Flowers and Friends (part 2 of 6)

a Naruto fanfiction by Yamiyugikun

Back to Part 1
Sakura’s POV

For cosmos, the flower of harmony, night brings such sweet dreams. Their 
intoxicating scent soaked the air, heavy with impenetrable moisture. 
Dampness blanketed every inch of skin perfuming our clothes and hair.

"Doesn't it smell great here, Sakura?" Ino sat perched on the rim of the 
fountain with her left leg crossed elegantly over the right. Slowly the 
left rose poised in the air. Long and slender, every swell of muscle in 
her leg retained a perfect sense of delicacy, while she planted it down 
upon the cobblestone below. First the tips of toes touched, rolling onto 
the ball of her foot, then its heel with the grace of a dancer. Her 
right leg moved with the same grace as she rose to both feet.

"It's wonderful, I like it," was all I could reply, struck by her 
balletic movement.

No one besides Ino could maneuver with such lightness. With the inward 
flick of a wrist so delicate it could break, she might send a kunai 
towards her foe in a flash of electric silver. Not a drop of blood or a 
death scream from the target. She is silent, deadly and beautiful 
excelling light years beyond all kunoichi, female ninja, in Konoha. She 
is Yamanaka Ino.

"Did I show you my chocolate cosmos?" Ino asked, her gorgeous visage 
bearing down on me like the sun in midday.

I shook my head under her gaze. "No."

"Oh, then come this way," Ino invited, motioning towards the back of the 
garden. "We'll see who can get there faster!"

With her knees slightly bent and arms thrust up, the powerful springs of 
her legs uncoiled propelling her skyward. She straightened out stiff as 
a pole in midair far above my head. At the highest point of her jump, 
she snapped into a forward roll splitting the moonlight in two. For a 
moment, the lunar disc encircled her in a sphere of brilliant silver. 
Its aura became her own, as she sparkled like a dream in the celestial 

When she returned to earth the fleeting dream seemed to end. She 
somersaulted down, alighting with a feathery touch, as if carried on a 
mystic wind. Green grass stirred where she landed in front of the 
cottage, a good thirty feet in that single bound.

I remained breathless, thunderstruck by her acrobatic display of skill.

Ino pirouetted around, stopping halfway to face my direction. "Well, 
what are you waiting for, forehead girl? Hurry up!" Her cry echoed 
through the garden above the splashing fountain and chorusing of 
insomniac crickets.

"A-alright, pig!" In a twinkling, the distance between us closed the 
distance between us closed to one yard. I had burst into a few short 
sprints, invisible to the untrained naked eye.

Her eyes the shade lapis lazuli, went wide with shock. "What speed! 
How'd you do that, Sakura?"

"It's all about chakra control, Ino. The faster you use it, the quicker 
you move," I explained proudly, tapping a foot on the cobblestone. "When 
I trained with Kakashi-sensei, he said I excelled in it. I did my best 
to improve on it, cause I'd never be strong like my teammates."

"You're strong in here." Ino leaned forward poking me in the chest. Then 
she pointed to my forehead, adding, (I’m not very good with grammar, 
but, maybe the ‘a’ in And should be lower cased since there’s a comma 
after adding?)"And you're still just as brainy!"

I countered, teasing her back with a smirk. As my expression changed I 
drew nearer until a foot divided us. At least I appeared to be 

Ino returned a grin of her own and closed in. A sweet aroma lingered 
around her mouth, hitting my nose in a breath of scented steam. Her lips 
the color of red cosmos parted and a whisper escaped teasing, "That's 
what makes you cute, Sakura-chan."

Her hands cupped my cheeks. Her dainty fingers splayed out and their 
phantom tips danced over my trembling lips. They parted slightly, 
betraying an unknown inner acceptance. Cosmos lips brushed against my 
mouth. My tongue darted out tasting their honey wine flavor. Euphoria 
swept my soul and time stood still. I lived in the moment capturing it 
like a butterfly. All too soon, a breeze blew by returning time to its 
normal flow.

"Ino, YOU kissed me!" I gasped, grabbing her by the wrists.

A rosy hue flushed her fair cheeks. "You're cute. That's why."

"B-but!" I shot back with surprise. "We're...we're both girls!"

"So?" The trace of a modest smile played across her lips as if mocking 
me. She shrugged it off and a girlish laugh rang out, clear like the 
peal of bells.

