Running her fingers through her hair, Ino knew it was time to get out of the shower. It was her fourth shower that evening, but regardless of the fact that it had not even been her body, Ino couldn't feel clean of Sasuke. She was also drowning in a tidal wave of emotions and the water was not washing away the feelings that were assaulting her. What had she been thinking, agreeing to Sakura's plan? As she rinsed the shampoo out of her already clean hair, Ino raged at herself for participating in such a scheme. She had not only witnessed, but also completely invaded somebody else's intimate moment. If Sasuke were to ever find out... Sasuke could never, ever find out. There was nothing left for her to clean. Her skin was dry and itchy from being scrubbed so many times, red and raw under her fingertips. The water was turning cold but still Ino stayed in the shower. Slowly, she sank into the tub, sitting down under the jet from the showerhead. Ino closed her eyes and looked up, allowing the icy water to soothe her face, which she now realized was slightly swollen. She had been crying. Upon that realization, Ino broke down, tears she did not know she had bursting forth, her sobs racking her throat. Many years before, when her father was teaching her the family's jutsu, he had warned her of the emotional impact of it. He told her that when entering someone's mind, taking control of it, it was impossible not to become at least slightly attached to the person. See, it was impossible to experience something so completely intimate and not walk away with some sense of yearning, either to protect, love or hurt the mind that had been intruded on. Ino had not remembered that warning until now, because she had never before been so intimately connected with another mind. Not only had she intruded upon Sakura's mind...she had purposefully shared her thoughts, her emotions with the other girl. And Sakura's own fear and anticipation had intertwined with Ino's, twisting and connecting until Ino wasn't sure anymore what had been her own. Turning off the water, Ino crawled out of the tub, shivering. Pushing her emotions down, she wrapped a towel around her and prepared to talk to the girl she had just been inside. - - - - - - - - The two girls sat at Sakura's kitchen table, mugs of tea in their hands. Both were weary from Ino's jutsu and the encounter with Sasuke. "So what am I doing wrong, Ino?" "You idiot, you aren't doing anything wrong. That worthless bastard Uchiha has no idea at all what he is doing." Sakura's face dropped in disappointment. "So...will it never get better?" No. It will never get better. He will never be able to love you the way you deserve to be loved. Ino wanted to say it, she wanted to so badly, but seeing the misery in her friend's face halted her blunt words and she found herself saying something she did not feel at all. "It could get better, but it will take some work on your part, Sakura." "Like what?" "Remember how I got on top? Switching things up might help so he isn't just crushing you." "...Ok. don't know that many positions." Ino wanted to bang her head on the table. Sakura might be a good friend, but at the moment Ino was overwhelmed by Sakura's naiveté. " you know anything?" Instead of getting red as she normally did, Sakura surprised Ino with a big smile and a laugh. "It seems I don't! So, Ino-Sensei, when does my tutelage begin?" - - - - - It may have been a joke, but Sakura's question proved to be trueover the next few weeks; Ino began to tutor her friend in the ways of mating. Ino found herself enjoying the teaching more and more as time progressed, and Sakura was a quick learner. Sitting on Ino's bed, the two girls were looking at a book of positions. Sakura's face was scrunched up as she tried to understand the physics of the bodies. "Ino, I just don't understand how this would work. And if it did work, how could it possibly be pleasurable." Ino sighed. Shifting, she pulled her pink haired friend onto to bed, flipping her so that she was facedown. "Ino, what in the hell are you doing?" But the blond had already grabbed Sakura's hips, pulling them into the air. With a couple of deft twists, and a lifting of Sakura's leg, Ino positioned her crotch next to Sakura's. "See? He would penetrate you like this. This wasn't so difficult, was it? And part of getting off is the thrill of doing something kinky." But Sakura wasn't listening to Ino. All she was aware of was how little control she had in this position. She tried to imagine Sasuke behind her, holding her and fucking her while she couldn't do anything, helpless. But Sasuke's face kept becoming fuzzy and instead she kept feeling Ino, there. Ino's hand on the curve of her hip, the other one securing her leg. Ino's hips...right there. Ino began to thrust her hips, mocking the motion the male would do in the position. "Oi! Are you even listening, dobe?" Dropping her friend onto the bed, Ino sat back and was surprised when Sakura sat up flushed, her