The Fury "Luccian!" Aeka stammered, backing out of the shower cautiously. She wasn't sure what terrified her more; the fact that he'd come out of nowhere or that he was naked. Considering the condition of the slain women around her she had little doubts about what had occurred. "It's been awhile." Luccian purred stepping towards her. If she wasn't scared senseless and disgusted she would have admired him, he was a fine specimen of masculinity, truly beautiful. But one cold, hard simple fact remained; she despised him, and that was long before he went mad. "You look good, the uniform suits you." He said moving closer. "Go away Luccian, Squall and the others are after you. Just leave me alone." She shouted threateningly. "Yes, I know, they're awfully upset, you have to help me." He said sadly. "No way!" Aeka blurted holding out one her knives. "They're going to kill me Aeka, please, you have to do something." "You." She stammered. "You brought it on yourself, you went after that monster, you released it. You knew what could happen." "I know, it was a mistake. I thought I could control it, please Aeka, you have to help me." Luccian pleaded. "I can't, just leave me alone, all I want to do is go home." "I can feel it." Luccian whispered fearfully as he took another step. "Stay right there!" Aeka shouted once more raising her weapon defensively. To her surprise he stopped. "It's inside me Aeka, twisting me, making me do things, horrible things." Luccian murmured darkly. "If you only knew what I've been through, Ultimecia killed Archie. I have no one else, you have to help me I'm begging you, please, before it's to late." He beseeched her. "Everyone says you're dead already." Aeka said shaking her head. "I think you're trying to trick me." She shouted in accusation and took a step backwards. "No, I've been fighting it, even now it wants me." He coughed, clutching his chest. Aeka shook her head defiantly. "Liar, I saw what you did to those poor women!" She shouted nodding towards the shower. Luccian looked over his shoulder and sighed. "Sad yes, they're all dead, it's horrible." He mumbled then looked at her with a depraved smile. "But you my dear are very much alive." He gurgled grotesquely as his features began to twitch and melt. Tossing his head back he screamed loudly as his face elongated into a sickly skeletal leonine like maw. His skin sloughed off his tortured body in an oily stinking mess leaving behind glistening sinew and muscle. Aeka didn't wait for him to finish the transformation. Screaming in horror she let fly a handful of knives. The knives seemed to slow a moment and crackled brightly with electricity before bursting forward at blinding speed. Each one hit and exploded through Luccian's broadening chest leaving ragged pulsing holes in their wake. With a snarl of pain he toppled over backward taking several lockers with him. Part of her screamed at her to finish him off, but common sense told her she'd only enrage the monster further. With that in mind she bolted for the exit, taking just enough time to cast a volley of fire spells into the room hoping to collapse it on him. Griever exploded out from under the rubble with a deafening roar. Aeka nearly wet herself in terror and ran as fast as her small frame could carry her. Skidding around the corner she stumbled into a wall just as the hallway behind her exploded into hail of plaster and stone. Griever clamored through the breach, it's wings battering the walls and ceiling, kicking up a choking cloud of dust and debris. Aeka was on her feet immediately and ran as fast as she could. Not once did she turn around to see if Griever was following her. She didn't need to; she could hear it quite clearly. Rounding another corner she was rudely stopped as she bolted face first into solid stone. With a crunch, her nose shattered and she fell backwards nearly unconscious. Adrenaline and fear gave her the boost she needed to hop to her feet. To her dismay the hall, like many others had been sealed, it looked as though molten stone had filled the hall and then cooled forming impenetrable blockage. "NO!" She screamed loudly pounding on the stone with her small fists. "Not fair, not fair, not fair!" She shrieked then grew quiet as she realized that Griever was not where to be seen, and that frightened her even more. Without warning a large ghostly hand phased through the stone and grabbed her by the throat. Griever's grinning maw appeared out of the stone and greeted her with an ear splitting roar. Aeka felt faint as it lifted her off the ground victoriously. The abomination pulled rest of its body out into the open and examined its prize eagerly. Quickly running out of options Aeka was desperate for ideas. The creature began to caress her rudely with its free hand and she closed her eyes in an attempt to rid herself of its leering face. She tried to think of a way to break free, to escape, her mind was flooded with what she'd learned from class. Surely there was something useful, if only she could remember. "Guardian forces have no material form of their own, that is why they willingly bond with mortal beings, so they may experience the world as we do." Thats what Quistis had taught her, though that did little to help her situation. "So what." She thought angrily. It was easy to forget Griever was a Guardian Force but that knowledge did her little good. "They also need time to bond with their host, the more time they spend together the stronger the link grows." She knew Luccian and Griever could not of have been merged long. The point was mute, even though he was weakened she still had no power to stop him. She could feel monster pressing close against her now, and the smell it's desire made her want to vomit. "Guardian's are beings of magical energy." She remembered Quistis stressing the point, and how Guardians shared certain characteristics with traditional magic. She could feel its tongue slithering across her cheek, slimy and cold like a slug, she would rather die than endure what was to come. "Guardian's are beings of magical energy." She repeated in her mind, trying to remember. "Like magic." What was it? If only she could remember. