Odd Outcome (part 2 of 3)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Wade Tritschler

Back to Part 1

	There comes a time in every person’s life when they 
should sit back, look at what they have done and then she, or he, 
must ask herself, or himself, ‘what in the hell have I been doing 
with my life?’  Right about now is my time.
	I have sat here, staring at my reflection in this mirror in 
front of me, in the dark, for at least the last three hours asking 
myself that.  When I look back, I wonder when it all went wrong.  
Sometimes I think it was when I met Mousse.  Other times I think 
it was when I encountered Ranma for the first time.  Then there 
are times that I think being born as I was at all, an Amazon and 
heir to the leadership of my tribe, was the problem.
	What?  Did you expect me to be babbling on in Shampoo-
ese, as Akane calls it?  Sorry to disappoint you, but that’s just my 
Japanese.  I can think quite normally, thank you.  Actually, if it 
wasn’t for working at the Nekohanten, having to chase after 
Ranma, and having to fend off Mousse’s advances I probably 
would have gone and taken a class somewhere.  However, I 
simply don’t have the time.
	Anyway, enough idle chatter.  I’m sure you’re wondering 
why I am sitting here, in the dark, staring at my reflection.  Good 
question.  I guess, with everything that has happened recently, I’m 
just feeling a little reflective at the moment.
	Oh, you know about Akane and me already.  Okay, well 
that makes it a little easier.  It funny, isn’t it.  I came to Japan, 
bound by honor, Amazon law, and my own pride to kill Ranma’s 
female half.  Then I run into his male half, get defeated and fall in 
love.  For much of the time since then I’ve been chasing after him, 
trying nearly everything I can think of to win his heart.  Then what 
happens?  I fall in love with his fiancée.  It makes you wonder 
whether destiny dragged me all this way to meet her, or was it 
simply chance.  Either way, it’s been a wild ride.
	What happened after we got revealed?  Hmmm, well, that 
was two weeks ago.  It was one rough day, that one.  Actually, it 
has been rough in general.

	When Akane woke me up that morning, I felt like my life 
had just come to an end.  No one has ever seen my Great 
grandmother that angry before, not even me.  Believe me when I 
say, seeing her, probably the greatest Amazon warrior alive, in 
that state was enough to shatter my nerve.
	“Come... at... once.”  She said, with a shaky tone that told 
me that she was barely holding herself back.  For me, there 
wasn’t even the consideration of trying to explain so I obeyed.  
We headed home in silence and once there she sent me 
immediately to my room.  Actually, I was surprised she didn’t 
explode at me on the spot, but Great grandmother is never one to 
deal with a serious situation in an emotional state.
	It must have been about two hours later when she finally 
called me back out to talk.  The restaurant was closed and 
Mousse was nowhere to be found (she probably sent him away).  
When she turned to me, I knew she had at least calmed, but the 
look in her eyes still makes icicles in my blood.
	“When I found you missing this morning I naturally 
assumed you were off visiting son-in-law, and perhaps even were 
making a little progress.  I know that was a bit of wishful 
thinking, but... I did not expect to find you bedded with his 
supposed fiancée.”  Great grandmother’s voice raised at the end, 
and she started pacing the room.  I remained silent.  Under the 
circumstances, speaking up when not allowed would only dig my 
grave that much deeper.  Finally after a moment she stopped and 
looked at me.  “How long has this been happening?”
	“Few month,” I answered, yet found my voice rather 
	“A few months...  I wish to hear it all: how, why, when, 
	So I told her everything I knew.  She never spoke a word 
through the whole tale, and her expression never broke.  It was 
very unnerving.  When I finished she turned away from me to 
think.  The minutes passed in silence as I continued to wait.  It 
wasn’t long before I started to wonder if she was doing this on 
purpose, just to make me scared.  Well, if she was it was 
	In all the time I was together with Akane I hadn’t let 
myself think much about punishment.  The village law was 
actually blank on the point of same sex relationships, mostly 
tolerating them in silence, perhaps because they were simply too 
rare an occurrence that ruling on them one way or another was 
unnecessary.  However, that didn’t mean I was off the hook.
	“You’ve really gotten yourself in deep this time, haven’t 
you?”  She said, giving me a sideways glance, but I remained 
silent.  “You involved yourself with an outsider female, and a 
weak one at that.  This practically destroys your chances of 
regaining face in the village.  Failing to kill the outsider, failing to 
acquire your husband, and now giving yourself to that Tendo 
girl!”  Great grandmother almost snapped out the last, apparently 
not even willing to refer to Akane by name anymore.  “Do you 
realize the full consequences this will have, for not only you but 
our whole family?  Well, do you?”  She demand, and I could only 
nod my head meekly, still unwilling to open my mouth.  “Good, 
then you will understand when I say you must end this 
relationship immediately, and you are not to see Akane again.”
	The simply way she said this conveyed none of the trauma 
it caused.  Of course, it was the obvious thing, but I felt like she 
had just asked me to cut off my own arm.  No, sorry, she didn’t 
ask me at all.  This was an order.
	“I am being exceedingly lenient child.  As is, this can go 
without mention back at the village, plus fortunately son-in-law 
provides an ideal escape for this situation your punishment would 
be far worse.”
	“It not that... way... with Ranma.”  I said, but was shaken 
when she looked back over her shoulder at me with that same 
cold stare for speaking out of turn.
	“That is even more fortunate.”  She said after a moment.  
“Go to your room and stay there.  The restaurant will remained 
closed for the day.”  I nodded and started to leave, but she 
quickly added something.  “Remember, you are not to see Akane.  
If you feel you can disobey me then remember Mousse and what 
will happen should he find out about this.”
	The implications of that were all too plain to me.  “You 
no tell him!”
	“I have no intention of doing so.  The last thing I need is 
for a war between you two over her.  Now go.”

