Episode XXV: Everything’s Back to Abnormal
“Well, we’re back!” Eien Kinu smiled happily as she breathed in the familiar scent of Lazarus Mechanics, the place that was more like a home to her than a simple place of work. Letting out a happy sigh, she slowly strolled in and dropped her small suitcases wherever she felt. Kit Hiro followed her quietly, carrying little more than a purse full of her personal belongings. She had a shy smile on her face as she reentered the building.
“It’s v-very good to be here again!” she exclaimed softly. “I feel… I feel like we’re coming back home.”
“We weren’t even gone that long,” groaned Eien as she stretched out her arms. She rolled her head around in a circular motion, loosening her neck and shoulders. Kit stretched as well, keeping her shy smile as she watched her furry girlfriend.
“No, not really. It seems like we were gone for months, but it was really only about a week. We just… well… did a lot of things while we were gone.” Eien agreed, scratching her head and shedding some of the loose hairs from her great mane. As the two of them stretched from their long ride back to the building, Silvara came through the door as well, a few bags in her hands.
“Ah, so great to be home again! Boy, what a journey it’s been! Gosh, I could go for a hot bath!” She rested her bags down and stretched as well, then noticed that Kit and Eien were doing the same. “Oh, hey females! You two wanna share a bath with me? I know of a great big tub that can fill all of us!”
“Is there some ulterior motive for this invite?” asked Miichi coyly as she came in as well, carrying small bags. Silvara turned around and gave her friend a grin.
“What? No! There’s no motive at all! I just wanna take a bath and relax with my friends, that’s all.” Miichi frowned and crossed her limber arms, giving the winged girl a very doubtful look.
“…As much as I love your perspective on things, Silvara, I think that I will have to disagree with you on this one—but I have my reasons. I think you want to see somebody naked.”
“No way!!” blurted the winged woman. “It isn’t like that! I just wanna hang out with my friends, honest!”
“So are we all your friends?” asked Kit shyly. Silvara turned her head around and nodded.
“Yeah, you and Miichi are cool, and I guess I can like Eien too if she can ever stop overreacting to everything I say.”
“I don’t overreact to everything you say!” snapped the cabbit. Silvara crossed her arms sourly.
“…Ahuh. Listen, arguing with people is my forte, so don’t try it unless you know what you’re doing. Now are we friends or what?”
“You know, I really don’t like you!” snapped Eien. Silvara smirked.
“Oh, you do… you just don’t wanna admit it.”
“I DON’T!!”
“Hey, can’t you ladies stop arguing long enough to help me out here?” Eien and Silvara were suddenly silenced by their friend and boss, who was temporarily stuck in the opening of the door, burdened by the rest of their bags, all of them large and heavy. Being a gentleman, he had offered to carry a few of the heavier ones inside, but he got way more than he bargained for.
“Oh, shoot, we forgot about the Captain!” Eien chuckled and blushed as she rushed over to help the poor guy, and the others joined him. They each relieved him of two of the bags, allowing him room to pass through the door. He plopped the heavy parcels down on the floor with a mighty grunt, scattering some dust in the process.
“What do you people carry in those bags, anyway?” he wheezed. “We weren’t even gone that long, and every single one of you packed enough to last you a year!”
“It’s just what we women do,” replied Miichi coyly, giving her boss a smile. He groaned and wiped the sweat off his forehead.
“Ugh, I guess. I’m glad I’m still a bachelor, though… Ho boy…” Jack Lazarus sighed out loud, and since he had been so nice to the others by carrying their heavy bags from the shuttle to the business, his employees insisted that he rest his feet for a while. He thanked their kindness and took them up on the offer, merging into the couch and removing his shoes and socks. All the girls plopped down next to him, Kit and Eien on one side and Miichi and Silvara on the other, just like a family. Jack couldn’t help but smile.
“Hey, ladies. I must be the luckiest guy in the world if I could find four great women like you all to work for me. I don’t know how I could’ve gotten along this far without you all. You all really came through for me when I was helping Ichi and Keiko, and that means a lot. Unfortunately, until business picks up again, I can’t give you all the raises you deserve. I hope you understand.”
“Oh, it’s okay, Cap!” smiled Eien brightly. “We don’t mind. Being around a cool boss like you is reward enough!”
“Suck-up,” muttered Silvara. Eien stuck her tongue out at the other girl.
“Nyaa! You just don’t like the boss like the rest of us do!”
“I do so!”
“You’re just a big pain in the butt!”
“You’re a pain everywhere!”
“Why did we ever take you in?!”
“Why did I ever let you stay at my house?!”
“HEY!!” Jack boomed angrily at the girls, and gave them both a stern glare. There was silence for a while as both Silvara and Eien glared at each other, but soon they calmed down. “Honestly, the two of you are acting like children. I have half a mind to punish you two for being so childish. Why can’t you two be friends, like you are with everyone else?”
“Because she’s a pain in the butt!” they shouted at the same time. Jack frowned at both of them.
“So you can’t get along?”
