Megumi appears, reading a manga. A sign immediately falls on her head, reading HELLO! I LET YOU DO THIS, SO DO IT! Owww! Im going, Im going! The book disappears. Megumi bows towards the reader. Uh, sorry, didnt see you there. Last time, in Chapter One: Chosen, the youngest member of the Daidouji clan was chosen for the position of Guardian Witch at the Council of Five Moons. Wonder what shes doing this time? And what about the other four who get to leave their homes ? Megumi shrugs, then snaps her fingers, a scene appearing behind her as she is erased from it ~ There are many types of silence. Take the kind of silence that usually envelops a classroom; that silence is a mixture. Some students listening respectfully, but most half-lost in their own world. Miss Youngs class, now in the eighth grade, seems to be within that type of silence now. A brunette in a seat by the window is bent over her notebook, erasing something furiously. Sitting up straight she looks down at the page with a frown. Come on She whispers. Sighing, she closes the notebook, giving up on drawing her teacher. Miss Young was just too hard to draw The girl turns to look out the window beside her, sighing again. Hey, Sakura-chan! Rika pokes the girl in front of her with a pencil, trying to get Sakura to pay attention to her. Huh? Nani, Rika-chan? Sakura half-turns and raises an eyebrow, noting that Miss Young is lost in reading the current English book to the class. She was, after all, the English teacher. Sakura found the language easy enough, but didnt speak in it. She loved Japanese more then the other language, and never really saw the point in using English when most of the other students couldnt get the hang of it as well as she had. Pay attention to Miss Young! Its getting really good. The other girl replied, nodding her head in the teachers direction. Sakura sighed and looked to the front of the classroom again. From what she had actually listened to, she gathered that the book was another romance. Why wouldnt they get a good, realistic book once? Itd be nice. Though she had a boyfriend of her own, Kinomoto Sakura didnt get why books and people and songs always went on about love. She really didnt understand what was so wonderful about it. Love was love. Right? Deciding to ignore the story again, Sakura sighed, and changed her thoughts to more interesting subjects, ones that she could find answers to. Lately Kero had been worried about something or the other. He said someone was supposed to have shown up a long time ago, when she first opened the book. Now that she had had all the cards for a few years she didnt think they would show up, though Kero had said they had to. Yue had added something about Witch magic being unreliable when he had made one of his rare appearances at a meeting. He usually stayed in Yukis form, letting the human part of him live out his life blissfully unaware of the magical creature within him. Sakura lay her head on her desk. But those dreams She whispered to herself. For the past five days she had been having the strangest dreams they took place in a forest, with her walking around. She had only noted that it seemed to be a forest of Sakura trees in full bloom. It was almost like a festival She was in a kimono, all ready and excited. But about what? Then the figure in the dark blue kimono could be seen, someone grabbing her arm someone evil then, just as the girl was turning her head, the dream stopped, only allowing her to hear her name be called out, and then wake. Sakura wanted to see the girls face. She knew it was a girl only because of all that hair but still Sakura wiped it from her memory, silently shoving it in the farthest corner of her mind, before she again began sketching Miss Young. ~ Tomoyo smiled at her two guards as she reached the doors of the Principals Office. Suzuhara-san, Mako-san, arigatou for taking me this far. But I had better do the rest, daijoubu? The two women bowed. As you wish Chibi-Daidouji-san. They said together. And be sure to call us if you need a ride or something! You know Daidouji-san would kill us if you got hurt. Suzuhara added. She smiled, one of the only guards who ever did. Chibi-Daidouji-san? Tomoyo lifted an eyebrow, smiling. Consider it a nickname! Suzuhara explained. We have to have one for you, since you are our charge now. When were not with you we go back to the house or have off time. She always was the talkative one Suzie-chan, be quiet! Let Chibi-Daidouji-san go inside. We mustnt let her be any later! Mako dragged the blonde guard away, sweatdropping. Tomoyo giggled, gently opening the door to the office, before being knocked over by a woman who was racing out of the office. The older woman pulled Tomoyo to her feet and started running with Tomoyo in tow. Ah! Ournewstudentoftheday, DaidoujiTomoyo, correct? Good! ImMissMisaki! Imassistantprincipal, andMr.Yuri-Bijouhappenstobebusyrightnow, soImdroppingyou