Practice Makes Perfect (part 8 of 16)

a Naruto fanfiction by nighinvisible

Back to Part 7
A.N: There is a truly lovely song in which Joni Mitchell sings, "All in 
all, it seems to go that you don't know what you got 'till its gone." If 
anyone was wondering where a bit of my inspiration came from, it came 
from that quote...

As well as my love for lesbian sex.

- - - - -

Naruto squinted in the sun, sweat rolling into his eyes. He was 
frustrated, as was his sparring partner, and it made them both push 
themselves hard. Sasuke looked almost as tired as Naruto felt, but they 
both were working hard to not show weakness.

It was difficult to admit, but Naruto was furious, for the first time in 
his life, at a certain pink-haired shinobi. It seemed that Sasuke was 
sharing his anger, and both boys were taking out the rage on each other.

They would have, a bit, on Sakura, but she wasn't there, and that was 
the source of their ire. Sakura had skipped three training sessions in a 
row. Now that they were older and she worked so much with Tsunade, the 
rare times the entire team met together to train had become sacred to 
Naruto. He relished the time with his teammates, his oldest friends and 
his favorite rivals. Sakura knew how he felt about their team practices 
and for her to miss them to spend time "studying" (which everyone in the 
village now knew meant making out with Shikamaru)...was unacceptable to 
him. And judging from the fury that Sasuke was fighting with, he was 
upset for the same reasons, Naruto thought.

Finally, Naruto sat down, even letting Sasuke sucker punch him. Instead 
of complaining or taunting the way he normally would, Sasuke plopped 
down beside Naruto. They both sat without speaking, chests heaving from 
exertion, sweat pouring down their fatigued bodies.

It was Naruto to speak first.

"Three training sessions...THREE!" He punched the ground to make his 

Sasuke just nodded, staring into the distance.

"She knows how much these meeting mean to me, and she missed them!"

Sasuke nodded before speaking, his words coming slowly and carefully. 
"She lied to her teammates. That is unacceptable."

"How did she lie?"

"She told us she was studying."

Naruto blushed. He knew it was true, but he was ever Sakura's defender, 
even when he was angry with her himself.

"Maybe she did studying, right now. I just wish—"

"She is with him."

With their history, Naruto had heard Sasuke be cold. He remembered 
fighting at the waterfall, Sasuke's body warped from Orochimaru's seal, 
hearing Sasuke speak as if Naruto was an insect and now his best friend. 
With that last sentence, the icy emphasis on him, on Shikamaru, Naruto 
realized, slowly, that Sasuke was not angry because Sakura missed 
practice. He was angry for an entirely different reason.

When Naruto didn't reply, Sasuke began to get up. He stopped in his 
tracks when he heard Naruto mumble to himself.

"You could have had her."

Dark eyes, shimmering with an unidentifiable emotion, gazed down at 
Naruto. Sasuke sat back down. Naruto turned red. He had crossed a line, 
an unspoken rule in their friendship where the boys never discussed 

"Sasuke, you chose not to have her."

"I never said I wouldn't have her...I didn't know."

Naruto, who had been love sick for Sakura for years, forced a sad laugh.

"Sasuke, you knew. How could you not know? I spent years hating you for 
your skills, but also for the hold you had on her. No matter what I did, 
I could never get her to look at me the way she looked at you. You knew, 
and you pushed her away."

Sasuke gaped. "I never pushed her away! I was just trying to—"

"Protect her?" Naruto cut him off, and was more than a little upset. 
"You never tried to protect her! Even now you are cold and cruel to her! 
You put her down, mock her!"

Sasuke shut up, looking away. He was an Uchiha and he would not be 
dragged into a heated argument about his feelings.

"Sasuke, has been hard for me, too. Hard for me to be fully 
happy for her. I gave up on her choosing me a long time ago, but I 
realized it was still a soft-spot when I first saw them together. But 
she is our teammate, and our friend, and so we owe her—we should be 
happy for her. And of all people cannot begrudge her another 

Sasuke got up, this time for good. He was annoyed at Naruto, for being 
right, for having matured so much more than him. Three years before, 
Naruto never would have said those words, never would have been able to 
reprimand the Uchiha.

It made Sasuke feel sick.

- - - - - -

"Sakura?" Ino had finally forced herself to confront the two.

"Hi, Ino! How are you?" Sakura asked Ino the question, but she was busy 
gazing at Shikamaru, who was holding her hand.

"I...just got some news from the Hokage. Chouji's mission has been 

That got Sakura's attention. She dropped Shikamaru's hand and rushed 
over to her friend.

"Oh, Ino...I'm so sorry. How much longer?"

Ino's voice sounded a little dead when she replied. "A year. And it has 
been...upgraded. To an A-rank mission."

Ino looked at Shikmaru and saw that fear was in his eyes as well. After 
all, Chouji wasn't just her lover, he was their teammate, and both of 
them felt the terror of knowing what an A-rank mission might mean for 
the sweet young ninja.

Tears began to form in Ino's eyes, and she had to work to be able to 
speak again.

"I need to go tell Chouji's parents now, but I just.. I just needed to 
tell someone."

She started to move away, when Shikamaru stopped her.

"I will tell his parents. Why don't you stay with Sakura tonight? I am 
sure you could use a friend." Sakura nodded her agreement, moving to hug 
her friend.

