St Manga School (part 12 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 11
Tomo's new hat and Naruto's shame

"Davis, Naruto and Ritchie stay behind please?" Sapphire ordered as the 
class were about to leave her lesson. The three boys sighed as they 
walked over to Sapphire's desk and watched the rest of them go to their 
next lesson. Sapphire had her wand placed firmly in her hands. She made 
sure that they were at least five minutes late for their next lesson. 
"Now you three were all giving me a headache, so as punishment, you're 
clothes will disappear and they'll come back when recess is over."

"We're gonna be naked?" Naruto asked as he dropped his jaw.

"Yes you are!" Sapphire smirked as she pointed her wand at them the 
three of them one at a time casting the spell by saying, "Naked until 
the end of recess!" Their clothes had then transformed into dust and 
became invisible. All three of them hide their private parts as they 
screamed in horror. "All right you three, get outta my sight!" The three 
of them ran to their bags and hid their faces in embarrassment as they 
made their way through the hall with most of the school grabbing their 

yelled out as he raged around the school hall in the nude, as he almost 
freaked out half of the students. Then when the hallway was

literally empty, a young lad about the same age as him stood there. He 
remembered him clearly, it was Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto was quite startled 
at first, the look that Sasuke had given him looking at him completely 
naked was almost unbearable. "H-Hey Sasuke," Naruto stumbled as he 
attempted to look the other way and run.

"Why are you naked?" Sasuke asked as his eyes glared at him. "Has it got 
something to do about a stupid ego witch?"

"You know Sapphire?" Naruto screamed. "She's the new teacher, she's 
making me naked!"

"Oh the witch is teaching now?" Sasuke asked with hardly any enthusiasm. 
"What is this world coming too?"

"Are you feeling better from your illness?" Naruto asked as he covered 
his private parts from his friend, Sasuke. "You said you were still 

"I just felt like coming," Sasuke calmly replied as still remained fixed 
onto Naruto's naked form. "I wasn't expecting to see you running around 
naked. I'm not going to class until after recess. I heard Blackadder 
gave you and Hinata a rough time."

"Yeah," Naruto replied in an angry tone. "He was insulting us and he 
threw my pencil case at Hinata. Who the hell does he think he is?"

"Naruto ..." Sasuke muttered as he closed his eyes in shame. "I think 
you should get some clothes, before you get into trouble."

"Sapphire said that my clothes will come back after recess," Naruto 
sighed as he sneaked behind Sasuke.

"We can hide in the changing rooms," Sasuke replied as he made his way 
into the changing rooms. He then passed him a key. "Here's your locker 
key, you dropped it earlier."

Sasuke then passed Naruto his jacket as they walked through the school 
corridor and sneaking their way in the boy's changing rooms. "Thanks for 
helping out Sasuke," Naruto replied gratefully. "I have no idea what I 
would do without you. I'd be busted."

"We're gonna be busted, if we don't shut up." Sasuke hissed as he 
dragged him into the changing rooms. The changing rooms were plain and 
lockers galore. "Sapphire seems like she's going to be really strict 
with no nonsense."

Naruto and Sasuke both heard whispering as they saw four feet under the 
bench. They heard kissing and smooching sounds as Naruto quickly 
recognized the slightly baggy blue jeans and trainers that a member of 
his class, Ash Ketchum wore. May's red bandana was right next to his 
foot. "So you two aren't in lessons either?" Naruto asked in a slightly 
disturbed tone.

"Woah!" The raven haired boy banged his head on the bench as May rolled 
over on her back. May quickly unzipped her jacket and pulled her bottom 
pants up as Ash rested his hand on his head and sighed. "Don't creep up 
on us like that!" Ash warned them.

"Were you two about to have sex!" Naruto asked as he pointed at the pair 
of them with a look of horror.

"No," Ash replied. "We were only making out!"

"A word of advice Ash," Sasuke told the raven haired boy. " Making out 
at school, isn't a good idea!"