offatMissYoungsclass! Oh, heresyourschedule! While still racing down the hallway with Tomoyo flying off the ground and being pulled along by sheer force, Miss Misaki stuffed a paper into one of Tomoyos books. Suddenly they came to a screeching halt, and Miss Misaki opened a door and shoved Tomoyo in, only taking the time to shout, MissYoungIgotyouanewstudent ByeIgottarun! Miss Misaki ran off, slamming the door behind her, and leaving a sweatdropping Tomoyo behind. ~ A few students giggled as Miss Young sweatdropped and looked at the way Miss Misaki had come, frozen, right after Miss Misaki had sped by. As always, the assistant principal was having her usual fast-paced day. Very fast-paced. Sakura looked up at the new student, and almost smiled, before stopping herself. She didnt even know this girl! The girl was standing just in front of the door, a little to the side of Miss Young. She looked a bit confused, surprised, and disheveled. After being brought to class by Miss Misaki that was understandable. The girls stormy blue eyes were wide, and she brought her free hand up to her mouth, looking a little dizzy. Sakura blinked, noticing the new girl had very pale skin. Lavender hair seemed to tumble down to just below her waist, held back only by a white headband. She wore the same uniform as every other girl did, a sailor one much like what Sakura had worn in the fifth grade, but without a hat. Sakura stared at the girls hands for a few moments, noting every detail. She wished she could draw them, but she could barely draw Kero-chan. She just wasnt an artist. But it kept her busy during class Ohayo. A musical voice finally broke the silence, sounding calm and clear, but soft. Im Daidouji Tomoyo. Im afraid Miss Misaki forgot to mention what class you teach Miss Young. Could you please tell me what I am in? Sakura looked up from the slender hands in surprise, looking for the source of the voice. Her eyes rested on the new girl. Blinking, Sakura blushed, finally noticing that she was staring. Miss Young seemed petrified still, from Miss Misaki, and blinked, shaking her head. Oh! Im sorry dear. Youre in English class, Tomoyo. Why dont you find a seat? A few people waved to Tomoyo, hoping the new girl would sit by them. Quite a few boys made up most of those who did this. Sakura suddenly noticed that she was raising her hand as well, and quickly withdrew it. Sakura heard someone stop beside her desk, and looked up to see Tomoyo. She felt her face warm, but smiled brightly, feeling unreasonably happy. Tomoyo began to go through her belongings, searching for something, then sighing. As Miss Young continued the story Sakura reached her hand out across the narrow aisle. Then she whispered, Ohayo. Im Kinomoto Sakura. Would you like a pencil? Tomoyos face brightened, and she flashed a smile that made Sakuras stomach flop. Ohayo! Im Daidouji Tomoyo, and that would be wonderful! I think I dropped mine when Miss Misaki showed me here. Tomoyo whispered back, strands of lavender falling across her face as she leaned over. Gently, she placed her hand in Sakuras and slightly shook it before taking the pencil from her. Sakura giggled, barely noticing that she had given Tomoyo her favorite pencil, a mechanical one that was pink, with a heart with wings on the end. You mean the Misaki Express? Tomoyo smiled. Hai! When Sakura looked away Tomoyo stared at the pencil in her hand, then held it close. ~ Sakura-chan! Rika scolded at lunch. Whats with you? Youve been jumping all over the place today. Youre so anxious, its like youre looking for something. Rika-chans right, are you feeling okay? Naoko asked curiously. Hey, Sakura. Syaoran said in his normal stiff voice, sitting at the other table their friends inhabited, the one where most of the boys sat. Sakura glanced at her boyfriend, wondering fleetingly if the bond they shared was love. At times it seemed simply like coldness to her. Hate? Hey, theres the new girl! Chiharu said with a smile. Daidouji-san was her name, wasnt it? Sakuras head jerked to where Chiharu was looking, and Sakura sprang up. Tomoyo-san! Sakura waved cheerfully, suddenly feeling happier, like she had been all day since English. It seemed that Tomoyo took all of her classes, but she had been pulled out in the middle of the day to be fitted for a gym uniform, so Sakura hadnt seen the girl for a while. Tomoyo smiled and started walking over to Sakuras table. Chiharu yanked Sakura down. Stop it Sakura-chan! Youre embarrassing us! And we dont even know the new girl Sakura blushed, too happy to say anything mean. How will we ever get to know her if we dont make the effort? Chiharu just continued staring at Sakura as Tomoyo took a seat on the other side of Sakura. Ohayo, Sakura-chan! Do you mind if I call you Sakura-chan? Tomoyo asked worriedly. Iie! Sakura assured the other girl. But Ill have to call you Tomoyo-chan. Tomoyo smiled. That would