Practice Makes Perfect (part 4 of 16)

a Naruto fanfiction by nighinvisible

Back to Part 3
I know it seems all like straight girls and there are some weird 
couples, but hold your horses, kids, I am going somewhere with this. I 

- - - - -

"Sakura, I apologize. I didn't mean to betray your confidence when I 
told Shikamaru." Sakura had come over to Ino's apartment for lunch, 
upset and ready to confront her friend. And confront she did-ranting and 
flailing her arms for a solid half hour before she allowed Ino a word 

"How could you have thought it would be ok? And why not tell me it was 
Shikamaru you had in mind for me in the first place!"

"If I had, would you have gone on the date?"

"Well, no, probably not. But that doesn't stop how completely 
embarrassing it was to be the only one in the dark as to the real reason 
of the date!"

"You weren't in the dark about anything but the guy! I thought we had 
decided that it was time for your first kiss! And that you needed to 
start getting over that arrogant Uchiha!"

Flustered, Sakura couldn't retort. It was true, the whole point of the 
date was to get her first kiss, to begin getting to know someone who 
wasn't her teammate. Her beautiful loner, his stoic face and angry 

"Besides, Sakura, and tell the truth, because I will know if you are 
lying: Did you have fun with Shikamaru?"

She wanted to say no, to prove Ino wrong, but Ino was right—she would 
know if Sakura was lying.

"Yes. It was much more fun than I expected."

"And? Isn't Shikamaru hot?"

The memory of the dark booth, the shadows falling over his face, his 
hair, the twinkle in his eyes made her smile. She didn't need to 
answer—Ino could see it on her face.

"So why don't you ask him out again?"

"Oh Ino. He didn't really want to go out with me. He told me you 
virtually pummeled him into submission!"

This made the blond's face darken a bit. "Oh did he? He and I will need 
to have a little chat later. But he was lying, at least a little. I may 
have 'virtually pummeled' him, but only because he has thought about 
asking you out before and never did. He needed motivation, and I gave it 
to him in a semi-violent form."

Sakura's eyes grew large. "No he didn't!"

"He did! He just never asked you because he knew how hung up you were on 
Sasuke and because, let's face it, Shikamaru is a lazy bastard."

Sakura blushed. Maybe I will ask him out again, then. The two girls were 
sitting at Ino's kitchen table, drinking tea. Ino was still in her 
bathrobe—apparently she and Choiji had spent a long night together. 
Earlier that morning he had kissed her goodbye and left for a mission 
with Shino and Kiba. He would be gone for several weeks, but Ino was 
making an effort to focus on her friend's pain.

Afternoon sun stretched lazily through the curtains, falling on Ino's 
hair, making it shine. Sakura looked at her friend, with her large eyes 
and long gold hair.

"You know, Ino...Chouji is one lucky ninja to have landed you. I had 
always assumed you and Shikamaru would get married."

A smile sprung to Ino's mouth, lighting her face up. "Everyone thought 
that, even my parents. They used to joke that Shikamaru and I argued 
like we were already married. He and I did date, once."

This bit of news shocked Sakura—she had never known. "When was this?"

"About two years ago. We tried a few dates, but it was true—we 
argue like a married couple. If we were arguing like that as friends, 
what was a romance going to be like? Plus, whenever we kissed, there was 
just nothing. No emotion. It felt like I was on automatic. He felt the 
same way."

"I never knew!"

"No one did, it was so short lived. But when I told my parents, they 
understood and respected my choice. Don't get me wrong, Shikamaru is an 
incredible kisser. And I have heard stories he is incredible at...other 
things. Which is why I wanted to set him up with you. Because I knew he 
was interested in you, and because I know what a great guy he is. I knew 
he should be your first kiss. At least I thought I knew."

Sakura nodded. It did make sense, of course. Who would know Shikamaru 
better than his teammate and former almost-girlfriend? Sakura did want 
to be kissed—desperately, if she was going to be honest. Shikamaru 
seemed like the ideal candidate. Pulling her thoughts back, Sakura 
looked at her friend. Ino was smiling despite being sad—Sakura knew 
Chouji was gone.

"Wow. So...I've always wanted to ask. Why Chouji of all people? I mean, 
I know he has shed a few pounds and all, but still..."

"Hey, don't knock my man. I don't really know how Chouji and I happened, 
really. I was...torn when Sasuke returned to the village. I know we 
weren't friends, but I had watched how much his absence had affected 
you. And I guess I grew up a little while he was gone and realized that 
I didn't love Sasuke, I just loved the idea of Sasuke. Chouji was 
watching me the whole time and sympathized. He comforted me, we spent 
more and more time together. He listened to me talk about Sasuke, and 
when I was done talking, he was still there. Our relationship just sort 
of happened after that, step by step."

"So you didn't go looking for him?"

"No, he found me."