	Being stuck in your room all day gives you nothing but 
time to think.  Mostly I laid on my bed mulling over the idea of 
never being with Akane again.  Should I have learned that day that 
Ranma had secretly eloped with Kodachi it would have hurt less.  
However, Great grandmother was right in every regard.  I was 
sitting on shaky ground back at the village.  Returning once in 
failure got me this curse, and even that was minor since Great 
grandmother had protected me from some of the harsher possible 
punishments.  It would disgrace myself even further to carry on a 
relationship with an outsider female when legally speaking I’m 
obligated to marry Ranma.  That didn’t even consider the fact I 
was effectively taking myself out of the genepool by staying with 
Akane, although technically speaking there is nothing legally 
wrong with that.  And of course, if Mousse found out... he was 
certain to do something.  It would seem I had no other option.
	The one other thing that dominated my thoughts was my 
relationship to Ranma.  Despite my relationship with Akane, I had 
kept up the motions of trying to get Ranma.  Well, at least that is 
what I said.  In fact there still was quite a bit of desire there, and I 
was truthful when I said it wasn’t the same as with Akane.  I will 
admit that since being with Akane I have entertained the idea of 
being with Ranma as a woman, but it was Ranma the man that I 
loved.  Resolving that relationship had been kept on hold, and I 
still didn’t know what to do.
	I didn’t get much sleep that night.