breathing a little ragged. Ino raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face. "I think you might be getting ahead of yourself there, Wide forehead. I'm not your boy toy." Sakura blushed. She wasn't sure why she was so turned on, Ino had just... "I'm sorry, you just caught me off guard. I wasn't...wasn't expecting a demonstration." "If you paid more attention, I wouldn't need to demonstrate." The two girls kept laughing throughout the afternoon, but Sakura couldn't shake the memory of what Ino's hand had felt like on her body. For that matter, Ino couldn't shake the memory, either. - - - - - - - Sasuke lay beside here, chest heaving in the aftermath of sex. She had talked to him about jumping up and leaving right after, and he had listened and stayed for a while now. But that was all he seemed to have heard. Sure, they switched things up. And he did try to slow down and let her set the pace. With all the things he was doing to improve, Sakura felt herself sinking into depression because her response wasn't there. When he touched her....she felt nothing. When he was in her, she hated to admit it, but he felt like a nuisance instead of her lover. The week before Ino had laughingly told her that there was no more to be taught. That had crushed the pink-haired girl. She had enjoyed learning from her friend, who seemed so wise about sex. Ino knew how to touch her. As much as Sakura tried to teach Sasuke, his hands were so much rougher, so unskilled compared to Ino's. Sakura realized that she was running out of time. With all of the interest she had shown Sasuke in the seemed to make him more and more interested in her. It was strange, to have him actually call her. Or say nice things. Or do things for her, like pick her flowers, or cook her dinner. In fact, as Uchiha Sasuke slowly became the boyfriend she had always wanted, Sakura found herself desiring him less and less. And she hated herself for it. If he was going to change for her...she needed to keep trying. But after that night's sex, where once again, Sasuke came in her too soon and left her feeling empty and numb, Sakura wanted to scream. She wanted to rant and rave. She wanted her friend there. She wanted Ino. - - - - - - "No. I can't do that. Not again." Ino's eyes were wide and her face had paled. It was not the reaction Sakura had been hoping for. "Please, Ino. I've done everything we've talked about, and it isn't getting better. Just one more time. If you find something that can get better, then I can try it." "Sakura, what if there isn't anything else you can try?" Big green eyes met clear blue ones, the answer passing through them. If not...then the relationship would be over. Ino nodded, she understood. "I don't feel right about it though, Sakura. I should never have done it the last time. It is such an invasion of your privacy, and I know you don't like me being in there, and" "I didn't mind. I wasn't so bad that time, with you in my mind." Ino stared at her friend. The air in the room was filled with her apprehension. But Sakura's face was pleading with her. More importantly, Ino found herself wanting to try it again, wanting to be inside of Sakura again. Hell, now that she was completely over her Sasuke infatuation, she could teach the boy a thing or two (or a million) about fucking. And... Ino was lonely. While she enjoyed teaching Sakura, it had only made Ino more aware of the emptiness of her bed, of Chouji's absence. Many nights she found herself longing for someone's touch, for the feeling of a lover and warmth in her bed. Selfishly, Ino found herself wanting to try again with Sakura so that she could simply be with someone. "Ok. I'll do it. But god, Sakura, if we get caught..." "We won't. We are a team!" Sakura winked, but Ino found herself worrying, just a little. - - - - - (Again, lemon coming up, skip when you start to feel uncomfortable.) - - - - - "Sakura, wear prettier lingerie. If I am going to be in that body, it should be dressed up a bit more." "Ok then, but what should I wear? You pick it out." Ino began sorting through Sakura's underwear. Ever since Sakura had started dating, her collection of underwear had grown slightly naughtier. Then Ino saw itthe perfect set. The bra and panties were cut in a normal way, nothing too frilly or fussy. But the fabric was pure silk, not a mix. It floated through her fingers, smooth and delicious. They were dark green, not Ino's color but she knew it would look pretty on Sakura's skin and contrast well with her hair. "These." "I'll put them onturn your back." Ino laughed and turned around. "It is silly, I'm going to be in your naked body later, I already know what you look like." "Yes...but still...I would feel strange, I think, if you watched." Sakura's voice had a slight huskiness to it, and Ino couldn't tell if she had upset her friend or not, so she let it drop. "So everything is ready?" "Yes." "Ino, are you sure? I realize I kind of pressured you into this when you didn't