Odd Outcome (part 1 of 3)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Wade Tritschler


	I look about my room and all I can see are the faces of 
those that are hurt.  Poor Kasumi can't stop repeating, "oh my."  
Dad, well he's having his usual fountain of tears, but this time I 
know it is not going to be as easy to calm him down.  Even Mr. 
Saotome is shaking his head and sighing in disbelieve.  Can't 
blame him.  Who would believe this?  I certainly wouldn't have 3 
months ago.
	The only two people who seem in the least supportive are 
Ranma and Nabiki.  Well, Ranma already knew so this wasn't 
much of a shock.  I'm more surprised by Nabiki.  Sure she's calm 
and collected most the time but this isn't something that one 
would think she would be prepared for.  I watch her as she talks 
gently to Kasumi, trying to calm her, something very unusual for 
Nabiki.  Did she somehow already know?  Maybe, she always 
did keep her eyes and ears open and she's probably the best 
observer I know.  Oh, what's it matter?  Even with Nabiki's and 
Ranma's help I'm in real trouble now.
	Well, if you haven't guessed by now I'll spell it out for 
you.  I'm Akane Tendo, probably now formerly of the Tendo 
training hall.  My whole family and the house guests (or should I 
call them extended family?) are gathered in my room, supposedly 
to discuss the situation I've gotten myself into.  I already know 
that there isn't likely to be any rational discussion for awhile so 
why don't I tell you what I've done.
	You're never going to believe this but I have...  No, wait.  
I think I should tell you the whole story, starting three months 

	Let's see, well, it started on the day Ranma left.  Where to 
you ask?  Oh, who knows.  He's always on some stupid quest for 
a cure, or a new technique, and this was one of them.  He had 
told me the details but it has been three months and I was barely 
listening at the time so I can't remember.  Wait, don't get me 
wrong.  I want him to find a cure.  I do, honest, but he has tried 
so many times and failed that I don't bother worrying myself with 
details anymore than I have to.
	Back to the point.  Ranma, his father, Mousse and even 
kind old Ryoga were gathered outside the entrance to our home 
for a short term fair well.  Dad was again in tears, this time of 
joy, Kasumi had her usual glowing smile on and Nabiki was 
calculating something in her head, no doubt some new money 
making scheme dependant on the absence of one or more of the 
afore mentioned men.  Me?  I had the usual disinterested scowl 
on my face.  No, that wasn't an act.  I didn't care a lick.  They 
were all going to be back in a week anyway so why everyone was 
making such a big deal of it was beyond me.  What made it 
worse was that it was a long shot, that much I do remember, and 
I already suspected, that like all the other times, there wasn't a 
	Also at the little get together was Master Happosai, or 
should I call him Master pervert Happosai, who was begging 
Ranma not to go and forever leave him without his beautiful 
Ranma-chan.  Cologne was there as well, telling the boys once 
more how futile this whole effort was which of course they didn't 
listen to.  More importantly, the two people in this world who 
have a nasty tendency of being on rare occasions allies and on 
most other occasions my worse enemies were gathered there as 
well, Shampoo and Ukyo.  Can you guess what they were doing?  
Well first off they both tried to hug Ranma.  Having bumped 
heads they were now in the process of trying to tear the other's 
face off.  A perfectly normal day.
	The men, after a brief scuffle between Ranma and 
Mousse over Shampoo's affections, finally headed on their way.  
"Good riddance,"  I thought.  "At least I won't have to listen to 
that stupid jerk for a week," I thought.  Well, actually, I thought I 
thought it.  In actuality I said it out loud.
	Of course Dad was immediately on my case.  "Akane, 
how could you?  He's your fiancee and he's traveling off to find a 
cure, all for your future happiness together."
	"Yeah right Dad.  He's doing this for his own stupid ego 
and nothing else."
	Ukyo took that moment to end her fight and step into the 
conversation.  "Well, if you really don't want him Akane, you 
can always call off the engagement-"
	"And leave Ranma to real wife Shampoo."
	"What do you mean `real wife'?  I'm going to Ranma 
honey's bride, not you!"
	"Ranma no want be with man-woman like you!  He want 
be with beautiful girl like Shampoo."
	"Man-woman?!!  I'm a hundred times the woman you 
are!  At least I don't go around trying to enchant him every 
chance I get."
	"Enchantment just let husband see truth of being in love 
with Shampoo faster."
	"Then you must be using defective ingredients because 
there's no way my Ranma is in love with you!"
	"Your Ranma?!  Is Shampoo's Ranma!!"
	"Oh please," I finally let out.  Shampoo turned her 
attention from Ukyo and looked at me with a challenging glare.  
It's about now that I noticed that we were all alone.  Apparently 
everyone else had felt it wise to leave before the fireworks began.
	"So, Akane think Ranma is hers?"
	"Who said I'd want a jerk like him?"
	"Then would no mind challenge for right to Ranma."
