Practice Makes Perfect (part 7 of 16)

a Naruto fanfiction by nighinvisible

Back to Part 6
Ino and Shikamaru were sparring, though to any passers-by it would have 
looked as if Ino was trying to murder Shikamaru. In a way, she might 
have been—he was really pissing her off.

"Just give her—" Ino's foot swung out, trying kick the other ninja, but 
Shika had already dodged it and was in the process of countering 
"—another chance!"

He grabbed her fist and used it to push her away, trying to get her into 
his shadow.

"No. You know me. Sakura is too unsure and I don't feel like putting in 
the effort. It is too troublesome."

Ino jumped as soon as her feet hit the ground, putting her in an open 
space—and far away from Shika's shadow. She smirked at him, and prepared 
to launch a new attack. Raising her hands to form seals, she laughed—he 
was caught and couldn't escape—but the tlaugh caught in her throat as 
her hands froze. He had her, somehow, because when she looked at him she 
realized they were in the exact same position.

"Ok, WHERE IS IT?" Ino was furious—she had really thought she had won 
the round.

Shikamaru gave his trademark smirk. "Heh. Look carefully."

Her blue eyes scanned the area around him—his shadow bind did not allow 
her to turn her head—and finally saw it, the faintest hint of a shadow 
stretching out behind him, swinging into the forest. She could only 
assume he had anticipated where she would jump and, waiting until she 
thought it was clear and landed, snaked the shadow out behind her and 
caught her while she was gloating. She looked again at his smirking face 
and got so angry.

"OK. You WON. Now let me out."

But as she watched his arms drop to his sides, his hands shoved into 
pockets, she felt her own arms being forced to do the same.

"Not just yet, Ino. Let's talk." He sat down in the grass, which of 
course meant she sat in the grass as well. Ino could feel her rage 

"Why should I give Sakura a second chance?"

Ino paused, thinking through her reply. It was hard to concentrate 
because all she was really envisioning was clobbering Shikamaru.

"Shika, you must remember what it was like to want that first kiss, and 
know that it was a big deal, and want it so much that you build it up 
until it is something bigger and better than anything in real life could 
ever be...Sakura has done that, only to such an extreme that I think her 
ideals of a first kiss and her first time making love are something that 
she can't give up anymore...she just needs time. And patience."

A heavy sigh was Shikamaru's response. He propped his elbow in his knee, 
resting his chin on his hand. It was slightly comical to see Ino move 
into the same pensive position.

"Ino, I would love nothing more than to give Sakura a third chance. And 
a fourth. And a fifth. You know that. But I think you forget that, for 
all of my apathy, I do still have personal feelings. I can't give up the 
feeling that she is still longing for Sasuke, and I know I cannot 
compete with him. I...I don't want to get hurt."

Ino remembered this side of Shikamaru from when they had dated. It was 
true—he had gotten so good at putting up his careless-attitude front 
that it was easy to forget that even he had feelings—and a strong 
aversion to pain. Particularly of the heart-broken type.

"Shika...I can't promise you that Sakura won't hurt your feelings. After 
all, you are just in the beginning stages of getting to know one another 
romantically. But I can say this...she is just as scared of being 
intimate as you are of being hurt, and if neither of you are willing to 
take the risk, then you both will be doing this forever with everyone 
you date."

Shika hated when Ino was deep and able to pinpoint exactly what was 
scaring him. Her intuition was scary—she always knew what everyone was 
thinking and feeling. He looked up—the sky was a beautiful blue and full 
of fluffy clouds—he favorite kind of day. Laying back, he folded his 
arms behind his head and looked at the clouds, thinking over what Ino 
had said.

"Um....Shikamaru? Will you let me out of your jutsu now?"

He had actually forgotten Ino was still there, though now that she had 
spoken he could feel the tugs on his chakra. He had been practicing for 
years and now knew how to conserve his chakra and drag out the shadow 
bind technique. Ino had never been a fan of sitting around, lazily 
looking at the beautiful world they lived in. Shika decided that now was 
a good time for her to learn.

"Shikamaru, I don't know what you are thinking, but I strongly suggest 
you release me. You know what I am capable of when I am angry and you 
had better believe that if I get much angrier, mister, you had better be 
ready to run, 'cause I'm going to pfhisebrf fnsieohfa dhoiewnf."

Ino couldn't speak because Shikamaru had covered his mouth with his 
hand, which forced her hand to cover her mouth, stifling her wrathful 

- - - - - -

The knock came at the door. It felt like deja-vu for Sakura. She stood, 
again dressed in clothes borrowed from Ino, again nervous, again unsure 
if this was a good idea. The difference though, was that now she knew 
who was knocking and she knew that more was at stake. She absolutely 
could not blow it because it was her last chance. She found that the 
upped stakes fueled a bit of her competitive side. Knowing it was her 
final chance, she was geared up to not fail a third time.

Smoothing the front of her dress, she opened the door.

Apparently Shikamaru was not taking chances, either. He had cleaned up 
for her, putting on an actual suit (though nothing too formal, after 
all, it was Konoha's most notoriously lazy shinobi), combing his hair 
out and wearing it down, and clean shaven. With his hair down, he looked 
more serious, and older, Sakura realized. And beautiful. It gave him a 
feminine edge, with black hair tumbling over his shoulders in slight 
waves. He had obviously put a lot of effort into it, for it was usually 
in a wild, spiky and unkempt ponytail.