Ino couldn't speak—if she did, she wouldn't be able to stop the tears 
from coming, so she just nodded.

The two girls left, heading toward the comfort of Sakura's apartment.

- - - - - -

It had been a long night. Both girls were exhausted. Sakura realized 
that Shikamaru had slept in her guest bed and that the sheets were 
dirty. She did not want Ino to have to sleep in a dirty bed.

"Ino, the guest sheets aren't new...why don't you sleep in my bed, with 

"Who has been staying in your guest bed?"

Sakura looked at her friend quizzically. "Shikamaru, of course."

"You make him sleep in the GUEST BED?" And with that, Ino fell on the 
floor laughing.

"What? Why is that funny?"

"S-so....that two haven't done it yet?" It was hard for her 
to speak when she was laughing so hard.

"I'm glad you find this so funny, Ino-pig. Of course we haven't done it! 
We've only been dating for a little while!"

When Ino finally got control of herself, she looked at a very 
embarrassed Sakura.

"Oh, Sakura, I'm sorry. It was just that...with the way you two make out 
all of the time, I assumed you must be banging like bunnies!"

" isn't that we don't want to. Shikamaru really wants to, in is just...well..."

"What? You can tell me, you know you can. After what we did to help you 
get that first kiss, nothing should be a secret!"

This made Sakura even redder. Was it possible for the girl to not get 
embarrassed by everything?

"I was the help you gave me that has kind of set me back."

"How so? I thought you liked it!"

"Exactly. That is the problem." The two girls looked at each other, and 
Ino felt some emotion coming from Sakura she couldn't quite identify. 
"You see, Ino...I really enjoyed it when you kissed me. You knew exactly 
what to do. And while Shikamaru is a good doesn't feel the 
same. Or quite as know?"

Ino could still remember the feel of Sakura's lips crushed against her 
own. She remembered feeling the other girl relax under her, succumb to 
her...the excitement she had felt at doing something that she knew she 
shouldn't have.

"I know what you mean."

"Will kissing a boy ever feel the same way as...kissing you?"

"That I don't know, Sakura, but I...I think you need to understand that 
each and every person is going to kiss differently. You probably enjoyed 
my kiss because as a girl, I knew what you would want to feel. Boys 
don't have that insight. But that doesn't make them worse."

"I know that, I guess I was just hoping...for it to feel a little better 
before Shikamaru and I had sex."

"I don't know what to tell you, Sakura. You'll know when it is right for 
you. Maybe you are holding off because you aren't quite ready? Remember 
when we picked flowers, studying to be a Kunoichi? You are a flower that 
blooms later."

Sakura nodded. She had forgotten that day, when Ino had stood up for 
her, and then had bestowed the gift of friendship to her.

"We can share your bed, I don't mind at all. It will be... comforting to 
be next to someone after having Chouji away for so long."

The two girls crawled under the covers, moonlight spilling in through an 
open window. Ino yawned and lay on her side, facing away from her 

As they lay there, Sakura realized that, with all of the happiness she 
had with Shikamaru, she felt only felt complete when Ino was around. The 
beautiful blonde was her anchor, and she had been away from her too 
long. She realized that they had a friendship few others had, one full 
of trust and honesty

"Ino—are you still awake?"

A muffled sound let Sakura know Ino was, if just barely.

"I've missed you. I'm sorry."

Ino rolled over, facing her friend. She reached out her hand and began 
to stroke Sakura's smooth pink hair.

"I know. I've missed you, too. I was angry at you, for a 
never have time for me anymore."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Everything was so new...but you 
were the one who helped me find my first kiss, and I never should have 
forgotten you."

The two girls snuggled closer, happy with each other's presence.

"Ino...while Chouji is you want to live here? With me?"

Ino stopped stroking her friend's hair. She thought about it. It would 
be nice to not have to go home to an empty apartment...and it would 
guarantee she spent time with her friend.

"What about Shikamaru?"

"We can clean the guest room and you can move in there. Maybe...maybe it 
is time for Shika to stay in here, with me."

That made Ino think. She realized she felt...weird about knowing Shika 
would be sharing Sakura's bed. It must be because he is my 
ex-boyfriend...I can get over that.

"Ok. I'd really like to move in."

With the decision made, the two girls fell asleep.

- - - - -

Something in the night forced Sakura awake. Ino was still asleep at her 
side, curled up next to her. The innocent look on Ino's face made Sakura 
smile. She knew exactly how not innocent Ino really was.

Moving out of bed, Sakura went to her window, which was still open. She 
closed it. It must be the draft that is keeping me awake. But something 
still about her home. Not bad, not menacing, but just out of 

Sakura walked out of her bedroom, closing the door gently so she 
wouldn't wake her friend. She turned to go to the bathroom when a hand 
reached out of the darkness and clamped over her mouth, silencing her.

An all-too-familiar voice whispered in her ear.

"Sakura, we need to talk."

- - - - - -

The mug her coffee was in was hot, and even though it burned her fingers 
as she gripped it, Sakura found it gave her comfort.

"Couldn't this have waited until tomorrow? You scared me. Now I feel 
like I need to lock my doors."

"I came in through your open window, and you should always lock your 

"This is Konoha. No one breaks into houses. Well, except for you. What 
is it that is so urgent it couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

The other person just stared at her, and then looked away. This was, by 
far, the hardest thing he had ever had to do.

"I...I love you, Sakura."

Onwards to Part 9

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