want to. If you want to back out, I would understand." But Ino was already securing herself inside of the closet. - - - - - It had been easier to enter Sakura's mind this time. The girls had practiced and, knowing what it was going to be like, Sakura had already suppressed herself before Ino was even there, making the transition flawless. Sasuke had her pushed against the wall and was kissing her neck, his body grinding into hers. It was true, he had at least learned to take his time a little. Ino was having trouble relaxing though. She kept expecting him to mess up. Lifting one of Sakura's legs, Ino wrapped it around Sasuke, drawing him closer. She could feel his cock through his clothes, pushing into her. Sasuke moaned, deep and throaty. His hand moved under her shirt. It was gentler this time, but still clumsy as he grabbed her breasts, squeezing them. Ino had to fight the urge to smack his hand away. Sasuke grabbed her hips and moved her to the bed, pulling her shirt off as they went. Oh god, here we go. And then Ino found herself on her back. Sasuke had maneuvered her onto the bed in one sift motion, and then he was in between her legs, grinding softly against her. "So, uh, does he think dry humping is foreplay?" Ino could hear Sakura laughing. "Yeah, pretty much." As the laughter continued, Ino became startled. She could feel it now, in every nerve of the body she shared with her friend. Sakura was not only comfortable with Ino being in her mind...she was enjoying it. "Sakura, is something wrong?" Ino looked up into Sasuke's luminous eyes. It was difficult, bouncing between Sakura and Sasuke. She tried to focus on him again. "Yes. Everything is...wonderful. Don't...don't stop." It had been a struggle to say the lies and Ino hoped she had sounded convincing. Sasuke seemed to be convinced, because he began to undress her. "Sasuke...leave my underwear on for a bit." He looked at her questioningly, but as he pulled off her pants and saw the green silk against her milky skin, a smirk played across his lips. " haven't worn nice underwear in a while. You look amazing." His voice was rasping, full of desire as his eyes roamed over her body. "You haven't been wearing nice underwear?" She could feel Sakura's frustration, but Ino couldn't believe it. "Well, he was rushing all time anyway, I didn't see the point in dressing up if he wasn't even going to look." "He's looking now, Sakura." Ino looked down, admiring with him. The last time everything had gone so quickly she had not had a chance to really look at the body she was controlling. Ino had to admit that Sasuke was rightSakura did look amazing. Her body wasn't as toned as most other female shinobidue in part to all of her medical training instead of combat training. Her skin was flawless and pale, and Ino had been right about the underwear, for it made Sakura almost glow. Ino saw incredible breasts and a flat stomach. "Damn, Sakura, you have a sweet body!" "Ino pig, don't you dare! Stop looking at meit is weirdand get back to teaching me!" After one last glance, Ino became focused again. If Sasuke did not know how to pleasure her, maybe he would be more interested after she showed him pleasure. Ino reached Sakura's hand out and grabbed Sasuke's cock. He shuddered and moaned, putting a hand on the wall beside of him. "Sakura, what" but his voice caught in his throat, cutting him off, as Ino took him into Sakura's mouth. "Ino, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" "Shut up, watch and learn, Sakura." Ino began to move Sakura's lips around the head, her tongue swirling out over the swollen purple flesh. She then ran Sakura's tongue down the underside of his shaft, causing Sasuke to cry out. His thighs began to tremble a little as Ino continued to work his cock with Sakura's mouth, changing tempos. When he began to buck his hips a little, Ino pulled back. A whine escaped Sasuke's mouth, but Ino just winked at him. Licking her two hands to get them well lubricated, she grabbed him with both of Sakura's hands. She began to twist up and around on his cockbut she twisted her hands in opposite directions. The hand that she had around his tip twisted quicker and lighter, squeezing until Sasuke was gasping and moaning, his whole body twitching. "S-Sakura, please. Please, stop, I want to cum in you." Ino smiled with satisfaction. She could feel the awe of Sakura. "I've never done that before! That was amazing! He has never reacted that way." "Sometimes you have to give a little in order to receive." As Sasuke lay on the bed to recover, Ino took the underwear off Sakura's body. She crawled on top of Sasuke and lowered Sakura onto his cock. He made to grab her hips, but Ino caught his hands in hers, and pinned his wrists to either side of his head. "Sorry, Uchiha, but I'm in control. Be a good boy, ok?" Sasuke stared at her, his eyes wide, but he didn't move his hands. Keeping him pinned and ignoring his looks, Ino began to rock Sakura's body on him. She