They took a moment, each appreciating how the other looked. And then 
there was a moment, the briefest second, where the lights from the 
street hit Shikamaru just right, and to Sakura, his eyes flashed green. 
Green like her best friend's eyes. It reminded her of that afternoon, of 
the practice, and something inside of her stirred. She could hear Ino 
speaking to her. The thought of Ino, the presence of the girl in 
Sakura's mind, gave Sakura courage.

"Shikamaru...I know that we've had a couple of rough starts, but—"

"Please, Sakura. It is ok. It is in the past. We are starting over now, 
so there isn't a need to talk about it."

Sakura blushed prettily. "That wasn't what I was going to say, Shika, 
but thank you." She stepped toward him, getting close, until she was a 
fraction of an inch away from his body, barely not touching him. She 
raised her eyes up, looking in his face. He raised an eyebrow in 

"I was going to say, we've had a couple of rough starts, so I think that 
we should start this date...differently from the others."

Sakura raised her hands, resting one on Shikamaru's chest as Ino had 
told her, the other one grazing his neck and then grabbing his collar, 
tugging it a little. Her heart was beating as quickly as a hummingbird's 
wings, but it was too late to go back. She had started this and she 
could feel Ino in her, encouraging her. This was it, really, and she was 
in control of the situation. She was ready.

"S-so—" Shikamaru's voice cracked a little, making Sakura smile. She 
could feel his heartbeat underneath the palm of her hand, soothing her a 
bit—he was just as nervous as she was, it seemed. "—w-hat....what should 
we do differently this time?"

Sakura pulled his collar, bringing his lips onto hers, answering his 
question. She felt him inhale sharply at the kiss, because although she 
had made her intentions clear, she was sure that her actually following 
up had surprised him. It took him a moment, but then he was kissing her 
back. He moaned a little and moved his hand into her thick pink hair, 
intensifying the kiss. His other arm reached low around her, pulling her 
up and into him.

As their lips moved and explored with hunger, Sakura couldn't help but 
notice the difference between kissing him and kissing Ino. His lips were 
tougher, in a sense, not soft and pillowy like Ino's. He was fast paced, 
almost devouring her, whereas Ino had been sensual and methodical. 
Sakura realized that she preferred Ino's kiss to Shikamaru's, but she 
knew it was a first kiss, with a lot of tension built up, and that later 
(she hoped) it would get better. With that decision, she melted herself 
a bit, molding her body to Shikamaru's, pressing closer to him. She 
wound his hair into her fingers, feeling the softness of it, luxuriating 
in its silky texture.

Finally Shikamaru broke the kiss, pushing her back a little roughly, his 
hands on her shoulders. He was panting a bit and his eyes looked wild. 
Sakura felt a rush inside of her, knowing that she was the cause of his 
dishevelment, but she still wanted more, wanted to be kissing him again.

She looked pleadingly into his eyes, and he caught it.

"No...not anymore, at least not right now."

"Why not?"

Shikamaru laughed, deep and throaty. His voice was husky still. "Because 
if we continue...I, uh...I will be in no condition to go to dinner." His 
eyes glanced downward, directing her eyes to the large bulge in his 

Sakura gasped and blushed—she had forgotten in the heat of the kiss that 
Shikamaru was a boy, a boy who had not been with a girl in at least a 
couple of weeks since they had started their almost-dating.

"Fair enough." She giggled, watching him try to compose himself. "Just 
let me know when you are ready, and we shall head out to dinner, ok?"

- - - - -

After that night, Shikamaru and Sakura were inseparable in their spare 
time. After training, they could be caught walking through Konoha hand 
in hand. However, they were never out walking about for long. Usually 
they were in Sakura's apartment, making out. The joys of kissing had lit 
something inside of Sakura, something she could not quench. They kissed 
the minute they were inside of her door, pressed against walls. They 
kissed on her couch. They kissed in her kitchen. And before long, they 
kissed in her bedroom.

All the kissing left little time for friends, and although Ino was happy 
for her friend, she really missed her as well. Ino had tried several 
times to catch Sakura leaving Tsunade's but she always was slower than 
Shikamaru. She would see them, happily laughing and strolling, and felt 
like she couldn't interrupt.

During training, Ino began to feel a bit of resentment toward Shikamaru. 
She knew it had been hard for him when she and Chouji had begun dating 
because the chemistry was off again for their team. But eventually they 
had worked through it. But now Chouji was gone, and Shikamaru and Sakura 
had been her friends. Now they were absent from her life, and every time 
she noticed them together, she felt pangs of irritation and anger.

She was not the only one who noticed the new couple. Everyone from their 
graduating class knew about Shikamaru and Sakura. They laughed a lot, 
many joking because in all truthfulness, no one had expected those two 
together. Kiba and Naruto would laugh endlessly, making crude jokes 
until Sakura would let go of Shikamaru long enough to bash the hell out 
of one of the loud-mouthed boys.

Ino hated thinking she was the only one who was becoming bitter over the 
new-found love. But she wasn't.

Cold, black eyes had noticed the new couple, and they filled with 

Onwards to Part 8

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