Kunoichi-Ai (part 8 of 11)

a Naruto fanfiction by Elkat

Back to Part 7
The Battle of Yurishen Begins!

The kunoichi rushed outside, already able to hear the approaching enemy from afar. Exiting 
onto the balcony of the fifth floor, they were in clear sight of the northern gate which was 
auspiciously empty.

Byakugan! Hinata activated her bloodline trait and focused her sight on the gate. Enhancing 
and enlarging the image, she could see that no guards stood at the gates and the large 
wooden doors that was the only means of entering or exiting the walled capital stood close. 
By chance she noticed too over grown sharpened shoots of bamboo that had grown unnaturally 
from the ground and impaled the corpses of the two guards had been placed on duty. "The 
guards are dead!"

"They've made their move," Tachi said, donning her hunter mask.

Slowly the two iron gates creaked open, attached chains disappearing into the great wall 
where a system of pulleys and cogwheels operated the two massive doors.

"What can they be thinking by making so much noise. Surely they know they're drawing 
attention themselves- unless they have a reason! Hinata focused on outside of the city!" 
Tenten commanded as realized the enemy's tactics.

"Ok!" Hinata focused her Byakugan on the area outside of the village. No more than 18 meters 
away an army of shambling soldiers approached, all bearing only the slightest signs of 
chakra and that chakra unique and unfamiliar to the Hyuga. "There's too many to count, but 
there's a large number of bodies 18 meters away and enclosing at a slow pace! There's 
something different about them... their chakra signatures are so faint, yet I feel like I'm 
suffocating from just looking at them at the same time!" Hinata announced, beads of sweating 
gathering on her brow.

"To be so close so quickly, they must have sent somebody ahead to take out the guards and 
open the gate for the body of their forces!" Tenten said, diagnosing the situation.

"Hyuga-san, how many would you estimate them there are?" Tachi asked, her curiosity nagging 
at her.

"Er, four hundred, five hundred maybe more..." Hinata said.

Tachi's face grew pale at the thought of such a large army. So many victims... There's no 
doubt about it; somebody has carefully planned this whole thing out. But why now- unless 
they want to take the capital! "Nekomi! Go inform the Daimyo about this at once and request 
that she deploys her most skilled warriors she has at hand at once!"

"Don't be stupid, if this Kyozame Kuroki is capable of what you say she is, then her 
soldiers won't fall easily in battle! If we have any hope of winning, we must fight fire 
with fire!" Itamu said, receiving approving nods from Maiso and Shiryu.

"You're suggesting murder innocent people?" Tachi returned, fear visible in her eyes.

"No! We simply offer to make them our perfect soldiers, they need not be forced into the 
procedure. The Hitsugi clan would have no pride if we converted non-consenting soldiers for 
the sake to further our own goals! Would you rather them die at the enemy's hands and 
possibly be converted the instant afterwards?"

"I'll hold you to your word!" Tachi said. "Tenten-san, Hyuga-san, you two should stay behind 
and find the enemy whose already infiltrated city."

"What about you?" Hinata asked.

"I'll make sure that Kyozame will never harm another person!" As Tachi spoke she removed the 
Odachi from her back and unsheathed it.

"We'll request for an evacuation while we prepare the soldiers," Itamu said, the three 
Hitsugi leaped from object to object, safely descending to the ground and running towards 
the castle.

"We better get going," Tenten said.

"Right," Hinata agreed as they descended to the ground in the same manner and headed towards 
the nearest guard tower.

"Kenko... the time for your revenge has come!" Tachi said, clutching the sword tightly.

"You can't do it alone," Nekomi said, standing beside Tachi. "I've sent Tsukihime with the 
Hitsugis. Even if you don't want my help, master, I promised to serve you to the very end!"

"You're right..." Tachi said after a long sigh. "However, I will be the one to take 
Kyozame's head!"

"Don't worry master, I think I smell some dogs we need to take care of first!" Nekomi said, 
her nose wrinkling with disgust as the breeze carried the enemy's sent towards them. Drawing 
a scroll from her robes she unrolled it and bit into her thumb hard enough to draw blood.

"I always said Panda was more useful alive than dead," the miko in red said as her two 
comrades lead the army of dead.