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Opening her eyes with a start she found herself eye to eye with bestial madness. With a frightened but determined look she concentrated on Griever, wrapping her thoughts about it, feeling his energy, testing it boundaries, just as she'd be taught. Pausing curiously, Griever gave her a puzzled look. Then, deep within its being it felt a firm tug, like a hand trying to draw out its very essence. Griever's milky white eyes grew wide in their sunken sockets and it roared in defiance. Aeka recalled Quistis telling her that in certain circumstance Guardians could be drawn out of their host like other magic energies. It was harder than drawing forth spells but she hoped and prayed Griever's link with Luccian was weak enough to give her an advantage. Screeching in rage as its form shivered and boiled Griever flung Aeka away like a discarded toy. She slammed into the wall harshly then fell face first onto the hard tile floor. Her attempt to draw Griever out of Luccian was only partially successful. Griever howled and thrashed about wildly destroying everything within reach, as it's body melted into a grotesque mix of its assumed form and Luccian's. From the waist down it was mostly human though bulkier, with gray and cadaverous skin. It's wings sloughed off and melted into a tar like sludge. From the waist up it was hunched and with ribs showing clearly through rotted flesh. Out of it's chest sprouted Luccian's head, hanging limply with blackened sockets and a thick opaque liquid pouring from his mouth. Griever's own head was now truly skeletal, with only the barest amount of flesh keeping it attached. It brought it's gnarled and rotting arms to it head and roared in pain induced madness. The insane Guardian Force knew it had a problem now, it's host was little more than a walking corpse to begin with and the girl's attempt to draw it forth destroyed what little life energy it had left. Its time in the mortal realm was nearly over and it would soon be forced back into the Umbra. Still it was better than being imprisoned. It knew, that in time it would be called forth again and it would pick up where it left off and it's hunger for mortal delights would not be held back. Despite the set back it planned to make full use of the fading energy it had remaining. With a snarl it growled low in its throat and took a step towards the small waif of a girl that had brought it ruin. Aeka looked up weakly and smiled a bloody smile; once again Griever felt a tug, this time far weaker. Having no desire to take chances the monstrosity backed off. With a snarl it took a deep breath then opened it's mouth as if to roar. Oddly there was no sound but the effects where instantly obvious. The room began to shutter violently around them and Aeka only had a brief moment to realize the danger before she was buried under a mountain of rubble. ***************** Edea walked quietly in the shadowy woods that surround the compound. Already she could feel the gathering energies of the restless spirits. Ever since being joined with Ultimecia she knew she'd been changed irrevocably. Her natural sorceress talents had dimmed greatly making her unable to perform the flashy pyrotechnics of old, but the dark energies generated by her unique condition granted her gifts, dark gifts that whispered darker truths. She tried not to think of any of that now, instead she focused on her wards, the youth of Balamb Garden. She knew the rallying vengeful spirits Griever had created in it's mindless rage would only grow in power the longer their anger was allowed to fester. It was true that Quistis's assault weakened them greatly but a different kind of power would be needed to put them to rest permanently, a power just like theirs. She could only pray she was making the right choices. ***************** "Did you hear that?" Royce asked curiously. Fujin nodded and looked about warily. "FELT IT TOO." She said with a frown. "An explosion?" "UNKNOWN." A breeze light breeze swept over them tossing Fujin's hair about slightly. "Air conditioning?" Royce reasoned. "NEGATIVE." Fujin mumbled. "I don't know, give me a moment, I'm nearly done." A voice crackled in Royce's headset. "Hey!" Royce jumped, flailing his hands excitedly, accidentally smacking Fujin in the face. She shoved him harshly in return and looked at him as if he'd gone mad. "WHAT!" She snapped. "Your headset, put on your headset!" Royce shouted eagerly. Fujin did as he suggested and only heard a loud hiss. "DEAD." She grumbled. "I heard a voice!" He argued. "Yeah I think that's got it, all the comm. links should be repaired." Xu's voice echoed into Fujin's ear causing her to smile brightly. "XU!" She shouted eagerly. Xu nearly fell out of her seat startled. "HOLY SHIT!" She blurted into her comm., unfortunately she was broadcasting to everyone at the time. "Xu? You okay over there?" Squall responded cautiously, giving Irvine and Seifer curious looks as they halted their trek. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, now shut up!" Xu blurted before cutting him off. Squall looked offended and switched off his headset. "What's up?" Irvine asked. "Who knows." Squall sighed. Fujin waited calmly for a response and had to fend off Royce who was grabbing eagerly at her headset, since his had apparently stopped receiving. "Hyne Fu is that you! We thought you were dead, Quistis is going to have a stroke!" Xu shouted. "What's she saying!" Royce shouted forcing Fujin to lean close so he could listen. Xu overheard him and gave a sigh of relief. "Royce! Your there too what the hell happened?" She asked. "It's my.." He started sadly but Fujin clapped a hand over his mouth. "LONG STORY." She said dully. "Yeah I imagine, where the hell are you guys?" "UNDERGROUND." "Can you find a exit?" "NEGATIVE, ALL SEALED." "Hold on a moment." Xu said smiling ear form ear. She switched frequencies and took a breath. "Quistis." She said quietly, barely able to contain herself. "Yes." Quistis answered in a somewhat robotic tone. "I need to see you for a moment." "Xu, I can't." "It's important hon." Xu pleaded softly. "Fine, but make it fast." Quistis sighed. It took a few moments before Quistis arrived to where Xu was. The young woman sat at her laptop; a small communications dish set by her side. She looked up at Quistis and frowned sadly, she was a mess, her hair tussled and soiled and her hands where stained black with ash and mud. "Here test this make sure it works." Xu mumbled handing Quistis her headset. Quistis removed hers and slipped the new one on without even asking. "Testing." She said dully, giving Xu a foul expression. Xu, to her credit sat stone-faced. "QUISTIS?" Fujin said in surprise, she was expecting Xu to come back on the line. There was no reply and Fujin looked at Royce with a puzzled expression. Listening closely she could hear Xu calling Quistis's name over and over in the background. ********************* Squall stood staring intently at yet another blocked stairwell. He rubbed is temples in annoyance as he tried to figure out the best plan of action. "We can just blow it open?" Seifer shrugged. "That would take to long, and waste spells we may need later." Irvine sighed. "He's right." Squall grumbled and switched on his comm. "Zell?" "Yeah?" The enthusiastic rebel answered, Squall could hear Selphie chattering in the background and looked at Irvine with a frown. "What?" Irvine shrugged. Squall didnt answer and shook his head in defeat. "Zell, do you think you can get us through several tons of rock without wasting magic?" "No sweat, the Ragnarok should be able to claw through easily, where and when?" "As soon as possible. We're near the heliport." "I'm on my way, give me a few minutes." Squall looked at Seifer and Irvine. "I'll be glad when this is over." He said quietly. **************** "Fujin." Quistis murmured quietly into the headset. She looked pale and Xu was worried that she would faint again. She was glad she'd made the choice to call her away from the others before letting her find out Fujin was alive. "YES?" Fujin answered simply with a coy smile. Royce looked at her curiously and she elbowed him away in aggravation. Quistis felt weak in the knees but was able to hold it together. Taking a breath she composed herself the best she could. "How are Royce and Aeka holding up?" "AEKA?" Fujin frowned, she had hoped the girl had been rescued or found away out by now. "MISSING." She sighed. "You said she got clear!" Royce shouted. "SHE DID!" Fujin snapped back earning a scowl from the young team leader. "Give me the headset." He barked. "WAIT." Fujin growled. "Thats an order." Royce said firmly. Fujin sneered slightly before slapping the headset into his hand. Royce slipped it on and erupted into a tirade. "Miss Trepe we gotta find her! Fujin said she got clear! For all we know she could be hurt and we don't even know where she is!" "Okay, calm down." Quistis said smoothly. "We haven't found her out here yet, so she's probably still down there somewhere." Xu waved to get Quistis's attention. "Tell them to head west towards the heliport, Zell's coming to get the Ragnarok, to break through one of the seals." She said cheerfully. "Xu say's to make you're way west, towards the heliport. Be careful though Zell will be tearing through with the Ragnarok. So don't enter the area until it's clear." "Understood." Royce acknowledged then paused a moment before speaking again, this time quietly. "I'm sorry, Miss Trepe, this is all my fault. You should have never put me in charge." "It's okay Royce, lets just make sure you guys get home safe and sound, then we'll talk." Quistis said in a soothing, relaxed tone. "Yes Ma'am." "It'll be okay." She assured him. "Now let me talk to Fujin." Royce slipped the headset off and handed it back to Fujin. "Fujin?" Quistis asked. "YES?" Fujin responded in a guarded tone. Quistis could tell she was still upset with her and as much as she would've loved to have a long personal talk about it, the mission took priority. "Griever is down there with you somewhere. I didn't tell Royce because it sounds like he's stressed out enough as it is. You guys get out of there as quietly as you can and under no circumstances do you try and face Griever. You got that." "UNDERSTAND." Fujin said blandly not wanting to alert Royce to anything amiss. "I hope we can talk later." Quistis added quietly. "PERHAPS." Fujin said quietly before signing off. "HERE." She said gruffly handing the headset back to Royce. "What did she say?" He asked curiously. "TO HURRY" She said stiffly as they started the long jog through the halls. ************************* Aeka cried out in pain as the weight of the rubble bore down on her. "Help." She whimpered, in hope that someone would hear her. The silence was deafening and the darkness was overwhelming as it smothered her in its stifling embrace. Struggling