	I'm usually quite defiant, especially when it comes to 
challenges, but today a little voice in my head said back off, it's 
not worth it.  "Ah, no thanks."
	"Hmph.  Always knew Akane was coward."
	"Then accept challenge?"
	Despite what she said, an insult that made me want to rip 
her head off, I knew I was over my head.  I'm good, very good, 
awesome by most people's standards, but around here I barely 
make par and Shampoo is easily an eagle.  All I could do was 
shake my head in controlled anger.
	"Hmph.  Guess Akane is coward when can no hide 
behind Ranma."
	"Why you-"
	Ukyo stepped in between us.  "Okay you two, enough 
already.  We can reconstruct each other's faces on more 
appropriate occasions."  Shampoo smiled smugly then turned and 
left.  It took a lot of effort on Ukyo's part to restrain me from 
tackling Shampoo.  "Come on Akane, give it a rest."
	"She's not going to get away with that."
	"What do you plan to do?   Get into a fight with her?  
You know very well that you can't win.  Besides, even if you do, 
then she's obligated by her stupid Amazon law to kill you.  Do 
you want that?"
	I reluctantly shook my head.  "No.  I just want some way 
to get back at her for once, just once!"
	Ukyo finally released me and began to lead me off.  
"Don't we all.  Come on."  We walked over to her restaurant and 
soon she was cooking me up one of her okonomiyakis.  I already 
guessed that she had some plan in mind and that I was to be 
pawn, but I didn't care.  If whatever Ukyo had in mind would let 
me wipe that smug smile off Shampoo's face I would gladly do 
it.  "So, you want a way to get back at her.  Well, I have a few 
	"Start talking."
	"Alright, we need a way to get at her that she can't use as 
an excuse to take revenge.  Hmmm."
	"Stop stalling Ukyo, I know you got something up your 
sleeve already."
	"Okay, okay.  The way I see it you need her to back down 
from a challenge."
	"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"
	"That I haven't quite worked out.  It needs to be 
something that she honestly believes you'll do but she won't."  
Ukyo tossed the finished okonomiyaki to a plate in front of me.  
"I haven't thought of anything but maybe you can.  If she backs 
out you can hold it over her head and there isn't a thing she can 
do about it."

	Ukyo's plan stuck in my mind.  The whole day I riffled 
through all the various things I could challenge Shampoo to.  
Martial arts, cooking, arm wrestling, tea ceremony, all no good.  
Not only would she accept the challenge she'd easily beat me.  
No, it had to be something totally outrageous, something that 
she'd never expect or be prepared for.  The problem was, 
anything that fit the bill I was equally unprepared for.  Then it 
came to me.  I didn't really need to be prepared for it.  Like Ukyo 
said, all I needed to do was make Shampoo think I could and 
would do it and make her back out.  Okay, but it would have to 
be the most outrageous thing I could think of.  Only one thing fit 
the bill.  I chuckled to myself when I thought about it.  "There's 
no way she'd accept that challenge," I thought.  I made up my 
mind to challenge her the next day.  I had to make it look good, 
very good.  For once, I was going to get Shampoo.

	The next day, there I was, standing in front of the 
Nekohanten.  A sign hung on the door.  "Closed temporarily" it 
read.  I briefly wondered what was up but then I turned my mind 
back to the task at hand.  I knocked and waited.  Shampoo soon 
answered the door and looked at me with a scowl.
	"What you want Akane Tendo?"
	"Oh, just to chat."
	"Hmph."  Shampoo turned and gestured for me to follow.  
I entered the restaurant and looked about curiously.
	"So, why's the restaurant closed?"
	"Since Ranma gone for while Great-grandmother decide 
return China and get more supplies."
	"I can just imagine what kind of supplies," I mumbled.  
Shampoo closed the restaurant door and turned to confront me.
	"What want?"
	I smiled.  "Oh, are you going to regret asking that," I 
thought.  I looked at her confidently and readied myself.  
"Shampoo, I've got a challenge for you."
	Of course she wasn't in the least worried, yet.  She smiled 
smugly, as usual, and nodded.  "What is challenge?"
	"Simple, the challenge is to see who is the better..."  I let 
myself pause for just a second to get up the necessary tone of 
voice then dropped it on her like a ton of bricks.  "love maker."
	It took a few seconds for my words to finally hit her fully 
and the result was immediate.  Her smug look vanished to be 
replaced with confusion and shock.  "You... you mean-"
	"I mean, which one is the better in bed."  I finished with a 
confident smile that must have really surprised her.  She turned 
away, clearly trying to hide her surprise.  I had her and I knew it.  
She was uninhibited to be sure but this was beyond even her 
	Finally, after a few more seconds she let off a laugh.  "Is 
very funny joke."
	"No joke Shampoo, I'm serious."  That slowly turned her 
laugh nervous then finally stopped it.  "Yeah, choke on that one 
you..." I thought in triumph.  I was almost ready to celebrate but 
then it was my turn to be surprised.
	Shampoo turned, head bowed, then looked up at me 
defiantly.  "If is serious then Shampoo... accept challenge."
