Shia and Misha from PitaTen
Welcome to the Shoujo-Ai Archive

Author: mrtoasty

Name: Mr. Toasty

Mr. Toasty has written 10 fanfics:


Final Fantasy 6

I Want to Know What Love Is added 2002-08-14
Pairing: Celes/Terra
I’ve always felt as if the relationship between these two went beyond what the game presented, so I’ve undergone the task of expanding it. This can be seen as either light yuri or just a very close friendship, take your pick.

Final Fantasy 9

Secrets added 2003-05-08
Pairing: Beatrix/Freya
Confused about her feelings towards Freya, Beatrix goes to her personal diary and pours her soul out. Will Freya find out about this, and if so, will she return the feelings, or will things be left unresolved?

Original Fiction

Lux Aeterna added 2003-08-20
Parts: [Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
Pairing: Lantariz/Shellby, Eien/Kit, Asuka/Brinna, Ichi/Tobi, Eve/Keiko
A long and involving story that rotates around the lives of many different people as they go through countless strange scenarios, but one outstanding event gathers them all together. They must unite to prevent a madman from exploiting a mysterious Ice Djinn, or else suffer untold consequences...

Sailor Moon

Ballad of Broken Dreams added 2003-05-27
Pairing: Beryl/Serenity
We all know that Queen Beryl destroyed the moon kingdom, but has anybody bothered to find out WHY? Here's my theory on the matter, a story of drama and love that binds--and ultimately separates--two star-crossed lovers.


Chris & Yun's Bogus ShoujoAi Journey added 2005-12-13
Pairing: Chris/Yun
Sequel to "Cleo & Sonya's Excellent ShoujoAi Adventure". Not to be outdone by Cleo and Sonya, Chris and Yun decide to make some changes as well! But what can you do when your better half is dead and her spirit is part of the True Water Rune?

Cleo & Sonya's Excellent ShoujoAi Adventure updated 2005-12-13
Pairing: Cleo/Sonya
Tired of the Suikoden archives being inundated with shounen-ai, Cleo and Sonya move to counter the affect in the weirdest way possible! Starts out as an intelligent parody, ends up being a farce.

Meeting at Tenzan Pass added 2003-03-31
Pairing: Eilie/Jilia
A "serious satire" that takes a different approach to the worn-out "Riou leaves the (insert name here) Army and finds Jowy at Tenzan Pass, only to fight him and then declare his love" theme. Instead of yaoi, it's now obviously a shoujo-ai!

Millie & Meg's Radical ShoujoAi Experience added 2005-12-13
Pairing: Meg/Millie
Sequel to "Chris & Yun's Bogus ShoujoAi Journey". The sequel nobody asked for to a series that never made sense in the first place. It's a postmodern tackle on an issue that seems to be thrown aside, and for good reason! Don't bother seeking greatness; it's not in this tale!

Paula & Jewel's ShounenAi Undertaking added 2005-12-13
Pairing: Jewel/Paula, Various/Various
Sequel to "Millie & Meg's Radical ShoujoAi Experience". Preceding everyone else, the two Razril knights attempt to begin a movement that may forever change the course of the Suikoden world. Naturally, everything goes awry

Valkyrie Profile

Distortions in the Void of Despair added 2005-12-13
Parts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Pairing: Aelia/Celia
After everything is said and done, after all your friends are dead and all your missions over, what is left? Depression? Martyrdom? Freedom?