"She is for the time being at least!" the woman in white said with a maniacal grin.

Mimi shuddered. These people, no monsters, could talk of killing so easily as though it were 
breathing to them; how could she had ever wound up with them.

They lead their undead army towards the city with a leisurely, but ominous pace; death 
slowly creeping towards the city.

In the opened gates of the city two shadowy silhouettes could be seen, standing in manner 
suggesting they were ready to fight.

"Looks like they're faster than we thought," the woman in white said, grinning toothily.

"I guess it couldn't be helped. You may take care of these two," the miko in red said to the 
woman in white.

"So the killing begins," Mimi said with a heavy heart.

"Kuroki, Mimi, take care of those two and if you can draw them away from the gate. I want to 
take this city as quickly as possible," the miko in crimson said, pointing to the two 

"Impatient as ever!" Kuroki, the woman in white, said with a grin.

"As you wish," Mimi replied. "Let's tear them apart Shiroko!"

The skeletal dog barked in agreement.

The two women and undead dog charged the silhouettes.

The warriors standing ready at the castle's was surprised to see the Hitsugi trio with a 
small black cat running towards them. "Halt! What's your purpose!"

"The city is going to be attacked! The guards have been taken out! We request an emergency 
audience with the daimyo at once!" Itamu said, continuing to run.

The guards looked to each other, the sounding of the gates opening had echoed through the 
entire city even to the castle that resided in the far back of the city. "Wait here-" they 
began, but Itamu cut them off.

"There's no time! Gather your strongest warriors at once, we'll be needing their help in the 
cities defenses!" Itamu said as she and the others ran past the guards.

The guards followed the women with their eyes until they had disappeared. A few seconds 
later, the guards realized they better do something or else receive rebuking by Sizume. One 
of them tried to catch up with the kunoichi while the other did as Itamu commanded.

Barahime tried her best to repress her yawning and look as focused and alert as she could, 
despite quite tired the type to wake slowly. She had the vaguest idea of what was going on, 
but she knew that the Hitsugi kunoichi and black cat sat before her in the throne room, 
briefing her about what they know and what they want to do. The vaguest notion she could get 
was that the city was under attack and that the Hitsugis want to "convert" her soldiers, 
though her sleep clouded mind could make no sense of either concept.

"I see," Sizume said, serving as temporary substitute until the Yurijo'o could wake up 
fully. "Though I don't like what you're suggesting, I guess in this case it may be 

"We are not saying to force anybody to do anything, we simply are offering our help to 
anybody brave enough 'die'," Itamu said.

"That's perfectly understandable, but the question, is any of you up to the task? Are you 
willing to do anything to protect this country?" Sizume said in a rallying voice.

The gathered soldiers raised their weapons, crying out their answer in a loud, voiceful 

Itamu frowned, she hadn't expect to have to convert this many. "This is going to take a 
while... Meanwhile, you should have the city evacuate as quickly as possible in order to 
reduce the casualties."

"As you wish, how long do you think it will take?" Sizume asked.

"Hopefully not too long," Itamu replied. "Now if everyone will follow me, I will begin the 
procedure with the strongest of you first. Once I finished with you, go to the gate at 
once!" Itamu said as she and the others walked towards the closest vacant room.

Tenten and Hinata didn't make it to the guard tower before they enemy began its attack. 
Shoots of bamboo cut diagonally to make piercing flesh more easy shot up from the ground, 
forcing the kunoichi to dodge.

"Wow, you're pretty good to escape my Take Yari Wana," said a girl standing atop a balcony 
attached to the guard tower. She wore a white flak jacket over a black shirt and pants, a 
kusa forehead protector attached to a panda hat. Her was painted white with the skin around 
her eyes, on her hands and feet painted black. "I'm Shinai Takenoko from Kusagakure 
(formerly) though everyone calls me 'Panda'! Nice to meet you, my victims!" Smiling, she 
drew a bamboo blow gun. With a deep breath, she blew into the blow gun and fired multiple 
small projectiles at the kunoichi.

