"How do I look?" Hinata asked Hilary, Mariah and Misty in a rather timid and shaky manner as she stared into the bathroom mirror in a short navy blue denim skirt and strapless top. These weren't the clothes that Hinata was used to wearing. She never really worn anything so revealing. The emerald green high heels were quite strange to stand on as she looked in the mirror and saw her face touched up by make-up. Although Hinata thought she looked much better than she usually looked, she was still nervous about her looks and had no idea if Naruto would even recognize her? "You look amazing!" Mariah praised as she flicked the sapphire haired girl's hair. "He should better have noticed you, Hilary you've defiantly done a good job on Hinata's new look!" "I doubt it," Emily added honestly. "Naruto is as dense as a brick. Well. At least he's not as stupid as Ash Ketchum." "They're both as stupid as each other," Hilary added as walked out the bathroom as the rest of the girls followed her. Hinata was struggling to keep up as she almost fell over once again, she tried holding onto the wall for the walking support. Mariah quickly ran over as helped Hinata stand up properly. "Don't worry Hinata," Mariah said. "Perhaps you need flat shoes instead of high heels. You should get used to them eventually." Hinata started walking again rather slowly as she felt the weight from her heels drag her down and slow her down quickly. She was grateful that Mariah was willing to help her walk around and if she fell over, she would help her. "Anyway we have next lesson with Kimura, we better watch out for him. He's a total pervert at school, he is a nice man though." As they walked into their class, Mr. Kimura stared at Hinata she walked into the class. He stared at her in amazement, this was the reason he liked high school girls so much, they were so young, innocent and pretty. He smiled as Hinata walked past by. "So we have a new student again?" Ash asked as failed to recognize it was actually Hinata with a make over. "Where is Hinata anyway?" "THAT IS HINATA YOU DUMBASS!" Naruto shouted as he obviously sounded annoyed about Ash's stupidity. "You look really hot today Hinata!" He told the bluenette as she quickly became red. She sat next to Naruto as Mariah, Emily and Hilary sat around her. "Hi Tima," Mariah said as she winked at dark haired girl named Tima. "Hi," Tima replied waving at Maria. Tima was practically the mother of the class, she was very wise and pretty intelligent. She was dating Chizuru, a girl with red hair who was most probably the biggest lesbian in the school; which made Tima love her, none of this 'men let me down, so I go for girls' or 'just wanna try it on' or any of that rubbish. She was a lesbian, a simple and clean lesbian. Although Chizuru flirted with Orihime and Tatsuki constantly, Tima wasn't fussed at all. Tima was the laid back person who also loved girls. "Finally," Tima chuckled to Sakura. "Your dating someone decent, and not that emo Sasuke, I hated you two as a couple!" Tima was referring to Sakura's girlfriend, Ino. "You and him should fucking die if you two ever get back together!" "LESBIANS!" Kimura shouted as he widely opened his mouth pointing at Sakura and Ino. The blonde stared at the slightly perverted teacher with a disgusted look. Most of the class ad nw knew that they had already started going out, and it's only been a day. It wouldn't be so long, before the whole school knew, they were an item. She looked at Sakura as she realized, she was just as nervous as she was right now. Since Sakura was carrying a young child inside her, and wasn't sure who the father was at all, Ino felt she had a huge responsibility on her hands. "Is it true your pregnant, Sakura?" Ash asked the pink haired girl curiously. "May said, that Dawn said, that Zoey said, that Chisato said, that Yukari said, that Hisae said, that Shyst said, that Cho said, that Luna said, that Chiyo said that you were pregnant!" "Well, one or more of them are spreading rumors around" Ino snapped at Ash, who was known for his dense behavior. "So leave Sakura alone, she's just had to get over Sasuke and Itachi being jerks, she doesn't you being one either!" "Hey I was only asking a question!" Ash stated in a change of tone. He quickly whispered to May, "maybe the sex was bad after all." Sakura yelled as she threw herself on Ash's desk with a face full of anger and livid behavior. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SEX IS!" Sakura screeched as she had her arms out ready to strangle him. "Yes I do," Ash replied trying to push the angry girl away from him. "It's where the penis thrusts the vagina!" "Ash finally knows what a penis is!" Naruto praised as he remembered Ash not knowing what a penis was before, and always said "Virginia" instead of "vagina." "YOU STAY OUT OF THIS NARUTO!" Sakura screamed a Naruto as she frightened by the fact that Ash Ketchum, one of the dumbest kids in the class found out she was pregnant due to gossip. "As for you Ash, weather I'm pregnant or not has nothing to do with you!" "You apologize to him right now!" May ordered, furious by the way Ash was handled by Sakura. "At least when he does it, he has the decency to use contraception." "What the hell is that?" Ash asked in a shock. "Shut up May, you bitch!" "HEY THAT'S ENOUGH SAKURA!" The class rep, Hilary stood up. "Now look, Ash is a lovely person, all he did was ask you a question." "And I gave him answer!" Sakura sulked as she crossed her arms holding back tears. "Not in a very respectable manner," Hilary stated. "I want you to apologize, otherwise I am reporting you to Principle Tsunade." "Sorry," Sakura said. "Like you mean it!" "Sorry!" Sakura tried to say in a nice tone. She then ran to her seat, quickly collected her school stuff and stormed out of the class with tears rolling down her face. Ino sighed and gave Ash and May a dirty look. The blonde ended up picking up her stuff and started making her way out of the class as well. "Why do you have to be such an idiot Ash?" Ino asked the raven haired boy as she stepped out of the door. "I don't know what went wrong with her?" Hinata told Naruto honestly, Tima was able