St Manga School (part 17 of 17)

a Naruto fanfiction by C. Gholy

Back to Part 16
Painting saga part 2

Harley remained livid about what Tomo had done to his painting, he was 
also furious to how Tai and Matt responded as well. He was grateful that 
Vicky tried to calm the situation, however that was not enough. Now 
Brock got involved and so did Drew, he knew that May would end up 
getting involved with the row as well. That was the last thing he wanted 
because he despised May with a passion, his hatred for the girl was 
clear to some including May and his friends, he tried to be kind to her 
and tried being sweet to her in hope he would be converted but no 
success - he remained bitter about her.

He did believe that Tai, Matt and Tomo were bullying him out of spite. 
He believed they envied his talent and luck in life. He crossed his arms 
as he tried to shake off the sadness he was feeling. He was surrounded 
by May, Dawn, Drew, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru and the new boy, Ritsuka. The 
group had been silent for quite a while. Ritsuka didn't have any idea 
what to say. May didn't want to say anything in case it would Sakura 
furious. Drew has too many things on his mind. Ino was too busy glaring 
at May to open her mouth and Shikamaru was asleep.

"So where's Ash?" Ritsuka asked May in a timid tone.

"He's got a detention with Snape." May replied ignoring Ino's evil 
looks. Uncomfortable with Ino's haunting glare, she closed her eyes.

"You're quite a saucy minx aren't you?" Ino spoke out to May, reflecting 
on Ash's comment in the class earlier.

"What makes you think that?" May asked.

"Well, it must have been you who taught Ash what sex was," Ino 
confronted her convinced of her own theory. "You must have showed him, 
he's like the dumbest kid in the school."

"Shut up!" May muttered.

"So how did you get into bed with him?"

"None of your business Ino." May began to turn livid from Ino's 
question. She wanted to slap her so badly, her arms were shaking.

"Total slut and a retard," Ino confirmed smirking. "Perfectly suited."

May lost control of her arms and her fists flung onto Ino's cheek. The 
force of the punch sent Ino down her knees and a harsh bang onto the 
floor. "You dare call Ash that! " May's tone of voice was madder than 
ever with a sheer bitter tone in her voice. "He is not a retard. Not to 
mention calling me a slut, when you're dating one. Did she tell you that 
she kissed a teacher?" May's anger was so intense, she didn't even 
notice the words coming out of her mouth. She paused as she closed her 
mouth quickly turned round and saw Sakura startled.

"BULL SHIT!" Ino screamed gritting her teeth. "You expect me to believe 
that?" Ino chuckled, "I think you need a new nickname - Mad May!"

"You should know," Sakura stated crawling behind May, "that we have had 
karate lessons and ninja training. A simple slap can't bring us down!"

"That's not a good idea girls," Shikamaru stated crossing his arms. "All 
three of you are going to get in trouble."

"Stay out of this Shikamaru!" Ino announced her eyes directly at May 
with her hands ready to choke her.

"I was only trying to help," Shikamaru replied.

"Please no more!" Harley squealed. "I had enough of this in class!"

"I thought you'd like it." Sakura smiled surprised with Harley's 
reaction. "Don't you hate May with passion and wanted her burned alive?"

"You've been reading in my diary!" Harley snapped in fury. "All three of 
you are bitches." He wailed out as Drew attempted to calm him down.

"What diary?" Ino asked feeling the urge to fight.

"Don't play innocent with me," Harley snapped, "you have been reading my 

"We should put a stop to this right now!" Ristuka announced, his palm 
facing the the girls. "This is completely wrong."

"I need to teach this girl a lesson!" Ino replied her hand gripping onto 
May's delicate neck. "Enjoy the fun Harley."

Ritsuka marched over to Ino whilst pushing Ino away from May, "There are 
better ways to sort this out than violence." Ritsuka was a pacifist and 
did not accept violence in any shape or form.

"Where's this fight then?" Tai asked curiously as was followed by Matt, 
Yolei and Tomo being dragged along by Yomi. He saw Harley looking upset 
and the spiky brunette marched over to Harley and patting him on the 
back. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I had no idea it would actually 
hurt you."

"Tomo," Yomi said pushing up her glasses, "you should apologize too."

