Odd Outcome (part 3 of 3)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Wade Tritschler

Back to Part 2

	Welcome to Ucchan’s Okonomiyaki… err, well, what’s 
left of it.  Oh, don’t worry.  Around Nerima this is nothing.  Had 
my whole place blown up once during a stupid fight between 
Ranma and that jackass Ryoga.  Somehow I always manage to 
make repairs and get going again.  Of course, this mess is a bit 
unusual in that it is my own doing.
	One of my councilors once said I had a lot of repressed 
anger.  Well, let’s just say I’m not all that repressed anymore.  
Fortunately I think it’s largely out of my system and I’m not 
about to go busting up the place again.  It was all Ranma’s fault 
anyway, him and his stupid ideas.  What does he think I am, 
huh?  He’s so thick headed sometimes it makes me want to 
crack his head open.
	Confused?  Yeah, well so am I.  I thought that jerk loved 
me.  Guess maybe I was fooling myself a bit, but he could have 
been a little more open you know.  How the hell was I supposed 
to know?  I mean, when that sauce I… and…  Oh, what’s it 
matter?  I was obviously wrong about him, the jerk.
	I really need to get this off my chest.  I got a decision to 
make, and don’t know what to do.  Maybe I better fill you in on 
the details first.  I’m sure you know about the mess Akane and 
Shampoo got into.  Rumor mill is going crazy with it.  Some of 
those twits even have me in the mix as some kind of threesome.  
Yeesh, give me a break.  Just for the record, not a word of that 
nonsense is true.  And as for the stuff about me and Kodachi, 
I’m still looking to thank the moron who start that piece of crap 
rumor, which again is utter nonsense.
	So, where should I start?  You guys know Mousse 
kidnapped Akane right?  Well, right after that is as good a time 
as any to start.  Just before he left I decided it best to get some 
info and pay him my respects.

	"Mousse, how dare you even think-"