be nice. Im Rika. Rika said cheerfully, not seeming to mind Sakuras energetic welcome. Im guessing were all fourteen, so that we know about you. This is Naoko-chan, and this is Chiharu-chan. Rika motioned to both of the other girls in turn. Its nice to meet you. Naoko said. You look so pale, like a ghost! Thats so cool! Hoe! Sakura exclaimed, causing her friends to look at her. She hadnt said that since the third grade or so, even before Syaoran and his cousin came into town. But then, she hadnt listened to them much, or given them or anyone else attention. She barely ever smiled You dont like ghosts? Tomoyo asked. N-no n-not r-really Sakura shivered. Onii-chan used to tell me about all the ghosts he saw and it was almost like I could feel them I never knew that. Naoko said, tilting her head to the side. Gomen, Sakura-chan. Its okay Sakura said, smiling. I know you like them, so Ill just try not to think about it. Tomoyo smiled. Thats brave, Sakura-chan. Ah arigatou. Sakura managed. So, Tomoyo-chan what did you think about the English novel? Chiharu started. ~ Touya heard the front door open and looked up at the clock. It was the time his sister got home. Touya sighed, wishing that she could be less hollow. It was like she was empty. And she was she loved both her father and brother, but she wasnt one for emotions anymore not like she had been since the third grade or so. Im home! Touya thought for a moment a stranger was in the house, but recognized his sisters voice, though it was full of joy. Joy? Sakura? Touya asked, more than mildly confused as his younger sister bounded into the kitchen, sitting on a stool as she watched him stir something or other while cooking dinner. Onii-chan? Sakura asked cautiously, a smile still on her face. Who are you and what have you done with my sister? Touya demanded. Onii-chan! Um if you meet someone you really like, a friend, a best friend maybe, what would you give them? Sakura looked at Touya hopefully. Touya didnt know whom Sakura was referring to, but they had made her less hollow in just a few hours. Shrugging, he answered, I dont really know. Maybe a stuffed animal? You could always go out and buy one. Sakura sat in thought for a few moments, then smiled. That sounds good, but Id still like to get a few more opinions. Arigatou Onii-chan. Can you ask Otou-san when I could have a sleepover the next time you see him? Bye! Sakura ran out of the room and Touya soon heard her footsteps going upstairs. Uh bye Touya shrugged and went back to cooking. ~ Kero-chan? Sakura threw her backpack down beside her bed. You here? AGH! I LOST AGAIN! Kero flew up from his game controller. Hey, Sakura. Whats up? What would you get a friend you just made? As a present, I mean. Sakura sat down on the bed, twirling the key that hung around her neck out of a habit she had developed. Kero thought for about three seconds. Chocolate cake! Sakura sweatdropped. Uh, Kero-chan? I mean a human friend. Not everyone likes cake. What?! How can they not like cake?! Um hey! Could I use the Create Card to make a gift? Sakura asked. I guess Kero frowned. It would take something out of you, but if you do it now, just before dinner and bed, you should gain back the energy in no time. Huh? But it usually doesnt take much energy to use the cards. Its different when you use the cards from the heart, spending quite a bit of thought on the object you want to make or the goal you wish to attain. Kero explained. But Ill supervise, so you have nothing to worry about kid! Kero flew over to Sakuras desk and sat down. Lets get started! Right! ~ Although Ive invoked all of my cards power I have no clue what to do Sakura closed her eyes, searching her mind for the perfect gift to give a new friend. Wait a second! How about a locket? No, it has to be special A friendship locket. That would mean I have to make two hmm. I know! Sakuras eyes opened slowly. Create! Make me two lockets that can be shaped by magic of other cards for when I get started! Make them so they can hold great magic, and channel it. Sakura smiled at two small lockets floated into her hand. A sun locket and a crescent moon locket. Light! Give the sun locket the power to light all places when invoked! Give this locket the power of your card. Sakura threw the locket over to the bright woman, who smiled and laughed. Oh! Magic! Its been so long since we made something useful! Light sang as she went about her task, smiling. Dark! Imbue the crescent moon locket with the powers of your card! Sakura tossed the other pendant to the woman in the shadows next to Light. Of course Dark replied softly, her voice washing over the room. Flower! Would you please be so kind as to bless these lockets? Sakura asked, laughing as her friends, her cards, swirled about, all eager to help. Flower giggled, and danced over to the other two. Everyone else, bless each locket with the gift you see fit. Sakura said, smiling. But