If I Can't Be Yours (part 2 of 16)

a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction by RocketBabe

Back to Part 1
She took a glance at her watch. 11.32 p.m. Why did the current situation 
unsettle her so much? Maya was devastated but then again she was a 
strong young woman and she could survive this. It had worked out pretty 
damn well for her, the girl she was so in love with was now resident in 
her home, if only temporarily. She inhaled deeply and the scent of green 
tea shampoo reached her from the bathroom, where Maya was currently 
showering. Maya Ibuki, the one she so adored, was her flatmate, for 
tonight at least. She headed into the kitchen to make another cup of 
coffee, continuing along the same line of thought. Was that most of the 
reason why she had invited Maya back home with her? Was it really the 
altruistic gesture of kindness she had managed to fool both herself and 
Maya into believing it was? Had anybody except Maya been in that 
situation would she have so readily taken them into her home? The answer 
was probably yes, but nonetheless she couldn't help but question her own 
motives. She shook her head, a slight smile playing across her face.

"I'm as shameless as Misato."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Maya closed her eyes, allowing the hot water to run over her face. An 
odd calmness had descended upon her, the pain hadn't diminished much if 
at all, yet she no longer felt the despair and hysteria of only a couple 
of hours ago. There was something about Ritsuko, she was so cool, so 
collected and yet balanced it with the compassion she had shown tonight, 
an aspect of her sempai that very rarely showed itself at work but was 
most definitely there. This did nothing to reduce Maya's feelings of 
admiration for the scientist. She hadn't needed to take her in like 
that, not many people would have done so as readily in that position. As 
she ran through the night's events she couldn't help but dwell on the 
close contact with the other woman, her embraces, her warm, caring arms, 
the feeling of Ritsuko's body so close to hers.

Maya simply couldn't deny that she had harboured feelings of a romantic 
nature for the older woman since she had started working for her but 
they were not emotions she could act on, nor could she confront them. 
Besides, she had been in a stable relationship and as much as she had 
desired Ritsuko, it really hadn't been much of an issue. She had been 
happy with her own girlfriend and the feelings for her superior had been 
permanently left at the back of her mind. But now, here she was, lost, 
alone and frightened as hell of the world at large, desperate for 
someone to fill the dreadful emptiness left in her heart by the 
breakdown of her relationship.

"Is that why I came here with her? Just in the hopes that she could take 
care of me, see me as I see her, love me?" She grinned incredulously to 

"I really am pathetic."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Maya emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a spare robe of Ritsuko's. 
The older woman smiled at her and she returned the expression, both of 
them seemed almost relieved to see the other appear content. They held 
each other's gaze for a moment, almost as if sizing each other up, 
Ritsuko glancing Maya up and down, noting how cosy she looked. An odd, 
warm feeling grew rapidly as she gazed upon her younger co-worker and 
she was almost overcome by an urge to wrap her in a tight hug and not 
let her go. How would she react if she did? Could she handle a potential 
rejection? Would Maya read any more into it than a friendly, 
compassionate gesture? Somehow it seemed doubtful, it didn't take a 
scientist of her calibre to know that the odds of two people put 
together by circumstance stood very little chance of actually sharing a 
mutual feeling of love and adoration.

"Shall I make you another coffee, sempai?" Maya's words snatched 
Ritsuko's thoughts back to the real world. She glanced at her mug, empty 
once again, and willingly handed it over to Maya.

"Thankyou, everything you should need for a basic black coffee is out 
already." Maya headed towards the kitchen area. "Oh, and Maya?"

"Yes, sempai?"

"You needn't call me sempai, especially as we're in my home now." Maya 
blushed a deep pink.

"Yes, Dr Akagi." She hurried into the kitchen. The scientist smiled to 
herself. Dr Akagi indeed. Well, at least it was marginally less formal 
than sempai.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ritsuko picked up a lighter from her coffee table just as Maya was 
placing her mug down. "Didn't you want a drink, Maya?"

"No semp-umm," She blushed a little once again. "Um, Ritsuko, I was 
wondering if I could head to bed soon." As if on cue, she gave a small 
yawn. Ritsuko noticed how sweetly her petite nose wrinkled when she did 
so, and smiled.

"Of course" she gave a small laugh "and you needn't ask my permission to 
sleep. Your room is the one on the left of the bathroom, I showed it to 
you earlier, ne?" She paused for a moment. "That's assuming of course 
that you weren't intending upon sharing my bed tonight." As soon as she 
said it, it sounded wrong. Indeed, rather than dissipating some of the 
tension remaining in the atmosphere her comment only seemed to add to 
it. They both blushed and there was an extremely awkward moment of 
silence, in which there almost seemed to be a deep yet uncomfortable 
understanding between the two women. Ritsuko broke the pause but spoke 
quietly. "I get up at 7 a.m., so I'll wake you when I'm done in the 
bathroom, around quarter past. I'll run to the corner store in the 
morning to grab something for breakfast, though I warn you it will 
hardly be gourmet cuisine." She lit up a cigarette. "Sleep well, Maya."

Onwards to Part 3

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