	No, let’s skip that.  I was angry at the time and got a 
little… colorful.  Well, what do you expect?  He kidnaps Akane 
for some crazy scheme or other and scares Shampoo and Ranma 
half to death.  The last thing I needed at that time was for Akane 
to get hurt, or worse killed, and have Ranma and Shampoo 
hunting Mousse down for it.  Besides that, Akane’s my friend.  
We may not be the best of friends, but friends still and I don’t 
appreciate someone doing that to her.
	Fortunately Mousse took his berating well, and I calmed 
down enough to get something productive done.  We moved the 
conversation to my restaurant after that, having been talking out 
in the street before.
	"All right Ukyo, just what do you want to know?"  He 
	"Well first off, I want the truth.  Are you or are you not 
giving up on Shampoo?"
	Mousse frowned, and looked down at the table he was 
sitting at, but finally nodded.  "Yes.  I think I’ve overstayed by 
welcome anyway."
	"In that case, I need to know some stuff about Amazon 
law."  Mousse looked up and eyed me suspiciously.  He knew 
what I was aiming for.  "Now look sugar, you just said you’re 
out of the game.  Step aside gracefully."
	"I am willing to do that.  I just don’t like the idea of you 
messing in Shampoo’s love life.  Let her and Akane do their 
own damned thing.  They don’t need you toying around trying 
to get them away from Ranma."
	"What I’m trying to do is work things out so everyone’s 
happy.  What’s wrong with that?  Nothing.  I’m not going to 
force anyone into anything.  Give them some encouragement 
maybe, but no force."  Mousse continued to look skeptical so I 
pressed in a little harder.  "Face it sugar, you’re thinking out of 
jealousy.  You may have officially given up, but I bet you hate 
the idea of Shampoo being with someone else."  Mousse seemed 
to cave to that one, and looked off at one of the walls.
	"Okay, fine.  What do you want to know?"
	"I need to know Shampoo’s situation and options.  She’s 
not being very forthcoming with me."
	Mousse thought about that for about a minute before 
replying.  "Her situation is pretty simple.  She’s on probation.  
She came back in defeat once already, and even though Ranma 
was really a boy, Shampoo still effectively failed to follow 
through with her perceived duty.  She thought Ranma to be a 
girl and should have killed her, but she didn’t.  Cologne 
managed to convince the council that Shampoo did not strictly 
violate the law by returning under such conditions so they were 
lenient on her, and just punished her with the curse."
	"Lenient is a curse?"
	"Harsh is death," Mousse responded with a grim look.
	"You’re telling me they would have executed her?" I 
asked, and Mousse nodded.
	"It’s one possibility, and not even the worst one."
	For a brief moment I thought he was joking, or at least 
exaggerating.  However, the dead serious look on his face said 
otherwise.  Right then is when I understood the full gravity of 
Shampoo’s situation.  Having a death sentence hanging over 
your head is not a pleasant thought.  Having something worse 
than death threatening you was even less pleasant.  It took me 
almost a minute to fully absorb that before letting Mousse 
	"Anyway, the way things are now is that Shampoo is 
effectively on probation.  If she can get Ranma to marry her, her 
record will be cleared and she can go on without any penalty, 
save the curse she already bares, but she’s always been free to 
seek a cure for it.  On the other hand, should she not comply 
with her duty she’s looking at getting full punishment, actually 
probably worse."
	"So she has to marry Ranma.  There is no getting around 
	"Ranma or a superior male who can defeat him fairly."
	"Well, that’s something.  What about this relationship 
with Akane?  Is that okay, or taboo."
	Mousse looked depressed for a moment, but answered.  
"There’s nothing really wrong with it by itself.  Was she not 
legally bound to marry Ranma then this thing with Akane would 
be perfectly fine.  Oh, I suppose some of the village would be 
displeased having Shampoo involved with an untested outsider 
woman, but in the end that means nothing.  However with the 
legal troubles, that displeasure will only worsen Shampoo’s 
	"Great…  Okay, let’s assume Shampoo marries some 
appropriate guy to satisfy the law and carries on the relationship 
with Akane.  Is that okay?"
	Mousse nodded after a few seconds of thought.  "I would 
think so.  Again, you’d have those not liking having Akane 
brought into the village without some proof she is worthy, but 
nothing other than that."
	"Is there some way Akane can prove her worthiness by 
	"Defeating a warrior of her age would do it.  She’d have 
to be joined to Shampoo already though to avoid the law."
	"Okay, okay, that opens up some possibilities…  They 
have no problem with multiple partners in a marriage?"
	"No, that’s Christian nonsense.  Some Amazons have 
been known to have more than ten husbands in ancient times.  
Not much of that happening now, but there is nothing saying 
that it can’t happen.  The Chinese government might have 
something to say about it, but they don’t much deal with us.  
They leave us alone as much as possible.  I doubt it would be a 
	I nodded with a number of plans already in the works in 
my mind.  "Okay, how about staying outside the village?  If she 
did violate their laws, are they going to send some hunt party out 
for her or something?"
	Mousse shook his head.  "No, they wouldn’t bother.  The 
disgrace would fall on the family, and it is the family’s decision 
on how to handle it.  They may take the disgrace, or do 
something about it."
	"What kind of disgrace?"
	"Probably in this case being thrown off the elder council.  
Cologne certainly would loose the matriarchy.  Really academic 
anyway.  I know Shampoo enough to say she won’t allow that.  
She’ll take her punishment rather than have her family take it for 
	I nodded, agreeing with that much.  "Okay, but in 
general, staying outside the village is okay if she obeys the 
	"She can do what she pleases.  Some might even like it 
that she’s getting experience outside the village.  The only 
trouble would come up when she has to take over her family’s 
position on the council.  They would want her back by then."
	"Well, that is the least of my worries.  No offense, but 
you have some pretty barbaric laws in that village."
	"I didn’t write them," Mousse pointed out.
	"Okay, well anyway, thanks, I think that will cover it.  
Oh, one last thing.  How did you find out anyway?  About 
Akane and Shampoo that is?"
	"Tsubasa told me," Mousse answered simply, causing 
me no small measure of surprise.
	"Tsubasa?  How would he… Oh gees, that little creep 
has been sneaking around my place again!  I’ll kill him!"  I said 
in anger.  That little fungus is always hiding around someplace it 
seems.  I thought giving him a job would keep him in my sights 
but apparently he’s been pulling some of his crap again.  I once 
even found him disguised as my dresser in my bedroom.  
Fortunately that time I discovered him before he saw anything, 
but apparently he had been working on his technique.  Needless 
to say, shortly after Mousse headed off I had a nice chat with the 
little twerp.

	I had a lot on my mind the next several days.  The best 
option seemed to be to get some guy to beat Ranma and take his 
position in the marriage.  That way Akane and Shampoo could 
do what they wanted from that point.  Of course, that meant 
getting a guy they could like.  Mousse was out of course, but 
Ryoga, now he had some potential.  He really liked Akane, and 
Akane was at least positively inclined towards him.  He was also 
a good fighter, and had Ranma on the ropes several times.
	It could work, but the plan had some bumps.  Getting 
Ryoga and Shampoo together might be tricky.  Don’t know 
why, but I get the impression that he is somewhat nervous about 
her at times.  That was a minor problem next to Ranma’s ego.  
I’ve never seen Ranma admit defeat, even when it is in his best 
interest to do so.  He’d have a real problem letting Ryoga beat 
him publicly.
	Of course, that dealt with the Amazon situation.  
Akane’s situation with that arranged marriage was another 
matter.  Ranma jackass father couldn’t say much as I was just as 
much Ranma’s fiancée as Akane, but Akane’s father would 
certainly raise a fuss.  That particular problem needed some 
further thought, but basically came inevitably down to 
convincing Akane’s father to accept another husband for Akane.  
So, getting Mr. Tendo to come around had to be added into the 
plan as well.
These things weren’t going to be easy.  However, 
considering the potential with the problems, this looked like the 
right way to go.
	Sometimes, I must admit, I rush into things without 
giving them the necessary planning.  Take that first date I set up 
with Ryoga and Akane, what a disaster.  This time I decided to 
give this plan the proper level of planning and thought.  It did 
help I suppose that Ryoga was no where to be found.  Actually, 
he had been missing for an unusually long time.  A month was 
the biggest gap in his appearances usually, but the last time I 
heard mention of him appearing was over two months ago, 
which did cause me some worry.  However, I did not let myself 
get panicked, and instead planned on his return.
	So, I had three main tasks for the moment.  One, to 
convince Akane and Shampoo.  Two, to bring around Akane’s 
father.  And three, to work on Ranma and get him to go along 
with it.  All and all, it was not going to be easy, but I was ready 
for the challenge.