	"WHAT?!!!"  I nearly burst out saying, but managed to 
contain it to just a thought.  "She's testing me, that's it.  Well, no 
way am I going to show weakness.  You're backing down!"  I 
thought then quickly reset my confident air.  "I'm serious, dead 
	The words shot into her like a bullet.  She nearly 
stumbled but then reassembled herself and regained her air of 
defiance.  "Okay then, what is rules?"
	"Rules?!  She's actually got as far as rules!" I thought.  
This wasn't something I had been prepared to produce.  I knew 
she was on the verge of backing out, I just needed to push a little 
more.  Tilting the contest in my favor wouldn't do.  She'd call me 
a cheater or call the test unfair and rightfully so.  No, it had to be 
fair, but in such a way as to scare her out.  "Well, it's simple.  
First one to cause the other to have..."  Now I paused again, this 
time for my own balance.  The word seemed wrong somehow but 
I couldn't think of a euphemism on such short notice.  "...an 
orgasm wins."
	Shampoo bowed her head again, absorbing the statement.  
To be honest I'm not even sure she fully understood me.  After 
all, her Japanese isn't the greatest and... that word... isn't exactly 
something you encounter everyday in causal conversation, unless 
of course you have one hell of a weird social life.  The longer she 
debated with herself, the more I thought I had her at last, but 
much to my dismay she looked up after a minute and nodded in 
	It took all my will power not to fall over and destroy the 
illusion of confidence I was trying to project.  "How could she 
have accepted?!!  This is nuts!  She's going to take this as far as 
possible huh.  Well, I can go anywhere she can."  I thought.
	Shampoo lead the way to her room.  It was quite plain 
actually, a fold away bed, various weapons hanging from the 
wall, one dresser, a picture of some village (hers probably) and a 
few pictures of Ranma (naturally).  It reminded me of my own 
room, except mine, I had to admit, was less well kept.  No 
barbells on the floor or cloths dumped in a hamper here.  
Everything was immaculately stored as if house cleaning was her 
specialty.  "Hmph.  Must do it for... him." I thought.  Shampoo 
pulled out the bed and set it up.  She must have been working on 
seeming calm because I couldn't detect a hint of nervousness in 
her now.  "That act doesn't fool me Shampoo.  I'll make sure you 
back out." I thought.
	The bed finally ready, Shampoo turned to me.  "How 
start?" She asked.
	I knew a big push would throw her so...  "Ah, we'll skip 
formalities.  Undress."  Shampoo blinked, but otherwise didn't 
waver.  Her hand went up and unclasped her top and let it fall to 
the ground.  It was a shock I could barely manage to take.  There 
she was, in front of me, half naked (not even wearing a bra), 
ready to go.  I couldn't help but stare for just a second until I 
realized she expected me to start as well.  "There's no way I'm 
backing out!" I thought defiantly as I began removing my shirt.  
Shampoo responded by removing the remainder of her clothing.  
Soon we both stood looking at each other in defiance, totally 
naked.  I broke the look and pushed my clothes off to the side and 
approached the bed.  Shampoo also pushed her clothes to the side 
and sat down on the bed waiting.  I looked down at her, and 
swallowed nervously, then I steeled myself to go ahead.  I 
intended to make her back out no matter want it would take.  
"Alright, let's get started."
	Shampoo nodded.  "She's hasn't back out yet?!  What's it 
going to take?!" I thought then sat down next to her.  We looked 
at each other for a long moment, considering how to move on.  I 
couldn't let her think I was just bluffing.  I had to take action so I 
took one of her breasts into my hand.  Shampoo mirrored me.  It 
kept going on like that, one of us pushing the boundary and the 
other following.  Before long we had both moved past mere 
fondling to more intimate contact.  I never really realized how far 
this had gone until it was all over.
	We had both given into the contest utterly and with no 
quarter given.  It was an experience I'll never forget.  How could 
I?  My first time, ever, and I do mean ever, and I'm with another 
woman.  Beyond that, it was with Shampoo.  It was a pitched 
battle, if you can call it that, but somehow I came out on top, both 
literally and figuratively.  I beat her by just a few seconds and 
when it was over all I could do was roll over and lay there, 
immobile from exhaustion.
	We both laid there a long time.  My mind was locked, the 
seriousness of the act I just engaged in not yet sinking in.  It must 
have been at least a half hour later when my brain finally started 
to have some of its higher functions come on line.  I looked at 
myself and ran my hand through my sweaty hair and knew I was 
a mess.  I sat up and headed for the bathroom to get cleaned up.  
My brain still only partly functional, I totally forgot where I was 
when I started my bath.  When Shampoo entered I nearly flipped, 
but my brain quickly sorted itself out and told me I was in her 
home, not mine.
	We sat in the bath water for sometime, both silent.  
Finally Shampoo looked at me angrily.  "Shampoo want 
	"Hey I won!"
