Silence The sending spell Edea used on the Griever's dark forces left her weakened. Feeling faint, she staggered backwards. Thankfully Irvine was within arms reach and caught her. "Easy Ma'am, I have that effect on a lot of ladies." He smirked, holding her steady. "It is done." She whispered. Xu ran up to them with a look of utter frustration. "What in the hell is going on out here, is it so much to ask that I be kept informed!" She shouted, tired of being left out. "Not now. Take care of the recruits!" Squall shouted, running towards the Ragnarok with Rinoa, and Royce hot on his heels. "Wait! I'm going too!" Irvine yelled after them. "I must go also." Edea said weakly. "Alright then." He nodded, scooping her into his arms. "Sorry if I seem forward. I usually get to know a lady before I sweep her off her feet." He smiled dashing. Edea smiled quaintly as he paused to check on Selphie. She was sitting down exhausted and drinking from a borrowed canteen. "Go on you big lug. But you better be back soon." She warned him before waving him on. ********************** Quistis crawled over to Fujin and caressed her cheek tenderly. "Fujin?" She whimpered fearfully at the sight of her. Bleeding profusely from her mouth, ears and nose it was obvious she was hurt badly. Griever has destroyed her links to her guardians leaving her without any spells. Refusing to give up hope she tenderly she rested her hands on Fujin's brow and closed her eyes. Having no other options she was forced to rely on the unpredictable power of her blue magic. The power was difficult to control but she would not be denied. An aura of white light engulfed her a brief moment before flowing slowly into Fujin. Quistis struggled to keep focused as the magic mended the horrible damage Griever has caused. After a few moments Fujin slowly opened her eye and looked about in confusion. With a small shout of joy Quistis collapsed atop her, hugging her tightly. Fujin had no idea what happened, the last thing she recalled was breaking Griever neck. "WHAT HAPPENED?" She groaned as Quistis released her. "You tried to give me a heart attack." She laughed raising back up. "ASPRIN." Fujin grunted sourly. She tried to sit up but the motion made her want to vomit so she settled on lying still for a while. "Thank Hyne you're alright." Quistis smiled warmly. "Oh don't you gals worry about me, I'm fine here, thanks." Zell grumbled sarcastically, limping towards them. Quistis stood and hugged him tightly causing him to wince. Quistis helped him sit down and pointed to the twitching mass underneath the Ragnarok's foot. "Thanks Zell, that was fast thinking." She said proudly. "Wasn't me." He admitted, looking up at ship in bewilderment. "AEKA!" Fujin gasped abruptly, forcing herself to her feet. "Oh no!" Quistis cried out looking towards the pit in dismay. She tried her headset but it had been ruined in the fight with Griever. Spinning around she gestured to Zell desperately. "Get us ready for dust off" "Right away!" He shouted and started up the loading ramp. "HURRY." Fujin grunted as Quistis helped her to her feet. A loud hiss issued from Griever's remains and all three of them froze in horror as dark cloud rose from under the Ragnarok's talon. Coiling in upon itself as if alive the foggy mass formed a vaguely bestial countenance and roared silently at them. "Aw, what in the hell?" Zell said taking a step back. "It's Griever's true form." Seifer said simply, stepping out of the darkness, he turned a curious gaze towards the cloud and started towards purposefully, with ominous glint in his eye. "What are you doing!" Zell shouted running over to him. Seifer wasted no time and punched him viciously in the gut. Unlike Zell, Seifer was unhurt and had the full power of his Guardian's at his disposal. There was little doubt to outcome and Zell collapsed to the ground unconscious. "KILL YOU." Fujin snarled lunging forward. "No Fujin, stop!" Quistis held her back; knowing neither of them was in any shape to stand up to him. "TRUE FACE, DEVIL, COWARD!" Fujin raved. Seifer watched her expressionlessly as she cursed him with a relentless fervor. "Cute real cute, you two make a fine couple." Seifer sneered, gazing at them with disgust as he knelt by Griever. The black cloud was already beginning to fade as it looked on with growing interest. "You're angry aren't you." Seifer said quietly, touching the cloud tenderly. "I know all about you. Cast out, abandoned, hated by your peers, and feared by everyone