Practice Makes Perfect (part 6 of 16)

a Naruto fanfiction by nighinvisible

Back to Part 5
"WHAT?" Sakura's eyes were saucers, her lower jaw was almost brushing 
the ground.

"Practice makes perfect, baka. We will practice kissing so that the next 
time the opportunity comes for your first kiss, you won't botch it."

Sakura's eyebrows knit in concentration.

"But Ino, that makes no sense. You would be my first kiss."

"Technically, maybe. But I don't think it counts. We are both girls. 
Friends. It isn't the same thing."

"I don't know, let me think about it."

Ino sighed and put her hands on her hips. Why does she have to be so 
stubborn all the time? When Sakura didn't answer for some time, Ino 
threw her hands up in frustration and turned to leave. She was done 
putting effort into the situation. But as she walked out—


They locked gazes. Even though it was Ino's idea, she realized she never 
thought Sakura would actually agree to it. Ino had thought that the 
proposition would show Sakura how ridiculous she was being and spur the 
pink haired girl to go kiss Shika. Ino knew that she couldn't go back on 
it but...

Green eyes stared at her, waiting for her to begin, full of curiosity. 
Ino wasn't sure she could go through with it. This was Sakura...her 
former rival. Her best friend. And her best friend needed her help (help 
she just offered freely). What she had said was true, right? They were 
both girls, and friends. It wasn't a big deal. In fact, Ino was almost 
sure she remembered this being a kunoichi training exercise, anyway.

So why does this feel so strange?

But then she found herself sitting next to Sakura, their thighs 
touching. The pink haired girl was looking at her with complete trust, 
innocently ready to do whatever Ino told her. Her cheeks were pink from 
the warmth in the room and, Ino sensed, a bit of apprehension. Closing 
her eyes for a second, Ino tapped into her intuition, reaching out, 
trying to feel what Sakura might be feeling.


She really is ok with this. So why am I so nervous? Ino realized her 
palms were sweating. Taking a deep breath, she wiped them on the 
bedspread and moved so she was facing Sakura.

"O-ok. So, when you first kiss someone, if you have control over the 
situation, it is good to sort of build it up."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you could...tug on the front of his shirt a little, like this—" 
Ino reached up and grabbed at the fabric in front of Sakura's 
collarbone, pulling the girl to her. Sakura giggled. "Or you could 
lightly rest your fingers on his waist, like this—" She released the 
shirt and floated her fingers to Sakura's waist. "That lets him know you 
are interested."

"Ok, got it. What next?"

"Hm. Most boys will be taller than you, so—" Ino shifted so that she was 
on her knees, putting her a little above Sakura. "He will probably touch 
your face like this—" Ino cupped Sakura's cheek, looking deep into 
trusting green orbs.

"Yeah! Shikamaru did this to me!"

Ino's hand dropped. "Really? He never did anything nice like this to 

Sakura had the decency to blush.

"Well, he only did it for a second. Then I ruined the moment. What 
happens after that?"

Ino refocused. "He will lean in, like this—" Ino brought her face in 
close. Her lips were tilted towards Sakura's. Her eyelashes lowered, her 
blue eyes hazily meeting Sakura's wide open green ones. "If you can, 
prolong this moment for a second. It's nice...when you are this 
close...And then let him come in, slowly—" Ino brought them closer, 
their lips so close, almost touching. She could feel Sakura's breath on 
her lips, nervous and moist. It felt weird to be in the boy's position. 
To be in control. But Ino found something within herself enjoying it, 
relishing the other girl's submission and anxiety. Ino liked knowing 
Sakura was anxious for her. "And kiss."

Their mouths pressed together, so lightly that Sakura wasn't sure it was 
even happening. But then a brush became a full-blown kiss. Ino crushed 
her friend's lips under her. She kissed Sakura the way she would want to 
be kissed...the way she wanted Chouji to kiss her.

Sakura pulled away. Her cheeks were flushed and her messed up from where 
Ino's hand had been buried in it. Her eyes were filled with...wonder.

Bringing herself back to reality a bit, Ino waited. When Sakura didn't 
say anything, Ino finally broke the silence.

"Ok, so what do you think? It isn't such a big deal, right?"

But Sakura shook her head. "It is a big deal. It is...amazing. Why 
didn't I do this sooner?"

The blond girl laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "I don't know! 
And don't get weird or anything, ok? I'm just trying to help you out."

"Arigato. I feel much more prepared now."

The two girls sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence, not sure what 
they should do next.

"So now that you have felt a kiss, do you have any...I don't know. 

Sakura thought a little, and then flushed a deep, deep red.