	"This type challenge no fair with no warning.  Want 
	"Fine, how about two days from now, same time.  I'm 
free then."
	"Fine, this time Shampoo be ready."
	I quickly got up and stomped out.  "I'll show her.  I won 
and I'll win again!"  At this time, what exactly I was talking 
about still hadn't really hit me.  It took about a day for that to 

	It was shear bliss the next day.  I made a point of 
dropping in on Shampoo with all my friends.  Needless to say she 
wasn't in the greatest of moods.  Who could blame her?  She'd 
lost to me.  Who cared what the contest was.  She'd lost to me.  
	After my visit with Shampoo, I dropped in on Ukyo to 
gloat.  As usual she was serving a multitude of customers.  Her 
cooking was always so good.  Why couldn't I do that?  Well, it 
wasn't like I got much encouragement!  Ranma was always 
bashing my cooking and no one ever wants to try it.  How could I 
improve if no one gives me a chance!
	Sorry, I'm getting side tracked.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, 
Ukyo's.  Well, anyway, Ukyo immediately polished off her last 
few orders and rushed over to grill me for information.
	"I see it's gotten out already."  I commented.
	"Sure has.  Shampoo's so mad you can feel her from a 
block away.  What did you do?  Did she back out?"
	"Better, I beat her."
	"Beat her!  Oh, this I got to hear!  Come on tell me.  Tell 
me.  Tell me right now!"
	"Well, it was..."  It was right then that it hit me right in 
the face.  I couldn't tell her.  What would she think?!  The 
magnitude of this was just too much.  I couldn't let anyone know, 
no one.  I sat there, silent, desperately trying to keep my 
composure and think of some sort of escape.
	"Come on Akane, don't hold out.  What happened?"
	"Ah, well, it's... it's a secret."
	"Secret?!  Come on, something this juicy can't be kept 
	"Sorry, you'll have to find your own way to get her.  This 
one's mine."
	"You're a sly one, you know that.  Hmph.  Well, keep 
your secret.  I'm just glad to see her tearing herself apart."  Ukyo 
smiled and returned to her worked.  
	I sighed in relief.  "That was too close," I thought.  Even 
with Ukyo temporarily stalled I couldn't risk staying so I left in a 
hurry.  On the way home my emotions were in turmoil.  I 
couldn't decide what to make of yesterday's little encounter.  
Sorry, little doesn't describe it.  Huge is the right word.  Before I 
could really come to terms with what I had done I remembered 
the rematch.  "Why the hell did I agree to that?!"  I said to 
myself.  I couldn't back out now.  If I did, Shampoo would say I 
was a coward again.  I could always make out like it never 
happened.  No, that was no good.  She's so stubborn she'd never 
let it drop.  Then I thought about how nice it was having this to 
grind into her.  If I won again it'd be twice as nice and there'd be 
no way she'd challenge me again.  Yeah, that would be sweet.  
For once I'd have her at a disadvantage and she couldn't even 
talk about it.  My determination got the better of me, no doubt 
about that.  The type of contest that I was involved in didn't 
matter anymore.  All I wanted was to win.

	When the next day came there wasn't a doubt in my mind 
about what I was doing.  I arrived at the Nekohanten prepared to 
totally humiliate the Chinese girl and I didn't care what it took.  
Apparently she felt the same way because this time there wasn't 
the least bit of hesitation from either of us.  It retrospect, I think 
we were both deluding ourselves.  The nature of the contest was 
never mentioned.  It was just called "the challenge" or "the 
contest".  However, our delusions sure didn't make us hesitate 
even during the act.  This time it was fierce, even to the very end.  
By the time we were done I was so exhausted I could barely 
move.  The fact that she won barely even hit me.
	Again we laid there a long time, this time from massive 
exhaustion.  Shampoo was the first to get up, but I could tell, 
despite her victory, she wasn't all that pleased.
	"We is even now but contest is no settled," she finally 
	"You want another round?  Alright.  Wait, I'm tied up all 
	"Then next week."
	"Won't your Great-grandmother be back by then?"
	"Hmm, yes she will.  Your house?"
	I thought this over.  I wanted another chance.  After all I 
couldn't let this contest go to her, not now that I was so close.  
Then I realized that my house was a bit risky.  What if someone 
heard us (it wasn't exactly the most silent of contests)?  "It'd 
have to be late at night, when no one's there, and not on a school 
	"Is no problem.  Shampoo can sneak out anytime."
	"Alright then, my house, next Saturday, one o'clock in the 
morning.  Kasumi is supposed to go see a friend with Dad."
	"What about others?"
	"Them, are you kidding.  When I'm in charge of the 
kitchen it's a chore trying to keep them home.  Trust me, they'll 
be gone for sure."

	It was during the intermission that Cologne and the boys 
finally returned home, minus Ryoga who was lost as usual.  As 
we all expected, whether we admitted it or not, there was no cure.  
