Kakashi and Lust were ready for another round of auditions. The standards were pretty set and they had seen some pretty unforgettable moments. The memory of Drew in female lingerie had still triggered in Kakashi's mind. He knew that Lust was very pleased with yesterday's auditions, especially the one where the lads all had lip-gloss on. So Kakashi was prepared to have something that seemed over the top or crazy. He was pleased with the dancing duo; Zoey and Dawn. "Okay, so we have Chizuru and Osaka." Lust announced as she waited for the two to arrive on stage. Osaka arrived on stage in a skimpy light green dress, with a guitar wrapped around her shoulder. She stepped towards the microphone as the red head; Chizuru stood center stage, in a very gloomy manner. "Whenever you guys are ready." Lust reminded them. Osaka started fiddle with the strings of her guitar as Chizuru began dancing in a very sad manner. "Sweet young dyke," Osaka whispered into her microphone, "expelled unfairly. Sympathy for the sweet dyke, treated cruelly." A sweet tune of sad piano music came into the atmosphere as Osaka continued to play with her guitar. The guitar was giving a tune, that made the audience feel, that they were more in a Wild West town. Chizuru sat down and hugged herself. "This stunning woman has lost her wings." Osaka was starting to sing in a completely different tune. "Is being gay, such a terrible thing?" she asked, the fact that Osaka had a serious face on her with pretty unusual lyrics, Lust had no idea weather to laugh or cry. Some the students in the audience were chuckling with sheer laughter. "Maybe, she loves the tits," giggles of laughter were heard as Osaka continued to sing. She had now returned to the previous singing tone. Meanwhile, Kakashi's eyes had widened as he found that a certain word was not appropriate for the school show. "Does it matter if her hobby is sucking clits?" The laughter rapidly increased as the lyrics sounds was quite inappropriate for school. "Open your hearts, open your minds. Be strong Chizuru and sing to the world." The mood of the music then changed into something of a more jolly and happy mood as Chizuru took centre stage and squished Osaka. "I'm a lesbian, and I'm proud of it," Chizuru squealed in tune. "I'm proud of being gay! Remember gay means happy, and I am very jolly. Because I'm a les, a proper les! " She was dancing around with Osaka as the raven haired girl allowed her to play with her. "She sure is s a lesbian!" Osaka announced whilst being twirled around my Chizuru. "I haven't got a dildo," the red head pointed out in the high-pitched melody of her voice. "But I'm, proud to be lesbo, because I'm proud, of who I am!" She kissed Osaka's hand as she began dancing around the stage in her tip toes. "I love the taste of their lip gloss, and the sizes they all come. I love girls with big ones, small ones, and medium ones of any size. I love girls in general." "Why do you love girls so much?" Osaka asked as her fingers were connected to the strings of her joyful guitar. "I love my honeys because they're so pretty!" Chizuru exclaimed as she twirled around Osaka. She was silent as Chizuru circulated around her, she then froze. The pair of them froze, just when Kakashi and Lust thought that their audition was over, the sound of the guitar struck again. "She's a lesbian. Yes she is, she's proud of being gay because gay also means happy. She's a lesbian, proper lesbian. She hasn't got a dildo, but she's proud to be a lesbo, hopefully her girlfriend will give her one for Christmas. Don't worry, she's just a sweet young dyke." "I'm a sweet young dyke!" Chizuru was attempting a voice of a soprano, as her voice was very high pitched and sounded like she was attempting opera. "I'm a sweet young, joyful, happy, beautiful, amazing, hilarious, shocking great, powerful young dyke!" Chizuru finished with a long note as Osaka fiddled with her guitar to finish with one little jingle. As soon as everything was silent, Osaka and Chizuru smiled as they performed a curtsy. Their performance seemed to have gone very6 well with the members of the audience watching. Well apart from Ichigo, who was one of Chizuru's friends. He gave a facial expression, which was a mixture of both shock and confusion. Meanwhile, Mr Blackadder standing next to the door trying hard not to burst out laughing from the rather odd duet. Mr Baldric was standing right next to him in a smirk. "Mr B," Baldric whispered. "I made all the students in