to overhear her. "Where do you want me to start?" Tima asked. Kimura did nothing because he thought Sakura looked attractive when she was angry. He did admit, he pretty much liked the drama in St. Manga School. The class rep wasn't pleased with Kimura at all. He could have stopped it all, but did he no? Where was the discipline and order? No, he was too busy eyeing on school girls. "This is Principle Tsuande," the voice of the principle said through the microphones, the entire school could here her. "Could all students and staff get ready for today's late assembly." -- IAll the students had sat down in cold boring gray chairs. Sakura and Ino were nowhere to be found as whispers circulated around the room as Principle Tsunade stepped up on the stage. "Everyone settle down." she demanded with a strict order. "Now today's assembly will be taken by Mr Shinbo." "Thanks Granny Tsunade!" Shinbo said cheerfully as Tsunade gave him a displesant look. "For today's assembly, I've arranged something; a little bit special." Shinbo announced as Sumono, a small little pink girl on his shoulder swayed as she nodded. "Very special!" Sumono repeated as her fuchsia hair swayed either side of her adroable head. "What I've done, with the help of my wife of course," Shinbo didn't want to take all the credit as he continued to talk to the students. "I have arranged a former pupil, of her class, to come to talk to you about his experiences. Now I'm sure he won;t mind me saying, he used to be a bit of a pervert, a rebel, always had his head in the clouds, now he's turned his life around." The front row, which included Sakura, Ino and Tenten silently giggled. The three girls had quite a good idea who Mr. Shinbo was referring to. "My wife and I, think that his story is going to be an inspiration to all of us." "Inspiration!" Sumono repeated. "On how to look at porn!" Ino muttered under her breath. "So guys, give him a very warm welcome," Shinbo announced with a tone of enthusiasm as his arm pointed at the door. "He's a very good friend of mine, Mister Hideki Motosuwa!" The tall man, Hideki made his way onto the stage, with a slim blonde haired girl with him as well. Shinbo patted Hideki on the shoulder as everyone saw the girl in quite a very skimpy outfit. "I see you've brought Chii along with you today?" "I sure have," Hideki smiled as he felt slightly nervous to the fact that over a thousand students were watching him. "I couldn't come without Chii." "Chii wanted to come." The blonde replied as Mrs. Shinbo gave the three of them chairs. The three of them quickly sat down after that. "Now, you a few hours late, but never mind about that!" Shinbo stated as he knew that assemblies usually started at the end of the day after registration. "Now, we're here to talk about your experiences, before I met you, you were working in the farm." "Yes, very hard work." Hideki replied nodding his head as Chii nodded with him. "It was a family farm, and my parents stopped paying my allowence and told me I had to go to cram school and earn a living for myself. I got into town and saw a lot of persacoms that looked so cute and amazing." "So at this point, we are living in the same department, and we both went to cram together, which is were we met my wife there. That's another story, so give us an explanation on what persacoms can do." "Perscoms, are like human shaped computers, they're cute and have the perfect body to go with it as well." Hideki explained. "Despite being persacoms being very expensive, you happened to found a persacom in the garbage, which was were you met Chii." "Chii is happy that Hideki found her." Chii announced in a cute robotic voice. "So it's easy to say that when you first had your persacom, you panicked a little. So you started screaming the place down and getting worried people will call you a pervert." "Yeah I knew nothing about computers or technology," Hideki admitted honestly. "You did teach Chii to learn to talk and move and run errands," Shinbo admitted. "So that's god work from you. Now as time goes by, you two both fall in love and eventually become an item. So how does it feel to be dating a computer?" "Feels like dating any other normal girl," he replied honestly. "You love me don't you Chii?" "Chii loves Hideki!" Chii smiled as she petted Hideki on the cheek. The girls awed as some of the guys seemed bored. "so Hideki has done very well for himself, after his college course in Foundation ICT, he and Chii adopted a little girl, and what did you name your adopted daughter?" "Chii named the baby Boobies because Hideki said likes them." Chii admitted as there was a sudden moment of dead silence. "Erm... Boobies!" Shinbo said as the majority of the school erupted with laughter. " So, how are you two coping with parenthood?" "We're coping pretty well," Hideki nodded as his persacom smiled. "Chii's managing to hold the baby fine. Our manager's been very kind with supporting Boobies as well." They roared with laughter again as they all thought that Boobies, was certainly not a name that they would call their daughter. "So what can we, take away from today?" Shinbo asked the school. "I think a message of hope. Because my friend Hideki, has changed his life for the better and is doing fine with the help of his friends. You're still working at my pleasure aren't you?" "I sure am!" Hideki grinned. "So give up hope people!" Sumono squealed. "Don't forget about the other auditions for the school show today." She announced rather off topic. "Mr. Kakashi and Miss Lust are still looking for new people to perform and they said they were very amazed by yesterday's auditions." Davis Motomiya was then reminded that his audition date was today. He was only doing to impress Kari with what he can do. The auburn haired boy hoped with the help of Yolei, Cody, Yomi, Tomo, Ed, Al and Ken and Tala with a performance he hoped to be good enough to impress Kari and be on his way to win her heart. The dancing was sorted and the costumes were ready as well. Davis was going to perform, one of the most popular songs ever and had a feeling it was going to be remembered.
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