each only bless ONE locket. And Create? Can you be so kind as to make an invocation spell that goes along with them? ~ A few hours later Sakura looks down at her work, the cards around her all smiling and chattering, except for the Silent and a few other cards. Oh I got so carried away in the magic I forgot that this was a gift for a normal person You can still give it to that person Mistress. In fact, you may have to. When you started you had this person in mind, therefore only that person may work whichever locket was the one you intended for her. Otherwise the locket may seek her out on its own. Mirror said thoughtfully. I guess youre right Mirror. Oh well. I have to get to dinner, so Ill give the crescent moon locket to her tomorrow. Sakura said cheerfully. If you say so The Voice said. I do. ~ Tomoyo smiled as she walked down the street. She hadnt been having luck finding the Card-User, but perhaps she would find him or her soon. She had met a sweet girl named Sakura though. Tomoyo sighed, smiling at the same time. I just got here and already I have friends! Humans are easier to get along with then witches. Tomoyo-chan! Turning, the lavender-haired heiress looked to see who had called to her. A smile lit Tomoyos face. Sakura-chan! The brunette reached Tomoyo easily, barely breaking a sweat. Konnichiwa! Mind if I walk to school with you? Konnichiwa! Not at all, Sakura-chan. You know, you should join cheerleading. Maybe track as well. Tomoyo smiled. You think so? Sakura asked in a surprised voice. Hai! And I could tape your meets and practices! It would be so much fun! Okaa-san gave me a camcorder last month that I never got to use. Tomoyo explained, sparkles in her eyes. Id love to tape you! Sakura blushed, putting a hand behind her head. Hoe Oh! She reached into her pocket, and dug out the crescent moon necklace. I made got this for you! I have a sun one. Theyre friendship necklaces. Tomoyo blushed as Sakura fastened the silver chain around the heiresss neck. Its beautiful. But whyd you give it to me? Sakura blushed again. Because were friends now. Thats what friends do. Oh! Tomoyo exclaimed. The locket wont open Sakura sweatdropped. Uh it will someday. I promise. Its set to open later. Like when you say the incantation How smart! Tomoyo smiled sweetly. Cmon, well be late for school. And if I join cheerleading and track you join choir. You have a pretty voice! Sakura said, taking her friends hand and starting to walk again. ~ What? Syaoran asked, slightly confused. The boys had decided to sit with the girls today, a common occurrence. Im joining cheerleading. Sakura said with a smile. A friend told me I was very athletic, and should use my abilities more often. Sakura-chan Im getting worried about you Chiharu said with a frown. Oh, come on. Youre on the cheerleading squad Chiharu-chan! So is Naoko-chan! Rika-chan joined then quit last year. Sakura rolled her eyes. But youve never done anything like this before! Rika protested. She was cut off when Sakura started waving. Ohayo! How is everyone today? Tomoyo asked as she sat across from Sakura, as Syaoran and Chiharu were sitting next to Sakura. Sakura smiled brightly. Ohayo Tomoyo-chan! This is Yamazaki-chan, Chiharus boyfriend, and this is my boyfriend, Syaoran. Tomoyos eyes darkened, then brightened, as if nothing had ever happened. A pleasure to meet you both. Tomoyo bowed in their direction. So, about tonight Sakura Syaoran started, only to be cut off by his own girlfriend. Thats right! Tomoyo-chan, my father said it would be all right if I asked you to sleepover tonight! Would you like to? Sakura asked cheerfully, her eyes brighter then any of her friends sitting around her had seen them for years. Hai! Tomoyo agreed quickly, almost jumping out of her seat. Syaoran looked at his usually calm, quiet, hardly there girlfriend. She usually blended in with the air so well she was almost invisible. She was a girl he thought Ieran-sama would approve of. And now shed gone crazy after meeting the new girl. They were acting like little kids. By the way Tomoyo pushed her food around with her fork for a bit. Ive heard that strange things happen around here. Like lots of weird people in costumes show up? And some paranormal things? She had to get around to tracking down the Card-User someday. Sakura almost choked up her food, as did Syaoran. Hai! It happens all the time! I can tell you all about it Naoko started. ~ Tomoyo sighed, leaning against the wall between classes. Ill find you sometime Ive been looking for two days oh, Okaa-san would be so determined to help me find you if she were here. Too bad she isnt. Okaa-san Ill find the one I was chosen to protect. I promise. But for now I have to finish the day so I can go to a sleepover! Tomoyo blushed, and walked off, humming. Hmm? A strange boy steps from around the corner, his eyes narrowed.
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