else." He sighed sadly. "It's a horrible situation to be in. Rest assured though." He said thoughtfully looking at Fujin. "I know how you feel." The cloud darkened and the monstrous face within smiled wickedly. "He's going to bond with it!" Quistis shouted in alarm, starting towards him. "SEIFER NO!" Fujin screamed. "MADNESS!" "Oh look, now she calls out to me. Now, when it's to late." Seifer grinned, giving her an embittered look. "This won't change anything Seifer. Don't do it! What happened to you wanting to make things right. You'll destroy everything you worked for!" Quistis pleaded. "Well now Instructor Trepe, we all know we can't always have what we want. Besides I've nothing to lose anyway." Seifer laughed. "But with this, perhaps I can finally find what I've been looking for." He said with a quiet finality. "SEIFER." Fujin groaned wearily, she was tired, tired of the arguing, the hatred. Tired of the fear and constant grief. "To late, you had you're chance." Seifer scowled turning his back to then and looking to Griever with wide eager eyes. "Come to me, I give myself to you, together we can change the world." He said with an eager smile. Griever roared with delight and enveloped him. The demon cloud swirled around him, lifting him off the ground. Seifer screamed in agony as the dark mist made its way into his eyes and mouth before dropping him to the ground. Fujin set her jaw and prepared for the worst as Quistis drew her whip. Both knew with grim certainty that they had no chance to stand against him. Squall, Rinoa and Royce arrived on the scene. The first thing Squall saw was the moldering remains crushed under the Ragnarok's foot and blinked uncomprehendingly. Slowly he moved towards Quistis and Fujin with a look of shock. "You killed it!" He said in surprise before noticing Zell laying face down in the dirt. "Zell?" He shouted, quickly moving towards his friend. "What happened?" "Oh no." Rinoa cried out rushing to help. "BEWARE!" Fujin shouted. "Seifer bonded with Griever!" Quistis screamed as Seifer began to stand. Steam was rolling off his back as blue sparks arced off him as he slowly he turned to face them. "BASTARD!" Squall roared while drawing his gunblade. Seifer shook his head "If you could see your face." He laughed. Squall scowled and moved forward with every intention of ending Seifer's life. Seifer smiled belligerently and the area around Squall shimmered briefly before he was lifted off the ground, then thrown violently backwards. He slammed into Rinoa knocking her over, his gunblade flying from his hand. Seifer lifted off the ground and floated towards him smiling broadly. He was about to speak when an audible click made him pause. Fujin stood behind him with a hardened look in her eyes. In her hand she held Squall's gunblade, the tip of it pointing at the base of Seifer's skull as her finger rested on the trigger. "Wait!" Edea shouted as she and Irvine arrived. Fujin arched a wary brow but kept her eye firmly on Seifer. "Seifer?" Edea called out cautiously. "Matron." Seifer responded smoothly glancing at her from the corner of his eye. "I'm glad you here, everyone was getting tense." He said with a sly grin. "What happens now?" She asked worriedly, her eyes darting as she tried to read him. Seifer took a breath and sighed slightly. "I can hold him, for a time. You were right, he fell for it." He finally said, his voice shaky. Edea closed her eyes and relaxed visibly. Seifer slowly turned around, smiling impishly. "Fujin, it's cool. You want to put the gun down before you do something we'll both regret?" He said slowly. Fujin said nothing and stared at him chillingly. "Seifer's right child, it is over." Edea said warmly. "Stay there Fujin." Squall ordered glaring hotly at Edea. "This was your plan, thats insane, we can't leave Griever with him?!" He shouted. "Yes, but I shall explain in due time, now though I fear we must hurry." Edea sighed moving towards Seifer. "We're not going anywhere until I know what you've done!" Squall demanded. "Cid has made the preparations." Edea explained. Squall exploded. "I don't give a damn! I want answers right now or I have Fujin blow his head off." He snarled, nodding toward Fujin who tensed but was more than ready to do so. Quistis felt ill, the situation was far too tense. Royce stood by quietly but it was obvious he was anxious to find Aeka. Quistis could only hope she was still alive. "We've have made arrangements to contain Griever in Esthar." Edea said