	"I’m sorry Miss Kuonji, but the matter has been decided.  
Ranma will marry my Akane and together they will carry on the 
Tendo training hall."

	"Lose?!  To Ryoga?!  Not a chance!  No way!  I ain’t 
losing to that twit, and there is no way I’m letting that pig marry 

	"If Ukyo think Ryoga so good, why no you marry him 
and Shampoo marry Ranma?"
	"I don’t want to marry him, and Ranma is my fiancé, not 
	"Is right.  Ranma no fiancé, is husband."

	Needless to say, it did not go smoothly.  Mr. Tendo 
refused to budge.  Ranma was being thick headed.  And 
Shampoo...  Quite frankly Shampoo was being a bitch.  Even 
Akane who seemed slightly more receptive to the idea, came no 
where near accepting it.  In the end I had made no progress.
	After two weeks of futile effort, and no sign of Ryoga, I 
was beginning to lose hope.  Not about Ranma and me getting 
married though.  I mean, I knew that as soon as he was clear of 
his obligations he would come around.  It wouldn’t be quick, 
Ranma being so stubborn, but sooner or later it would happen.  
It was getting Akane and Shampoo safe and clear that I was 
losing hope about.  However, before that could happen, I found 
an ally... of sorts.

	It was the end of the school week, and the night of the 
weekly "poker" game that Nabiki came in my restaurant’s door, 
wearing a poker face that left me wondering what she was up to.  
Usually from Nabiki I get that, "I have a deal for you" look, the 
look everyone that was acquainted with Nabiki knew and feared.  
Nabiki was the shark, and you were her latest meal.  Damn near 
every person in Furinkan had fallen prey to her at one time or 
another.  Even I have felt those ‘teeth’ on occasion, although, 
unlike most, I am not so easily chewed.  However, that was not 
the look I was getting and in a way that worried me more.
	"Alright Nabiki, come out with it.  What is it you want?"  
I asked cautiously.
	Nabiki did not respond right away, instead taking my 
question as an invitation to sit down at the grill, the poker face 
still locked firmly in place.  "It has come to my attention that 
you have been trying to sell the idea of a marriage between 
Ryoga and Shampoo as a solution to the whole mess my little 
sister and the Amazon have found themselves in," she said 
	Nabiki stayed silent, apparently examining me.  After 
only a second though she responded.  "And I’m here as a 
sympathetic ear, and I have a suggestion or two for you."
	"So, just how much will this cost me?"
	Nabiki took a moment to think about that, then looked 
down at the counter top.  "Actually, I think the best I’d get is 
nothing, so all I ask for is your attention."
	"Feeling generous today?"  I asked with a smile, but 
Nabiki kept her expression locked.
	"No, it is simply that what I’m going to tell you probably 
won’t go over well."  Nabiki said this sincerely, not at all her 
usual way of trying to sell you an idea.  That was enough to get 
my full attention.  Nabiki rarely ever… actually, I cannot recall 
a single time she has ever been this serious.  Naturally I readied 
myself for something, what I wasn’t sure.
	"Okay, I’m listening."
	Nabiki nodded, but waited a moment before starting.  "I 
can somewhat sympathize with your situation.  You’re trying to 
work it out so that Akane and Shampoo stay together and that 
leaves you with Ranma.  That way no one is hurt, right?  Maybe, 
but the big problem is no one is going to accept this solution of 
yours.  Daddy has his mind made up about the marriage between 
Akane and Ranma.  Shampoo has no reason to marry Ryoga, 
especially now.  And, Ranma will never allow it.  Your only 
prayer is that Akane likes the idea, but I highly doubt that.  
Ryoga is just a friend to her, and nothing more."
	I shook my head at this point, already concluding Nabiki 
was trying to make it easier for Akane to get Ranma.  "Look 
Nabiki, I never thought it would be an easy path.  However, it is 
the only one I got.  Just why are you doing this anyway, Nabiki?  
Did your dad put you up to this, or maybe Akane?"
	"I suppose you could say Akane did, although she didn’t 
say anything to me.  No, she’s been moping around the house 
ever since Dad caught her with Shampoo.  It is really becoming 
a downer.  Besides, you’re not the only one who made inquiries 
with Mousse."
	"You talked to Mousse?"
	"Yes, apparently just shortly after you did, and the way I 
see it things have turned into a nice volatile powder keg just 
waiting for the right reason to blow, and I personally would 
rather not be near that explosion.  The last thing I want is you 
messing in things."  Nabiki said this with a deadly serious look 
that shocked even me.  However, after a moment Nabiki 
lightened up.  "Besides, you’re wrong.  It’s not the only path you 
have.  An obvious one has been sitting right in your face, in 
everyone’s face in fact, for a long time now.  It just involves a 
little lateral thinking."
	"And just what is that?"
	"You want Shampoo to marry Ryoga and effectively 
take Akane in as well.  Why bother with Ryoga."
	"Because I’m marrying Ranma!" I exclaimed, breaking 
Nabiki’s stride.
	"If you’d let me finish…  You don’t need Ryoga because 
you can marry Ranma too.  Now, legality aside, Japanese law 
being the least of our worries, you all can marry him."
	For a moment I thought Nabiki was joking around, but 
there was no smile on her face.  No, she was serious.  "That’s 
	"What’s nuts about it?"
	"Well, just…  Everything!"
	"So, it’s fine for Akane and Shampoo to accept such a 
thing, but when it comes to you the rules change huh?"
	"But I-"
	"Don’t want to share him," Nabiki said, shutting me up 
in an instant.  It was practically the same argument I had given 
Shampoo about being greedy wanting both Akane and Ranma.  
Now Nabiki had used the same premise against me.
	"It’s not the same," I muttered to myself after a moment, 
but Nabiki must have thought I was talking to her.
	"I guess not, but you may have to take it if you want 
anything.  Like it or not Akane and Shampoo both love Ranma 
and aren’t likely to accept anyone in his place for sometime, if 
ever.  I don’t know how strong that love is anymore with their 
own relationship complicating things, so maybe you’ll get lucky 
in the end and get most of Ranma’s attentions.  However, if you 
think about it, it is about the only way to safely solve everyone’s 
troubles.  Shampoo will have met her legal obligations, plus 
you, Akane and Ranma will have all met your family 
	"This has nothing to do with my family obligations!  I 
love Ranma."
	"Right, no argument here, but that’s not the point 
anyway.  Come on Ukyo, look at this reasonably.  Ranma has 
managed to get himself thoroughly twisted up with three girl, 
four if you count Kodachi-"
	"You’re not going to suggest-"
	"NO!  God no!  You three would be tough enough to 
make it work.  Kodachi is in the clear obligation wise so she’ll 
have to just deal with it.  No, just you, Akane, and Shampoo."  I 
was about to open my mouth in protest once again but Nabiki 
cut me off.  "As I was saying, Ranma is in a mess with you 
three, and at the same time denying culpability for that.  Frankly 
I think if he got the chance he’d like to be engaged to none of 
	"That’s not true!  Ran-chan-"
	"Yeah, yeah, whatever.  Just give it some consideration 
huh.  I really think it is your best possible solution."  Nabiki 
said, then began to get up, but stopped and gave me an annoying 
smile.  "You might even want to consider the benefits of being 
married to two other women."
	"Huh?"  Was all I managed to get out before Nabiki 
made a quick get away.  "HEY!  COME BACK HERE 