weakly she tried to move but to no avail, her legs were crushed between an immovable slab of concrete, oddly there was no pain. She had little time to think about it as she realized that she was buried alive. Erupting into a panic she began clawing and, tearing at her would be tomb, doing anything she could to try and free herself. All she succeeded in doing was gouging her hands brutally on the rock and scraping her back against twisted steel. The effort exhausted her and she collapsed as tears streamed down her cheek. "Royce." She whispered softly hoping for salvation. ***************** Seifer was pacing like a cat in a cage. He was never a patient man and his thirst for vengeance only antagonized him further. Irvine on the other hand was relaxed, sitting coolly on nearby steps watching Squall chatter into his headset. Squall suddenly turned to him with a peculiar smile and strode over. "Their alive." He said simply with a look of relief. "Huh who?" Irvine blinked. "Royce, and Fujin. Aeka is missing but they're confidant that she'll be found." "What!" Seifer shouted and cleared the distance between them with startling speed. Seemingly out of no where a blinding light shone down upon them. Looking up they saw the Ragnarok hovering overhead; the hot wind from its landing engine's blew Irvine's hat from his head. "Aw hell." Irvine scowled looking mournfully as it spiraling into the night. Seifer grabbed Squall by his coat harshly. "Is she alright?" He bellowed over the roar of the engine. Squall slapped his hand away and started moving so that the Ragnarok could land. "She's fine, Quistis says she's meeting us here underground." Seifer gave a triumphant hoot and socked him in the shoulder playfully. Squall wasn't amused in the least and shoved him away. The ship landed and Squall could see Zell watching them from the cockpit. Looking about the area thoughtfully he pointed to a likely spot. Zell gave him the thumbs up and within moments the Ragnarok started tearing through the earth, it's claws making short work of stone and concrete. ************ "What the!" Royce shouted as dust rained down from above. Fujin looked up thoughtfully from where she sat. "ZELL." She said pointing farther up the hall. "Yes, they're here!" Royce shouted excitedly. "Royce!" Xu called through the headset. "Go ahead." Royce smiled broadly. "The channel's are cleared but I can't get through to Aeka from here. Something's probably causing interference. You're closer, so you need to try and contact her directly. Use frequency 34.05." She explained. "I'm on it!" He said eagerly and switched off. After fidgeting with the tiny buttons on the headset a moment he slipped it back on. Fujin watched him with interest, and hoped for the best. "Aeka!" He called out and got nothing but feedback in response. He frowned in dismay and toyed with it once more before trying again. "Aeka!" He tried again **************** She heard a voice in her sleep. She would have found it familiar and comforting if not for the fact that it was screeching in her ear. Aeka halfway opened her eyes, she was so tired. Perfectly understandable she reasoned, considering how she'd spent the evening. "Aeka!" A voice shouted again. This time she was positive it wasn't a dream and her eyes darted open. "Aeka!" Royce called once more. "Come on let me know you're okay." "Royce, oh, I'm so glad to hear you." She cried out, she could no longer feel anything from the waist down and her hands were growing numb as well. "Thank Hyne your okay!" Royce breathed out in a sigh of relief. Fujin smiled and nodded proudly. "TOLD YOU." She winked as another tremor shook the earth around them. The hallways up ahead had already caved in from the Ragnarok's digging. "I'm in trouble, please help me." She whimpered softly, her voice cracking as she broke into tears. Royce's expression grew grave. "Aeka what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. Fujin rose to her feet as she realized something was terribly wrong. "I ran into Luccian. Miss Trepe was right, he's Griever." The young woman coughed harshly, and noticed an oddly stale odor in the air. "Griever, he's down here!?" Royce blurted in terror. Fujin yanked the headset off his head and held it to her ear. "AEKA, WHERE ARE YOU?" "Fujin, I'm glad you safe. Oh, you'd be so proud of me, I fought him." "WHAT!" Fujin shouted nearly falling backwards. Royce was incensed and clawed at her trying to get the headset from her. "What he did to those poor women, it was awful. I want to go home Fujin." Aeka said quietly in a small and frightened voice. "AEKA, WHERE ARE YOU?" Fujin asked again, this time sternly, knowing the girl was in shock. Aeka tried hard to think but her thoughts where all jumbled together and she couldn't focus. "I don't know, I can't remember." Said shakily. "I'm buried, he collapsed the ceiling on me. I just want to go home." She cried. "DAMN!" Fujin shouted and shoved the headset back to Royce. "TALK!" She whispered harshly. "What's wrong?" Royce asked, growing fearful. "TALK TO HER!" Fujin ordered and took a few steps up the hall to check the Ragnarok's progress. Royce tugged at her eagerly. "What is it! Is she okay!?" He shouted. Fujin turned and looked at him sternly, she could see the terrible fear in his eyes. "SHE IS IN SHOCK." Pausing, she made sure he wasn't about to freak out again. "SHE NEEDS YOU." She said with a sad smile. Royce nodded quietly and put on the headset. "Aeka?" He called gently. "Hi guy." She whispered brightly, thankful to hear his voice. He could tell how weak she was and it tore him apart. "How are you doing, I heard you've been having fun without us? Shame on you." Royce said trying to