firmly, to explain in more detail would waste precious time. We still need to find the missing recruit and get Seifer back to Balamb. "What?" Rinoa murmured, looking Seifer in dismay. "Looks like I don't have to worry about a trial." Seifer chuckled softly, giving her a wink. Squall looked ready to go mad and threw his hands into the air in frustration. "Fine!" He finally relented. "But so help me, if all this is some kind of trick." He hissed before nodding to Fujin. Seifer looked slightly worried look as she kept the weapon aimed at him a moment longer before finally lowering it. "Sorry about all of this." He said with a smirk. Fujin shrugged then smashed him in the face with the hilt of the Gunblade, knocking him out cold. "Fujin!" Quistis shouted in shock. Squall looked down quietly at Seifer then to Fujin seeking answers. "UNCONSCIOUS, NO GRIEVER." She explained simply before tossing him the weapon. Edea was distraught, she hadn't meant to upset Squall so, and hoped the damage was not irrevocable. She turned to Irvine who stood quietly by her. "Help me with him?" She asked quietly, motioning to Seifer. "Of course." Irvine smiled sympathetically. With the situation finally under control everyone began preparing for the next plan of action. Rinoa knelt by Zell to tend his wounds as Quistis and Royce talked with Squall about find Aeka. Fujin meanwhile, stood quietly away from everyone lost in thought. ************************** "I'm afraid of the dark. It's cold and unfeeling, the epitome of nothingness. I'm afraid of the silence, the silence of being alone, like death, eternal solitude. I am a coward I know, but I can't help it, it is how I am. How long have I been here, hours, days, even years? I guess it doesn't matter, time has no meaning here, in the darkness, in my tomb. I'm so sorry, I tried I really did but I guess everyone was right about me. I was weak and now look at me. I call for my mother, hoping she can save me. Futile I know, especially since I hardly knew her, but I guess its just instinct. How I wish I was brave enough to tell you how I feel. I always loved you. You're perfect, handsome, kind, brave, smart, and funny. You made me laugh; I remember all the times you would do things to cheer me up when I was down. I wish you were here, to hold me, to keep me warm. It's so cold, and I'm so tired. Where are you, do you hate me? You promised you'd save me. I don't want to be alone, please. I'm afraid of the dark." ************************ Zell and Quistis had quickly figured out Aeka's location and the Ragnarok was already carefully plowing through the thick layers of stone and concrete. Fujin and Squall stood on the ground watching carefully for any sign of the girl. Nearby, the other students had gathered along parameter watching eagerly. Inside the Ragnarok's hold, Edea and Rinoa tended to Seifer, he'd been chained to a seat even though he was still unconscious. Squall had demanded the precaution before agreeing to let him aboard the ship. Irvine and Selphie sat together in a darkened corner holding each quietly as they reflected on the night's events. Celest stood with Royce, quietly being there for him. He looked haggard, and seemed aged, no longer had the youthful glow that he'd had just hours earlier. Squall held up his arm sharply and the Ragnarok pulled back as he and Fujin slipped into the hole. Using his gunblade as a lever, he pried a large section of concrete up so that Fujin could get her hands under it. Moving the slab she could see Aeka laying motionless a few feet below wedged between to large sections of concrete. Stepping back she summoned Pandemonia, with a crack of thunder the guardian force appeared in the sky above and knew instinctively what Fujin wanted. Raising its arms into the air the summoned creature called forth a howling wind. The hurricane winds seemed erratic but were under complete and precise control. Slowly pieces of debris began floating into the air. The winds increased further and Fujin and Squall were forced to step back as the Guardian did its work. Immense sections of concrete floated weightless out of the hole before being slung far into the distant. Finally a small figure rose out of the debris, gently cradled by a cushion of air. Pandemonia descended and caught Aeka carefully in its hand. Moving respectfully the guardian force laid her down at Fujin's feet then vanished in swirl of dust. With trembling hands Fujin knelt by her bruised and broken form. Her heart sank as she