"I think having a threesome with your brother is even worse!" May 
snapped as she sat on the bench with Ash. "Poor Sakura, no wonder she 
broke up with you."

"It wasn't how you think it was," Sasuke hissed as he crossed his arms. 
"And I would prefer not to discuss it. And I broke up with her for 
cheating on me."

"Sakura would do no such thing!" Naruto replied as he stood up for 
Sakura. The hyper blonde stood up for Sakura, as he knew that she was an 
intelligent young girl and also very pretty. She would never lie or be 
unfaithful to anyone. "Sakura's a good girl and would have never cheated 
on you!"

"...She did cheat on me," Sasuke replied after a long pause, his face 
looked very annoyed as his arms folded tighter. "She was having an 
affair with my brother, Kakashi, Gary Oak, Brock, Edward, Brooklyn, Rock 
Lee and I can go on, but I want this topic dropped!"

"Is that why you weren't at school?" Ash asked.

"I said topic dropped!" Sasuke snapped.

"The sex must have been bad then." Ash said in a very dense way.

"CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" Sasuke replied in even angrier tone.

"I heard that Sakura was pregnant." May pointed out as she thought about 
why Sasuke didn't want to talk about the threesome or anything related 
to Sakura Haruno. "Luna told me she was dating Ino now, I had no idea 
she was a lesbian or bisexual."

"I don't to hear hear her name either!" Sasuke requested bitterly. "Talk 
about something different, anything but nothing about sex, or Sakura!"

The atmosphere was still the same at the bench area, Chloe, Luna and Cho 
had gone back to lessons to do Art. Tima surprisingly stayed were she 
was, as Yolei came over to her with a hug on the go. Tima sat on the 
table and read a book whilst Tomo, Yomi, Tima, Chiyo, Osaka, Yolei, 
Chisato and Miyu were gathered at the benches. The same bench where 
Garnet kissed Shyst. Chisato was obviously looking down. She had her 
cell phone glued to her hand as she was hoping for Zoey to call. She was 
rather upset about what Miyu had told her and when she saw Zoey kiss 
Dawn, that has shattered her.

"Why won't she call?" Chisato whined as she collapsed her head on Miyu's 
shoulder. "I'm always trying to call her and she doesn't answer!"
"Hey chill out Chisato," Tima told her. "Her phone was probably stolen, 
or she's ran out of credit."

"She kissed Dawn and she danced with her and sang with her!" Chisato 
continued to moan as she sobbed on Miyu's arm.

"Chill," Tima repeated herself. "They're probably just friends."

"We still love you!" Chiyo admitted to Chisato as she smiled. There was 
then a few seconds of peaceful silence. Tomo jumped on the bench and 
raised her fist in the air.

"I WANT HIGH HEELS!" Tomo roared as she slaughtered the silence. She 
repeated herself in a way to deliberately annoy Yomi and to grab her 
attention. She has playing the girl's long brown hair as she begged. 
Yomi, in full awareness that she wanted her attention had ignored her.

"How far are you willing to go for a pair of shoes, Tomo?" Yolei asked 
as she had listened to Tomo rant about her love for high heels.
"I'll wear my panties on my head and eat my own booger!"

Yolei and Yomi's eyes widened in fear whilst Tima smirked and hugged 
Yolei. "You bunch of G's!" Tima declared as she patted Yolei on her 
"Why are you holding Yolei like that?" Osaka asked.

"She's my lady, she's my love, she's a G." Tima smirked as she gave her 

"OK," Yolei said as she erupted with giggles as she felt shocked at the 
same time. "Tomo, I'll let you borrow my high heels, if you eat Chiyo's 
booger and take your panties off and wear them on your head. Chiyo, you 
gotta take your panties off so Tomo can wear them on her head as well."

"Woah!" Tima sighed as the rest of the girls looked quite shocked whilst 
Miyu did absolutely nothing.