	Just to repeat myself, I have no interest in either Akane 
or Shampoo in any sort of sexual way.  Clear?  Good.  By the 
way, I didn’t hurt Nabiki.  She slipped away before I could, and 
I calmed down in the meantime.  You know, I wouldn’t be 
surprised though to find out those rumors originated with her.  If 
they did…  However, I have no proof.
	What Nabiki said though did pry on my mind that night.  
Didn’t help that I ran out of drinks and we ended up using some 
sake I had lying around.  Oh god, I really should avoid alcohol.  
No matters what anybody says to you on the subject, it is not 
cool to drink yourself into a stupor.
	I don’t remember much of the night’s events past the 
point when we started into the sake.  I do remember switching 
over to strip poker.  You know Ranma actually becomes a better 
poker player when he’s drunk.  I think it has to do mostly with 
the improvement in his poker face.  I wish we had known that 
when we were against the Gambling King.
	Past the point when I literally lost my shirt to Shampoo 
it’s a blank.  I woke up with the most awful headache, and a 
really awkward taste in my mouth.  Judging from the pool of 
vomit on my bedroom floor I didn’t stomach the alcohol too 
well.  Judging from the fact I was also naked I didn’t fair so well 
in the poker game either.
	It’s all Nabiki’s fault!  If that stupid suggestion of hers 
hadn’t driven me to distraction I wouldn’t have drank so much.  
I would have been paying attention.  As is I found Shampoo in 
most of my clothes and some of Ranma’s, Akane in a similar 
state of undress as me, and Ranma as a girl wearing bits of 
everyone’s stuff.  Don’t ask me how any of that happened, I 
haven’t the foggiest clue and I didn’t have the nerve to ask.  No 
doubt I had made a complete fool of myself.
	After that incident I banned alcohol from my place.

	A couple of weeks passed after that.  I filed Nabiki’s 
suggestion and worked on my own plan.  Progress was minimal.  
As Nabiki had said, no one was going along with the idea.  It 
was really becoming quite frustrating.  No one was willing to 
budge. That minimal progress amounted to thinking about 
possibly, maybe, giving consideration of, taking it under 
	It was right when my last hopes of making this plan 
work were dwindling that Ryoga finally showed up, and those 
last hopes were blown away.