sound cheerful. "I'm sorry." She apologized shyly. "Don't be." He said, looking at Fujin with tears in his eyes. She bit her lip and shrugged, feeling completely helpless. "We're coming to get you, it'd be easier if you could help us find you." "There was a shower and lockers." She gasped slightly, it was getting harder to breath and it frightened her terribly. "Please, hurry." "I'm know, just hang on." "Royce?" "Yes?" "I want to ask you something." She murmured. "Anything." He answered quickly. She giggled shyly and gathered her courage. "I was wondering if you'd go to the dance with me?" She asked timidly. "Dance?" He blinked trying to comprehend, that was not what was expecting. "Sorry, I guess this is a bad time." She apologized. "No, no, it's okay. It's just that I dont think I'll be graduating." He sighed. "Don't think that way, you're doing great." She assured him. "I guess." "You'll be a SEED I know it. Then you can take me to the dance and it'll be wonderful." She said dreamily. Royce choked. Unable to speak he collapsed to his knees, sobbing quietly. Fujin knelt and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Shaking his head pitifully he handed the headset to her. Fujin sighed and slipped it on. "AEKA?" She asked worriedly. "Fujin? Where's Royce?" "CALLED AWAY." Fujin lied, unsure as to what to say. "Oh." Aeka sighed, the disappointment in her voice clearly evident. "PROUD OF YOU." Fujin said quietly. "Why, I didn't do anything." "BRAVE." "No I'm not." "FOUGHT GRIEVER." "All I did was panic and try to draw it out." "DRAW OUT?" "Yeah like a spell." "CLEVER GIRL." Fujin smirked, truly impressed. Fujin had lost Pandemonia to Quistis in a similar fashion two years ago. It was only recently that the Guardian Force had been returned to her. "I think I hurt him." Aeka said thoughtfully. "DESERVED IT." Fujin chuckled softly. A loud crash shook the area as a bright light flooded the hallway and the hiss of hydraulics signaled that the Rangnarok had made its entrance. "THEY ARE HERE." Fujin announced, running towards the opening. "Please hurry." Aeka pleaded hopefully. "PROMISE." Fujin vowed. ************* Zell pulled the ship back from the hole and hopped up from his seat. Quistis and Selphie had rode with him and both were already out the door by time he switched off the engines. Royce was the first one to scramble out of the pit; Irvine met up with him and pulled him up easily. Fujin was next and Seifer started towards her eagerly with joy in his eyes. To his dismay Quistis beat him to her, and helped her up instead. Fujin looked deeply troubled as she squinted under the Ragnarok's bright floodlights. More than anything Quistis wanted to embrace her tightly and shower her with kisses. Like so many times before during the hellish night she held herself in check and settled for a tense hug. "Glad to have you back." She said with tender smile. Their eyes met for a moment, not long, but long enough. Seifer watched from a distance, his expression was cold and void of emotion. He caught their brief moment and understood everything with painful clarity. In and the years that he'd known Fujin he'd never seen her look at anyone with such intimacy. Taking a ragged breath he turned and walked quietly away unnoticed. Fujin looked down curiously at Quistis's torn and bloodied hands but remained silent. Selphie joined them and looked Fujin over thoughtfully before folding her arms. "You bitch, I thought you died." She said with a playful smile, before slipping past them to meet up with Irvine who off in the distance looking for his hat. Fujin was baffled by her actions and looked at Quistis with a grave expression. Suddenly Zell came out of no where and tackled her in a friendly bear hug. "YOU MADE IT!" He shouted merrily as they both fell to the ground. Fujin thrashed and cursed awkwardly trying to pry him loose without resorting to violence. "Miss Trepe!" Royce yelled grabbing Quistis by the arms in a panic. "Royce, what is it?" She frowned. "Aeka! We have to help her!" He shouted. "Have you heard from her, where is she?" "We got through to her but we're not sure where she is." He blurted then started back down the hole. "Hey, hey hey!" Squall shouted rushing towards him and yanking him back the collar. "You're done here, we'll go find her. Go join up with the others by the front gate" He said firmly. "You have to let me go!" Royce cried out angrily. "She's hurt." "I can't do that. It's too dangerous with Griever down there." Squall frowned, not terribly happy about having to explain himself to the boy. "But I'm her squad leader she's my responsibility." Royce tried but Squall shook his head and looked to Quistis to take care of it. Quistis put her hands on the boy's shoulders and smiled apologetically. "Royce, Squall is right, it's to dangerous and you're hurt. It would be best if you did as you were told. We'll all do our best to find her, I promise." Quistis assured him. Royce looked thoroughly defeated and she tried to comfort him with an understanding smile. "I'm sorry Royce, you know it's for the best." She sighed. "I know." He nodded feeling dejected before quietly making his way towards the gate. Quistis watched him go and frowned, knowing he'd never be the same after this. With a sigh she turned to face Squall. "Squall I'm heading down to look for Aeka. I assume your going to try and find Griever?" "That's the plan." Squall said resolutely. "Oh yeah, it's time to play!" Zell shouted as Fujin pulled free of him. Squall looked her over thoughtfully. "Fujin how are you, can you fight?" He asked. "AFFIRMATIVE." She nodded briskly. "Good, you're with Quistis, find Aeka and get the hell out of here. Call us if