“And why not? C’mon, you were good friends before all of this arguing. The two of you loved working together in the kitchen. Why can’t you just forgive each other and go on? If I stayed mad at everyone that pissed me off, I’d be the loneliest, angriest man in the world. I’d be miserable! It takes a strong person to forgive others, so why don’t you two show me how strong you are?”
Humbled by their boss’ wise, fatherly speech, Eien and Silvara hung their heads sadly and considered what he had said. It was true that they had been friends once, but became bitter with each other once Silvara revealed her defensive side. The two women looked into each other’s eyes, and extended hands.
“Yeah, I’m sorry too. I’m such an ass.”
“Yeah, but I am too.” They shook on it, and with a little prodding from their respective friends the two hugged each other. Both Kit and Miichi smiled sweetly.
“Now doesn’t that feel better?” sang the latter. Silvara and Eien shrugged.
“I guess.”
“What now? Kiss and make up?”
“Not in my presence,” said Jack with a grunt. He climbed out of the couch and headed to the bathroom. “I’m gonna go take my shower first. You girls go ahead and relax, and when I get back, you can have the large tub. You’re free to go home or do whatever you want, but I want you all back here tomorrow, ready to get back to work.”
“Roger, sir!” called four female voices. Jack smiled, and left them to go clean up. Both Eien and Silvara sighed, still not quite sure about their position with each other.
“Oh Hell, I may as well…” Eien quickly dove in to peck Silvara’s lips, and drew away just as quickly with a reddish face. Silvara was left in confusion, wondering why a woman who “couldn’t stand her” did such a thing. Kit stared at the puzzled woman, her cute face astounded and almost ready to laugh; Miichi ruffled her friend’s hair.
“I think she likes you.”
“…Nah,” argued the winged woman. “She’s just crazy. She’s not even a good kisser. Aww, who cares? I’m gonna go take a nap on the roof. Miichi, Kit, you wanna join me?”
“Sure.” The two girls followed Silvara outside, where she flew up ahead of them. Miichi shielded her sensitive eyes from the sun (when she was outdoors, even her shades were not enough to protect her), and waited for her friend to produce a ladder. One came down a few seconds later, and the nimble woman allowed her blonde friend to precede her. Oddly enough, they saw Eien perched up there as well, hugging her furry legs to her chest as she stared out at the city. Silvara walked over and sat right next to her, and since they seemed to finally be at peace with each other, the winged woman put her arm around Eien’s shoulders.
“How cute,” chuckled Kit. She looked up at Miichi, who linked elbows with the petite lady and joined her other friends as they stared out into the city, their destinies still ahead of them. The four girls, finally having come to friendly terms with each other, shared a warm silence as they basked in the glow of the sun and the metropolitan area around them. The city was a symphony of sounds, endless noises and technological music that rose up around them and would continue on into the night.
“What a life,” sighed Eien, scooting closer to Kit. “I’m so glad that this place is in the city and not the country. I’d be uncomfortable in the wide-open area. These buildings all around us make me feel safe.”
“So you like being closed in a box?” inquired Silvara. Eien nodded her shaggy head, and the winged woman snorted. “Well no wonder we disagree. I couldn’t stand being confined in a small place! It’s the open air and the outdoors for me! Yeesh!”
“And this comes from a person who lived in the boss’ ventilation shaft,” remarked Miichi slyly. Silvara snorted.
“I wasn’t living in the air duct, I was living in the whole building! Of course, I take one little seven-month vacation and the entire place gets overrun by grease monkeys, no offense.” Miichi and Eien chuckled, and even the shy Kit smiled warmly. Silvara could not remain annoyed for long when she was in the company of such people, and managed to smile.
“Well,” continued Miichi once the humor died down, “my winged friend here is right. It’s definitely been an unusual trip for us all, so it’s going to be very hard trying to get back to normal, especially for you two.” She pointed to Kit and Eien.
“Why us?”
“You know what they say about finding a honey where you get your money.”
“Oh, please,” scoffed Kinu, “I think we’re both mature enough to keep our relationship on a professional level while we’re working for the boss.”
“I don’t think there’s a need,” whispered Kit, tilting her head cutely. “We’re all friends with each other and the boss. There’s barely any professionalism to begin with, so it wouldn’t be tough to ignore it completely. Of course, I agree with the boss when he says that we should try and keep our work and love separate, but… of course, there’s nothing wrong with dating a co-worker.”
“Unless there’s no good coworkers to date,” noted Silvara, stretching her arms out. Miichi tilted her head.
“What about me?”
“Why, you interested?”
“Yeah, maybe with a friendly outing. I dunno about a date.”
“Oh, come off it, Zuroi,” sighed Silvara. “I know you have a crush on me and I’ve known it for a long time. Just let it out and admit it.”
“H-huh?” Poor Miishi blushed, and stiffened uncomfortably as the other three girls stared at her. She quietly excused herself and shimmied down the ladder, back into the building and leaving everyone else confused.
“…Huh? What was that about? Do you think she had to go use the bathroom?”
