Practice Makes Perfect (part 15 of 16)

a Naruto fanfiction by nighinvisible

Back to Part 14
When it was time for team practice and Tsunade showed up instead of 
Chouji and Ino, Shikamaru feared for the worst. After having the 
situation explained for him, he realized that it was the worst. Their 
team was over for good. According to Tsunade, Chouji had come into her 
office and requested to transfer to another village. When she explained 
that such a thing was impossible, he demanded another A-rank mission. 
She gave him an ambassador position instead that could feasibly last 
five years. He never said goodbye to anyone—he was gone. One of the 
conditions he gave to Tsunade was that he was never to be placed in a 
team with Ino again. The Hokage could not agree to that, because one 
never knew the situations that may arise, but she did promise to place 
the three of them on separate teams.

For one of the few times in his life, Shikamaru wept. He sat there, in 
front of the Hokage and cried hard. She left him with his tears and his 
thoughts knowing there was nothing she could say or do that could make 
it better. He would have stayed there forever, it felt, had Ino not come 
and sat by him. She didn't speak for once, but just let him cry. It took 
a while, but finally Shikamaru ran out of tears. It was dusk, by then, 
and only the noises of the forest accompanied the two ex-teammates.

"I don't want to know, Ino, what happened between you and Chouji."



"What do you want to know?" She whispered, as if afraid of what he was 
going to ask.

Shikamaru thought. There were, of course, a hundred things he had 
thought about that he wanted to know. But trying to vocalize anything at 
this point...God, he was so tired. And he had just been an innocent 

"I don't know, do you feel?"

"Tired. Beaten."


"No, I literally feel beaten. Tsunade let one fly at me in her rage."

Shikamaru looked at her. She had a swollen jaw.

"She hit you!?"

"When you fuck up some of her best ninjas with emotional drama, Tsunade 
does not take it lightly. Chouji left."

"I know."

"So did Sasuke. I just found out this morning when I requested to leave. 
She was furious and ranted about all of her ninjas wanting to leave and 
how Sakura and I were irresponsible and that this was completely our 
fault, which of course, it is."

"Oh, Ino, why were you going to leave?"

"Because this is my fault. I've hurt too many people. I can't stand it 
here anymore; I feel like I taint everyone I touch now. I've lost 
Sakura, Chouji...maybe even you." She said it softly, and then moved to 
get up, but Shikamaru wouldn't let her. He reached out quick and pulled 
her in close, wrapping her in an embrace that held so much feeling, so 
many unspoken words that it caught Ino off guard.

"You stupid girl, you could never lose me. You've dumped me, set me up 
in many dangerous situations...even broken one of my best friend's 
hearts. But you are also my friend, and right now I am worried about 
your broken heart."

"Time will help me get over Chouji."

He let go of her harshly, a scowl on his face.

"Damnit, Ino. I am the one who is supposed to be closed off. Talk to me! 
You asked me what I want to know? I want to know about your feelings for 
Sakura! I want to know about that broken heart! I want to know what you 
plan to do about it!"

Her big blue eyes, filled with tears, stared into his—they looked wild, 
like a trapped animal. It scared him to see so much longing in 
one tiny girl.

Her face scrunched up, as if she was trying to keep all of her insides 
form exploding out. In a sense she was, but she failed, the levee broke 
and out exploded her heart.

"I don't know, Shikamaru! I don't know how I am supposed to get over 
losing someone I never even had. I don't know what I am supposed to do 
with this need to see her, to tell her how I feel, but too scared of her 
answer. Hell, she is so angry at me right now that I would be surprised 
if I ever got the chance to speak with her again. My feels 
like it is drawing in, growing smaller with the pain. It squeezes so 
tight, Shika, so tight and—and I feel like I can't breath! And I start 
thinking that maybe I don't deserve to breathe any more. How can I make 
any plans when I feel like I am stealing every new breath I take, every 
minute that I am alive?"

Both of them were a bit dumbfounded and silence wrapped around them, a 
blanket of comfort in the wake of Ino's confession.

