Rivals, Friends and Lovers (part 3 of 13)

a Naruto fanfiction by Blood Shinobi

Back to Part 2

A/N: Time for the third chapter already. I need more reviews When you have worked on a fic for nearly a year, you feel very itchy to get as many reviews as possible. Especially when it is your first.

Italic text is when a character is thinking

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And so it begins…

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It was an early morning in the Yamanakas flower shop, also known as Ino's home. The girl in question stood in her room, in front of a big three way mirror. She was the kind of person who always wanted to look perfect andpretty looking in front of everyone. So this mirror suited her needs perfectly.

She wore pants that were black, which fitted snugly against her curves. A thin green summer jacket was worn under a dark grey vest, which had pockets of all shapes and sizes, and on her head she wore a camouflaged cap. Scattered on the bed were several survival items; a black backpack that was full of such things like cooking tools, a compass, a map, even a survival book.

Ino posed and looked at herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good. Everything looked fine to her as usual, except for one thing. That cap was blocking her vision and it hid her beautiful hair. On top of all it was giving her a headache! Irritated, she threw it off and put on a bandana instead.

Much better…

She had all her clothes, her backpack, items and equipment. She sure looked technically prepared to survive for a week in a forest…but was she really? Was she mentally ready?

I look like some kind of camping geek tourist. The only way to make me feel better now is if Sakura looks worse than me.

Her mind wandered back to what Kakashi and Asuma-sensei had told them about spending so much time together in the stupid forest. In fact, it had been the only thing she could think about all night. But now it was finally time for her to leave and go meet Sakura and their instructors before going to the forest of reunion. She was about to leave the room, but stopped before she did so.

"Oh… how could I forget?" She said with a weak smile, slapping herself gently on the forehead.

Walking back to her desk, Ino opened a drawer, which was full of books. These were not what she was after however, and she dug around beneath the books to reveal a heart shaped silver medallion, strung on a thin silver chain. She gazed at it before opening it to look inside, then snapping it shut.

"Don't think I am leaving without you."

She smiled as she put it under her shirt to conceal it from view before leaving the room and making her way downstairs to where her mother was waiting for her.

"Alright, I guess I'm ready now." Ino sighed, clearly showing that she was not looking for the upcoming a single bit.

"Do you have everything with you, dear?" Her mother asked concern fully.

"Yes mother," Ino said; her head hanging and her voice a bit distant.

"Ino, what's wrong?" she asked, noticing her daughter did look a bit unhappy.

"I really hate that I need to do this! Not only will I be demoted for not doing this, but Sakura and I are really not the good friends we used to be," Ino explained.

"Well, That's why they are having you do this…it's not like the end of the world, Ino."

"Yeah I know" Ino sighed. "But I wish dad was here…I haven't seen him for a whole month."

Ino's father Inosha had been sent along with Chouji's and Shikamaru's fathers on a far away mission that could take up to several weeks…something that Ino really hated, because she always felt so empty without her father around. He often taught Ino everything she wanted to know and always was around for advice when she needed it. He and the others had been gone now for over 30 days.

"I miss him too," Ino's mother said. "But he will be home next week, the same day when you come home from the forest. Was there something important you wanted to say to him?"

Ino paused at the question mother asked, keeping her gaze down to the floor. For unknown reasons, she found it hard to look in her mother's eyes.

"Well…yes…there is something I need to talk about…but I want you and dad to be together first before I talk about it." Ino's voice noticeably showed mixed signs of nervosa and hesitation, even her heart rhythm increased.

A long silence took place between daughter and mother. Her mother raised her eyebrow and regarded Ino with a curious look before taking a breath to ask a very serious question.

"You aren't pregnant are you Ino?" Her mother paled a bit and expected the worst but Ino just laughed, relieved that that was the only thing she was worried about.

Although…my problem may have a bit to do with future pregnancy…

"No mother, it's not that serious but it is really something I think we should talk about…" Ino bit her lip nervously. On the outside she smiled as usual, but inside there was a side of her that was unsure, even scared. Ino was very adept at hiding this side of her well; still it pained her greatly, tearing at her from the inside.

I really want to tell her. Why can't I just tell her and then leave? No… that wouldn't work; she might not let me leave until we talk it through…which I can understand for it is not a small thing to talk about. I will just have to steel myself and live with it for just one more week… I have already dealt with it for about two years so it shouldn't be that bad.

Concerned at her silence and serious look, Ino's mother spoke up, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"You really got me worried Ino…can't you tell me now? Are you really going to let your mother worry about her daughter's problem for a whole week?"

"I am sorry mom but… I still need a little more time to think about it"

Ino said, tapping her fingers nervously. "Don't worry mom, I am not pregnant and I am not taking drugs. As soon as I get home I promise to have a serious talk with you and dad."

"Well…" Her mother shrugged and sighed "if I can't make you change your mind then I won't even try. Besides its time for you to go isn't?" Ino took a quick look on a nearby clock.

"Yes it is! Damn, I'd better hurry or I'm going to be late!"

Ino hugged her mother goodbye quickly yet warmly. This was most likely going to be the last human contact Ino was going to feel for a whole week...other than Sakura of course.

"Be careful, Ino. Please return home safely." Her moth placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I will, mother," Ino said, walking towards the door and waving goodbye.

As she was walking down the street she touched her stomach, feeling the knot inside. It first appeared two years ago when her problems had started, and since that day she had always felt it inside of her. It was not a knot of cancer or any other disease, but off nervousness and anxiety. Sometimes she barely noticed it, while sometimes it pained her so much…something that was happening to her right now. For two straight years she had felt that knot in her stomach and it had never disappeared. Not a single day had passed without her noticing it.