"Get on with it Ino," Sakura ordered kicking May harshly on the leg. Ino 
quickly squashed May's legs whilst clenching onto her arms so tight it 
hurt May. May was not prepared to back down, she had a feeling if she 
fighted back, she would be just as bad as those two, however, she was 
not going to be humiliated in front of the whole school. May unleashed 
screams as Ino covered her mouth, her screams faded but her anger lead 
her to bite the little finger of Sakura. May felt her hair being pulled 
back by Ino whilst Sakura threw punches at her. May returned the favor 
to Ino and then she felt a drop of clear saliva hit her eye.

"FIGHT! FIGHT FIGHT! FIGHT!" Tomo shouted out throwing her arms in the 
air like a cheerleader.

"APOLIGISE TO HARLEY!" Yomi roared dragging Tomo to Harley.

"No, I want to watch this fight first."

"Fine suit yourself!"

"You revolting little child!" Harley leaped onto Tomo's top. Tomo knew 
that he only had a very weak grip so she kicked Harley away from her and 
allowed him to crash into Drew again.

"What's going on here?" Dawn asked Drew running over to him. "Apparently 
Draco's been telling everyone there's a fight round here involving a 

"Long story," Drew sighed. "Harley's upset because Tomo edited his 
painting and Sakura, Ino and May have annoyed each other and Harley's 
gotten even more upset and now everyone's joining in and making it 
worse. Ritsuka's trying to stop the fight!"

"He can't do it on his own!" Dawn announced walking over to Sakura and 
Ino. "You know you're all fighting over a painting?"

"IT WASN'T JUST A PAINTING!" Harley screamed out. "That was my work and 
now everybody is turning against me and they're all fighting!"

"You're really stupid Dawn,"Sakura told her, "anyway this fight has 
nothing to do with the painting."

Dawn turned and faced Ritsuka, who was still trying to stop the fight. 
"Ritsuka's right, you're all fighting and beating her up over a stupid 

"WHY THE HELL YOU GETTING INVOLVED THEN?" Vicky shouted out marching 
into fight scene. "Shut up! You don't even know what you are talking 

"I know exactly what I am talking about." Dawn answered.

"Why is everyone getting involved?" Sakura asked whilst Ino and May 
continued throwing fists at each other. May had simply had enough. The 
humiliation was bad enough as it is, but now the fight was starting to 
become ridiculous. Two separate incidents were getting involved and the 
way it mixed was like a volcano with a vicious eruption.

Still, the fact that Ino had actually spat in her eye was a huge shock 
to her system. She did expect an act so vile and she felt so degraded 
that in her mind, she compared herself to dirt.

"Why did you have a threesome with the Uchiha brothers?" Vicky asked 
Sakura in a dazed manner as a lame comeback.

That was the final straw for Sakura she charged up to Vicky like the 
wind whilst the plumb blonde held out a silver knife. The pair of them 
charged into each other with fury, Dawn decided that she had to block 
the pair of them.

"She has a knife!" Matt exclaimed scurrying over to stop Vicky from 

"Dawn you might get killed!" Tai shouted out rushing over to push Sakura 
and Dawn away from Vicky.

Dawn screamed whilst she felt a scratch from the silver knife rip from 
her skin. She closed her eyes and fell onto the floor and started 
crying. The fighting stopped and Ino and Sakura pushed themselves away 
from May. She crawled over to Dawn, patting her back whilst she saw the 
blood dripping to the floor from Dawn's arm.

Vicky smirked as she stood there and saw the spots of blood. The plumb 
blonde felt a tap on her shoulder and saw the new kid, Eric behind her 
in with a face of fury. He threw his fist at Vicky and the knuckles of 
his fingers stormed onto Vicky's nose and she tumbled down to the floor.

The crowds increased since the fight continued on. Misty barged her way 
out of the crowd and scurried over to Dawn and May; Ash followed her. 
Both of the girls were crying their eyes out. "What happened?" Misty 
asked the pair of them as Ash patted May on the back.

"Ino spat in my eye," May sobbed. "I can't believe they did it!"

"May pulled the first punch!" Sakura replied.

