The Narrator, who makes her rare appearance now, appears out of thin air. She seems to be just above five feet, but around the age of thirteen. She has short chestnut brown hair that is pulled back in a pony, and matching deep brown eyes. She adjusts her wire-rim-glasses, and dusts off her dress. Ahem. Ohayo! The Narrator smiles brightly. My name is Megumi! This is my part in the story, though I may have one more at the end. If the author lets me. Wah! I never show up! Is thwacked on the head with a sign that says get on with it!, which had fallen from above her head. Daijoubu, daijoubu! Megumi clears her throat, and the air around her turns black, the only light seemingly coming from her. There are many different paths that our world could have taken. This story is set in one of them. I have come to tell you of a world where magic is common; ordinary. It is what runs our world Those who are gifted with it are important. Very few are gifted with this strange power, and there are many different kinds. Keep in mind, that in this world, Clow Reed was not the first owner of the cards they have existed since the beginning of time. A century from his death, today, there is great commotion going on in a meeting of all the witches; Ieran-sama, head of the Witches Council, has called a meeting. A century after every death of a card owner, a new one will have been found. The new mistress was found late, her awakening beginning before the Witches Council could find her. There is chaos everywhere in the Council! There is always only one card owner; that person is the most powerful magic user known to the Witches Council. Unfortunately, only the Witches Council knows of this. Not ever the card owner knows it sometimes. Now the users Guardian Witch must be selected (either male or female), using the powers of all the Council, which consists of twelve witches, the most powerful alive. There is one exception to that, but that comes later. Please, come and see the meeting yourself. Megumi smiles and waves two fingers, disappearing with a wink, as the nothingness behind where she used to be starts to take form ~ A lavender haired young witch sits down carefully in the section where most of the Daidouji clan is sitting. Well, there are only two of them, but all of their servants and guards sit with them. Okaa-san, this is so exciting! Tomoyo smiles, speaking as she usually did, in a way that made Sonomi smile. Her daughter seemed to give each word thought before speaking, her melodious voice rarely heard at times. Miyaki-san told me that one of the Li clan is most likely to be chosen. Its too bad that others might not be, but she says the Li clan has the most powerful magic, descended from the last card user, Clow. Tomoyo tilts her head to the side, looking over at Miyaki, their cook. She turns back to Sonomi, and claps her hands together before setting them in her lap. Sonomi frowns. I guess they always get the Guardian Witch position, dont they? She looks at her fourteen-year-old daughter. Agh! I want justice for once! A few members of different clans look over with sweatdrop, but everyone around Sonomi simply smiles or sighs, used to her outbursts. Okaa-san, you always could have your justice. You ARE one of the most powerful Witches, but you demanded to get off the council a few years after I was born. When I was around three? Tomoyo smiled gently. Sonomi frowned, thinking. Oh, look Miss, its starting! The head maid exclaimed, pointing up at the woman who was standing at the floating white disk, a platform. Oh, goody! Tomoyo said, tugging Sonomis sleeve to get her attention and point it out. Thank you to all who have gathered here today. Ieran-sama started. As you know, we have chosen a new Guardian Witch, with our powers. The one chosen was a surprise for us all. Yeah, right Sonomi muttered darkly. Tomoyo giggled, then looked thoughtfully at the Li clan. Ieran looked straight at Sonomi with a smile. Ah, Daidouji-san. It is good to see you again though we had to blackmail, bribe, and force you to be here with us. The woman smiled as Sonomi blushed, muttering, and others laughed. As you all know, we first chose the five best witches, be they male or female, and then one from that group, the best one. Best does not always mean the most powerful, the brainiest, the most popular. Here best means being the perfect Guardian Witch, able to help train and guide your card-user through all obstacles. Of course, this is the greatest honor anyone could ever imagine. Though the four not picked will not become the Guardian Witch, they will go out to seek their fortunes, and we will bless them. Daidouji-san, since you are well versed on the subject, please come and speak. Most people gasped as Sonomi was asked to speak. She seemed to hate attention, content with never using her powers, working as a simple toy designer. Gracefully, Sonomi floated up on a platform of her own, waving a hand to dim the lighting magically, and focus it on her. First, before I start, Id like to say one thing; Ieran-sama, watch your back. You may die soon A few people laugh nervously. Ieran simply smiles, as Sonomi smiles back. She is correct though. I spent most of my past life learning about Guardian Witches. This will be as short as possible. Live with it. Mutters in the crowd. Guardian Witch is a honored position, as there is only one for each of the five first witches. Each Council chooses one witch, and that witch will Guard whomever their predecessor had Guarded. For the Council of Five Moons, that person is the card-user. The other four magic-user spots are very powerful, but filled in different ways. When you become a Guardian Witch you will have a powerful influence on some decisions made, as you will be the ultimate authority on your magic-user, in our case, the card-user. Your magic will become stronger, as will the magic-users. You must be prepared to do anything they need you to during battle. You must be everything they need. First, of course, you must find the magic-user. We only know the general area they are in, and when they begin their course as a magic-user. Thats all Im going to say. Learn everything else by yourself. I hate talking at these things Sonomi continued muttering until she reached her seat. Ieran-sama smiled. Thank you Daidouji-san. Now, to name the four whom shall be blessed to leave and find their fortune. The woman sweatdropped. Uh Kaho-san, you have been chosen to go for the fifth time. Kaho was at least five thousand years old. She stood, smiled and bowed. Next is Harunoh Hoshi. Tomoyo turned her head, identifying the girl as one of her classmates from the private school she attended. Tomoyo smiled cheerfully, wishing Hoshi good luck in her thoughts, sending a spell for luck in her direction. Then we have Li Yurihito. Ieran-sama smiled as cheers were heard from her Clans section, and mutters from a few others. Ah! A new clan has come very close to winning the position. Everyone sat up straighter in anticipation. Mihao Suzuka! Ieran-sama smiled slightly, but it was gone in an instant. There was chaos of noise for a few moments, but then Ieran-sama raised her hand, signaling for silence. The new Guardian Witch is Daidouji Tomoyo. Congratulations. Tomoyo sat there smiling, unable to take that in. She listened to the whispers of who? and not a Li? silently, barely noticing her Mothers own shocked expression. What but Sonomi tried. Tomoyo jumped up and clapped her hands together, then flung them around Sonomis neck. Okaa-san! Did you hear that?! Ieran-sama sighed. Sonomi-san, dear, do try to let go of your daughter. She has to get ready to meet her new charge!
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