	By all appearances the next day was as typical as any that 
had come before it.  Mousse, as was usual, decided to wake me 
up personally and was knocking on my door.  As was usual, I had 
already been up for ten minutes, so I told him to get lost and stop 
bothering me.  As I expected, he immediately decided that he 
should come in and try to explain himself, which of course lead to 
him being promptly thrown back out in the hallway.  You’d think 
he’d learn, but he never does.
	We opened the Nekohanten, served the morning 
customers, and generally conducted business as if all was normal.  
Of course, it was far from a normal day, at least for me.  I swear I 
must have looked at the clock ten thousand times that day.  I 
expected to see Akane, or at the very least Ranma, but neither 
came.  That was troubling.
	When night finally fell and I had still neither seen or heard 
from them I could barely contain the urge to just run out and check 
what was happening.  Every time the phone rang I snatched it 
before anyone else, but they never called.  Even once the 
restaurant was locked up and I was sitting in my room I wanted 
Akane to come to my window.  She didn’t though.
	“Where was she?”  I asked myself more times than I cared 
to count.  “Why hasn’t she come?  Why haven’t I heard something, 
anything?”  No answers were forth coming that night, nor was 
much sleep for me.  I considered sneaking out, but Great 
grandmother was on guard for such an action.  The last thing I 
wanted was to spend the night in a cage as a cat for disobeying 
	I must have finally dozed off.  I awoke to one of the 
scariest things I’ve ever experienced, Mousse leaning over me 
and shaking me awake.  I was far too sleepy to be thinking 
clearly, and jumped to the conclusion he had been sleeping with 
me.  Needless to say he got a good slap.  Fortunately for him I 
was wrong.  He had merely come as usual to wake me, just this 
time I wasn’t awake to tell him to go away.  That incident alone 
was enough to convince me that I needed to find out what was 
	After giving Mousse a long lecture on how if I found him 
in my room again without my permission I’d introduce his face to 
his colon, which promptly went in one ear and out the other no 
doubt, I went to Great grandmother.  I didn’t even get the chance 
to make an argument.
	“No,” she said just as I began to speak.
	“You no even-”
	“You’re going to ask to see her, and the answer is no.  I 
forbid it.”
	“No,” she repeated, and looked up from her work at me.  
However, she wasn’t angry.  In fact, she seemed almost 
sympathetic.  “This is for your own good child.  Please, do not 
attempt to fight me on this.”  Her tone made it clear to me that if I 
did not obey the consequences would be severe.  I’m not too sure 
how I would have acted had it been left at that, but Great 
grandmother wasn’t quite finished.  “In any case, there is still the 
matter of son-in-law.  The present situation is very problematic.  
Don’t get any fool ideas.”  She warned, noticing the excited look 
that had crept onto my face.  “You may see him, but if I find you 
with her, or you are delayed without good reason...”
	She didn’t need to elaborate.  I knew and nodded in 
acceptance.  Great grandmother was bending a lot for this, for me, 
more than I ever expected.  Perhaps a day of thought had made her 
come to accept my actions, at least a little.
	Few know this, I believe I only told Akane a week or so 
before this, but the whole thing with Ranma hit me fairly hard.  I 
always led an isolated existence, apart from the other villagers.  
I’m not sure really whether I choose that life or not, or why, but in 
any case it left a great void in my heart.  I never realized it until 
being defeated by Ranma’s male half just how much I wanted a 
companion.  Not one like Mousse, he’s so annoying most the time 
I just can’t feel comfortable.  No, what I needed was someone 
more reserved, and with a different outlook on life.  With Ranma 
I thought I had found it.
	Of course, it came as quite the blow to find he was a she, 
or at least I was lead to believe that.  Worst still, the she was 
someone I hated, or at least I believed that for a short time.  I felt 
like a total fool, embarrassed beyond measure, and to me it 
seemed that red-haired girl was laughing at me.  That feeling was 
fleeting though, and soon gave way to despair as an open wound 
was torn in my heart.  I left with full intentions of never coming 
back.  In fact, I’ll be honest and say I considered many times 
ending my life.  What was the point of an existence in eternal 
loneliness?  I had lost my will to live.
	Ending up at the village was practically a miracle.  I 
wasn’t yet ready to do the deed myself I suppose, so I would let 
the village law do it for me.  I didn’t even bother defending my 
actions or myself, and was simply ready to accept my fate.  Great 
grandmother saved me, not only from the law, but also from that 
pit of despair I was in.  She drove me all the way back to the top.  
She gave me a cause to fight for, a hope of victory, and even her 
own guidance and assistance.  Basically, she rebuilt my shattered 
	I think that was perhaps why I was getting off so easy.  
Great grandmother doesn’t want to see me fall.  That was why she 
was here more than anything else.  The laws, the village, and 
even our own family are secondary to her.  If the others must bend 
somewhat, then she’s willing to give me that space.  Of course, 
even that had limits that I was leery of testing.
	A few hours passed before I got my chance to leave.  
Ranma and Akane were at school, so I waited till lunchtime then 
sought them out.  I found them in field, engaged in a quarrel over 
something.  Ranma had somehow ended up in his female form.  
Besides that they both appeared to be well enough, which was a 
great relief to me.  For a brief time I forgot about all the recent 
troubles, and just felt like rushing over and grabbing Akane up in 
a hug.
	I was about to do just that when that fool Kuno made an 
appearance.  He appeared so suddenly, and quickly that he 
managed to grab up both Ranma and Akane in an embrace before 
either they or I noticed him.
	“Oh, all the angels of heaven doth weep at the tragedy!”  
He cried out.  No, I mean literally.  He was crying up a water 
works worthy of Akane’s father.  “To think of the injustice that, 
that foul fiend of forsaken flesh Saotome could drive my two 
loves to seek solace with one-and-another.  Oh, how could the 
fates be so cruel?!”
	“Let go of me you...” Ranma began to protest, but 
suddenly looked at in Kuno in utter shock.  “Now just a darn 
minute.  You don’t think I...  Me and Akane did nothing, got it?!”
	“You are brave to take Saotome’s mistreatment in silence 
pig-tailed one, yet I know it to be true.”  Kuno said, with another 
outburst of tears.  Both Ranma and Akane turned away in disgust, 
but the clown went on.  “I can no longer leave this matter be!  The 
heavens doth cry out for vengeance!”  He yelled out to the sky in a 
mad fever, suddenly dropping his two ‘loves’ and drawing that 
wooden stick of his.  “Saotome can send forth all his minions of 
hell and the abyss, but I shall lay them all low and bring him to 
his knees.  I vow it now, this devil cloaked in human flesh shall 
be slain, and I shall free all who he has enslaved.”
	“Oh god, KUNO-” Ranma began to say, but once again 
she and Akane were grabbed up in a hug.
	“But of course, how could I leave two timid flowers in 
Saotome’s power whilst I travel into battle.  Fear not Akane 
Tendo, pig-tailed girl, I, Tatewaki Kuno, shall first set your 
wayward hearts back on the path by allowing you both to date 
with me!”
	This was about all I could take.  So, to end Akane’s, 
Ranma’s and my own misery I clonked the buffoon on the head.  It 
took a second for the hit to register, but it had the desired effect.  
He fell promptly silent and onto his face, releasing his two 
victims.  Both turned to me, Akane with mixed relief and concern, 
and Ranma with a mildly embarrassed look.
	Seeing Akane up close and well after two days of worry 
was enough to trigger a bit of giddiness in me.  “You no date with 
both,” I said to Kuno’s unconscious form, then grabbed up both 
girls in a hug of my own.  “Shampoo date with both!”  I was 
joking around of course.  It helped relieve some of the tension 
usually, especially now.  However, I think Ranma took it 
	Akane caught on and returned my embrace, and before I 
think either of us knew what was happening we were locked 
together in a kiss.  I can’t convey to you the feeling that goes 
through me when I’m together with Akane.  It’s like a warmth that 
is so consuming and so comforting you never want to leave it.  It 
is what I have always wanted in a relationship, someone I can 
care for and who truly cares for me, that companion I talked about 
earlier.  Unfortunately, under the circumstances I was forced to 
cut the kiss disappointingly short.
	Akane of course noticed the shift.  “What’s wrong?  Look, 
if it’s about yesterday, it was so hectic, and I didn’t know what I 
should do, and-”
	“No, is no that.”  I answered solemnly, preparing myself 
for what I would have to say.
	“Well, if you’re worrying about being found out, don’t.  
Nabiki already blabbed.”  Akane said and looked off at the 
school angrily.  “You think she could keep her mouth shut for 
	“They did offer her quite a bit.”  Ranma pointed out, and 
Akane turned to glare at her.  Sometime during our kiss Ranma 
must have slipped away and was now sitting by a tree.
	“Yeah, well she didn’t have to say she knew anything!  
Nobody would have known anything had happened if she hadn’t 
of said anything!”
	“What are you yelling at me for?!”  Ranma yelled out in 
	“Because you’re getting a huge laugh out of this, aren’t 
	Ranma crossed her arms and looked away.  “What, can’t 
take being called the pervert Akane?”
	Had I not being holding Akane a fight would have broken 
out right there.  Instead she only sneered at Ranma in anger for a 
moment then walked off to the side with me to talk.  “How’d 
things go?”
	I sighed, not yet quite prepared for what had to come.  
“Not so well.  You?  Why Kuno think Ranma and you...” I said to 
temporarily divert away from the issue.
	“Nabiki was at least vague in what she revealed.  Kuno 
must have got his wires crossed.  Doesn’t matter though.  Half the 
school figured it out and they told the other half.  Everyone with a 
brain knows it’s you.”
	That complicated matters greatly.  How was this to be 
kept a secret from Mousse now?  Sighing again I asked, “and your 
	“He freaked.  He went into this huge lecture that lasted all 
night, balling his eyes out through most of it.  He was going to 
switch the engagement to Nabiki, but instead got this stupid idea 
that since I... like girls, Ranma and I would be perfect together.  
Of course, you know, I think he always was afraid of that.  That’s 
how I got stuck with this stupid engagement thing in the first 
place.”  Akane growled out in frustration, then looked at me 
seriously.  “He didn’t say it outright, but I don’t think he wants me 
seeing you anymore.”  Akane said then starting pacing, much like 
Great grandmother had done.  “I can’t believe how everybody is 
acting.  I keep getting these weird looks from everyone, and I’m 
positive they’re talking about us when I’m not around.  I can’t 
believe Nabiki did that!  She didn’t have to tell anyone.  No one 
would have suspected anything if she hadn’t started going on 
about why we didn’t go to school that day.  She could have made 
up some story, but noooo.  She had to started saying it was 
private family business.  Hah!  Private my eye!”
	Akane finally stopped her pacing and let out another 
frustrated growl, then seemed to calm.  “It’ll work out.  People 
just have to... get used to it, that’s all.  You didn’t say what 
happened with you.”  Akane looked up at me, and the concern that 
immediately jumped onto her face informed me that I had already 
partially given it away in my own looks.
	“Great grandmother mad.  She say no can see you 
	“That’s not fair!”  Akane protested loudly as if it would 
make a difference.  “What gives her the right to butt into your 
	“She is leader of village, leader of Shampoo’s family, 
Akane.  That give her right.”  I said, and I meant it.  “Besides, she 
	“WHAT?!”  Akane yelled out in shock.
	“If Shampoo see you, Shampoo be in trouble in village.  
Dishonor self.  Dishonor Great grandmother.  Dishonor family.  
Dishonor whole village.  They no going to like that.  Shampoo 
already in trouble.  This only cause more.”
	“Then stay here!  You don’t need to go back.”
	“Shampoo’s whole life in village.  Shampoo to be leader 
of tribe.  Can no just cast aside duty to village and to family.  
And, even if did stay, what about Mousse?”
	“What about him?”
	“He sure find out.”
	Akane scoffed at that.  “Who cares?  So he finds out, big 
deal.  Everyone else and his brother knows already.”
	I shook my head.  She just didn’t understand.  “You 
remember when Mousse first come here?”  I asked and she 
nodded.  “You remember how Mousse attack Ranma?”  She 
nodded again, but still didn’t seem to put the pieces together.  
“Mousse do that all the time.  He no let any man near Shampoo 
that way.  What you think happen when he find out about you?”
	Finally Akane began to understand, but she remained 
defiant.  “But, I’m not a man.”  She retorted, but seemed to 
immediately drop that counter argument and switched to another.  
“I’m not afraid of him.”
	“You should be.  Even Shampoo cautious of Mousse.  
Only reason not very worried for Ranma is he good enough beat 
Mousse.  You is not.  Shampoo no know how he react to this.  He 
might try kill you.”  Akane didn’t back down from her defiance, 
but she didn’t respond.  I think she realized the danger she was 
now in.  “We can no see each other.  Shampoo no like this, but 
must be.  You must tell friends at school Nabiki is wrong.  If not, 
Mousse may believe.  Right now, Shampoo think he think it just 
joke, or stupid rumor.”
	“This is not fair.”  Akane mumbled and I could only nod 
in agreement.  It certainly wasn’t fair, but this world seldom is.  
Time was getting short, and Great grandmother was expecting me 
back so I hugged Akane for what I thought would be the last time 
and said my goodbye.  We’d see each other again, but it would 
not be as it was.