It was going to be days before she would see her house again, to sleep in a warm bed…and she did not even want to think about that the only person she was going to be around during all this time was Sakura. She didn't feel as if she were going to miss her team mates very much…after all what was there to miss about those two anyway? Shikamaru was pretty much lazy and complaining all the time, while Chouji was always eating everything he could find.

Still…they were good friends and Ino felt satisfied with that friendship. However, it bothered her a bit that she was so selfish as to not say good-bye to Chouji and Shikamaru. She was certain that they had no idea where she was going to be…although she supposed Asuma-sensei would be telling them afterwards.

After fairly short walk, Ino arrived at the eastern exit of the village where she had been instructed to go. Asuma-sensei and Kakashi were already standing there waiting for her; Kakashi was as usual reading his red R-rated book while Asuma stood with his arms crossed, a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth."

"Hello Ino…are you ready?" Asuma greeted her, flicking his cigarette.

"Yes…sensei," Ino said, looking around. She did not see her pink haired friend anywhere in sight.

"Hasn't Sakura showed up yet?" she wondered.

"No" her sensei replied. "Not yet…but I hope she does get here soon." Kakashi still kept his gaze down to his book as if he had not even noticed Ino's arrival.

Probably late…just as I expected…

Ino sighed irritably and crossed her arms in impatience. But she did not have to wait long, as a familiar female voice was heard from around the corner.

"I'm here!"

Out from the corner, Sakura walked out, stopping for a moment to rest her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. Her clothing was similar to Ino's, if in a bit of disarray from her running. Ino felt the knot in her stomach tighten a bit as she watched Sakura pant heavily. She looked up, and even through her fatigue, she seemed full of energy and ready to go.

"Hi all," Sakura nodded to everyone, looking fairly positive. Her gaze flickered to Ino, and she let her eyes roam her up and down. Ino bit her lip in annoyance, expecting Sakura to say something that would piss her off.

If she laughs at my outfit I will beat her up!

Ino ignored the fact that Sakura was dressed almost like her and tapped her foot irritated. She cast her gaze to the ground to avoid eye contact with her companion.

"Good, both of you are here," Kakashi spoke up, finally putting down the book that he had been engrossed in. "Since you girls are on time none of you have to start earlier."

Hmpf… If I knew that I would have come here earlier. The less time I spend with her the better for both of us

Ino thought.

"So are you two positive that you are ready?" Asuma asked the two kunoichi.

"Hell yes!" Sakura said proudly, pumping a fist up.

"As always," Ino answered with a determined look.

"That's the spirit!" Kakashi said, smiling through the cloth that covered his mouth. "Well… Asuma and I do not have much to say, other than to remind you two of the two rules and to make sure you get started okay."

"We already know them!" Sakura protested. "We must always seek a new place to camp every day."

"And we must spend 168 hours in the forest before leaving," Ino chimed in.

"Excellent," Kakashi said with another smile. "So then this is good bye for now. Just follow this road until you arrive to the edge of the forest; you can't miss it." He motioned towards the gravel road that led out from the eastern gate. The forest could not be seen from here but the girls knew it was out there.

"Then I guess we better start moving. The sooner we get done with this the better," Ino said, shoving her way past Asuma and Kakashi to start heading up the road. Sakura hesitated a few seconds; Ino did not even seem to bother to say good-bye to her sensei.

"Good luck Sakura, both of you will do fine." Her sensei said, patting her on her shoulder. Sakura smiled slightly, and then hurried off with a quicker speed to catch up with Ino.

The two men stood and watched as the two disappeared down the path. A bit concerned, Asuma turned to Kakashi.

"Somehow I just got a bad feeling about this," He said, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Well," Kakashi answered, his gaze turning serious. "So do I, but you know it needed to be done. If they are ever to cooperate with each other, this is the way."

Asuma nodded, dropping his cigarette to the ground, stamping it out quickly.

"I agree that Ino and Sakura might get rid of their rivalry…but I also have the fear that they might try to hurt each other," he said.

"I think that's a bit far fetched Asuma" Kakashi said, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think it's as unlikely as you'd think…both of them have a very short temper, and are very capable of losing their tops. On top of it all they are ninjas…and you tell me I shouldn't be worried?"

"You do have a point," Kakashi said with a bit of a worried tone. "But we can't really think like that…although they have a hard time awaiting them in the forest, I feel that they will learn something about each other."

"Hmm…you seem pretty sure of yourself when you say that," Asuma said, raising a confused eyebrow. "Do you know something that I don't, Kakashi? Perhaps a trick up your sleeve?"

"You see Asuma…I follow the weather reports. They have promised us some really nasty weather, rain and heavy winds; the storm will be moving in the next few days." Kakashi grinned slyly, and Asuma opened and closed his mouth.

"Kakashi," he sighed. "I just hope you know what you are doing. I have never liked this idea and I like it even less now…I don't want to have their deaths on my conscious."

"I don't doubt Sakura or Ino's skills," Kakashi reassured him. "After all, they did not get promoted to Chuunins for nothing. Now lets get back, they are on their own now. It's completely up to them now…"

Taking one last look at the two girls disappearing into the distance, Kakashi pulled out his book and began making his way back in the centre of town. Asuma sighed, and pulled out another cigarette, lighting it as he ambled after Kakashi.

End of chapter 3

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A/N: What is it that Ino wants to talk about with her parents?

What kind of problem did start for Ino two years ago?

What is so special about the medallion Ino is wearing?

What will happen to Sakura and Ino in the forest? Will they become friends or will it just become worse? A lot of questions have showed up and the only way for you find out about the answers is to continue to read and follow the story.

Reviews are GREATLY appreciated so don't hesitate to submit. I don't care so much about what you write as long as you submit something )

You want to talk with me about the story personally? Then check my profile and contact me.

Onwards to Part 4

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