The kunoichi dodge the attack with nimble ease. "It'll take more than that to defeat us!" 
Tenten said, drawing forth her scrolls and unrolling it. A wave of kunai were summoned and 
sent flying at Panda.

"Who said those were meant to hit you?" Panda asked, jumping to the ground and evading the 
kunai at the same time. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she formed an unique hand 
seal wear her fingers are interweaved and thumbs tucked in except for her forefingers and 
pinkies which were hold straight out. "Taketon: Take Ori (Bamboo Release: Bamboo Cage)!"

Bamboo shoots sprouted from the ground and enclosed around the kunoichi, bending and 
interweaving to create a cage around them.

"Like my Taketon? I created it all by myself!" Panda said proudly.

"If you think this can will stop us you're wrong!" Tenten said, drawing a kunai and slashing 
at the bamboo. To her surprise the kunai's blade met resistance. In fact that bamboo wasn't 
even cut the slightest. What the hell?

"Don't take my Taketon lightly! It's indestructible!" Panda said, grinning. She brought her 
hands together again. "Taketon: Take Yari Wana (Bamboo Release: Bamboo Spear Trap)!"

With nowhere to escape, the kunoichi was trapped as the piercing bamboo sprouted from the 

Seeing the enemy charging them, Tachi threw a smoke pellet onto the ground, causing a smoke 
screen to fill the entire area.

"I don't know if they're wise or dumb! I don't need to see my victims to kill them!" Kuroki 
cried, laughing madly as she rushed into the smoke.

Mimi on the other hand stopped, halting her ninken in the process. Though my heightened 
sense of smell can lead the enemy out of the smoke, I rather not smell that putrid woman. 
Besides, they initially have the upper hand with being able to maneuver themselves in a 
position to which they can ambush us... We mustn't rush into a trap!

"The smoke screen was to allow Master to gain cover for her Kageto Ryu attacks, I however, 
have no need for such stealth since I can just as easily slip behind you," said Nekomi 
behind the Inuzuka, her nekode at the kunoichi's throat.

"I thought I smelt a cat," Mimi growled "Shiroko!"

The skeletal dog leaped, but not to aid its master. Instead it evaded being pounced on by a 
large black wild cat that had been using the darkness of night to conceal itself.

"I wouldn't really on that thing! Kurotora is more than a match for it!" Nekomi said 

"Don't underestimate the might of the Inuzuka clan!" Mimi said. Whistling, several small
whirling forms exploded from the ground forcing Nekomi and Kurotora to jump back. They 
touched down on the ground and revealed themselves to be six skeletal puppies.

"There's more of those abominations!" Nekomi cried in shock and disgust.

Mimi didn't seem triumphant at taking the enemy by surprise. In fact their sight tore at 
her. "Do they appearance disgust you so much?" Mimi said, a cold anger beginning to burn in 
her single visible eye. "Would you rather look at rotting flesh and maggots!"

"I rather not look upon dogs at all! Those dumb beasts have caused me a lot suffering when I 
was little!" Nekomi said, snarling.

"YOU MONSTER!!! SHE WAS PREGNANT!!!" Mimi screamed at the man who she had pinned to a tree.

"I guess I lucked out! There's less of those dumb beasts to hunt me down!" the man said, 
grinning wickedly. Despite the Konoha forehead protector he wore it was clear that he was no 
longer a member of the village.

An uncontrollable rage filled Mimi as she remembered the man who had poisoned Shiroko. "I'LL 
NEVER FORGIVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!" She screamed. Her chakra exploded in a burst of rage, 
causing even Nekomi and Kurotora to feel it and flinch. Mimi dropped down onto her hand 
feet. "Shikyaku no Jutsu!" Her canines grew into fangs and her nails grew into claws as the 
rage within her eye grew even wild.

Shiroko and her undead puppies jumped onto Mimi's back, barking. "(Tayo Jujin Bunshin - 
Multiple Beast Human Doppelganger)!" Each of the skeletal ninken became a copy of Mimi, each 
increasing the sense of wildness about them.