	I was on my way to the Tendos, not looking forward to 
talking once more with Akane and her father.  Just outside their 
house I found the man I had been looking for.  The strange thing 
was that he looked directly at the gate to the Tendo home, then 
turned to leave.  Even Ryoga isn’t usually dense enough to miss 
a sign if it’s right in front of him, and this took me by surprise.  
Fortunately I chased him down before he made much progress.
	"Hey, Ryoga, where are you going?  I’ve been looking 
all over for you for weeks."
	Ryoga looked back at me with look of real uncertainty.  
"I’ve been… trying to get away."
	"Get away?  Why?  Oh, let me guess, you heard about 
Akane and Shampoo."  In response Ryoga turned his eyes to the 
ground, and looked more depressed than was usual for even 
him.  That lasted only a second before he looked back up at me 
in shock.
	"You know?"
	"Of course I do.  Half the neighborhood knows by now.  
Most think it’s just a rumor, but I know differently.  Guess you 
didn’t hear, but then how do you know."
	"Ah…" Ryoga began to say, but I dismissed the 
question.  Who cared how he knew?  Right now that wasn’t 
"Never mind.  Come on Sugar, I just might have a way 
to cheer you up."  I lead Ryoga back to my place, ready to lay 
my plan on him.  Maybe with his help things would turn around 
I thought.