This made Ranma more cranky than usual and our fights kept my 
mind preoccupied through most of the interim.  Our little contest 
hadn't slowed down Shampoo in the least.  She made it her point 
to seek out Ranma on every occasion we were together.  By the 
time Saturday rolled around I was rearing to get into the contest.  
I was going to get back at her that night for sure.
	As I had predicted, as soon as everyone heard about the 
kitchen arrangements they all headed for the hills.  Jerks!  
Anyway, that's not really that important.  What do I care?  I 
mean, it's not like I really want to do stupid womanly things.  
I'm a martial artist, not some dumb house wife.  Okay, okay, I 
know I'm ranting but I just gets to me sometimes.  Back to the 
	I sat in my room waiting anxiously.  Every minute was an 
eternity.  To pass the time I started to clean up, placing my 
clothing in the hamper, putting away my exercise equipment, 
even going so far as to arrange the sheets on the bed neatly.  I 
was just doing it to take my mind off what was coming.  It 
wasn't like I was trying to make the room presentable for 
Shampoo or anything.  Finally I finished everything I could think 
of, and ended up just sitting there waiting.  
	"Where the hell is she?!  I want to get this over with 
already!!!" I said to myself.  Two minutes to one and I was nearly 
ready to scream.  I composed myself and took  several, deep, 
calming breaths.  Finally a knock came from the window.  
"Finally!"  I opened the window to find Shampoo hanging from 
the roof much the same way Ranma does.  It was an irritating 
display.  She obviously wanted to frazzle me but I wasn't about 
to let her.  She flipped inside and looked about my room.  After 
the brief examination she turned to the bed and then looked at 
	"Is you ready?"
	"I'm always ready!"
	She nodded and we began the process of undressing.  
This challenge started much like the last.  We hadn't gotten very 
far but I already didn't like the way it was going.  She had turned 
the last round into this type of match.  I had to upset her strategy, 
do something she'd never expect, so I kissed her.  It wasn't much 
of a kiss, just a small peck on the cheek, but it had the desired 
effect.  You see, up till now kissing hadn't been involved.  I 
guess we both unspokenly considered it taboo.  However, 
unspoken rules were made to be broken.
	Shampoo was really thrown off balance, leaving herself 
wide open.  I got her into a good position and readied myself for 
the attack.  I never got the chance.  Shampoo recovered and 
countered with a quick kiss of her own.  I was a little shocked but 
I wasn't about to be outdone so I kissed her back, this time 
directly on the lips.  Before I could withdraw Shampoo wrapped 
her arms around me and returned the kiss.  It turned into a battle 
after that.  Who could keep this up the longest?  The real contest 
was forgotten as we fought to gain advantage in the kiss.
	I don't know really why what happened, happened.  
Maybe it was the lack of oxygen or maybe something deeper but 
I suddenly realized that instead of the fierce, defiant kiss that had 
begun this little struggle we were now engaged in a passionate 
kiss that I longed to let continue.  Only the necessity to take in air 
finally forced us apart and the magnitude of what just happened 
hit us both.  Sex was one thing, this was light-years farther.  
Neither of us could muster the courage to look the other in the 
eye.  We sat there a long time, considering our actions.  Finally, 
Shampoo broke the silence.
	"Shampoo is no feeling very good.  Maybe do later."
	"Ah, yeah, sure.  Call it a tie for now."
	Shampoo quickly put her cloths back on and hurried out 
the window and into the night.  All I could do was sit in my bed 
and ponder.  That night, my dreams were haunted by Shampoo's 

	The following days were very touchy for me.  I still didn't 
know what to make of our last encounter, or at least I wasn't 
ready to accept it.  Whenever anyone mentioned Shampoo I 
nearly started shaking.  I didn't dare go to see her.  What would I 
say?  What would everyone think if they found out?  I didn't 
	A week must have past.  I was not really in any condition 
to notice.  Dad and Kasumi got home and with them the others.  I 
had almost put it out of my mind until Shampoo came up the 
street on her bike and stopped in front of me.  Nervousness 
instantly overtook me.  I found myself totally stunned, unable to 
move or even talk.  Shampoo wasn't much better from what it 
seemed.  She just looked at me with a show of complete 
uncertainty.  It took me several minutes to finally get off a word.
	"Shampoo."  She could only nod in response.  "So, ah, 
what are you doing?"  She blinked several times, unable to speak.  
"Delivery?" I finally asked.
	"Yes."  Her eyes turned from me.  I didn't know what 
else to say.  Small talk just wasn't my thing.  We stood silently 
for another few minutes until she readied herself to go.  Before 
she could get started, however, she stopped and looked at me 
again, this time with her usual show of arrogance.  "We have still 
no found who is better."
	For my part I couldn't believe that she was still interested 
in that stupid contest.  It riled me and my nervousness vanished 
quickly to be replaced by anger.  "You have got to be kidding!!"
	"Then you concede?"
	"Like hell!"
	She smiled deviously.  "Then we continue challenge?"
	"Where and when?!"
	"Nekohanten, tonight, eleven o'clock."