"Wow... that's a lot of them... I think we're a little outnumbered..." Nekomi said 

Kuroki didn't seem at all blinded in the smoke screen. Maybe it was because she was able to 
see without having any actual eyes or maybe she couldn't actual for say "see" in the same 
sense that a normal human can, but nonetheless she was not hampered at all in the 
smokescreen. Laughing uncontrollable to herself, she poke and prodded through the smoke in 
search for the opponent that was hiding. "Marco!" she yelled playfully, even though she 
doubt that the enemy would reply.

Suddenly the woman's arm fly away from her body, severed by a quick, sharp slash of a 
Japanese blade. The smoke began to recede, but the attacker moved with it, not revealing 
herself. Somewhere around Kuroki the sound of a blade shifting in its hilt could be heard, 
but the sound was distorted and direction couldn't be determined.

"This style, I think I remember killing somebody who used it so many years ago; I believe 
she addressed herself as a Kagetora Kenko, heiress of the Kageto Ryu. My memory haw faded so 
I can't remember if I killed or not- wait I remember now! I killed her with her own sword! 
If I'm not mistaken the same sword that just took my arm!" Kuroki threw head back in a 
sickening laugh.

"Do you think you can taunt me by telling me how you killed my older sister?" Tachi voice 
said from a location unknown, as the sound of the sword, distorted and impossible to track. 
"I am the heir and sole survivor of my own clan, whom you destroyed with my sister's body! I 
swore avenge her death and make sure no one else had to suffer from your actions! I will not 
be provoked by a monster like you!"

"A monster? No matter how many times I'm called that, it always surprises me? I always 
wander why they call me a monster-" Slowly Kuroki's severed arm began to crawl towards her, 
climbing up her leg and reattaching itself to her body. "-it's not like I'm any different 
from the rest of you... or am I?"

A large, armadillo like metal shell enclosed the area where the kunoichi were once standing, 
several shafts of bamboo having pierced into despite its hardness. Inside the kunoichi 
evaded the attack by mere inches, causing them to hold their breaths in fear that the 
slightest breath will somehow cause their doom. Not only are the impossibly hard, but also 
capable of piercing steel? This bamboo are by no means normal. "Hinata, is there anything 
special about the bamboo?"

"Yes, I sense a strong chakra flow in it!" Hinata said.

So that's it! She'd must be altering the nature of the bamboo through her own chakra. The 
Earth nature is responsible for its hardness and the Wind nature could explain how this is 
possible. We're doom unless we find a means to stop these- Of course! An idea came to the 
kunoichi. "Hinata! I have a plan!"

"I wander if I killed them?" Panda said, looking at the spherical shell with curiosity. 
"Technically, since that thing is a summoned object, then it should be been disappeared if 
the summoner left, in other words, the summoner's still alive, but probably badly wounded... 
Oh the suspense is killing me!"

Suddenly the shell opened up, severed shoots of bamboo falling to the ground in a massive 
heap. The two kunoichi stood unharmed.

"Impossible!" Panda said. "My Taketon is indestructible!"

"Indestructible, maybe if you weren't facing a Hyuga!" Tenten said, pointing a dao she now 
held at Panda. "But now we know the secret of your Taketon!"

"If that's true, I can't let you live!" Panda roared, taking a deep breath and firing 
another round of projectiles.

"Hinata!" Tenten exclaimed.

"Right!" Hinata answered. "Shugohakke Rokujuyon Sho!" Weaving her hands through the air 
around them, she created a net of chakra around them that cut anything that got close.

Panda was shocked. Damn it! Don't tell me they're not bluffing!

"Seeds?" Hinata said looking at the ground.

"Yes, this is the source of her attacks. She pours her chakra into these seeds while they 
are in her body and fires them at the ground. It's a safe guess anybody normal person would 
try to dodge the attack, allowing her true purpose for the attack go unnoticed. However, if 
she can't plant these seeds, her techniques are useless. With the time I spent saying this 
she could have already launched an attack if it wasn't so!" Tenten said with smile.

"You're so dead!" Panda hissed. To have my invincible Taketon figured out so easily! I'm so 
going to kill her, but I can't take on two opponents simultaneously without it... Well I 
guess I have to summon it. Biting her thumb hard enough to draw blood, performed the 
necessary hand seals and slapped her hand onto the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Following a 
cloud smoke, a giant panda appeared carrying a branch of bamboo to which it was eating off 
of. "Daiko! Watch the blind girl and make sure she doesn't get near me!"