	Ryoga didn’t say a thing on the way.  I guess he was 
simply too depressed to talk.  In fact, he looked almost as if he 
were looking for a way to escape.  Whether he was looking to 
make a get away or not, I managed to get him into my place and 
get down to business.
	"Okay Ryoga, here’s my idea.  You see, Shampoo’s got 
this little situation she has to deal with.  The best way for that 
situation to be dealt with is for her to marry some guy, a guy 
who can defeat Ranma.  This is where you come in.  You’ve 
been the one guy around here who can consistently give Ranma 
a good fight.  So, if you beat him you can marry Shampoo."
	"Yeah, but I don’t want to marry Shampoo."
	"Hear me out would ya.  The marriage to Shampoo is 
just an official thing.  Shampoo and Akane are still going 
together so in an important way you’re also married to Akane.  
That’s what you want, right?"
	"Marry both Shampoo and Akane?  Is that possible?"
	"Well, legally in Japan no, but to the Amazons 
apparently it’s fine.  You could marry both of them by Amazon 
law, and just Akane for Japanese law if that’s necessary.  So, 
what do you think?"
	Ryoga looked totally confused, or maybe it was just 
shock that I would suggest such a thing.  He seemed to be 
considering it for a second then suddenly turned away from me 
shaking his head.  "I couldn’t, I couldn’t.  Akane would find out 
for sure."
	"Find out?  Find out about what?  That you love her?  
Isn’t that the point?"  I asked in some confusion myself.  Ryoga 
was gutless but this was getting ridiculous.
	Ryoga didn’t answer me for nearly a minute, then 
without explanation headed into my kitchen.  For a moment I 
thought he was trying to run off and choose the wrong way to 
go, but when I raced after him, he had stopped and was pouring 
himself a glass of water.  I watched this in even more confusion 
until he finally turned back to me, glass in hand and said, "this is 
what she’ll find out."  He then splashed himself with the water.
	Right then I figure, Jusenkyo curse.  I was certainly 
surprised he had one, but initially I didn’t see the big deal.  So 
what if he changes into a deer or something.  Shampoo changes 
into a cat and Akane doesn’t mind in the least.  Matter of fact, 
sometimes she even likes holding Shampoo that way.  Of 
course, that was before I saw what he changed into.
	He’s P-chan!  I couldn’t believe it at first, but then I 
almost wanted to hit myself for not realizing it sooner.  The idiot 
was P-chan!  Of all the idiotic, stupid, moronic, foolish, half-
witted things for him to do, he had to go sleep with Akane.  If 
she were to find out, he’d be a dead man for sure.
	Ryoga must have changed back while I was stunned with 
this revelation.  "Now you know why?"
	"YOU IDIOT!" I yelled at him and began pacing.  "Why 
didn’t you tell me about his earlier?"
	"I… I didn’t want to risk you telling Akane.  I couldn’t 
bear for her to find out."
	"Why now then?"
	"Because Shampoo knows.  She’s sure to tell Akane.  
I’m surprised she hasn’t already."
	At this point held my head and screamed at the top of my 
lungs.  That wasn’t enough though, so I turned on Ryoga.  "I just 
wasted the better part of a month trying to get this stupid plan to 
work and now I find out you’re really P-chan!  What the hell 
were you thinking?  No, what the hell weren’t you thinking?"
	"I… I… Akane was just so nice to me…  I mean, no one 
was ever nice to me as a pig before and she…" Ryoga just 
trailed off and hung his head.
	"You mean to tell me that is why you love her, because 
she was nice to you as a pig?"  I asked angrily, and he nodded.  
"I suppose you liked the idea of sleeping with her without her 
knowing about it too, not to mention the get view you get any 
time she changes!"
	"It wasn’t like that!"
	"Oh no?  Then what was it like, and this better be good 
because Akane is certainly going to think you’re the world’s 
worst pervert?"
	"I never peeped on Akane, never.  You know me, I pass 
out at even seeing a lingerie photo.  And as for sleeping… 
sleeping with her… I… I… well… kind of, sorta-"
	"Got off on it," a third voice cut in to say.  Both me and 
Ryoga spun around to see Ranma standing in the doorway.  
"You were yelling so loudly I could hear you from a block 
	"Ranma, how dare you say I would do such a thing!" 
Ryoga yelled as a battle cry and assaulted Ranma.  Ranma fell 
back, dodging into the main dinning room, keeping Ryoga out 
of range.
	"Well then, what were you doing sleeping in Akane’s 
bed every chance you could get huh?"  Ranma asked, but Ryoga 
refused to answer, instead concentrating on getting his hands on 
	"You knew?"  I asked, as the fight went on.
	"Of course I knew.  Unfortunately I made a stupid 
promise not to tell anyone, and this jerk took advantage of that."
	"I did not!"  Ryoga exclaimed, abandoning his hand to 
hand attacks in favor of using his chi attack.  "It was your fault I 
have this curse in the first place!"  He shouted out, letting loose 
his attack, which Ranma canceled out with one of his own.  
"Akane took me with her.  What was I supposed to do?"
	"Get loose, stop it the first chance you could get, but no, 
you went right along with it like a perverted little piggy."
	At this point I had declared enough was enough and 
leveled Ryoga with a blow from my spatula.  His short twenty 
second fight had already destroyed several of my tables.
	"So, I guess this means you’re going to give up on that 
dumb idea of yours," Ranma said as he looked Ryoga over.
	"Well, I got no choice now."  I let my spatula fall to the 
floor, as the frustration over everything became just too much to 
bear.  "Ran-chan, what the heck is going to happen now?"
	"What are you asking me for?  I ain’t no oracle," Ranma 
answered, then picked up Ryoga and propped him up in one of 
the booths.  "You know, I guess in a way it isn’t his fault.  He’s 
just got no sense when it comes to Akane.  It’s like his brain 
goes on a holiday whenever she’s involved."
	"Like Akane is going to accept that reasoning.  For 
heaven sakes, what was he thinking?  Sooner or later Akane 
would have clued in."
	"He was probably hoping to find a cure before then," 
Ranma said, then started laughing.
	"You should have seen him that night.  He had totally 
	"What night?"
	"Who do you think it was that clued me into the 
Shampoo, Akane situation?  Him.  Mr. P here had a front row 