	"What about-"
	"No worry.  Mousse take loooong trip this morning and 
Great-grandmother not be home all night."
	"Okay then, fine.  Tonight."
	She nodded and biked off.  I watched her go, shaking 
with anger.  Then, I calmed, and nearly lost it as the reality of the 
situation set in.  "What in world have I gotten myself into?!" I 
thought, but there was nothing to be done about it.  I had 
accepted a challenge and my honor forced me to go through with 

	The day rushed past much too quickly for my liking.  
Ranma was off somewhere, Dad and Mr. Saotome were playing 
Go, Kasumi was housekeeping, and Nabiki was also out of the 
house.  When night came and I started to sneak out I was half 
hoping I'd get caught.  No such luck.  The walk over to the 
Nekohanten was equally uneventful.  All this gave me lots of 
time to think and panic.  When I did finally arrive and knocked 
on the door I was nearly shaking.
	"I can't go through with it," I thought but the opening of 
the door caused that thought to be thrown aside.  I quickly 
composed myself and looked at Shampoo.  I could swear she 
seemed scared for a second but then all I could see was her usual 
	Up in her room is when it all finally happened.  I found 
myself staring at her as she undressed.  "God, she's beautiful," I 
caught myself thinking then I saw her looking at me.  I quickly 
averted my eyes and returned to the removal of my own cloths.  I 
didn't get far, however, because I felt her eyes still on me.  I 
looked up and saw her gaze locked on me.  She must have 
noticed me looking at her because she turned away and finished 
off.  I fought my own urge to stare and finished as well.  Then we 
turned our eyes back to each other.  I could feel a knot in my 
stomach and the heat of my body rise.
	Shampoo looked down and walked over and sat next to 
me on the bed.  She turned her eyes back to me, and I knew right 
then that she was just as messed up as me.  I could see her 
determination melt away and be replaced by uncertainty.  My 
own determination was long since gone but something else had 
replaced it.  It wasn't uncertainty, it was... I don't know... a need 
I guess, a need to hold her, to be close to her.  When she shook 
her head and started to get up I acted, gently taking a hold of her 
chin, turning her to look at me and bringing her in close.  She 
resisted for just a second then relaxed.  It was then that need 
overtook me and I kissed her.  Again she hesitated, stiffening, but 
that lasted only a brief moment as she finally let herself go.  It 
was our last kiss all over again, this time with only the passion.
	That night was far different from our last ones.  The 
fierceness was completely gone, only pure emotion remained.  
Who won?  To be honest, I haven't a clue and I couldn't care 
	We were both so exhausted we must have fallen asleep 
after the act. When I awoke I found Shampoo in my arms.  It was 
the strangest feeling, at least at the time, to just wanted to stay 
there and hold her.  However, reality had to rear its ugly head 
when I looked at her clock and realized I'd slept most of the night 
away.  Needless to say, I was a bit panicked.  If I was found 
missing...  Well, I didn't know exactly what would happen but 
I'd be facing some hard to answer questions for sure.
	I shook away the last bit of my sleepiness and quickly 
started putting my clothes on.  Despite my efforts to be quiet, 
which admittedly weren't that good, Shampoo woke up.
	"Don't worry.  Just go back to sleep.  I got to go.  It's 
nearly morning."  I finished putting my blouse on then turned to 
her.  "We'll talk later Shampoo-chan."  I leaned over and kissed 
her.  She smiled contentedly and drifted back to sleep.
	It was only on the way home that I let myself think about 
it.  We'd taken such a huge step, a step in a direction I'd never 
even dreamed my life would take.  Sure, I was engaged to a guy 
who changed to a girl but this...  How would my family react?  
How would Ranma react?  And what about Cologne and 
Mousse?  I didn't know too much about Amazon law but I 
couldn't image it taking this into account, and even if it did I 
didn't think it would condone it.  Then I thought, "hey, this is 
supposed to be a new age.  Can't we have this relationship 
without everyone getting in the way."  Then hard cold reality 
came back to dampen my spirits.  My Dad was a person from the 
old ways and so was Cologne.  I couldn't imagine either of them 
accepting this.  For now, this had to remain a secret.
	It was on my way home from school two days later that 
things got even more complicated.  I was walking alone, having 
just punted Ranma into orbit, and debating what I should do.  
Two days had passed with neither of us seeing the other.  I found 
it hard.  I wanted to see her, badly, yet the risk was incredible.  
Letting this relationship end was an option, but I found the 
thought of that to be very unpleasant.  For some reason I wanted 
the relationship to continue but how could it?
	Suddenly something tugged me into an alley.  I was 
caught totally off guard.  Before I could even gather my wits I 
found someone kissing me.  For just a brief second I thought it 
was Mikado or some other jerk who's always after me, but the 
sight of purple hair clued me into the real culprit.  I couldn't help 
but give into the kiss and it was so pleasant.  Any consideration 
of ending this relation was blasted away.