"What, Sakura?"


"Just tell me, baka, you are as red as your shirt." When Sakura realized 
Ino was telling the truth, she brought her hands to her cheeks, trying 
to hide her embarrassment.

"I...I w-w-was wondering...what is it like when boys 

Again, Ino laughed. "It feels like tongue, Sakura, what did you expect? 
It is strange at first, almost kind of slimy. But once you get over the 
taste and texture, it become pretty nice."

"Will you try it with me?"

Ino hadn't planned on this, but hell, they had already kissed once. What 
was another time?

"Sure. But this time, pretend I am Shikamaru and try and kiss me. 
Sometimes you have to make the first move because certain boys are too 
lazy to know what they should do."

Sakura moved to put her hand on Ino's face, but the blond stopped her.

"You can do that, but I think that as a girl, it is a little sexier to 
just lightly rest your hand on their chest as you lean in."

Sakura's hand dropped down. But then she pulled it back quickly, 
realization hitting her.

"Ino, your chest it...uh...a girl's chest. I can't lay my hand there."

Ino realized that Sakura was right—friends don't cop feels, right?

"Put it on my shoulder then, and just remember that when you are with 

Sakura did not want to point out that her chances with Shikamaru were 
pretty much over. She was going to have to find a new boy to put this 
practice to use with. But for the time being, she moved her hand to 
Ino's shoulder. As it lay there, Sakura could feel the delicate bones of 
Ino's shoulder under much stronger muscle. Ino was built thin and 
feminine, but as Sakura's hand caressed the shoulder, her medic hands 
picked up Ino's strong muscle fibers and chakra flow.

Wow...she is strong.

She tugged on that strong shoulder, bringing Ino into her. Raising her 
mouth, she moved in. Too quickly. With her monster strength, Sakura's 
eagerness turned her 'gentle tug' into a pull, and the two girls' mouths 
collided, teeth clashing and lips smashing.

"OW! Goddamnit it, Sakura!" Blood trickled from Ino's mouth were her lip 
had been cut.

"Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry!" In an instant, Sakura's finger was tracing 
Ino's lip, chakra pooling out to heal the cut and soothe the bruised 
feelings. Despite her ire, Ino laughed.

"Forehead, you have to—"

"Remember my strength." Sakura finished the sentence, giggling a little.

"One day, Sakura, you are going to kill someone on accident!"

Instead of getting serious, the pink haired medic laughed. "You seem to 
be the only one who gets abused Ino, and I am sure you can take care of 

The girls giggled for a little while until Sakura spoke. "May I try it 
again, Ino? I'll be careful, I promise."

"You had better! It is good we are practicing! You would have headbutted 
some poor boy into a coma!"

Trying to stifle their giggles, Sakura pulled Ino in again, this time 
with much more control. But instead of hesitating before the kiss, she 
planted one on her blond friend. It was fast and intense, but when Ino 
did not break away to stop her and lecture, Sakura realized that she 
must be doing something right. Their lips moved on each other's and 
eventually, Sakura felt something wet on her lips, probing. The tip of 
Ino's tongue traced Sakura's bottom lip, teasing, trying to gain access. 
Ino's hand was in Sakura's hair again, urging the girl closer, picking 
up the pace of the kiss. Sakura took the cue and opened her mouth 

Their tongues met. Just like Ino had warned, it was strange at first. 
The texture felt odd and new, but Sakura found she rather liked it. She 
opened her mouth further and let Ino's tongue slip in. It explored her 
mouth gently, running lightly against her teeth, the roof of her mouth. 
Ino never kept it in for too long, but darted it in and out, sometimes 
kissing her closed-mouthed, then plunging in again.

Sakura was swept away in the kiss. She felt as if the tongue was 
possessing her, was controlling her. She loved being under its spell.

Finally Ino broke off the kiss. Sakura was amused to see that the blond 
girl was blushing as well, and breathing a little quicker than normal.

" Did it?"

Sakura smiled. "Yeah. A lot." Ino smiled with her, nodding in agreement. 
"Thank you, Ino. You really have been a good friend to me today. I never 
would have thought that this would help, but it has. Hell, I never would 
have even thought of this!"

Ino giggled. "Of course, Sakura. I'll do whatever I can to help you out, 
you know that! Though this is the first time I've done that for a 
friend." Ino's face scrunched up. "Now I'm kind of sorry we did it!"

"Why's that?"

"I realized how much practice Chouji needs, and he won't be home for 

The two girls collapsed in a fit of laughter, feeling much closer after 
thirty minutes than they had in months.

Onwards to Part 7

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