	The rest of the day was general depressing.  I very quickly 
became aware of the unwanted attention Akane was receiving, as 
now a lot of it was directed at me.  I shrugged it off though.  What 
did I care about what they thought?  If they crossed me, they’d 
regret it.  Still, it did hurt for some reason.
	Once back at the Nekohanten Mousse immediately went 
into his usual tirade on how Ranma is all wrong for me and I 
should marry him instead.  Yeah, like I’d really trust his opinion 
on these matters.  I could meet someone totally new on the street 
and he’d launch into nearly the same arguments: They didn’t care 
for me the way he did.  They couldn’t possibly love me the way 
he did.  And, they didn’t know me, or I know them they way we 
knew each other.
	That really makes me what to laugh sometimes.  Other 
times it makes me want to cry.  If he cared for me so damned 
much why didn’t he give one thought to how I felt?  And as for 
knowing each other, another joke.  He barely knows me at all.  If 
he did he wouldn’t be trying this lovesick puppy routine.  I really 
can’t stand it.  How can I respect someone that is so bloody 
pathetic?  Oh sure, maybe I can pity him at times, but I certainly 
could never love him.
	I really do wish that he’d just go back to China, get on 
with his life, and leave me alone.  I can’t even remember a time 
I’ve had any peace anymore.  Sure, I’d like to have some friends 
around here, anywhere really, but this definitely isn’t what I had 
in mind.  He’s such a constant, annoying presence in my life.  I 
always had to worry about how he’d react to everything, whether 
he’d go nuts or not, and frankly I’m long since sick of it.
	When I first met Ranma and he defeated me, that is one of 
the first things that went through my mind, “how will Mousse take 
this?”  You know what, right then I decided I really didn’t want to 
care anymore.  I wanted a chance at someone for once, and I 
didn’t give one damn what he thought.  I thought, maybe this once 
he’d come to realize he’d never have me and leave.  And, if he 
didn’t, Ranma seemed strong enough to fend him off.  Well, things 
didn’t exactly turn out as I had hoped.  He never did get the point, 
and now I had to worry about Akane who couldn’t defend herself 
from him.
	I was thinking all this while he was babbling on, and I 
came within one second of knocking him through the nearest wall.  
I didn’t though.  It wouldn’t do any good anyway.  Nothing would 
do any good at all.  He’d always come back, always.  So, I just 
ignored him and went about my work.