	"WHAT?" I exclaimed in disgust, and nearly smashed 
Ryoga again, but Ranma shook his head.
	"Nono, he just saw them kiss.  I think he’d have died on 
the spot if they… they had done that with him in the room."
	I shook my head, then turned on Ranma.  "How can you 
take this so damned casually?"
	"Casually!  Look Ukyo, I…" Ranma began to respond 
with an usual amount of force, but Ryoga groaned and began to 
wake up.  "Hey Mr. P, back among the living I see."
	"Ranma," Ryoga growled and got back to his feet to 
confront him.  "This is all your fault!"
	"How’s it all my fault?"
	"Your blasted indecision and shoddy treatment of Akane 
and Shampoo drove them to each other."
	"SAY WHAT?  You have no idea what you’re talking 
about.  I had no bloody involvement in their twisted affair!"
	"Yeah, and like you’re one to be giving criticism P-
chan," I added in, causing most of Ryoga’s anger to drain away 
and be replaced with depression.  "I have a good mind to tell 
Akane myself."
	In an instant Ryoga was at my feet in a begging posture.  
"No, don’t, you can’t!  Please!"
	"What the hell is your problem?  I thought you were 
going away.  Besides, if I don’t tell her, Shampoo will.  How 
much do you want to bet she’s waiting for you to show up and is 
going to choose that instant to tell Akane?"
	In response to that Ryoga let out a wail and began 
batting his head against the floor while constantly repeating, 
"I’m doomed!"  I wasn’t about to argue with him.  In fact I was 
so disgusted with the idiot at the moment I didn’t even bother to 
stop his self-inflicted beating.
	I bowed out of the conversation to sit down and fend off 
a threatening headache that rivaled my hang over.  Ranma 
seemed to take pity on Ryoga after a minute, or maybe just 
couldn’t take the wailing any longer, and pulled Ryoga back to 
his feet.  "Just where the heck have you been all this time 
	"Well… well, I was just wondering at first.  Then I tried 
to get back to Jusenkyo to find a cure."
	"You tried to go all the way back to China!  You can’t 
even find your way down the street let alone to another country.  
I’m amazed you got there and back the first time."
	"Shut up Ranma.  If you hadn’t skipped out on our duel I 
wouldn’t have this blasted curse."
	"Blah, blah, blah.  So, how’d you get back so quick, or 
did you even make it out of Japan?"
	"Well I ah… never mind.  Look, I got to get out of here.  
They’re probably looking for me."
	I took notice once again when he said that.  "Who’s 
looking for you?  Are you in some sort of trouble?"
	"Of a sort," Ryoga answered then grabbed up his 
backpack, which was on a nearby table.  "Look, it’s not that 
important, but if I stick around too long… Oh god, what if they 
talk to Shampoo!"  Ryoga exclaimed with great anxiety.
	"What are you babbling about?"  Ranma asked, voicing 
my own frustration with the lost boy’s ranting.
	"Look, while I was going to China, I kind of ran into 
those two girls that are from Shampoo’s village."
	"Ling Ling and Lung Lung.  Oh gees, you didn’t say 
anything did you?"  I asked tensely.  This could potentially 
unravel the whole situation.
	Ryoga once more hung his head.  "Not in so many 
words, but they figured it out and started going on about how 
Shampoo can’t do that and that they should tell the elder 
council.  I figured I better stop them so I… ah, sort of… ah…"
	"You beat them!"  Ranma exclaimed in shock and Ryoga 
weakly nodded his head.  Ranma took a moment to recover then 
began laughing hysterically.
	I ignored Ranma for the moment, more worried about 
this newest situation.  "Let me get this straight.  Ling Ling and 
Lung Lung know, and they are going to tell the village?"
	"No, not now.  I convinced them not to after I beat 
	"How did you manage that?  I figured they’d be mad 
as…" Don’t ask me where my brain was up to this point.  I 
guess I just forgot about the Amazon laws for a moment, more 
worried about the possibility of those two blowing the news to 
their village.  Once I did remember though, I almost joined 
Ranma in laughing.  "You mean, they want to marry you?"  I 
asked, and he once more nodded weakly.
	Ryoga took a moment more to just stare at the floor in 
sorrow, then glared at Ranma.  "This isn’t over yet Ranma.  I’ll 
be back one day, and then we’ll settle the score for good."  He 
said in a deadly serious fashion that brought Ranma out of his 
laughter.  However, within a second, Ryoga’s nervousness 
returned.  "Look, I got to go.  They are pretty good at hunting 
me down."
	Ryoga wasted no more time, and raced off.  Ranma took 
another minute to get all the laughter out of his system, while I 
just shook my head.  What a mess.
	After Ranma calmed down, he was about to depart as 
well, but I pulled him to a stop.  "Ran-chan, we have to talk."
	"About what?"
	"About what to do.  This was my best shot at fixing the 
situation, now it’s blown to hell.  I don’t know what to do now."
	"Join the club," Ranma said with a frown.  "Ever since 
this whole mess started I’ve been trying to figure that out 
myself.  I don’t know if there is anything that can be done."
	Ranma sighed his own frustration, and walked to the 
back of my place.  "This is a crazy mess.  I mean really, do you 
really think you’re fooling anybody with this poker night 
nonsense?"  Ranma asked, looking directly at me.
	"Well, nobody has said anything."
	"Because Mr. Tendo and Cologne don’t have a clue 
about what to do about it either, so they play the ignorant act.  
Trust me, they both know.  It’s like with everyone at school, 
once the facts sunk in, it didn’t seem so bad, so they let them 
slide.  I mean what else are they going to do, forcibly split them 
up?  Mr. Tendo hasn’t got the guts for that, and I think Cologne 
has already gone as far as she wants too.  Hell, in the end most 
of us are just condoning it."
	"You talk like it was a crime."
	Ranma looked at me then lowered his head in thought.  
"No, I don’t mean it that way.  It’s just…" At the moment he 
looked like he had suddenly aged ten years.  "Ever since this 
whole damned thing started I’ve been so screwed up inside I 
don’t know half the time whether I’m coming or going.  Before 
this I was close to working things out in my head, then this goes 
and happens.  I mean, what the… heck am I supposed to feel.  It 
was so damned simple before in comparison to how it is now."