Any hints of modesty vanished as she snaked out my grasp. She walked 
along the cobblestone path that continued to the back of the garden. A 
crisp wind fluttered the hem of her purple dress, tussling through her 
platinum blond hair. She tipped her head up, rendering her profile in 
soft relief against the starry sky. Moonlight showered down in a stream 
of luminous silver, transforming her into an unearthly beauty, a 
celestial gliding through her moonlit garden. Light glinted off the jet 
of water spurting up from the fountain, its every droplet raining down 
in the pool below like a cascade of watery jewels. And it turned the 
lawn into a sea of luminescent grass between ivy walls. Then it fell on 
the bushes and trees. And turned their dewy leaves to shimmering 

The wind that tussled her hair breathed into my ear. "Go and follow 
her," it seemed to say.

Moonbeams peeked in from the awning of the banyan tree, illuminating the 
stony path ahead. I strolled over it to Ino under the canopy. Its heavy 
boughs swept the ground in a low hug embracing the two of us.

"Look, Sakura. Those are my chocolate cosmos. " Ino sank down onto her 
knees in rich, freshly tilled earth.

Dew kissed the cosmos's maroon petals, tinged by purple and brown, the 
hue of dried blood itself. They glistened like the richest velvet, with 
an eye almost black as midnight. Their foliage clump reached three feet 
in height, in a tangled growth of wiry stems that upheld each bloom. 
Each clump was chock full of bobbling blossoms, which caught a pleasant 
night breeze.

A fragrance that mingled with both cocoa and vanilla wafted to my nose, 
and smelled of the finest dark chocolate ever made, teasing my senses 
beyond sweet torture. The very thought made my blood sugar rise in a 

"I love chocolate cosmos," exclaimed Ino, stroking their silky smooth 
petals. Passionate eyes burned with admiration, as thickly lidded lashes 
closed lightly over them. Her nostrils inhaled their delicious scent. 
She said as if enraptured in a dream, "They are beautiful at night when 
no one is around because they smell their best. They're also elegant, 
graceful and strong." She showered the cosmos with an affectionate gaze 
brighter than the sun at noon.

"They are special to you, aren't they, Ino?" I asked quietly, kneeling 
besides her, awed by her depth of reverence.

Ino gave a deep meaningful nod and her voice brimmed with hope. "I see 
them as the ninja I want to be. Not just any ninja, a kunoichi who is 
skilled and stealthy, but most important of all, elegant." The mere 
mention of that word caused a smile to cross her face. "The most elegant 
there is."

Ino's lilting words crept across the nape of my neck, just ahead of her 
gentle hands caressing my naked shoulders. Flesh quivered in ecstasy as 
a sudden wave of rolled over, a minute little swell nonetheless 
enticing. Urging the senses to explore a world unfathomed, in the arms 
of a goddess unknown, a lady wrapped in moonlight.

"This is for you, Sakura. My very best friend," Ino said in gratitude. 
She rose softly to her feet like a bud that sprouted up, reaching 
gracefully toward the night sky. As she stood up the full moon's glow 
encircled her head in a misty shroud of light. Once again, its aura 
became hers, and the stars brightened her countenance. In her palms 
joined together, turned up to face the heavens, she offered me a gift 
precious than diamonds: a chocolate cosmos with a red ribbon tied around 
its stem.

"Ino, it's your most precious flower and my old ribbon!" I cried, 
springing up to my feet.

"I'll put it on you, like we did as kids. Come inside my house." Ino 
guided me to the porch steps with a thoughtful arm around me.

I paused before the steps of the cottage porch. Ino continued up. My 
sight misted over with tears flooding in my eyes. The image of the 
lovely cosmos twiddling in my fingers blurred. She must of thought about 
me every night holding that ribbon in her hands. All those years I 
envied her as being smarter, stylish, and better than me when in 
reality, deep inside she still cared.

"Hey, forehead girl, what's up with you tonight?" Ino muttered in an 
irate tone, with crossed her arms, glaring down from the porch's wide 

I shed a few tears, allowing the darkness to cloak my sad visage. "I've 
been thinking."

"You always do, Sakura." Ino chuckled, half joking, half serious. "So 
come in and we'll discuss it over tea."

I said no more and followed.

Onwards to Part 3

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