"Shika...I'm sorry. I know I should talk about this. To you. To her, 
even. But for all of my intuition, I can't feel out this situation. I 
can't tell how to make it better."

Ino, who had always been a leader, needed someone to tell her what to 

- - - - - -

"DAMN! IT! DAMN! IT! GOD! DAMN! IT!" With each syllable, Tsunade punched 
another hole in her wall. It wasn't until Sakura felt the building 
tremble a little that she got worried.

"Er...Tsunade-sama? You...You are about to bring the whole building down 
on us."

One fist flew through the wall. Her other fist was poised and ready to 
fly, but the Hokage paused and finally took a deep breath.

"Sakura, if you kill someone because of this...this thing going on 
between you and Ino--"

"It is between Sasuke and I—"

The glare Tsunade shot her let Sakura know she needed to shut her mouth, 
and quick.

"Like I said, between you and Ino... I will personally kick your ass out 
of Konoha. Both of your asses if I need to."

An image of Tsunade literally picking Sakura up, kicking her in the 
behind and sending her sailing over Konoha's walls passed through 
Sakura's mind. It would have been funny if she didn't think that was 
exactly what Tsunade had meant. That woman seemed capable of anything.

"I'm not going to kill anyone."

"I have no choice."

"Uh, no choice about what?"

Tsunade took another deep breath. She knew this was big, but she really 
did not have a choice. "Sakura, you are fired."

A moment passed with Sakura's face screwed up in thought.

"I'm sorry, Tsunade. I misheard you."

"No you didn't, you are fired. It isn't just now, Sakura. It has been 
going on since you started dating Sasuke. Your work has not just gone 
down hill—it has become dangerous. You have no chakra control anymore, 
your thoughts are everywhere but are a liability in the state 
you are in."

Red crept up from under the pink-haired girl's collar. Fired!? She had 
never been fired. She had always been the best student, and now she was 
hearing that all of the things she had been the best at were making her 
a "liability."

" in no particular state, Tsunade. I am present and ready to 

"Don't make this embarrassing for yourself, Sakura. I will not repeat 
myself. Until you can prove yourself a reliable med-nin, I don't want 
you here." Tsunade did not wait for an answer. She pointed at the door 
and Sakura left without argument.

Sakura was filled with rage. Ino had caused this, of course. She had 
lost the love of her life, Sasuke. Now she had lost the other love of 
her life—her job. Feeling the anger continue to mount, Sakura began 
running to her ex friend's house. Tsunade wanted her to figure it out? 

It was several minuets before Sakura reached Ino's front door, but the 
run and extra time had not helped her to calm down. Instead, a mantra 
had started in her head, her feet pounding the beat on the 
road—I-no's-fault. Its-all-I-no's-fault. Sa-su-ke.I-no's-fault.

Her fist banged on the door. No one answered. She banged again. "INO! 

Then she remembered that Tsunade had told her earlier about Chouji's 
extended mission. While Sakura felt bad for the boy, she was glad that 
Ino was suffering the loss of her love, too. After all, this was Ino's 

She knocked some more but there was still no answer. Goddamnit, Ino. 
Where are you!? Sakura began running all over town, checking out 
restaurants, ramen shops, weapon shops, even Ino's parents' flower shop. 
But the blond girl was nowhere to be found.

It wasn't until Sakura was trudging to her own apartment in defeat that 
fate guided a sign her way. Well, not so much a sign as a direct signal. 
Shikamaru passed Sakura on the way home. He was so deep in thought that 
he never even noticed her until she grabbed his shoulder.

There was an awkward moment between the two of them. Sakura looked at 
Shika, who was trying not to look her in the eye. He knew something, and 
she knew that because he had always been so bad at bluffing.


"Sakura. I was just counting pebbles on my way home."

"Home from where?"

"Uh...a little practicing and a lot of looking at the clouds."

"With Ino?" Again, he kept avoiding her eyes.

"Uh, no. By myself."

"Bullshit. Where is Ino now?"

Shika looked at her closely. Sakura couldn't help feeling more 
suspicious as she saw him searching her face.