my art class to create an image of you, whilst I browsed through some of the students social network accounts on his computer and I saved all the naughty ones." "Splendid job Baldric!" "Also Jiraya has at least fifty other pornographic images on laptop," Baldric continued whispering to the acting deputy. "If I see any more other rude images, I'll put them on his computer." "Just don't do anything stupid." Blackadder added, "this is not the right place nor time to discuss such matters." "OK...." Kakashi announced as soon as the applause had settled down. "Next we have Yolei, Cody, Tomo, Yomi, Davis, Ken, Al, Edward and Tala. If you can guys can take yourselves to the stage and get yourselves ready in your own time." There was dark music, which sounded very haunting, yet is was also very familiar. Yolei, Tomo, Yomi and Cody, Al and Ed entered the stage in line, whilst their faces were painted in a mixture of black and white. Their wigs were grey and their costumes were ripped and they all resembled zombies. Tomo left her mouth open as she crawled onto the stage with her arms crawling around Yomi's leg. Tala marched to the corner of the stage whilst playing his electric guitar. Tomo howled as her knees were rubbing against the floor causing them to hurt. The tune was instantly recognised as Tomo got up onto her feet and starting marching like the rest of them were, in a circle stomping to the beat. Davis twirled to the stage wearing a red suit that looked very similar to the suit that Michael Jackson wore in his music video, Thriller; red shirt in the middle and the suit have a very shiny feeling to it with a texture that resembled leather. He did look very odd as he still had his goggles on his head for some particular reason. When Davis was centre stage, he clicked his fingers and twirled. "It's close to midnight," he sang maintaining a gentle melody in his voice,"and there's something evil lurking though the dark." The six dancers crawled away from the stage as Lust was pretty shocked; she had no idea Davis was that good at singing. "Under the moonlight," the dancers slammed their hands in a very hard way, almost like the way they would stomp their feet. Davis had his arm facing the ceiling. "You see a sight that almost stops your heart," he clutched his hand to his heart as he took five leaping steps backwards. "You try to scream," Davis kept his voice whilst sealing up his nerves, he took slow steps forward as he sung his next line. "But terror makes the sound before you make it!" Meanwhile, Tomo placed her head out of the curtains and attempted a scary face and pulled her tongue in a cheeky fashion. "You start to freeze, as horror looks you right between the eye. You're out time." Tomo was shaking her head to the beat as her hands became as crooked as a branch tree. Her eyes were fixed onto Chiyo, who was sitting in the front of the audience, who she was attempting to scare. Chiyo's eyes welled up as was genuinely scared by the performance. Chiyo was a very intelligent girl, but also rather young, she was put up five times in a row for her intelligence, but that seemed to have been an academic disadvantage. "You hear the door slam!" Ed announced as he and his brother Al stomped right back into the stage. "You you realise that there's nowhere else to run. " The Elric brothers stood either side of Davis and grabbed his arms. "You feel the cold hand," Davis added as his hands then touched their shoulders and they both began to shake in fear. "And wonder if you ever see the sun. You close your eyes," Ed and Al closed their eyes as Davis turned his face to the pair of them. "And hope that this is just imagination." Ed and Al hugged each other as they both tried to fake the fear. "Oh but other while, you hear a creature crawling from behind, you're out of time." "CAUSE THIS IS THRILLER!" Davis roared to the top of his voice raising his arms. "Thiller's night. And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike. You know it's thriller, thriller's night. So let me hold you tight inside a killer, thriller tonight." their legs were getting rather flexible as they performed the dance routines. Davis felt that he was about to fall over as his balance was on the edge. Ed and Al seemed to be coping fine from what Davis could see of them. He did not want to fall over on this one, he really hoped he was impressing Kari and he hoped she was there to see him singing and dancing. "This is pretty good," Winry, a friend of Ed pointed out to