Disclaimer: Hi! This is me, Forever3330, as always! This is the third chapter of Miss Witch (I finally got home to work on it!)! I have been itching to work on this story for a while, so I shall finally do so! Megumi-chan shows up in this fanfiction again. ^^; Ive taken a peculiar liking to her. Anyways, before I get around to doing the usual disclaimer stuff I have to report two mistakes I made in chapter two: one time I used here instead of hear, and when Sakura was explaining about the necklaces she called the bracelets. Plus Tomoyos turning, she turned turned was supposed to be looked. Sorry! ------------------------------------------------------------ Megumi smiles cheerfully. Since I have no wish to get hit on the head today Im being very good! See? She gets hit on the head with a sign reading Get on with it!. Megumi sighs. I swear, by the time this is over I will have one huge headache She smiles lightly, ignoring the bump on her head. Last time I was here a few interesting things happened! Most important of all the two girls met. Unfortunately for Tomoyo, even a Guardian Witch cant sense the Card User. She has to actually FIND Sakura. Sakura doesnt exactly act very suspicious. Maybe thatll change And Sakura made friendship necklaces able to channel magic? Im not sure what trouble thatll cause. And at the very end we find out that Tomoyo was being eavesdropped on! How rude! Anyways, I gotta go! Its lunch time! Megumi disappears with a wave. ~ Tomoyo smiled to herself, standing outside Yuri-Bijou Highschools gates. Watching all the people dash out of the gates, glad to be free of school. A few walked, a few skipped. Looking at all of them Tomoyo wished that she could stay here forever. But if the Card User wasnt in this city she would simply have to go to a different one. The idea didnt appeal to her much, but she had to find the User A hand waved in front of Tomoyos stormy blue eyes, and she once again focused on the present, forgetting for the time being the future. Hmm? She looked to the owner of the hand and saw Sakura, who smiled once Tomoyo noticed her. You were staring off into space there. Sakura remarked cheerfully. I kept calling your name Tomoyo blushed in embarrassment. Gomen, Sakura-chan. I was just thinking about something. Its not important anyways. Just something I promised Id do. Tomoyo smiled. So, wheres your house Sakura-chan? Sakura frowned, then shrugged it off and smiled. Its a bit far, but we could walk if you like. I usually roller blade, but I dont have an extra pair Sakura sweatdropped. Transportation hadnt really been on her mind. Tomoyo giggled. We could always ask Rika-chan to give us a ride A ride! Sakura exclaimed. Thats it! Touya-oniichan was driving today! His school is nearby. Hes in college. The brunette explained. I didnt know you had a brother, Sakura-chan. Tomoyo smiled. But Im willing to try and catch a ride. Good! Sakura sighed in relief. She smiled. Ill catch him, daijoubu? You can stay here if you like. Iie, I think Ill come with you. Tomoyo said. I can run slightly well. If you say so. Sakura agreed. ~ Sakura, running her fastest to catch Touya before he left, wasnt sure if Tomoyo was keeping up. Somewhere in her mind she knew she was running a little too fast, but if she didnt catch him theyd have to walk home, and that didnt sound all that nice at the time, as it looked like rain. A hand gripped hers as she ran, and she noticed Tomoyo running along beside her, though a little behind so Sakura could tug her in the right direction. The pale girl looked a little hard pushed, but other then that she was fine. Sakura slowed down just a bit, and turned the corner with her friend, then slid to a halt. Tomoyo stopped a bit in front of Sakura, then looked across the street from where they stood. Is that your brothers school? She asked curiously. Hai. Sakura nodded cheerfully. I can see his car in the school lot, so why dont we get over by it before we get trampled? Tomoyo looked over at the brunette uncertainly. Um Sakura didnt notice Tomoyos nervousness at her last statement, but tugged Tomoyos arm, half-pulling her friend across the street. Touya-oniichans car is that one. She pointed with the hand holding her school bag. Its very nice. Tomoyo said politely, as if Touya were actually there. Sakura giggled. As they were almost off the sidewalk a bell rang. Uh-oh What is Tomoyos question was cut off as a crowd of students suddenly burst out the front doors, trampling anything in there way. Sakura jerked her friend out of the way and stood by the car, sweatdropping. So you werent joking. Tomoyo said faintly, watching the older students run by. Iie. Sakura said, spotting her brother. Theres Touya-oniichan! Oh! Yuki-san is with him. Touya looked down at his sister in a mixture of confusion and surprise when he reached his car. Hello Sakura-chan. Whom is your friend? Yuki asked, offering the two girls candy from a bag he had been holding. Tomoyo accepted her piece with a smile, bowing to the two boys. Im Daidouji Tomoyo. You must be Yuki-san. Looking over at Touya she smiled. You must be Touya-san, correct? Touya stared. Um This is my friend, Tomoyo-chan. Sakura said cheerfully. Tomoyo bowed again. I sorta forgot to arrange a way for us to get home, so we came here to ask if we could ride home with you. Touya sighed. Youll never learn, will you monster? Sakura stomped on Touyas foot in response. Cmon, its starting to rain! Fine Touya grumbled, half confused about his sisters actions as of late. Thank you Kinomoto-san. Tomoyo bowed for the third time to Touya and Yuki. ~ Touya sighed, looking at the rear-view mirror for the umpteenth time since they had left. Somehow, that girl looked familiar. But how? The girl in question and his sister were giggling as they chattered away. Yuki looked over at his friend in concern. Are you okay, To-ya? Youve been twitchy ever since we left. The two girls looked up, and Touya sweatdropped. Leave it to Yuki to pick up on things. Its nothing. Really. If you say so Yuki turned back to his sandwich, which was some of Touyas leftover lunch. ~ Sakura