	Days crept by, leaving me with much to consider.  Would 
I just let things go back to the way they were?  That was a very 
unpalatable concept.  I had finally found the love I’d wanted and 
to just leave it was unthinkable.  Yet, if I didn’t I’d be a great 
deal of trouble with the village and Akane would be at severe 
risk.  Then there was Ranma.  What was I to do about him?  I 
think I still loved him, but having him engaged to Akane, the other 
person I loved, complicated everything.  I was nearly certain that 
Akane still loved him as well.  It seemed so wrong to steal him 
away from her, but if I didn’t I’d have nothing.  This was hell.
	Things didn’t stay in neutral for long though.  About a 
week after Akane and I being discovered, a particularly 
interesting order was phoned in.  Well, actually the order was 
damned ordinary, the typical 2 deluxe ramens, but the orderee 
was the interesting bit.
	I rode out on my bike to the address phoned in suspecting 
nothing.  When I knocked on the door I was in for a bit of a 
surprise, Ukyo answered.  Under the circumstances my instincts 
set me immediately on the defensive.  My first conclusion was 
that Ukyo had laid a trap for me, but nothing happened.
	Ukyo merely smiled and invited me inside to talk.  I was 
cautious, but she gave me her word that nothing would happen, so 
I complied.  She lead me to the common room and we both sat at 
the table.
	“What you do here Ukyo?”  I asked immediately.
	“It’s a friend’s house.  I wanted to talk with you, and I 
figured you wouldn’t come if you knew.  Besides, it’s bad 
business for a restaurant to order out to another restaurant.  Makes 
the customers wonder.”  Ukyo replied with a joking smile, but I 
didn’t return it.  “Gees, lighten up sugar.  I’m trying to help you.”
	“Help Shampoo, how?”
	“If I guess correctly, those rumors around school aren’t 
just rumors.  Oh, Akane may deny them, and so may you, but I 
think there’s something to them.”
	This was getting a little interesting, but I wasn’t about to 
admit anything just yet.  “You is grasping at straw Ukyo.”
	“Maybe, but hear me out anyway.  Let’s just suppose for 
the moment I’m right, and you and Akane... have been seeing each 
other.  Now, I’m thinking that recent events indicate that your 
little secret got out, if of course there is a secret.  But, let’s just 
say for the moment there is, and it has gotten out, it would seem 
that has complicated matters.”
	“Get to point already.  Shampoo have work do.”
	Ukyo waved off my impatience.  “Fine, fine, then I’ll be 
blunt.  I think you two need some place secret to meet.  I’m 
offering you my place for said meetings.”
	That was unexpected to say the least.  “Is you mad?!”  I 
exclaimed, hiding none of my shock.
	“Hey, I got an extra room, nice and private.  You two 
could do whatever you want in peace.”
	“Hah!  You think Shampoo stupid or something?!  You up 
to something.  Maybe you want get Akane and Shampoo out of 
way so can have Ranma all to self.”
	Ukyo frowned for a moment at my accusations then 
returned to that annoying smile of hers.  “Honestly, yes, that’s 
exactly what I want.  Come on Shampoo, do you somehow expect 
to have him and Akane?  Talk about being greedy.”  That deflated 
me rather quickly.  “In this instance our interests are the same.  I 
want Ranma, and that’s a lot easier with you and Akane out of the 
picture.  I can go about this in much cruder ways, but I much 
prefer it this way.  I already talked to Akane about this, and she 
seemed somewhat agreeable.  I believe she meant to leave the 
choice to you.  So, what do you say?”
	I didn’t like this one little bit.  Ukyo had an advantage 
here and that irritated me.  However, it was an appealing offer.  It 
solved part of the problem of meeting with Akane.  Just as I 
considered this I shook it off.  “Even if true, would be no good.  
Great grandmother keep close eye on Shampoo.  She notice if 
	Ukyo frowned in thought.  “Give me some time.  Maybe I 
can think of something.  Would you be interested?”
	I stood up and prepared to leave.  “You solve problem, 
then we talk, not before.”  It was the best answer I could think of.  
It didn’t admit anything, yet kept the option open.  Ukyo nodded, 
accepted it for what it was and I left.