"OK!" Chiyo pulled her panties down as Tomo stood up and did exactly the 
same. "This isn't hygienic you know!"

"Shut up and do it!" Tima snapped as she remained chuckling in laughter.

Tomo placed both pair of white panties onto her head as she dragged 
Chiyo over and stuck her index finger on her nose. Yomi couldn't bear to 
look as she placed her down in embarrassment. "I cannot watch this!" 
Tomo confessed as she closed her eyes. Chiyo felt a prick in her nose as 
Tomo pulled out a large slimy slime from her nose and quickly ate it. 
She closed her eyes as she swallowed the booger rather quickly. Yomi sat 
up as she saw Tomo gulp. "Ew," Yomi said quietly.

The two pair of underpants were still on her head, as her eyes were half 
visible. The brunette faced Yolei as she pricked on Yolei's locks of 
purple hair. "This means I can have your high heels now!"
"Off course you can," Yolei replied in a nice tone. "You can take them 
panties of your head if you want to, but I'll let you keep them if you 
have them on your head the whole day!"

When she heard that, Tomo suddenly decided to keep them on her head. She 
knew that Yolei had some very nice high heels, especially the red ones 
she wore the other day. She was determined, she will get those high 
heels. Tomo grabbed Chiyo's pair of underwear as she passed it to her. 
"Here have yours back."

Meanwhile Chisato's phone created an alarm. Chisato quickly pressed the 
buttons as soon as she saw it was a message from Zoey. "Finally, I got a 
message from her!"

"What does it say?" Miyu asked as she read the message with Chisato.

"It says 'Hey Chisato, sorry I couldn't call, I've found my phone now. I 
hope you think I did well in the auditions, I'm just going over to the 
benches if you want to meet me. Dawn will there too, if that's OK with 
you. Love you loads Chisato and I miss that curvy figure of yours.'" 
Chisato was joyful as she read the message, however Miyu didn't seem too 
pleased about it.

"See I told you," Tima told Chisato. "She just lost her phone. She does 
love you."

"I want to ask her why she kissed Dawn?" Chisato wondered as she started 
to sigh.

"Probably just a friendship kiss," Tima told her. "You know, she said 
she's coming over, so be happy about it. It could have been worse."

Chisato quickly stood up as she saw, Zoey and Dawn walking towards them. 
She quickly ran over to Zoey and hugged her rather tightly. "I've been 
trying to call you for ages," Chisato told Zoey. "Why didn't you try to 
find me?"

"DO YOU LIKE MY NEW HAT?" Tomo screamed as she scurried to Zoey with her 
panties still resting on her head. Osaka quickly followed her as Zoey 
and Dawn had no idea weather to laugh or cry.

"You just missed Tomo eating Chiyo's booger!"

"Oh..." Dawn seemed slightly disturbed as she tried hard not to laugh, 
although her attention was more focused on Zoey.

"Why didn't you try to find me?" Chisato repeated herself as she nudged 

"I was in detention and practicing my dance routines with Dawn." Zoey 
told her girlfriend. "Don't worry the rumors about me and Dawn having an 
affair aren't true."

"We're just friends." Dawn replied cheerfully but inside, she was 
feeling rather jealous and there was a huge secret thing that happened 
between her and Zoey, that wouldn't be a good idea for people to know. 
In the mean time, Dawn had to wait for her turn as she watched Chisato's 
claws all over Zoey. Dawn did like Chisato as a person, but not as 
Zoey's girlfriend.

Dawn wasn't quite sure how to react with Chisato. She honestly had no 
idea how Chisato would react to her; she was expecting a good slap in 
the face by her. Dawn saw her storm out as she saw Zoey kiss her. So it 
would be a very good thing to keep their secrets a very huge secret and 
there should be no slip of the tongue. The secret did hurt Dawn quite a 
lot at first, but she knew she was going to get used to it.

Onwards to Part 13

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