"And I assume that, unlike Shikamaru, sparks flew when you kissed?"

That made Ino pause. She had never compared the two. Her very brief 
relationship with Shikamaru had felt so forced that she had known 
straight off it was wrong for her. But Chouji...things were so 
unexpected, and he was so gentle and sincere...she never had time to 
reflect or resist.

"There aren't sparks. I don't know now if such a thing really exists. I 
don't feel passion with Choiji, I feel a deep sense of comfort. He is 
like a blanket of security and when I am with him I feel safe."

"Safe from what?"

Ino shrugged. "I don't know."

- - - - - - -

It was afternoon, and Sakura waited patiently outside of the school for 
class to be released. Swinging on the tree swing, she had a flood of 
different memories. She remembered Ino and herself pushing each other, 
young and happy. Ino had been like Chouji, a safety net for Sakura. The 
blond girl had been Sakura's first real friend, a protector and savior. 
She had taught Sakura to not be ashamed of herself (and her large 
forehead) and to stand up to people. It hadn't been until Sasuke had 
entered the picture that the friendship fell apart. The two had become 
equally competitive and mean-spirited, always fighting for his 

Thinking back on it, Sakura pondered the nature of that rivalry. Had she 
really allowed Sasuke to split her first and greatest friendship? Older 
and wiser, it suddenly seemed that Sasuke was more of a catalyst for the 
two girls, sparking a rivalry that was already in the works. Ino had 
come to Sakura, embracing her, making her popular by default. Now Sakura 
could see that it wasn't Sasuke that had pushed her to compete with was that she had needed to prove herself to the other girl. Ino 
was beautiful. She came from a genius family. She was smart and funny. 
She was full of confidence and an excellent ninja. All of the things Ino 
was, she was with ease. Other than being smart, Sakura had fought hard 
for every skill she had, and yet always felt bested by her blond 

It had taken Tsunade-sama and the medical training for Sakura to find 
enough confidence to not need to constantly compare herself to the other 
girl. Swinging, Sakura laughed—so much seemed clear to her. It was no 
coincidence, she realized, that she had regained her friendship with Ino 
when she had stopped comparing herself to the girl. It explained a lot 
of the anger she had felt the past few days at her friend. Ino was 
trying to help, and Sakura had thought she was angry at the help—but she 
wasn't, she was grateful. She was angry because Ino had bested her 
again. She felt inferior to all of Ino's experience with men.

Sakura was so deep in thought that she never saw school get out. A 
friendly tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. Turning, she 
saw a smiling Shikamaru. He blocked out the sun, his hair a brilliant 
brunette in the light, his eyes bright with what looked to be amusement. 
God, he really is handsome.

"I did not expect to find you out here, Sakura. Do you want a push on 
the swing? Or perhaps you need help perfecting Henge no jutsu?"

Sakura laughed easily. They both knew quite well that in academy she had 
aced every technique Iruka taught them.

"No, but thank you on both counts. I didn't come here to swing, I came 
here to find you."

"Ahhhh. Then you suck, because I found you instead." They both 
laughed—did the awkwardness the other night even happen? She couldn't 
remember the last time she had felt so relaxed around another boy. 
Naruto was her friend as well, but really, who could relax around 

"Shikamaru, listen, about the other night—"

"Geez, don't worry about it." He let out an exaggerated sigh. "Talking 
about such things is so—"

"Troublesome." They said it in unison and smiled at each other.

"So you came here to find me. Here I am. What can I do for you, Sakura?"

She looked down, allowing her pink hair to fall in her face and cover 
her blush. The ease she had just felt was replaced by nervousness. Her 
toe ground into the dirt and she clasped her hands.

"You could...You could maybe try to go on another date with me?" She 
looked up, searching his face for any details that might let her know 
what he was thinking.

Shikamaru was showing no signs, however, of his thoughts. He too, was 
studying her face.

"If Ino is putting you up to this, Sakura, then don't worry about it. I 
think you will find someone to kiss in your own time."

That made her turn bright red, her hands instinctually moving to hide 
her flushed cheeks.

"It isn't like that! Ino didn't say anything to me. Well, she said that 
you had thought about asking me out but...but never did—"

"So Ino really does have a problem with keeping secrets." He smiled at 
her before continuing. "Sakura, don't ask me out because you feel you 
have to kiss someone, or you have to try and make up to me. Really, it 
is alright, I understand."

"No! I am asking you out because...because I had a fun time with you. 
Minus the awkward moments, of course, and the embarrassment. I...I 
really would like to try again, if you would."

Instead of answering right away, Shikamaru threw an arm over her 
shoulder. Sakura noticed immediately how close they were. He was warm, 
and strong...

"Let's discuss this second date as I walk you to your apartment, ok, 
Pink?" Shikamaru winked at her, making her giggle, and the two of them 
began the stroll back to her apartment.

Onwards to Part 5

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