Ichigo as she was tapping her foot. "Doing a great a great job on this." "Better than the lesbian I suppose," Ichigo pointed out. "Night creatures crawl, and dead escape their mass grave," Davis had a feeling that he got the lyrics wrong, but he decided not to worry about it and he continued singing. Ed and Al were also doing back vocals as they were behind Davis. "There's no escaping of the alien this time." Davis had to admit, he was actually enjoying singing and dancing, although he would choose a match of soccer any day of the week. "This is the end of your life!" Davis held onto the last high note as the Elric brothers stepped backwards to the end of the stage. Yolei, Cody, Tomo and Yomi returned to the stage as they walked in a rather ghostly manner. A young boy wrapped in a black cloak and a white mask that revealed half of his face entered the stage holding onto his mask. Everybody apart from the man in disguise, had stepped forward and stepped on the spot. Davis was in front of them as he stepped to the centre again. "Darkness falls across the land," the cloaked boy spoke, as his navy locks ad eyes made is clear that it was Ken. "The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood, to terrorise thy neighbourhood." Chiyo was mortified from what Ken was saying. The way Ken was saying it, was so scary, spooky and passionate, that she actually though that this was real. "And who ever shall be found, without the soul of getting down." Ken stepped forward as his fascial expression only half visible showed a look of death. "Must stand and face the claws of hell, and decay inside a corps's shell." The young girl closed her eyes and tried to block her ears as she felt her heart racing. The rest of the people on the stage were staking slow desperate movements towards the audience as Tala was still rocking on his guitar. "The foulest stench is in the air," Ken clenched his fist as if he was shattering dust. "The zombies of five thousand years and grizzly ghouls from every tomb, are closing in to seal your doom." Ken stepped around the stage speaking out to the audience trying to make them feel the terror. "Although you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver, for no mortal can resist, the evil of the thriller." Chiyo couldn't hold onto her fear anymore as the young girl yelled in agony. Ken removed his mask as he caused a mechanic laughter. Everybody had their eyes on the frightened Chiyo as the tears fell down her eyes like a large waterfall. She sighed in relief as soon as she found out that they had stopped performing. "That was scary," she sobbed as she tried to wipe her tears away. "A shame," Winry muttered. "That was amazing. Shame Chiyo had to spoil it." "She is much younger than us," Ichigo added. "She's bound to act like a child." "Well thanks a lot you seven," Kakashi said. "I think that's enough for us, thank you. Let's see who we have next?" The audience gave a huge applause as they left the stage. Davis sighed in relief as he felt hugely grateful for their help. "Thank you Tala, thank you Yomi, thank you Tomo, thank you Yolei, Thank you Cody, Thanks a lot Ken! Thank you Ed and thank you Al," Davis gasped as he bowed. "You guys were terrific. I'm sure we impressed the others." "We surely scared Chiyo, that's for sure." Ken told him as the rest of them laughed. "Well I have to go now," Tala said as he was on the move. "Bryan and Kai will be wondering where I am? I had a great time with you. See ya." "Bye Tala!" "I wonder what Kari thought of it?" Davis wondered to himself. "You guys were fantastic!" Winry exclaimed as she walked over to them. "Davis, you can god damn sing and the rest of you can dance great too. I saw Miss Lust smiling as she watched you." "We must have been great then." Tomo pointed out as she removed her ripped jacket. "Kari was sitting close to you," Davis pointed out as he was thinking out feedback from Kari. "Any idea what she thought of it?" "I didn't speak to Kari today," admitted Wirny, so you'll just have to find that out yourself." He felt a huge weight of stress had been dropped from her shoulders. He was pleased that the audition went well for some of them, although he was hoping out of everyone in that audience, that Kari would be the person who was the most pleased with performance. He actually did the whole thing, in another attempt to impress her. As long as she was pleased, it didn't matter what other people thought.
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