giggled again as Tomoyo told her another story of an outing shed had with her mother. Tomoyo was a joy to watch; she was telling the story with all of herself, smiling warmly, eyes bright, hands dancing. The girl hardly seemed able to be compared to ghosts, as Naoko had commented earlier. Tomoyo giggled. Okaa-san is very kind-hearted though, even if she wouldnt ever admit it. Sakura smiled. I wish I could meet your Mother sometime. An odd look came into Tomoyos eyes, then disappeared. Sakura instantly wondered if it had even been there Mother isnt here with me. Shes somewhere else, on important business. But when she comes here, Im sure shed be delighted to meet you. Sakura smiled, unsure. That sounds great Tomoyo-chan. Hey, kaijou, were here. Sakura and Tomoyo realized they had come to a full stop, and Sakura immediately jumped out, stomping on her brothers foot as he did the same, at a slower pace. I am NOT a monster! Tomoyo giggled as she slid out through the door Sakura had left open. It must be nice, to have a sibling. She commented, though the two couldnt hear her over their argument. Hai it must be. Tomoyo turned her head to smile at Yuki. ~ Daddy! Were home! Sakura held open the door for Tomoyo and Yuki, letting it shut as her brother came up the steps Arigatou. Tomoyo said, barely heard over Touyas yelp. Yuki opened the door, looking worried. To-ya? Are you okay? Tomoyo looked up as she noticed a man sitting in the small study to the side of the door. He had silvery hair, and warm eyes and a smile. Tomoyo smiled to herself. Sakuras father. She took off her shoes, keeping her socks on , and walked silently into the room. The man was looking over at the other three, and didnt notice her. Looking around as she entered a small room, the living room, she smiled. It was all so cozy. Blinking, she saw a vase full of Nadesico. Beside the blue vase was a picture of a strangely familiar woman. An enchantingly beautiful woman Long black curls, pale skin, gentle smile emerald eyes how ? She heard the others enter the room and twirled around, startled. ~ Fujitaka stared for a long while, as Sakura ran up to her friend and then turned back to her father, confused. Fujitaka felt Touya pause and tense beside him, and Yuki stayed slightly behind Touya, oblivious as Sakura, maybe more so, to what was going on. The girl next to Sakura was almost a perfect image of the woman in the photo. With Sakura beside her, it looked as if you could mix the two girls to get a younger Nadesico. Nani? Sakura sweatdropped, still confused. Fujitaka smiled. Nothing. Its nothing. Touya sweatdropped, thinking. At least now he knew whom Tomoyo had reminded him of. Sakura shrugged it off and smiled brightly. Daddy, this is Daidouji Tomoyo, my best friend. Tomoyo-chan, this is my father. Both Tomoyo and Fujitaka bowed, saying something about how it was such a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for your hospitality Kinomoto-kun. Tomoyo said graciously. You can call me Fujitaka-sensei, if it helps. Fujitaka smiled. Im a professor, and I feel better being called by my name. If you say so. Tomoyo smiled. Sakura turned to her friend cheerfully. Cmon! Ill show you my room! After the two girls had run upstairs the three men stood in thought, but for Yuki who just looked slightly confused. Whats wrong To-ya? She looked Touya started. That girl looks so much like Nadesico. My wife. Fujitaka smiled, leaving the two to think. ~ Tomoyo yawned slightly, glancing over at the yellow stuffed animal again, and getting the feeling that something wasnt quite right. But what? The stuffed animal in question seemed to tense up. She must be getting tired. Oh, Gomenasai are you tired? Sakura looked up from the collection of stuffed animals she had been showing Tomoyo, looking apologetic. Just a little. Tomoyo admitted reluctantly, smiling sweetly. We can go to bed now. Sakura glanced at the clock and sweatdropped. Eeks! Its late! I was having so much fun I didnt notice She rubbed the back of her head, laughing nervously. Should I go ask for a sleeping bag? The heiress smiled sleepily. We can share my bed if you want. I think Daddy is asleep, and I dont want to bother Touya Sakura sighed. That sounds fine. Tomoyo had already slipped into the bed. I think Ill just She trailed off, mumbling slightly, as her eyes closed. Is she asleep? The stuffed animal seemed to whisper. Sakura glanced at Tomoyo. Hai. But if she hadnt been, you would have been in trouble. I think shes on to me like your brother Kero floated around Sakuras head, fretting. Dont be silly. Sakura yawned. I think I need sleep But what about my dinner?! Kero sighed. Sakura was already in bed and asleep. Fine. Ill just starve. ~ She was in the park night was already there, and she seemed to be wearing her school uniform, Sakura wand ready. Of course, she always wore her school uniform. What else would she wear? Sakura. I think its near Syaoran stood beside her, scowling, arms crossed. Kero floated between them, and Yue stood back. But Ive caught all the cards She heard herself say sleepily. It may not be a card. There will always be something to fight, Sakura. Kero answered thoughtfully. Then to the front of her, a bright light suddenly shown, and a figure became visible. Tomoyo turned, a surprised look on her face. That wand Sakura held the Guardians beside her and that boy from school, standing with a sword pointed in her direction. Sakura stared at the strange purple-black dress Tomoyo wore, her hair a darker mix of violet and black, a strange hat that she would call a Witches hat upon her head. In her hands was a ball of light. Are you it?! Are you the source of this evil?! Syaoran lunged forward, as Tomoyo gave a half-smile and fell back in a dead faint, black light clouding her. Tomoyo! And then the shadowy figure behind the girl became visible. ~ Both girls woke in the morning, at the same time. Sakura stared at Tomoyo, wondering about the strange dream, but shoved it away as Tomoyo smiled rather dizzily. After all, she could ask Kero later.
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