	Ranma was rambling, and confusing me in the process.  
However, that ‘feel’ bit had me concerned.  "Do you mean how 
you’re supposed to feel to Akane?"
	"Her, Shampoo, you even."
	"ME?  What do you mean by that?"
	Ranma looked like he wanted to dive for cover.  It might 
have a wise idea with how I was starting to feel at the moment.  
"I mean… well, ah… ummm…"
	"I mean changes in positive ways."
	"What kind of positive ways?"
	"Look… ahhh…" Ranma immediately put some 
distance, and three tables between us, then changed to a more 
serious look.  "Look, Ukyo, I got to be straight with you.  Before 
all this, I thought me and Akane… that we’d be the ones getting 
together."  After he blurted that out, he promptly ducked under 
the nearest table.
	There was no need really.  I was too stunned to act right 
off the bat.  In fact, for a moment I thought, no, I wished I had 
heard him wrong.  Unfortunately I knew I had heard him right.  
"But… you’re supposed to marry me."
	"Come on Ukyo, you know that engagement stuff was all 
my Pop’s fault.  I never-"
	"Never cared about me at all!" I yelled out.  I must have 
been really angry at the time because I had already retrieved my 
spatula and was stalking Ranma’s way.
	"Nonono!  That’s not true."
	I stopped in front of him, just trying to control myself 
and keep from bashing him into the floor.  "Then what do you 
mean then?"  Ranma didn’t answer, instead paralyzed in 
thought.  "You don’t even know what you mean, do you?"
	"Well, that’s the problem!  I don’t know what to feel 
towards anyone anymore."  He at last answered, standing back 
up to face me.  "It was simple when it was another guy after 
Akane, but Shampoo…  And even I didn’t find out until after 
the fact.  I don’t know what to do, what to feel…"
	Wildly shifting states of emotion would best describe my 
mental state at the time.  I considered tossing Ranma out onto 
the street.  Then I thought that would too easy and that I should 
beat him senseless first.  In the next instant I doubted my 
conclusions and wanted for him to deny them.  Then right after 
that I felt like throwing myself at his feet and just begging him 
to deny it.
	I’m not too sure what exactly won out, but I ended up 
taking a slightly more reserved response.  "So, it… it’s been 
Akane all this time.  Despite all your fights, and all your protests 
otherwise, you… you…"
	Ranma swallowed loudly, and turned away from me.  
"Well, maybe… I’m not sure, especially now."
	"And Shampoo and I weren’t ever… even considered?"  
I hissed out the last bit, but I think I also start to break apart and 
	"I…" was all Ranma could get out in response for about 
a minute.  Hearing that just finished it for me.  I must have just 
gone to pieces right there.
	That stupid jerk.  The least the jackass could have done 
is tell me this in the first place, instead of building up my hopes 
all along.  Had he done it then I could have dealt with it easier I 
think, or then again maybe not.  I don’t know.  You know, now 
that I think about it, although I always like to set myself apart 
from Shampoo, we do share at least one quality.  We both were 
deceiving ourselves into thinking Ranma loved us.  The clues 
were there to say otherwise, but we didn’t want to see them, or 
at least I didn’t.  Can’t say for Shampoo.
	This wasn’t the end of it though.  Things took another 
twisted turn thanks to Nabiki.  I came back to myself after a 
couple minutes, and even realized Ranma was holding me.  I 
must have really broken up for him to show that kind of 
concern.  However, as much as at other times I would love to 
have been held in his arms, at that moment, I was in no mood, so 
I pushed him away, and nearly hit him too.  However, I just 
didn’t have it in me at the moment.
	I don’t know what exactly made me blurt it out.  I guess 
maybe I just felt so used up I half wanted for him to truly betray 
me in every way.  "Why don’t you just go and marry both of 
them then if you can’t make up your damned mind?"
	"What are you talking about?"
	"It is just like Nabiki said, it’s the only solution, and I’m 
sure you like that.  You get Akane that way."
	Ranma is either clueless, or just didn’t care about the 
hostility I was throwing his way, because I suddenly found 
myself being held by him again.  "You’re right.  Why didn’t I 
think of it before?  That solves everything.  No, wait…" He got 
up, releasing me, and began walking around in a tight circle at 
the point thinking aloud.  "I can’t marry both of them, that’s not 
	"It is by Amazon law," I pointed out, as I sat on the floor 
feeling sorry for myself.
	"It is.  Then… then maybe… ah, this is crazy… I 
mean… but then again…" Finally it seemed Ranma took notice 
of me.  For whatever reasons, he once again down in front of 
me, and looking me right in the eye.  "Ukyo?"
	"Nabiki wouldn’t tell you something like that unless it 
involved you.  She meant for you to be in on it too."
	"It was a stupid idea."
	"But that is what she meant?"
	"Yeah, so what?"
	"Don’t you see Ukyo, it is perfect.  That way everyone is 
	I couldn’t take it anymore at that point, so I got up, took 
Ranma by the collar and tossed him outside.  "You don’t 
understand at all!"  I yelled at him, then promptly shut the door.

	Which brings me to about now.  My restaurant is in 
shambles thanks to a little temper tantrum I had afterwards.  I 
mean, what does he think I am?  Doesn’t he understand 
marriage is more than being called husband and wife?  He seems 
to be taking it for granted that he can have all of us.
	You know the funny thing is though I don’t know 
myself.  Damn it if I’m not considering it.  Despite finding out 
about his feelings, or rather lack of them, I still find myself 
longing to be with him.  Even this twisted arrangement doesn’t 
seem to be enough to deter me.  Like Nabiki said, maybe in the 
end I get him anyway, so maybe I should go for it.  I just don’t 
know.  It is just not the same.


	Finally done.  God I’m slow.  Anyway, that was Ukyo’s 
turn in the spotlight.  Hmmm, not much Shampoo or Akane 
content.  Oh well, it just worked out that way.  You had to see 
what everyone else was doing.  Next I think will be Ranma and 
maybe one after that and I think I’ll call it quits after that.
	Questions, comments, flames, praise, requests, money 
offers, jobs, offers of marriage, E-mail me.

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