	The next day I headed off to the school for my usual 
attempt at getting Ranma on a date.  Sometimes he can be a world 
class insensitive jerk.  All I ask for is for him to give me a decent 
chance, but noooo, he has to fight me on everything.  Then he goes 
and complains when I’m forced to use more drastic measures to 
get some attention from him.  I wish he’d get it through that thick 
head of his that I have no choice, and that if he was a little more 
co-operative I wouldn’t have to go to these extremes.  As it is 
Great grandmother is already taking considerable criticism for 
lack of results.  Why the hell did I ever fall for such a stubborn 
	Oh well, I suppose that very same stubbornness combined 
with his other qualities is what makes me love him.  I just wish 
once that he’d open up a little, or at the very least tell me how he 
really feels.  It’s always been a bit of a guessing game with him.  
Sometimes he’s resistant to the point that I’m sure he wants 
nothing to do with me.  Then at other times he practically jumps at 
the chance to be with me.  Lately in particular I’ve been getting 
some real mixed messages from him.  Sometimes I could almost 
swear he resents me, while at other times I think he’s trying to 
come on to me.  Of course, I can never be sure because of that 
defensive attitude of his.  I asked Akane about that once.  
Unfortunately she could explain Ranma no better than I, although 
she was being defensive on the matter as well.
	In any case, that day was much like the others.  I came, 
intercepted him as he was leaving, and got the usual indeterminate 
welcome.  Also as usual I didn’t let it get to me.  It would be bad 
enough if one of my village sisters saw me pining over this man 
like this, but to show any emotional distress over him...  I’d never 
live that down.
	Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes, well, Ranma turned me 
down yet again.  That wasn’t unexpected.  Being pulled aside by 
Ukyo was.  She wanted a moment of my time, she said.  She took 
me to one of the gym’s equipment rooms where we could talk 
privately.  Akane was there when we arrived.  She looked very 
eager, so I guessed that Ukyo had come up with something.
	“Alright Shampoo, I think I solved your problem.  All we 
have to do is set up something as a cover for you being away from 
the Nekohanten, and I think I have the perfect idea.  How’s this 
sound?  I set up a little weekly poker game at my house and invite 
Ranma.  As long as he can get free eats I’m sure he’ll go along 
with that.  Akane can cover herself by saying she’s going along to 
keep an eye on Ranma.  Nothing unusual about that.  You can be 
there to try to get together with Ranma.  Also nothing unusual 
about that.  Now, before you say the poker game is unusual, I’ve 
done it a couple other times, even with Akane and Ranma, just not 
you.  We can also make it semi-legit and actually have a game for 
most the night.”
	At this point Akane cut in.  “I think I can get some people 
around school to come too.  If we do it right they won’t suspect 
anything and if Cologne or Mousse ask around all they’ll hear is 
that it was actually a poker game.  With Ranma and Ukyo there to 
cover for us we wouldn’t have to worry.  Well?”
	I was certainly an interesting proposal, and it could work.  
“Do Ranma-”
“He’s being a bit annoying, but I think we can get him to 
go along with it.”  Akane responded.
	There wasn’t much to think about.  Mousse might get 
annoyed at me being with Ranma, but he wouldn’t suspect 
anything between me and Akane, and would likely even stay clear 
of Ranma since Ukyo and Akane would be there.  Great 
grandmother would probably be a little wary, but as long as the 
cover story had some substance to it and we didn’t push it she 
should go along with it.  The only real problem I had with the 
plan is that Ukyo had come up with it.  We’d have to admit to the 
relationship and she might just gain something out of it.  That 
didn’t matter to me much at that point though.  Being separated 
from Akane as long as I had without the option of getting back 
together was getting agonizing.  Now that the option was open 
once again, the feeling it filled me with practically forced my 