could feel him hard, filling Sakura, and she rotated Sakura's hips, trying to find the spot. When she found it, she sat up. Sasuke left his hands beside his head. "Ok, so feel this?" "Yes. It feels I have to pee." Ino wanted to laugh, but she caught herself in time. "Yeah, it feel like that now, but just wait." Ino began to rock a little more on him, so that his cock began to stroke the spot inside of Sakura. She moanedit might be Sakura's body, but Ino felt it as well. It had been too long since she had felt this with Chouji being away, and she had forgotten how good it felt to be connected to another person. This was different, too, than being with Chouji. Ino found herself becoming very turned on, sensing Sakura there. She liked this complete control over someone else's body, making someone else experience pleasure...pleasure she was sharing. The eroticism of the situation was sweeping over Ino. She felt Sakura's skin begin to flush and her heart speed up. "Wait, Ino, I've never felt this before. What are you doing? Tell me so I can do it next time!" Ino didn't hear Sakura. She was already lost in her own pleasure. Reaching hands up, Ino began to stroke Sakura's breasts. Ino was shocked to feel how different Sakura's breasts were from her own. Sakura's were softer, and more sensitive to touch. Ino squeezed them and traced her fingers around them, enjoying the sensations Sakura's body was feeling. When she pinched Sakura's nipples, she felt Sakura's cunt tingle and squeeze down on Sasuke's cock. Ino began to rock her friend's body harder, bearing down on the dick that was inside of her. Feeling Sakura's crotch begin to tingle, Ino dropped one hand down and used her fingers to find Sakura's clit. Waves of pleasure racked through Sakura's body as Ino began to swirl her fingers around the sensitive nub. Ino could hear Sakura's personality moaning, could feel the doubling sense of pleasure as both she and Sakura began to build their climax. It was unlike any orgasm Ino had ever experienced. Sharing the pleasure with Sakura didn't diminish itit multiplied it until Ino couldn't tell what part of the pleasure was hers and what was Sakura's, the emotions had commingled. Ino couldn't tell if she enjoyed the pleasure Sakura was feeling or if it was that she, Ino, was giving Sakura the pleasure. Ino's fingers curiously felt at her friend's clit, rubbing it in ways different from how she touched herself. Ino could feel Sakura's personality moaning, moving, throbbing with the enjoyment she was giving to the both of them. Ino began to slam Sakura's body down on Sasuke, her eyes shut, one hand still grabbing Sakura's breasts while the other hand furiously rubbed Sakura's clit, the pressure building until finally, Sakura and Ino climaxed, Ino's throaty moan giving voice to the waves of pleasure they both felt. As the orgasm subsided, Ino opened her eyes and looked down. Sasuke's face was a mix of shock and awe. She became aware of her situation again, of the fact that she was still posing as Sakura, and the fact that he was still hard inside of her friend. "Sakura...why haven't you done this before? I...I had no idea." Ino tried to bite of the rage she felt at that, but couldn't quite keep it in. "If you had taken any time with me, you would have known." Sasuke looked away, trying not to show the hurt her words caused him. "Ino! Fix this now or so help me, I am kicking you out of my head!" Sakura still sounded fatigued from the orgasm, but her threat was serious. Ino grudgingly moved Sakura's hand out to touch Sasuke's face. His skin was smooth under the fingertips, and Ino traced the outlines of his jaw and eyebrows until he looked back at her. "I'm...sorry, Sasuke. I didn't mean it the way it sounded. Forgive me?" Sasuke nodded, slowly. "Ok. You are... you are different tonight, Sakura. Something isn't the same in you." Ino panicked. How could he know? Stay cool Ino, stay cool. "Ino...I'm warning you. He can't figure out what is going on. Who knows what he would do?" "I don't know what you are talking about...I just wanted to show you that there are different ways of pleasure...that's all." Sasuke didn't look wholly convinced, but he nodded. And then he sat up, grabbing her hips and pulling her off of him. Throwing Sakura/Ino stomach first over the side of the bed, he grabbed her wrists and pinned her down, pushing himself into her. Ino grunted at the penetration, and she could feel Sakura sigh. "Here he goes again..." Ino could hear the disappointment in her friend's voice. " least you got yours, right?" Ino could feel Sakura's personality growing warm. It was strange to actually be able to feel everything her friend was feeling. "Yes, Ino. Thank you. I've...never felt anything like that before." Ino just gently accepted Sakura's thanks while trying to numb her own thoughts, Sasuke fucking himself behind her/Sakura to his own climax, finally collapsing on Sakura's back.
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