	Finally the kiss ended with Shampoo's arms wrapped 
around my neck and mine around her back.  "Shampoo miss 
you," she said seductively.
	"I missed you too, but don't you think this is a little 
	Shampoo looked around then back at me and shrugged.  
The risk didn't matter to her.  Just like me she wanted the 
relationship to continue and nothing was about to stop her.  Well, 
if the Amazon could do it, so could I.
	Shampoo ran her hand down my chest.  Her touch 
immediately sparked feelings of desire in me and my body 
quickly informed me that waiting wasn't an option.
	"Come on.  I think I know someplace we can go."  
Shampoo nodded and followed me.  In truth I didn't have a clue 
where to go but I was desperate.  Finally we ended up in front of 
Dr. Tofu's clinic.  I remembered that Kasumi had planned a visit 
and sure enough, we found the clinic empty.  I barely had time to 
lock the door and enter the examination room before Shampoo 
was all over me.  The desire couldn't wait a second longer.
	That was one of the more crazy stunts we pulled.  What if 
Dr. Tofu had come back and caught us?  Well, he probably 
would have kept it to himself being a doctor, but I don't even 
want to think about the embarrassment that would have resulted.  
At the time the risk just seemed to add to the excitement of the 
	After it was done all I could do was relax in contentment.  
"Ranma doesn't know what he's missing!"  I caught myself 
thinking, yet the thought didn't anger me.  It was strange to 
realize just how much my feelings for Shampoo had changed.  
Apparently Shampoo had been pondering the same thing because 
she turned to hold me with a slight bit of nervousness.
	"Akane, does you like Shampoo?"
	I responded without a second of thought.  "Of course."
	"Really like Shampoo?"
	That took a second to consider.  Yes, I liked her.  I liked 
her a lot...  No, that's wasn't even right.  "Shampoo, I think... I 
think I love you."
	She smiled happily in response.  "Oh Shampoo so happy!  
Wo ai ni."  She hugged me fiercely.
	In love, who would have thought.

	Our encounters continued for many weeks in secret. Both 
of us were consummate actors so no one could tell that we were 
any different, at least in public. We had a number of ways of 
communicating that sounded totally innocent, including the 
euphemism of "the contest" to refer to what we were doing, but 
victory in said contest was long since forgotten.  Being together 
posed a slight problem but that was soon solved.  Me and 
Shampoo had come up with a little strategy to avert suspicion.  
Shampoo and I would get into some bogus fight over something 
(it is surprisingly easy to come up with excuses) and take the 
fight on the road.  After we ditched any onlookers, particularly 
Ranma, we'd go somewhere.  It also wasn't all just sexual 
anymore.  Many times we'd just go off and have some fun 
	Of course, after a while it became difficult to find places 
that were private.  It became necessary to risk meeting at night at 
either my or her house.  Fortunately, a little testing on our parts 
soon showed that a little noise wouldn't get us discovered.  I 
guess with all the craziness around here everyone has learned to 
sleep through it.
	One other problem presented itself one night.  While we 
were at my house, we both fell asleep and awoke the next 
morning to Kasumi knocking on the door.  I nearly went mad 
with panic but Shampoo had a quick and easy solution with the 
use of a little water.  All Kasumi found was a slightly messed up 
bed and me wearing a blanket.  I decided then that some sort of 
alarm clock was in order.  After that things went fine, at least for 
another couple weeks.
	I don't know what tipped Ranma off.  We'd taken so 
many precautions.  It had been a regular day, well, with the 
exception of P-chan finally showing his cute little snout back at 
the house.  When I went to bed with him everything seemed 
normal enough.  Ranma wasn't acting funny in the least.  Okay, 
so he was chasing P-chan again but that always happens.
	Shampoo had sneaked over for a brief little chat that 
night. We talked for a short time then kissed each other and said 
our goodbyes until tomorrow.  Ranma had long since given up 
trying to sneak into my room so I can't see how he could have 
found out.  P-chan seemed a little startled, but other than that 
everything went normally.
	It was the next morning when Ranma showed his first 
signs of knowing something.  He was unusually quiet through 
breakfast and didn't say a thing on the way to school.  I at first 
found this pleasant.  After all, it was nice to not be in an 
argument for once, but then I started to get uneasy.  The 
uneasiness continued to grow until lunch time came around and 
Ranma sought me out by the soccer field.
	I was alone at the time and when Ranma sat down to look 
at me I could feel that something was about to happen.  Despite 
this, I kept up my usual act and looked as calm as ever, slowly 
drinking a can of juice I had.
	"So, Akane, I've been noticing that you've been having a 
lot of fights with Shampoo lately."
	"Yeah, we got a little feud going on at the moment."
	"Feud huh.  What kind of feud?"
	"The usual.  She wants to prove herself to be the better 
wife or some such nonsense.  I can't see why she'd want some 
bozo like you."
	Usually I'd get a rise out of Ranma, but today that insult 
didn't even faze him.  "I see.  No big deal then?"
	"Nope.  Why?  Are you worried about me or something?"