	So it was.  The day came and I set out for Ukyo’s under 
the guise of having heard about this game and intending to crash 
it.  For safety sake I only mentioned that Ranma would be there.  
I’m not really sure, but I think Great grandmother was suspicious 
of something, but maybe I was just being paranoid.  In any case 
she allowed me to go.  Mousse didn’t suspect a thing more that 
what the cover story implied.  He gave me his usual rant on how I 
should forget about Ranma and all that, and as usual I ignored 
	I arrived at Ucchan’s and the game was already in 
progress.  Someone appeared to have gotten one of Ranma’s male 
friends to join in to make it that much more believable.  For his 
sake, Ukyo and I got into a fight over my crashing a private party, 
until Ranma supposedly settled that matter by asking Ukyo to let 
me stay.
	We played for most the night.  Ranma’s friend finally 
went broke... well rather he lost all his chips since no money was 
actually involved, and he left for home.  By that time we were all 
fairly involved in the game so we continued on.  Apparently 
Ranma had been working on his poker face, or maybe he was just 
distracted by what this was really about.  In the end though he got 
eliminated as well.  He watched us play for a time, but then dosed 
off on a sleeping bag Ukyo had provided.
	It was around 5am when Akane got eliminated, leaving it 
between me and Ukyo, but we decided to end it there.  I would 
have gone on actually.  It was fun.  Besides, I was winning, but I 
hadn’t come here for that.  So, Ukyo showed us to the room and 
left us alone as promised.
	It wasn’t much of a room.  It looked like Ukyo was using 
it for storage mostly from the boxes scattered about.  The futon 
was an old one, but adequate I suppose.  In all it wasn’t exactly 
what you’d consider romantic.  I don’t think we cared.
	Oh, we didn’t start off right away.  Being in Ukyo’s place 
was enough to keep us low key for a while.  We talked a little, 
joked about the poker game and Ranma, and caught up on what 
had been happening to the other.  Akane’s days were about as 
interesting as mine, although she was far less concerned about her 
father’s attention.  In that way she was lucky.  The small talk 
didn’t last long though.  All the tension built up over our brief but 
tormenting separation suddenly was let out and the inevitable 
	We slept away what was left of the night, and for that 
brief time I thought it might all come out alright.  The morning 
came and Ukyo woke us up with a knock on the door.  She 
certainly isn’t a morning person.  She looked terrible, like she 
didn’t get any sleep.  Ranma was rather gloomy himself actually.  
He’s obviously not very comfortable with this, although I don’t 
think Akane knows that.  They’re either having a fight most the 
time, or he’s acting like he doesn’t really care.  Oh, he’s actually 
rather supportive, at least to Akane, but he’d never admit to any 
real care about what we do.
	We stayed long enough to have breakfast then left on our 
separate ways.  I got to the Nekohanten in time for the breakfast 
rush and was immediately put to work.  Besides a few quick 
inquiries about what happened, which I answered rather honestly, 
leaving out only the final key bit, Great grandmother didn’t act 
like she suspected.  Perhaps it was just that impression she 
always gives me as being someone I shouldn’t fool with, but I 
still got the strangest feeling that she did suspect.
	That feeling kept my attention most the day.  I was so 
focused on Great grandmother I never even noticed the odd way 
Mousse was acting.  It was nothing obvious or sufficient to catch 
my interest, but on hindsight he was... brooding I guess would be 
the best word for it.  Around me he never broods, but that day he 
	It’s my best guess that something made him suspicious.  
Unless he could get in and out of Ukyo’s without being noticed by 
any of us I doubt he actually saw or heard anything. Being as 
reserved as he was also seemed to indicate this.  No, I’d say he 
might have finally pieced together the clues and figured out what 
we’d been keeping from him, or maybe he had been spying on me 
during my visit and noticed something.  Had he been listening in 
during the game he might have heard something we let slip, but 
still, I can’t believe we wouldn’t notice him and I don’t 
remember any loose comments the relationship between Akane 
and I being made.
	It doesn’t matter I guess.  However it happened, he was 
suspicious, and probably was considering his options.  I went to 
bed in a state of semi-bliss, that would soon be shattered.

	The next morning I awoke and started the day as usual.  
The first thing that made me exceedingly uneasy was that Mousse 
didn’t knock on my door as usual.  That was like clockwork to 
me.  He never missed a day, unless he was laid up, and even then 
he’d try.  That day nothing.  I waited, waited a bit more, then 
nervousness got to me and I went to check on him.  He was gone.
	Of course, there was countless possible reasons why he 
wasn’t there, but only one occurred to me.  I barely had time to 
consider that when I heard the main door crash open and Ranma 
questioning Great grandmother urgently.
	“Is Akane here?”  He asked, and the implications threw 
me into a panic.  I rushed down the stairs and joined Ranma.  The 
situation was quickly revealed.  Akane had left for her morning 
jog as usual, but she had not returned.  Ranma had searched her 
whole route and found no sign of her.  Mousse was also nowhere 
to be found.  Great grandmother had not seen him leave, but he 
clearly wasn’t there.
	As soon as Ranma heard that he was running for the door.  
He had probably come to the same conclusion I had.  Mousse had 
found out somehow and confronted Akane.  At the best he 
kidnapped her.  At the worst... she was already dead.  Neither of 
us was willing to accept the worst.
	I ran after Ranma, not even waiting to gain Great 
grandmother’s permission, and found him a short distance away.  
Obviously he hadn’t given much thought to where Mousse would 
be.  In truth at the time I was equally at a loss.  The only place he 
had was at the Nekohanten.  There was no time to waste though so 
we agreed to split up and search.  Search where was the question.
	I looked at various places I thought Mousse just might go.  
They were all long shots and as expected turned up nothing.  
Several hours had passed when I was reaching the point of 
hopelessness.  Finally an idea occurred to me.  Assuming he had 
kidnapped Akane he’d need someplace to hold her that was 
secluded.  I’d been looking in town, but out in the countryside 
there were several caves, a few of which had been used by our 
enemies for the very purpose of holding someone.  Mousse knew 
of them.  It was my only chance.
	I tried to find Ranma briefly, but he was busy on his own 
search somewhere.  I couldn’t risk wasting time hunting for him 
so I left a note at the Tendos’ and headed off for the countryside.  
The trip was horribly slow, but finally I made it.  The first place I 
searched was where Taro had taken Akane months earlier.  No 
	The next place I tried was where the Jusenkyo destroyer 
had kept us.  I entered the cave and found the cages inside empty.  
It was a disappointment, but I didn’t get much of a chance to have 
the feeling.  The cave was rigged with small explosives.  I had 
fallen into a trap.  As soon as I realized I ran for the entrance.  I 
didn’t quite make it.

