His eyes are cobalt. That’s what Miss Relena used to say to me constantly. She was in love with Heero’s eyes, I’m sure of it. And I listened intently to her discourse on his ‘pools of cobalt wonder’ and all the other phrases she used - each of them with the word ‘cobalt’ in them at least once. Inwardly I was retching with contempt. Eyes aren’t meant to be considered ‘cobalt’. No one could actually use such a word to describe eye color; they use blue and green and brown. She sounded like a nonsensical romance novel illustrating the main character from his future lover’s viewpoint, which I suppose is what she considered herself to be. I realize now how mistaken I was. His eyes can only be described as ‘cobalt’. I wouldn’t use another word; I really don’t think one exists that could be used in place of it. His eyes are cobalt - purely and simply cobalt - and staring straight at me. “You think you’re smart, don’t you?” Heero asks evenly. I’m not sure how the two of us ended up here, alone on one of the many balconies of Miss Relena’s house with Duo and Relena inside, probably mentally at each other’s throat. He sought me out, I’m sure, stalked me much like a predator would his prey. “I don’t know what you mean.” His intent stare doesn’t falter the slightest bit, his eyes still boring into mine. “I can see right through you, Dorothy.” I clasp my hands behind my back and continue to hold his gaze. “Can you?” “Yes.” “And what exactly can you see?” I wait for his reply but it never comes. He blinks at me contemplatively and finally looks away, inducing a tiny sigh of relief from me as at last I am able to shift feet without seeming nervous. We both stand in silence, turned towards the setting sun, although I don’t believe either of us is truly watching the spectacle of nature. We’re lost in our own thoughts. Heero is the first to break the silence. His voice is quiet and displays more emotion that I’ve ever heard from him before - which is still fairly monotone. “I’ll be leaving in a few weeks.” My head snaps up. “What?” He can’t mean what I think he means. He can’t be quitting. “I’m leaving,” he repeats, still not looking at me. His body is rigid and his expression emotionless. It is almost like a movie. One lover is leaving. The other wants to know why. Except we aren’t lovers, and my reasoning is much different from a love-struck woman. Much different. “You’re leaving?” My mouth gapes open. “And you’re not coming back?” He gives a curt nod. “Why?” “I feel that I have to,” is his reply, not giving an inch. But I can hear the unspoken words. “Because of Duo.” Not a question, a statement. Heero doesn’t answer, only continues to stare impassively ahead. The silence speaks for itself, and I look away, plainly disgusted by his wordless admission. Love, such a trivial emotion. I am faintly surprised at my distress. What do I care if he leaves? It’s hardly my business. Besides, it will crush Relena. She’s still hopelessly smitten - despite her protests. She will be torn, broken. She’ll cry millions of deliciously salty tears each day that will need to be licked away. “What about Miss Relena?” I ask, glancing at him briefly before returning to the pinks and purples of the sky. “She’ll be all right. I haven’t told her yet, but I’m sure that she’ll take it fairly well,” he says calmly. I wonder if he knows what he’s saying or if maybe I’ve misconstrued him once again. Perhaps he still has no idea that he is tormenting her, causing her so much exquisite pain. Maybe he is as oblivious as I first assumed him to be. “After all,” he continues, turning to fully face me again, “she has you.” Then he’s gone, leaving me in the rapidly cooling breeze and the suddenly black sunset.
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