“I think you struck a sensitive chord, Silvara,” said Kit quietly. She was an expert on sensitivity, and knew when somebody’s buttons had been pressed too many times, or too hard. Silvara frowned and looked apologetic.
“Oh, really? Well, gee… I’m sorry I offended her…”
“WHAT? You’re actually sorry you offended somebody??!!”
“Don’t get smart on me, Eien,” she muttered blandly. “We may have stopped feuding, but that doesn’t mean we have to get chummy. Okay, I’m sorry I pissed you off all those times, but that’s it.”
“My, aren’t we feeling sour?” Both Eien and Silvara stared at each other bitterly, their arms crossed and their noses raised. To Kit, it was more humorous than it was sad.
“You two are so funny,” she giggled quietly. “It’s plain to see that you really like each other a lot.”
“No way!”
“If you’re thinking about that kiss, then forget it!”
“Besides, you’re my girlfriend!” Kit laughed softly, squinting her green eyes cutely as she looked up at the cabbit.
“Thank you, that’s sweet. But I really wish you two would be friends at least. I’m sure you could do many things when you get along.” Silvara shrugged apathetically.
“Maybe; who knows?” She yawned and sighed, reclining back on the roof to watch the blue sky far above. Eien’s ears suddenly twitched fiercely as Kit began to tickle them, and soon she was screeching out in merciless laughter.
Frowning coldly and hugging herself with her arms, Miichi Zuroi wandered through the main lobby of Lazarus Mechanics, trying not to reveal her red face. Silvara had bluntly said that Miichi had a crush on her; Miichi had denied everything and went back inside so she wouldn’t have to confront anyone about the matter. She wanted to forget about the whole deal and think of something else--and not because she feared being accused of things she was not. She was more worried about being accused of things she was.
Just then, her boss saved her mental condition by walking by, his black hair a matted mess and his body covered in his favorite dark-blue robe. He noticed her sitting alone on one of the couches and joined her in an attempt to raise her spirits.
“Hey, Miichi, is something the matter?” She shook her head silently.
“No… I just needed to come in for a while.”
“It’s probably Silvara teasing you again,” he muttered. “She always does that, so it’s best to ignore it. She only teases those people she likes, so consider yourself a good friend of hers. Of course, then again, she never teases Kit and she freely admits to liking her, and then there’s Eien…”
“No, she and Eien are friends now,” murmured Miichi. Jack smiled.
“Ah? Well, that’s good news. I don’t want them distracting each other while on the job, so if they can get along, then we’re all fine. Now are you sure it’s nothing?” She turned around and gave him a beautiful reassuring smile.
“No… I’ll be fine. Oh, is the tub ready?”
“Yeah, I’m done. All you need to do is fill ‘er up and you’ll be set. I don’t know how hot you girls like it, so be prudent.” She promised she would, and left him with a smile, feeling a little better because of his caring nature (and she thanked him for it as well). As Miichi went away to the other room to draw the bath for herself and her friends, Jack let out a gusty sigh and reclined on the couch.
“Jeez, I hope they don’t get too intimate in there. Kit and Eien are a couple now, and I swear that Miichi has a thing for Silvara… and in that hot tub, well…… Ahh, I better not think about it. I’ll just get in trouble if I do. May as well see what kinda work I can stir up.” He lifted himself up off the couch and made a brief sojourn to his room to get dressed. Wearing a bathrobe around his own business was a grave faux pas, but then again, Jack Lazarus never claimed to have a strict work environment.
Keiko… Elijah… Ichi… I am living my own life here. I’m forging my own destiny, instead of letting the past forge it for me. I have done so many things and I have been so many people in the past, but all of that is gone now. I was once a grievous sinner, committing many crimes against the Creator of us all, but I can be forgiven, and I can live a life of peace, repairing all that I destroyed. I can be loved once more by the people I consider my family. I wish each of you the best of blessings as you stake out your own way of life. This is mine, and I’m going to live it. Better still, I’m going to like it.
Emerging out of his closet wearing a black shirt and jeans, Jack sighed and rested next to his answering machine. He had gotten into the habit of going for it every time he started the next workday, and it was his usual habit to assign Kit (and recently, Miichi) to whichever task he had been called for. Since he had been gone for roughly seven days, he figured it would be best to check up on the machine, so he hit the play button ad waited.
“Welcome - back - Jack - Lazarus,” spoke the machine’s monosyllabic voice. “You - have - two - hundred - eighty - seven - messages.” Jack’s eyes bulged out of his sockets, widening and twitching nervously as he registered the large number. Staggered and overwhelmed, all he could utter was one loud disbelieving word.
“Wha… wha…… WHAAAAAATTT?????”
Closing comments: And that’s the final curtain for Eien, Jack, Kit, Miichi, and Silvara. Draw personal conclusions as always. It’s been pretty cute, warm, furry, and romantic these past few chapters, and with only one more left to go before the story is finished, what will the conclusion bring? There’s only one way to find out--read the previews, of course! Preview for final chapter: Finished with helping Kagai reclaim his inheritance, Keiko Yamanaka pays one final visit to Glavius and Aisuna. And when I say “final”, I mean FINAL.
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