"She's only jealous." Ino muttered as Sakura placed her palm in her 

"I don't care who pulled the first punch!" Misty roared in disgust, 
"you're telling me that spitting in someone's face is OK?"

"She deserved it!" Sakura screeched. "Her and Ash, you should have heard 
what they came up with."

"They're twisting it!" May shouted out. "Trying to make me look like a 

"May, I think you should calm down" Ash muttered shaking his head 
pulling her back so she wouldn't attack again. He told Misty, "all I 
said was ask them if Sakura was pregnant."

"That wasn't a good idea," Misty whispered to him.

"I guess you're going to take your precious Ashy-boy's side," Ino spat 

"I can forgive Sakura for acting crazy," Misty stated in fury, "she's 
pregnant and it's natural to have mood swings. Ino, you are not pregnant 
and you degraded yourself and May for spitting in her face!"

"You wouldn't understand," Ino sighed.

"I might not understand the whole situation," Misty replied pointed at 
Ino, "what I do know is that spitting is disgusting."

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?" boomed the voice of Principle 
Tsunade as she marched through the crowd. "Everyone not involved with 
the painting incident and all those who just came here to watch, the 
shows over; back to your lessons. Those involved in the fight, arguments 
and incidents stay right where you are!"

"Break time's not finished yet!" One of the students shouted out.

"Recess is over for the time being!" Tsunade snapped. The crowds cut 
down fast as the conversations arose. "IN SILENCE!" the principle 
screamed again. There was a sudden silence as Yomi tried hard to keep 
Tomo in her place. Tsunade remained quiet until all the viewers returned 
to their lessons.

Harley, Tomo, Yomi, Tai, Matt, Drew, May, Ristuka, Ino, Sakura, Vicky, 
Eric, Ash and Misty were the only students left in the hall by the time 
the bell rang. All of them could see that Tsunade was furious enough to 
kill. "One of you guys take Dawn and May to hospital wing immediately." 
she ordered.

"I will," Eric offered holding Dawn's arm gently.

"You know where it is?" Tsunade asked him then faced Ash, "Misty, could 
you lead Eric to the hospital wing?"

"Sure," Misty nodded. Ash held onto May's hands as she struggled to get 
a hold of herself. Misty was in front of the five, following her to the 
hospital wing.

Tsunade placed her hands on her hips looking extremely cross. "Rest of 
you, my office now!"

* *

May's head collapsed onto Ash's lap. She needed his comfort, his support 
and his presence. She watched as Eric was helping Dawn out. May was 
surprised because at first, she thought that he was quite cold hearted. 
Watching him help Dawn, made her realize that Eric was actually a very 
nice person. The shock of Ino's actions had still lingered onto her. "I 
can't believe how extreme they all went," May sobbed closing her eyes.

"It's not your fault," Misty confirmed. "What Ino and Vicky did out 
there was disgusting. Vicky really lost the plot trying to stab someone. 
If no one gets expelled today, there is no justice in this school."

"The police can get involved right?" Dawn asked shaking her bandaged 

"Yep," Eric replied trying to comfort her. "Vicky's going to be arrested 
and expelled. Doesn't take a brain to know that."

"Man," Ash sighed, "talk about taking it to the extreme."

"What Vicky and Ino did was shallow," Misty added. "It Doesn't matter 
who started the fight and what it was about, someone who spits at 
someone or stabs them, is a horrible thing. I hope they learn their 

"Ash and I saw Kakashi and Sakura kissing," May told Misty, "then Ino 
goes and calls me a slut when she's dating a girl whose rumored to sleep 

"Ignore them May," Misty suggested, "things are only going to get 

"Why did you punch Vicky anyway?" Ash asked Eric.

"For hurting Dawn."

"That Doesn't actually make sense," Misty admitted, "unless you have a 
crush on Dawn, then it's pretty much an heroic act."

Eric said nothing other than, "thanks."

"I pulled the first punch," May admitted, "Ino was saying bad stuff 
about Ash, and it pissed me off so much I just... flipped." Her eyes 
closed from the thoughts in her head. "No doubt, they'll lie their way 
out again."

"They said some pretty nasty stuff about Kari and Hilary," Misty stated. 
"Sakura's made up with Kari, she still hates Hilary."

"Girls..." Ash whispered shaking his head.

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