"What do you want Ino for? I thought you were never going to speak to 
her again."

This confirmed that Shikamaru was most definitely hiding something from 
her. Sakura knew she would have to be careful with what she said if she 
was going to get any information about of him.

"I wasn't going to speak to her again, until I realized that she and I 
have a lot of...things...we need to discuss."

Again, his eyes were searching her face.

"What kind of 'things', Sakura?"

"Shika, that is between Ino and me. I know that you were accidentally 
hurt by all of this-- but the things that need to be said don't involve 
any...third parties. It is about the future of our relationship."

Now, Sakura had meant the future ending of their relationship but when 
she saw Shikamaru's face light up, she became confused. His amount of 
enthusiasm over two spatting girls seemed over-the-top. What was he 
keeping from her!?

"She went home, Sakura."

Turning, Sakura murmured a "thank you," but Shika held her back for a 

"Don't hurt her, Sakura."

His statement made her angry, but she held a smile on her face. Don't 
hurt her? She is the one who did more than hurt me—she destroyed 
everything good in my life. I am going to do the same to her, Shikamaru. 
But instead of voicing her thoughts, Sakura winked at the boy and nodded 
as if to say, "Ok!"

And with that, she was off again.

- - - - -

An insistent firm knocking was coming from the door, but Ino refused to 
move from her position on the couch. It had been an exhausting day and 
she couldn't deal with anyone else. It was probably Shikamaru or someone 
else bringing her dinner, but the truth was she hadn't eaten in two days 
and the thought of a meal made her nauseous. She didn't deserve food. If 
she just didn't answer the door, then the person would give up and leave 
her in silence.

But the knocks kept coming. And coming. God, go away! I can't see 
anyone. Just leave me alone! Still the knocks kept coming. And then, 
finally, Ino heard what she thought were the scrapings of someone 
leaving. Until she heard the key in the slot. The bolt clicking back. 
The knob turning slowly.


"You should answer the door when someone is knocking, Ino. It is rude to 
leave them outside."

Ino's blood turned to ice. Sakura was shutting the door behind her, 
locking the bolt back. Whereas before Ino's intuition had failed to 
direct her, at that moment all of her alarms were going off in clear 
warning. This was not going to be good.

That was the last thought Ino was allowed to have. In the next moments, 
Sakura had stormed over to the couch, lifted the blond girl off the 
couch, and punched her in the gut, sending Ino through the living room. 
She hit the kitchen floor and slid. Sakura stormed over, bent over and 
began wailing. Her fists pounded SLAM SLAM SLAM until her knuckles were 
bloody and when she felt the blood trickling down her arm she stopped. 
She couldn't keep going. Where had all her anger gone?

"Fuck, Ino."

Ino had been laying on the floor watching Sakura unleash her fury. On 
either side of her head, fractions of an inch from her skull, were holes 
in her floor covered in blood from where Sakura's knuckles had split on 
the wood. Sakura had missed her on purpose, but seeing the blond just 
watching calmly as fists pounded around her had unnerved Sakura. She 
suddenly couldn't remember why she was even there. She knew it was 
because Ino was at fault. Sasuke had left her because of Ino. Except 
now, looking down at those huge blue eyes, Sakura realized something 
huge, so huge it terrified her. She wasn't...she wasn't sad that Sasuke 
was gone. She wasn't scared of being without him. She was...ok. Without 

Something wet hit Ino's cheek and she realized Sakura was crying. 
Slowly, cautiously, she reached a hand up to wipe away the tears from 
her friend's cheek. But Sakura turned away.

"No. Don't."

Ino pulled her hand down and waited. Sakura stayed where she was, 
hovering over the girl. Her pink hair was falling down, hiding her face, 
and she just leaned, slumping with both of her hands on either side of 
Ino's head.


Ino remained silent.

"Fuck. Fuck."

Still Ino said nothing.

"Why didn't you fight back? I...I could have hurt you. Fuck. I could 
have hurt you!!"

Ino smiled faintly. "With your strength, Sakura, you could kill 

The joke between them was said to put Sakura at ease, but instead Sakura 
just shook her head and punched half-heartedly once more into the floor.

