped as he saw the slime on his painting. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IT?" Harley was screaming as he began to cry. "It needed more work on it." Tomo replied. "It needed whiskers as well, but I didn't mean to sneeze on it. Sorry!" "Bitch!" the purple haired lad then marched out of the room and covered his head with his hands. "I didn't mean to upset him." Tomo pointed out, dropping her head on the table. "I meant it as a joke, and the sneezing was an accident. He's being a total drama king!" "Why don't you chase him and apologize to him?" Yomi suggested as she looked down on her. As Harley marched out of the room, he saw Drew walking along the art room. He instantly saw that Harley was upset, although Vicky was walking with Drew and he wasn't so sure if he liked Vicky that much at all. "Oh my God Harley, what's wrong?" Vicky quickly asked Harley as she grabbed him by the shoulders. She allowed Harley to rest on her shocking pink jacket. "Who's upset you?" "Tomo!" Harley yelled out. "She rubbed her snot on my painting and spoilt it!" "Oh my God!" Vicky exclaimed, "I so can't believe she just done that." Vicky was livid as her fist followed her to the art room. "You are well going to get beaten Tomo!" Vickie snapped the moment she stormed into the art room. "You think you're so funny don't you?" "I didn't mean to do it!" Tomo muttered. "It was an accident." "Oh really," Vicky replied with an unimpressed tone. "Why the hell is Harley crying his eyes out! What did you do to the painting?" Yomi pointed to Harley's painting and Vicky was horrified. "Tomo, you are such a scruff!" "Vicky you're making it much worse then it needs to be," Drew stated. "We better hit back to class." "I'll catch up!" Vicky said. "I'll see ya later Drew!" Drew was then out of the situation as Vicky remained in the room and glared at Tomo with evil eyes. "You think you're so clever don't ya? Yeah but no, but yeah but no but yeah, cause you tried to destroy Harley's painting with your boogie because you're such a scruff!" "You're so fat, you had to sit on a student because the chair would have broken if you sat on them!" Tomo snapped as much to Yomi's disapproval. "I ain't even done nothing or nothing!" Vicky snapped as she wrinkled her face. "Have you been talking to Chiyo?" she asked the rest of the class. "She reckons that Sakura's pregnant with one of the Uchiha brothers because she had a threesome with them. Anyway, don't listen to her because she wet herself." "No she didn't!" Tomo snapped in fury. "You're being a bitch, like you've always been. I hope you get expelled." "Shut up!" "You shut up!" "No you shut up!" "HOW ABOUT THE PAIR OF YOU SHUT UP?" Yolei demanded. "OK guys chill!" Tima advised. Meanwhile Osaka was asleep the whole time and was singing nursery rhymes. "Frère Jacques! Frère Jacques! Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?" Whilst sleeping as she sang her head moved left to right. "Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines! Ding dang dong! Ding dang dong!" Osaka's singing had caused sudden silence. "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after." "You guys are right retard!" Vicky shouted out. "Vicky don't take this further!" Yolei requested. "Otherwise, loads of people are going to get involved when it's not needed" The green head returned to the class room. "Vicky, Mr. Blackadder wants you back now!" "Well Blackadder can fuck himself!" Vicky replied. "He can have a bit of Sakura Haruno if he wants!" "You make her sound like a whore," Drew stated. "Because SHE IS!" "Dudes this is going too far!" Tima added, "You guys better stop before things go too far!" "Tomo's doing it in spite!" Harley squealed. "She's trying to make me look like an idiot!" "No wonder he can't get a girlfriend," Himeno told Tai, who was Kari Yagami's older brother. Her hair was a blend of orange and pink and her blue eyes concealed an emotional image. "Or boyfriend!" Tai pointed out. "I'd remain quiet, if I were you." Matt Ishida whispered. He was a dear friend of Tai's and was Takeru Takashi's brother. "He might go mad!" "STOP BITCHING ABOUT HARLEY!" Brock snapped at Tai with a look of envy. "You two are a pair of jerks!" Brock pointed at Tai and Matt. "Trying to score another girl are you?" asked Brock in a bitter tone to Matt. "You're only jealous because I've had more sex than you." Matt replied as if he didn't care what Brock had to say. "You're going to be a virgin forever!" Tai replied to Brock. "Anyway, the painting looks much better with Tomo''s effects." "I bet you two have gay sex every night!" Brock roared in a dismal tone. "Just ignore him Tai," Matt whispered to him. "He's just being desperate for the female's attention." "Harley," Brock nudged Harley's shoulder. "This is bullying, the teacher needs to get back soon!" "HOW THE HELL IS THAT BULLYING?" Tai shouted out. "Tomo was only trying to help! She said sorry!" "Well sorry isn't good enough!" Brock snapped in fury. "Tomo destroyed Harley's painting in spite!" "I thought you'd be on the girl's side?" Tai asked in an act of sarcasm. "I'm not taking any sides," Brock stated. "All I'm doing is saying that Harley worked very hard on this picture and Tomo spoiled it!" "Looks Okay to me," Joey Wheeler expressed his thoughts. "Kinda unique, although at the same time the booger part is pretty gross when you think about it! You guys don't need to worry at all!" "They're bullying us!" Brock thought out aloud. "You know what Matt and Tai are like," Joey replied. "They're just messing around having fun. Tima''s right we should chill!" At this point, Drew had already left and Vicky was still standing there and had her eyes on Joey. She loved his blonde hair and his eyes and his clothes were so stylish, she wanted him. Vicky also thought that Tai and Matt were gorgeous too, she heard that a few people in her class though that those two were getting in on in secret. She would have loved to have seen it, it would have been so hot.
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