"Blind girl?" Hinata asked, confused.

The giant panda nodded its head looked intently at Hinata.

"As for you odango girl! I going to kick your butt for revealing my secret!" Panda yelled, 
pointing at Tenten.

"Odango girl? What's with these nicknames?" Tenten said, a sweat drop appearing on her head 
to emphasize her embarrassment.

"Well it's your fault for not introducing yourselves when I did! Well, I'm afraid that 
you're dead, because I'm a fierce practitioner of kendo!" Panda said with a smile, 
brandishing a shinai she carried on her back.

"A bamboo blade stands no chance against a real sword!" Tenten said. It's safe to say that 
shinai is made from the same bamboo that uses for her techniques. Because of her earth and 
wind natures, she'll have the upper hand especially now that she seems to have neutralized 
Hinata. I've got no choice, I must defeat her myself! Tenten ran towards the Kusa kunoichi, 
dao raised in the air.

Three Hitsugis worked endlessly, doing the best they could under their time restraints. They 
already had converted between ten and twenty of the soldiers barely even an quarter of the 
soldiers who agreed to undergo it. Will we be able to make it? Itamu wandered, looking at 
the line of soldiers still waiting. Despite the bold faces they wore, she could tell many 
were afraid in their heart or hearts, worried how they'd be treated afterwards. For all she 
knew and cared is that they would be just Shiryu, discriminated against by their own loved 
ones and yet they are willing to do whatever it takes to protect their country. She didn't 
know if they all were brave or foolish.

For the moment she allowed herself to get distracted, she noticed a rather interesting 
expression among one of them. A girl that looked no older than fifteen with the air of a 
pureblood warrior merely looked at the Hitsugi. Her expression wasn't that of distrust or 
fear despite knowing what she was or what she was going to do to her. What the gloomy saw 
was interest, a romantic interest at that. When the girl realized that Itamu was looking at 
her, she blushed and looked as though she was a guard that saw her commander coming while 
she was slacking off.

"My, my, it's not like you to space out onesan! Is there something bothering you?" Maiso 
asked playfully.

"It's nothing!" Itamu said, her face turning bright red and she returned her attention to 
her work.

As each Hitsugi finished converting a soldier, three more came down, with the order going 
from Shiryu to Maiso, then Itamu. By luck, though Itamu doubted on it being down luck, the 
same soldier who was staring at her stood before her. "Um, may I ask something?" The girl 
said, trying her best to look the Hitsugi in the eye.

"If there is any doubt about taking this treatment then leave. You'll most likely regret 
otherwise," Itamu said.

"It's not that, I just wanted to know if somebody you were in love with were to be -er, 
converted, would you still love her- I mean if you were into girls that is!" The girl said 

All three Hitsugi stopped in their work and stared at the girl.

"Don't be foolish!" Itamu said. "They say love is blind so that state of existence one is 
should matter in concerns of love! You truly love somebody, you'll love them no matter what 
they've become!"

The girl smiled and said, "Thank you. I know I will not regret anything, as long as it you 
who do it."

Itamu was speechless. Her heart began to beat rapidly.

"Itamu-neesan has a girlfriend!" Masio teased, invoking a sharp glare from the embarrassed 

"It seems the women of this world is more open minded than back home," Shiryu said, 
returning to her work.

"Shiryu-san..." Itamu said, looking sadly at her cousin.

"We better get back to work. We'll need to convert as many as possible before the enemy 
arrives! Just hope that the city can be evacuated in time," Shiryu said, picking up a 
scalpel and cutting into the soldier before her, ignoring the soldier's sharp gasp.

"Right," Itamu said. For some reason, despite being conscious of their time restraints, she 
had a nagging inspiration to make the girl whose has given her heart into her best 
masterpieces to this day. It was the least she could do.

A moonlit silhouette sprinted through the endless fields of lilies that made up Yuri no Kuni 
at top speed. It could not afford to stop for any reason nor could anything stop it. It had 
not, one goal: the capital which was not only within sight, but within a few minutes at its 
current speed.

Onwards to Part 9

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