Two Connected Hearts: One Ful of Love, the Other of Revenge (part 2 of 2)

a Naruto fanfiction by Mizuki_San16

Back to Part 1
 When they got to Kurenai's, she led Anko into the living room and told 
her to make herself comfortable. Anko sat down on the end of the couch 
and Kurenai sat down beside her.

 "What's wrong?" Asked Kurenai, turning to her friend.

 "How can you sit there and ask me what's wrong!"  An agitated Anko 

 "I'm not talking about the Hokage or about Orochimaru, Anko"

 Kurenai said lovingly placed her hand on Anko's. "Something else is 
wrong. I'm supposed to be your friend, Anko. You can talk to me." 
Kurenai said with a smile.

 "'s nothing." Anko said with a slight blush.

 Kurenai, being very perceptive  caught Anko's blush .

 "Could it have something to do with a love interest ?"  Kurenai asked 

 "Well, may...maybe but..." Anko started, blushing once more.

 "Could it be a certain shinobi known as 'the copy ninja'?" Kurenai 
asked smiling devilishly.

 Anko's head shot up. "K...Kakashi? No!"

 "No? Then who?" Asked a rather surprised Kurenai.

 "I... can't tell." Anko lowered her eyes once more to the floor.

 "Why can't you tell?" Kurenai asked concerned.

 "Well for one, if I did, then you would hate me for it."

 "That's not true. I couldn't hate you for falling in love!" Kurenai 

 "Besides, this person would never think of me as a romantic possibility 
anyway." Anko paused again, tears coming to her eyes. "Have you ever had 
to feel the pain of watching them day after day, wishing that they knew 
how you felt? Afraid that if you told them it would ruin everything you 
ever had with that person?" Anko stopped. Her already shaky voice giving 
out at the end tears now making there way down her cheeks.

 Kurenai scooted over on the couch and wrapped her arms tightly around 
Anko's shoulders. Holding her as tight as she could, while Anko cried 
into her chest.

 "But I have Anko" Kurenai whispered into Anko's ear. "I know how much 
it hurts. I also have someone close to my heart that I'm afraid to tell 
how I feel." Kurenai said "Do you want to know who it is, Anko?" she 

 Anko nodded her head into Kurenai's breasts, still crying slightly.

 "Okay, I'll tell you then. First, let me explain to you why I feel this 
way about this person." Kurenai started "I've always admired her... yes 
her, since the first day we met. She's funny, smart, strong and 
beautiful." Kurenai said staring at the top of Anko's head. "She's the 
most wonderful person you'll ever meet. She fills my heart with such joy 
when she smiles at me. She means everything to me."

 A tear fell from her Kurenai's cheek, landing on Anko's head. Anko 
looked up to see tears trickling down Kurenai's cheek and more gathering 
at the corners of her closed eyes.

 "Kurenai..." Anko started heartbroken.

 "I would give anything for her,even my life. I still haven't told you 
who it is yet, have I?" She grabbed Anko's shoulders and pushed her away 
from her breasts.

 "I always seem to lose myself when I stare into her violet eyes." 
Kurenai said staring into Anko's eye's.

 Kurenai leaned forword, close to Anko's ear and said in a seductive yet 
sorrowful voice, "You are the one I love Anko."

 Anko gasped, but made no attempt to move away.

 "Forgive me, Anko" Kurenai said in a voice clearly full of heartache.

 "Forgive you? For what?"  Anko asked in her own shaky voice.

 "Forgive me... for this." Kurenai whispered before pulling away from 
Anko's ear and pressing her lips tenderly to Anko's.

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