	I regained consciousness sometime later.  I was in another 
cave, my hands and feet bound in chains, Mousse’s chains.  I 
wasn’t exactly in the best of shape either.  Whether it was the 
explosions themselves, or the resulting cave in, I felt like a car 
had run over me.  In truth I was fortunate.  If Mousse had rigged 
those bombs to kill, I’d be dead, but that didn’t seem to be his 
intention.  I tried to break free but Mousse was at least proficient 
at binding someone in chains.  I even tried the Bakusai Tenketsu, 
but the chains prevented me from executing the technique 
	I was awake maybe a few minutes when Mousse came in.  
He wasn’t his usual self.  He looked solemn, consigned to what 
he was doing.  I don’t get scared very often, but that look scared 
me.  Being helpless didn’t help matters.
	<“Where’s Akane?”>  I demanded, but he didn’t answer.  
Instead he walked over to me, but kept himself just out of my 
	<“Shampoo, why?  With Ranma there is at least the law, 
	<“That is none of your concern!  Where’s Akane?!”>
	Again he ignored my question.  <“Shampoo I love you.  
Don’t you see that?  I’ve always been here for you, always.  Why 
would you turn to Akane?  Is it that... only women-”>
	<“No you stupid fool!  It has nothing to do with that!  Now 
where’s Akane?!”>
	<“Then what?”>
	I was angry and scared at this point.  I needed answers, 
and if he wanted his answers first, then I’d give them to him.  
<“What?!  I’ll tell you what!  You are a menace!  You claim to 
care for me, but it’s all a damned lie!  All you care about is 
	<“That’s not-”>
	<“Shut up!  You’ve never listen to me.  You’ve never 
understood me.  You’ve never cared about what I want.  Even as 
my enemy Akane cared more for me than you ever did.  Being 
married to you would be the end of me.”>
	I had shouted it all with all my anger behind it, and for 
once it finally seemed to hit home.  Mousse looked broken, 
almost in tears at my words.  He turned away, hanging his head, 
and mumbled something I couldn’t make out.  At the time I really 
didn’t care.  I had to know about Akane.
	<“Where is Akane?”>
	Mousse finally perked up at the question, but remained 
silent for a moment before answered.  <“She’s... dead.”>  His 
voice was weak, but I didn’t notice.  The words are what hit me.
	Dead.  She was dead.  In a single second my life seemed 
to burn away to nothing.  I think I was in tears, but I can’t be sure.  
I was filled with so much grief and anger that I can’t be too sure 
what happened next.  I remember tearing desperately at my chains 
in an attempt to get at Mousse, promising him that I’d hunt him to 
the ends of the Earth and I meant it more than any kiss of death.
	Finally after a minute or so of failed attempts to break free 
I gave up, and let my grief consume me.  I vaguely remember 
Mousse saying something, and suddenly a key landed in my lap.  I 
came back to the world long enough to look up at Mousse and 
hear his last words to me.
	<“She’s not dead.  You can find her in the other chamber.  
Goodbye Shampoo.”>  And with that he left.
	I was in shock for quite a while.  For a short time my life 
had ended, and suddenly it had all returned to me.  I quickly 
unlocked my bindings then rushed into the other chamber to 
confirm what he had said.  Sure enough she was there, 
unconscious, but otherwise unharmed.  I don’t think I have the 
words to express the relief I felt.

	That was earlier today, and I’m back at the Nekohanten 
now.  Akane is resting at home, a little angry with Mousse but 
otherwise unscathed by the incident.  I, however, have much to 
think about.  Mousse had confronted her during her jog and had 
asked about our relationship.  Whether he knew is a little 
uncertain since Akane got angry with him and revealed 
everything.  A fight ensued and Akane ended up unconscious.  I 
don’t really know whether he left her alive out of indecision, or 
maybe because he simply couldn’t kill her.
	He came by and picked up his stuff before I returned and 
left for a hotel.  He obviously didn’t want to face me.  That was 
wise.  Perhaps now I could talk to him calmly, but if I had 
encountered him earlier he would have been dead for sure.  
According to Great grandmother he’s leaving for China the next 
chance he gets.  Needless to say, that is surprising.  I’ll believe it 
when I see it, but this time I have a feeling it’s true.  He has 
finally given up.  I’m not too sure what to think about that.  Maybe 
with this very action he’s trying to prove me wrong.  Perhaps he 
does care.  It doesn’t change my feelings for him, but perhaps 
there is some hope for him.
	The only other matter is Akane and I.  With Mousse out of 
the way the situation is changed.  The option to stay is more 
viable now.  It would mean that I would have to be ‘dead’ in the 
eyes of the villagers, but I could go on despite losing my Amazon 
heritage.  Still, that’s a good part of my life, and Great 
grandmother wouldn’t be pleased.  Plus, even if I do stay there 
are no guarantees.  My relationship with Akane is still in its 
infancy.  Who’s to say it won’t shatter in a few months?  And, 
what of my family?  Do I abandon them?  There are many 
traditions, and rules of the Amazons I bend to their limits and 
even beyond, but to simply throw aside my obligations to my 
family is one thing I am not fond of doing.  There is so much to 
consider now before I make any choices.


	Well, that’s Shampoo’s side of things, but there is still 
much more to come, as soon as I get around to writing it.  Ukyo 
gets her turn in the spotlight next.
	This is my attempt at getting Akane and Shampoo together, 
in my eternal quest to keep Shampoo as far from Mousse as 
possible.  Besides, I kind of like the combo (yes, I’m weird).  No, 
I have no love for Mousse, and I can’t stand the Mousse Shampoo 
combo.  I think it is one of the worst ideas ever to be written.  
	This one is a bit more serious I think than Akane’s, but I 
think it was necessary.  Ukyo however will have a more light 
hearted look at things.
	Questions, comments, flames, praise, requests, money 
offers, jobs, offers of marriage, E-mail me.

Onwards to Part 3

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