	Nothing again.  By now we'd usually be near exchanging 
blows, well me giving and him taking, but he wasn't in the least 
frazzled.  I really started to worry but I didn't let it show as I took 
a long sip of juice.
	"Actually, I sort of was wondering why you were calling 
her `Shampoo-chan'."
	I nearly yelled out "HUH?!!" but instead choked on the 
juice.  After a short coughing spurt I came up with a response.  
"Oh, that, ah, we're just trying to annoy each other.  You know, 
call the other stupid names to make her angry."  I lifted my drink 
back to my lips.
	He was sitting there, not really looking at me, then, still 
looking off in the distance, he said, "hmm, and I suppose kissing 
is part of your little strategy as well?"
	I dropped the drink.  "How the hell did you find out?!"
	"I have my sources."  He looked insufferably smug.  I 
wanted to hit him.
	"Sources?!  What sources?!"
	"Don't worry, he's sworn to secrecy.  Now, you want to 
tell me what the hell is going on?"
	I was caught and there was no way out of it but to give 
him the whole story.  He was amazingly calm through most of it 
and when I finished all he could do was shake his head.
	"Akane, I know you hate boys, but this?"
	"I don't hate boys like that!"
	"But you like girls?"
	"Ah, I'm not sure."
	"But you like Shampoo?"
	"Yes.  Okay, I guess maybe I do like girls, but I got 
nothing against boys!"
	"Man, your dad is going to flip!"
	"Don't you dare tell him Ranma!"
	"Akane, you can't keep this a secret forever.  Sooner or 
later he's going to find out and then what?"
	"I... I don't know."  I hadn't been thinking about that 
much.  Actually, I was avoiding the subject.  Ranma was right, 
Dad would flip.  The problem was I couldn't think of a single 
way out of this besides ending my relationship with Shampoo.  
The funny thing was, I couldn't bare the thought of doing that.  
Apparently Ranma saw the situation I had gotten myself into and 
offered a supporting hand.
	"Look, Akane, no matter what you decide or what 
happens I'll be there for you."  That statement was both 
shocking, coming from Ranma, and comforting.
	Maybe I should have done something then but I didn't.  
Things continued as they were, in secrecy.  Actually, things 
didn't seem to change at all.  You'd think that with Ranma 
knowing, me and Shampoo could let the fights over him stop.  
Funny thing was, we couldn't.  Sure, they didn't come to blows 
anymore but she still seemed to hold something for him in her 
heart and I guess I can admit it now that I still hold a similar 
feeling for him too.

	Well, that brings us back to about now.  I bet you have 
guessed what happened but let me say it anyway.  We got caught, 
and what a way to get caught.  You see, Shampoo was over last 
night and we had our usual pleasant night together.  I could have 
sworn I set the alarm but apparently I didn't and naturally we 
both overslept.  This time, however, I didn't awake to knocking.  
I awoke to the sight of Cologne and Dad looking in.  Cologne 
looked ready to explode.  Dad's jaw was dropped as far as was 
humanly possible (I personally suspect that if it could go farther 
it would be through the floor and into the house foundation by 
now).  Shampoo's words upon waking up and noticing our little 
audience about sums up our feelings.  "Hiyiyiyiyiyiyiyah."
	Now I sit here, less than an hour later, waiting for the 
inevitable explosion of accusations to fly.  I don't even want to 
imagine the grilling that Shampoo is going through.  Cologne 
was so livid she nearly dragged Shampoo out of the house before 
she could get dressed.  I hope Shampoo is okay.  If something 
happens to her I... I don't know what I'll do.  I'd love nothing 
more right now then to get up and run off to help her but I've got 
my own troubles to deal with.


	Well, that's Akane's side of things, but definitely not the 
end of this tale.  Many others have things to say, first off being 
Shampoo.  This story continues on with her.
	This is my attempt at getting Akane and Shampoo 
together, in my eternal quest to keep Shampoo as far from 
Mousse as possible.  Besides, I kind of like the combo (yes, I'm 
weird).  I wrote this long ago after an extensive night of reading 
every fanfic I could find on the topic (mostly lemons).  If you see 
similarity, yes, I probably did steal them, assuming they were put 
out before this.  Particularily "I thought you were rivals" by J. 
Rabbit Sia and in turn it's basis "Ranma .05" by D Demaine are 
very strong influences, and any similarities in all likely were 
originally conceived in those fics.  Of course, none quite cut it in 
my view.  None of them took it quite far enough I think.  I 
decided it was time to see what really could be made of this 
	This was originally planned to be a lemon, but plot and 
character took over so I decided to keep the actual sex out of it.  I 
have no plans of adding said scenes.  Fics like Ranma .05 do a 
much better job than I can at such things.  However, should I be 
pressed I suppose I could make some side stories, but the main 
story itself stays clean... well, semi-clean.
	Questions, comments, flames, praise, requests, money 
offers, jobs, offers of marriage, E-mail me.

Onwards to Part 2

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