realized that it was too late. Aeka's once smiling face was now a frozen mask of fear. Tears stained her lifeless cheeks and she appeared caught in a nightmare, from which she'd never awaken. Choking back tears Fujin gently rested Aeka's head in her lap and caressed her hair tenderly. "I am sorry." She murmured, gently rocking back and forth. Squall looked down at the two quietly and sighed. At a loss, he shook his head in sorrow and made his way back to the Ragnarok. Quistis and Royce rushed to the scene and paused when Fujin looked up at them, her face taunt as tears flowed down her cheeks. "NO!" Royce screamed hoarsely. Running forward, he roughly shoved Fujin away and clutched Aeka to him. Fujin slowly stood and looked at him sympathetically. "She just needs her rest." He muttered, quietly clutching her to him. "She'll be okay, I know she will." He said weakly, his whole body shaking as emotion overtook him. Fujin put a comforting hand on his shoulder but he was oblivious. Turning her head saw Quistis. She stood stoic, her expression grim and haunted, only the slight tremble in her features gave any sign of the turmoil within. Sensing Quistis's pain Fujin went to her. "I told her we'd save her." Quistis said quietly, her voice quivering. Fujin frowned sadly and moved to hug her but Quistis ignored the gesture and moved past as if in a trance. Fujin looked to her in dismay but kept silent. With a heavy sigh she wiped away her tears and walked slowly to the gathering of students to tell them the grim news. ***************** As Squall made his way inside the Ragnarok Rinoa looked up hopefully, but her hope vanished upon seeing the look on his face. "Oh no!" She gasped. Edea nodded knowingly and sighed. "We were to late." Squall said in quiet anger, then slung his gunblade wildly. The weapon slammed against the hull with loud clang, causing Rinoa to jump. She ran to him and threw her arms around him with a sob. "I want to go home." He said quietly. ************ Outside, thing had gotten bad, Aeka's classmates had gathered around Royce and Quistis's as they stood over the body of their fallen comrade. Royce was enraged beyond reason and screamed at the instructor with tears in his eyes. "This is your fault! You shouldn't have let her come!" He screamed angrily, shoving her backwards. "You, killed her! You did! You shouldn't have let her come! Why?!" Quistis didn't respond nor did she fight back as he flailed against her feebly. Fujin however, did. Snarling she grabbed the youth by the wrist and slung him to the ground harshly. "STOP THIS" She screamed striding towards him. Celest intercepted her and stood between the two. "Both of you stop, this isn't going to change anything. You think she'd want her friends fighting like this." She shouted sadly. "He is right." Quistis said stiffly. "What?" Celest frowned. Fujin spun around with a look of disappointment. "NEGATIVE." She said in anger. "No, it's true, I should have failed her, she just wasn't strong enough." Quistis said regretfully. Fujin looked utterly shocked and betrayed. "HOW, COULD YOU SAY THAT!?" She blurted, pointing to Aeka grimly. "STRONG!" She cried out sadly. "FOUGHT HARD!" She knew Aeka deserved to be a SEED and to hear Quistis say such a thing was painful. But she knew where this was coming from, Quistis was blaming herself for Aeka's death and Royce was lashing out from grief. Two reactions Fujin knew well, she'd done the same thing upon her mother's death. Quistis only stared back at her silently, her expression haggard and broken. Zell made his way through the whispering crowd and stood a moment as Fujin and Quistis faced each other. "It's time to go." He said quietly. "Hon, it's over lets take her home." Celest whispered to Fujin who stood trembling. Royce gently lifted Aeka off the ground, stopping briefly he looked bitterly at Quistis before trudging to the Ragnarok. One by one the recruits boarded the ship, leaving only Quistis and Fujin behind. "I failed her." Quistis murmured. "NO." Fujin said sadly. "She died, frightened and alone, she deserved better." "I KNOW." The two grew silent for a few moments, watching the sun begin rise on the horizon "Was it worth it?" Quistis asked finally with a heavy sigh. "IS IT EVER?" Fujin answered simply then headed towards the waiting Ragnarok, leaving Quistis alone with her thoughts. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly then quietly followed her.
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