you find Griever." "Let me go with them." Zell asked hopefully. "Fine, just hurry." Squall pointed before turning towards Irvine. "Irvine, Seifer, lets go!" He ordered, then paused. "Where the hell is Seifer?" "Aw shoot." Irvine frowned, looking about. "Squall." Xu called. "What?" Squall snapped irritably." "Has Edea contacted you? I haven't heard from her since she arrived." Xu asked. "What? She's here too? Doesn't anyone listen to me anymore!" He grumbled rubbing his temples in aggravation. "Come on they can handle this." Quistis said grabbing Zell by the arm and pointing towards the hole. ********************** Seifer wandered in the darkness like a lost soul. He wasn't sure how to feel. Mad, hurt, rejected, joyful, jaded, or indifferent? All these emotions churned within him. "Should I be happy for her? She's apparently finally found someone who could take care of her." He thought, trying to see the brighter side of the situation. "That's bullshit, I hate her." He mumbled to no one in particular though he didn't believe it. "Why should I care, it's not like she or anyone cares. To them I'm just some bastard to be dealt with." He said aloud angrily. "Do you believe that." A voice called out of the darkness entrancingly. "Go away Edea, I'm in no mood for your spiritual jargon, you're just like the others." He growled accusingly. "Foolish child. You are as dear to me as if you were my flesh and blood. How could I not love you." She said quietly appearing behind him. With caring hands she embraced him, pressing her cheek to his back. She held him silently for a long moment. Neither of them saying anything as the wind howled softly around them. "What's to become of me Matron?" Seifer finally said, his voice choked with emotion. "There's such a darkness inside of me, such hate, I don't know what to do." He said barely able to contain himself. Edea moved around to stand before him. Something about her looked unnatural to him; her face was paler than normal and her eyes with shrouded in shadows, with only the faintest pinpoints of light reflecting off them. "We all have a inner darkness child. Perhaps it's time you admit it. Do you remember when you told me your romantic dream?" She said softly, her thin lips parting into a dark smile. ******************** "What's her condition?" Quistis asked as they made their way into the underground complex. "BURIED." Fujin frowned. "What!?" Zell blurted. Quistis frowned and set her headset to Aeka's frequency. "Aeka?" She called hopefully. No reply was forthcoming causing her to look worried. Fujin didn't want to consider the possibilities and steadied herself. "Miss Trepe?" Aeka finally responded softly, her voice barely audible. "Yes, hon it's me! How are you?" Quistis smiled in relief. "I'm scared Miss Trepe." The young girl cried weakly. "Honey don't be scared we're coming for you. But you have to help us find you." "A locker room, near some showers." "Locker room, and showers, I understand." Quistis nodded then turned to Zell. "She's probably near the front entrance then, somewhere around the parking garage. What condition is that area in?" Zell frowned and shook his head grimly. "Squall said all entrances were sealed, that entire area was melted into slag." Quistis winced and looked to Fujin hopefully. "Fujin, did you pass anything like that earlier?" She asked urgently praying for some kind of good news. "NEGATIVE, HALLS BLOCKED." Fujin said depressingly. "We have to find a away and fast, she's not going to be able to hold on much longer. Quistis nearly shouted, feeling frantic. "We could use the Ragnarok again." Zell offered. Quistis considered the idea then shook her head. "No, we're not sure exactly where she is we could hurt her by accident." "Miss Trepe?" Aeka interrupted softly. "Yeah hon, go ahead." Quistis said in a silky, relaxing tone. "I did it." The girl said feeling embarrassed. "Did what?" "Asked Royce to the dance." She said weakly. Quistis couldn't help but smile. "I'm proud of you, congratulations, we'd better hurry then." "Don't forget, we made a deal." Aeka chuckled quietly only to fall into a series of short gasps. Quistis stiffed with fright. "What's wrong?" "I can't breathe." Aeka cried out fearfully between shallow gasps. "Calm down hon, you need to relax." Quistis shouted. "I'm scared Quistis, please!" Aeka sobbed uncontrollably, overwhelming panic set in and she struggled in vain to get free. "AEKA!" Quistis shouted. Fujin was looking anxious and Zell bounced from foot to foot eager to do anything. "She's running out of air! Alright we use the Ragnarok!" Quistis said firmly, knowing they had little time. "Hold on Aeka, we're coming hon, just hold on!" "I'm going to die." Aeka whimpered softly as she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness. Quistis looked up with tears in her eyes and shook her head helplessly. Fujin started to move towards her when the ground beneath her exploded sending her flying backwards. Long scabrous arms burst forth from the smoldering hole. Quistis only had time to shout in surprise before Griever shot forward. With startling speed it wrapped a clawed hand around her face and jerked her headfirst into the ceiling. A light fixture shattered from the impact and Quistis fell limply to the floor. Cackling gleefully Griever moved to finish her off. Zell was ready for it and slammed into the beast with his fists. Griever's head snapped back, spraying hot spit and bile. Zell moved to follow up the attack but found himself engulfed in sphere of inky darkness. Crackling with energy the sphere began to shrink and Zell could feel it sucking the very life out of him. A high pitched screech filled the air and the hall