"Ino...this is all your fault, and you won't even fight back."

"Whose fault this is...that is debatable. But no, I won't fight you, 

"I need you to. I need you to fight me back."

Ino looked, probing her friend's face for clues to what Sakura was 
feeling. She reached out, her mind and intuition feeling the mood, the 
emotions her friend was putting out.

"Why do you need me to fight back, Sakura?"

"To make it easier."

Ino understood. It was easier when someone gave a reason. If she fought 
back, it would be easier for Sakura to hate her, to take out her hate on 
Ino. But she wasn't going to make it that easy for Sakura. Not after all 
they had been through.

"Fuck, Ino..."

"Yeah. Fuck."

During all of this, Sakura still hadn't moved. She was close to Ino. Her 
body leaned onto her arms, slumping in emotional defeat. Her hair hung 
down so far the tips grazed Ino's nose. Ino was sure that Sakura was not 
aware of how close their bodies were. But Ino was aware. She was aware 
of the tips of hair that tickled her face. She was aware of the strong 
arms beside her hair. She was aware of Sakura's breasts, large (she took 
after her mentor so much...), heaving with the silent sobs that racked 
the pink girl's body. The heat...the tension. Yes, Ino was aware of how 
close they were.

She couldn't help herself...she reached up again.

"No! Don't. I can't forgive you."

But Ino persisted, her hand gently gliding across Sakura's face, her 
thumb sweeping away the tears. She let her fingers dance lightly on the 
other girl's skin, tracing a line along Sakura's jawbone. When her 
fingertips moved down to Sakura's neck, the pink haired girl jerked back 
in surprise.

"What are you doing?"

Ino didn't care anymore, though. She grabbed one of Sakura's hands and 
tenderly began to kiss the swollen and bleeding knuckles. Sakura stared 
for a second before snatching her hand away. She clutched it to her 
chest as if she was protecting it from an animal.

"Ino, what the hell are you doing!?"

Ino sat up, forcing Sakura back on her legs, kneeling on Ino's lap. Ino 
moved her hand behind Sakura's head and grasped it firmly.

"I'm explaining myself."

With that she forced Sakura's head forward and caught her friend's lips. 
She kissed her hard, her lips crushing the soft ones pressed to them. 
Sakura moaned and tried to pull back, but Ino's other hand shot around, 
pulling her closer in. She wrapped her fingers into the soft pink hair, 
her mouth was hungry, desiring. She kissed and she kissed and Sakura 
moaned and softened, her futile attempts at resistance fading.

As Ino kissed her, Sakura felt a flare. She thought she was angry—who 
the hell did Ino think she was? What was she doing!? But when Ino 
wouldn't let her go, when that mouth kept kissing her, kept...owning 
her, she realized the flare felt warm. It started in her stomach, and 
her heart was racing, and suddenly she felt so hot, like the room had 
become a sauna...she moaned into Ino's mouth. Sasuke had never felt like 
this. Hell, practice hadn't felt quite like this. This was hot. This 

Sakura whimpered a bit when Ino finally ended the kiss.

Blue eyes looked at her imploringly, and Sakura knew what they were 
finding. Desire. It lit up her whole body.

"Ino, I didn't know."

Ino shrugged. "Neither did I, not until we were already too far into 

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Ino thought hard. She worked hard to keep her voice steady. "I...thought 
you were in love with Sasuke. I wanted you to be happy. You want the 
person you love to happy, you know? No matter the cost."

"So all that time you...when you were in me...inside my body..."


The realization was sinking into Sakura. It was as if a light had gone 
off, and suddenly her whole world had changed. She still felt lingering 
anger, but she realized it wasn't at Ino. It was at Sasuke, for treating 
her the way he did. More than that, it was at herself, for letting him 
treat her that way when something so good had been right in front of 

"but...where do we go from here?"

Ino smiled. "We've practiced before, Sakura.It may not be perfect, and 
some things might be new, but the ideas are the same." She winked...

and kissed her friend again.

Onwards to Part 16

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