began to glow with a bright light. Griever turned to find Fujin channeling a spell of her own. It moved to stop her but was to late. An aura of white-hot magical fury erupted around Griever. Then with a loud roar the aura imploded blasting the monstrosity with a deafening explosion. Zell and Griever both fell to the floor as the dust settled. Fujin leaped over the monstrosity as it began to rise and made her way to Quistis. Moving quickly and with great care she hoisted her over her shoulder. Zell struggled to his feet, cursing like a sailor and ready to fight. Fujin had other ideas and grabbed him by the arm as she ran past. "Squall! We've found Griever he's right on our ass!" Zell he shouted into his headset and they ran up the hall. There was no answer, but he didn't have the time to think about it. Fujin knew Quistis was hurt bad but with Griever bearing down on them, she couldn't risk tending her wounds. Quickly they made their way to the opening and started climbing to the surface. Zell hurried help get Quistis out and laid her gently on the ground. She was bleeding profusely from a large gash in her head and was pale as a ghost. "Aw man she's hurt bad." He frowned. "I KNOW." Fujin agreed as she knelt by her. "Where the heck is everyone?" Zell wondered aloud, as he realized everyone was gone. Once more he tried his headset. "Squall, do you read me, we've found Griever!" A hail of static crackled in his ear before Squall's voice came over the line. "Zell, we've got trouble, I can't get to you, you've got to deal with him!" "What happened where are you?" Zell shouted. An explosion lit up the sky on the far side of the compound and Fujin could see Ifrit tearing a path of fiery destruction through a sea of shadowy figures. "WHAT!" She yelled in shock. "Aw hell!" Zell shouted. "Griever sent a army of phantoms after the recruits! Do what you can, if you can't hold him then get out of there!" Squall shouted over the din of battle. Fujin had tried to ignore the commotion and focus on healing Quistis when Griever announced its presence with a roar. Zell spun around and scowled, as it pulled itself out of the pit like some horrible demon from the depths. ************************ This was beyond anything Squall had seen. The harder they fought the stronger the smoky apparitions seemed to become. Ifrit's attack had forced them back but did nothing to thin out their ranks. Rinoa stood at Squall's side seeding the air with healing spells in a valiant attempt to negate the spirit's dark energies. Irvine and Celest actually seemed to be enjoying themselves, standing back to back they laid down a rain of magically charged gunfire as Selphie did her best to tend the wounded. For their part, the squad leaders fought the hardest; it was their friends and teammate lives that was at stake. Royce battled on like he was possessed, savagely tearing through one foe after another, using his sharpened boomerangs like improvised blades. "If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears." Squall announced loudly as a phantom grabbed the end of his gun blade in hopes of tearing it from his hands. Pulled the trigger and blasted the foul thing in the face, shattering the skull that hovered atop its smoky form. He was getting worried, while confidant he could keep this going all night he knew the students where quickly loosing ground. Something had to give and soon. *************** "QUISTIS!" Fujin shouted trying to rouse her. The healing spells had done their work but Quistis was still out cold. Griever lunged for them only to be intercepted by Zell who grabbed the beast by the wrists bringing him uncomfortably close to it's snarling and fang filled jaws. He ducked as Griever tried in earnest to bite his face off. Straining, he planted a foot into Griever's stomach and rolled backward tossing the monstrosity through the air. "Could use some help here Fujin!" He shouted. Griever flipped to its feet and glared hotly at him, its eyes flashed and Zell collapsed as he felt the bond with his Guardian forces weaken greatly. Griever took the opportunity to attack and pounced at him with outstretched talons. Fujin tackled Zell first and the two of them rolled clear as the Griever landed kicking up a cloud dust it's talons, sparking on the pavement. "This blows." Zell grunted as they rose to their feet to. Griever roared and spun around to face them. It crouched for a moment before leaping at them. A loud crack sounded and Griever stopped in mid air as Quistis caught it by the throat with her whip. Yanking with all her might she caused it to flip, sending it to crashing harshly onto its back. "Yeah!" Zell shouted eagerly and pounced feet first into Griever's chest as it tried to stand. What was left of Luccian's head ruptured from the impact and beast snarled in pain. Grabbing Zell by the arm it flung him at Quistis, knocking them both to the ground. Fujin used the distraction to leap atop its back as it regained its footing. Quickly locking her legs around its neck she griped its skull and twisted viciously. A sickening snap echoed and all eyes locked on Griever as its head was wrenched around in a macabre fashion. Fujin smiled in satisfaction as abomination stumbled and fell to one knee, steam rising from its gaping jaws. With an unexpected burst of energy it brought both hands up, slamming them together on either side of Fujin's head dropping her instantly. "Fujin!" Quistis screamed as she hit the ground, already running to her aid. "Quistis wait!" Zell yelled chasing after her. Griever was prepared and swept an outstretched arm at them, sending out a screaming wave of unholy energy. The wave washed over them causing both to collapse, drained and weakened. Griever gurgled grotesquely and crouched low. Immediately the area began to grow darker as the monster began to gather energy. ******************** Things were going poorly, Irvine and Celest had run out of ammo and resorted to bashing the phantoms with the butts of their weapons with little effect. Something was going on near the Ragnarok but no one present was able to offer any kind of aid. Squall frowned, he'd retreat if he could but there were to many people down and he'd be damned if he'd leave any of them. Rinoa had zoned out a long ago and was casting spell after spell into the horde in rapid succession. He didn't even try to understand where she was getting the energy from and assumed it had something to do with her growing sorceress powers. A low hum filled the battlefield and the undead masses stopped their attack. "What the." Celest paused in mid swing. One by one the phantoms began to rise into the air and fly towards a ball of energy centered near the Ragnarok. "That can't be good." Selphie frowned. "It is time." Edea said darkly appearing out of no where behind Squall. Squall nearly swung at her she startled him so bad. "Hyne!" He coughed, wiping his mouth on his sleeve, completely unnerved. "My apologizes child for not arriving sooner but I had to wait for the proper time." "What are you talking about?" Irvine asked curiously. "Griever is dying, soon it will be sent back into the Umbra. It is trying to absorb the lost souls of the facility to fuel one last attack upon us all." "That worries me." Squall frowned. "It should." She sighed. "What can we do?" Selphie asked, panting heavily. "I must set the souls free before Griever can absorb them." She answered calmly. "Matron." Irvine asked sourly. "Yes." She said, closing her eyes. "Why did you wait until now!" He shouted. "Calm yourself Kinneas, things must be done at the proper time. The spells needed takes time to prepare, had I attempted this earlier, Griever would have intercepted me. I have not the power to confront him directly, so it was better to act while its attention was focused elsewhere." "How did you know to come here. Did you knew this was going to happen?" Squall scowled, beginning to have some doubts. "Not fully, but I had my suspicions, worry not, all is going as planned." "Planned!" Irvine shouted angrily. "These kids are hurt, half of them could die before the night is over with!" "I am aware of the trials you all have faced. You have a right to be upset, but know this, if Griever is allowed to escape, the ensuing chaos will cause even greater suffering." Edea explained as she began to slowly gesture. "What do you mean escape, you said it's dying, how could it go anywhere?" Rinoa shouted. "I can feel its energy slipping away." "Then it will escape into the Umbra. If that happens, what will stop it from being called forth again? We all know Griever is destined to fall Ultimecia's hands, that is unavoidable, however we can stop from being released again in our time." "What are you talking about?" Squall said firmly grabbing her by the arm. "Unhand me, this is being done for all of you." She snapped, tired of being second guessed. With that she folded her arms over her chest and closed her eyes. Squall and the others were thrown backwards as a dark beam of bluish energy shot out of her and pierced the night sky like a lance. ******************* Quistis groaned and tried in vain to stand. Zell was in worse shape and lay unmoving several feet away. Griever stood and laughed, it was a vile bubbling sound. "All is denied to you!" It spoke in her mind mockingly. "Behold, teacher, all that I have wrought." "Luccian." Quistis murmured weakly, recognizing the voice. "That word has no more meaning for I am finally one with that, which has no name." "You did all this willingly." she whispered. "Of course, now all things can be mine. I only have to take them in my hand and it will it to be so." "What you've done." Quistis shook her head in disappointment. "You killed so many people, how could you?" "True, it was hard at first, Arch was my friend. But my mistress, she guided me, comforted me, and kept me safe. Now we wait until the day she returns for us." Griever's neck crunched sickly as it straightened itself out. A score of screaming, tortured souls began appear and swirl around Griever's quickly decaying body. "But before I go I want to personally thank you all." It said aloud, black blood pouring from its mouth. Quistis could feel a horrible power building in Griever and she looked to Fujin who lay motionless nearby. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly wishing she could hold her one last time. Then, like someone turning off a light switch, the swirling mass of tortured vortex of spirits began dissipate. One by one the faces within the cloud howled and vanished into white motes of light that rose into the heavens to vanish. Griever roared in outrage, and looked about feverishly for the culprit. In the distance he saw the blue glow of Edea's spell and snarled furiously. Its body was failing fast and it had no time to reach her. However, it reconciled itself with the knowledge that it would have some measure of vengeance. Looking down at Quistis it let out a low, guttural growl. It pointed at her and its hand began to glow with hellish energy. "Die!" Luccian hissed from somewhere deep inside Griever's being. A talon, huge, metallic and unstoppable slammed through Griever crushing him to the ground with such force the very earth cracked underneath. Roaring in triumphant the Ragnarok pressed its weight down on the screaming monstrosity silencing it.
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