Slowly Dawning (Prologue)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Erica Friedman

I’ve used the concept of the "uber-Rei" again, that is, she is the Rei 
of the anime, but has the experiences of the Rei of the manga. And 
just for good measure, as a sort of experiment, in this story Rei does 
*not* have a thing for Usagi. I thought it was time to see a story 
without that brooding dark cloud hanging over poor Rei’s head.

I’d like to thank Matt, who gives me all kinds of evil ideas; and to 
my own personal research assistant. You know who you are. :-)


Minako slammed her locker shut with a sense of satisfaction. Practice 
had been excellent - even the freshman volleyball squad was looking 
good. She slipped her shoes on, grabbed her books and stepped lightly 
out of the school. She could hear her name called from over by the gym 
and turned to wave at the three girls who ran to meet her.

"Aino - san!" called out a small dark-haired girl with a short 
haircut. She seemed almost boyish, even in their regulation school 
uniform. She was waving wildly and Minako grinned at her enthusiasm. 
Furiko was the newest member of the volleyball team and had a tendency 
to worship Minako. A tendency Minako was rather enjoying, if truth be 

"Furiko-chan, Hannah-san, Yuki-chan!" Minako waved back at her friends 
from the club and waited as they caught up to her. The next few 
minutes was a riot of exchanged encouragements, gossip and laughter, 
as they analyzed the day’s practice, each other and the boy’s team. 
The four girls passed out of the school grounds and onto the street. 
They paused for a moment, not wanting to leave each other.

"Going to another study meeting?" Yuki asked archly. She had an 
ongoing joke with Minako that the so-called study meetings were 
nothing more than a front for meetings with a boyfriend or two. "What 
are you studying for, anyway? You’re already a junior in high 
school..." Her tone was more than a little peeved. Yuki had only known 
Minako for a year, but she was jealous of these other friends who took 
her away every day.

"There’s still the university exam." Minako said simply. She knew what 
Yuki really meant, but there was no way she was going to explain the 
truth to her friend.

Yuki laughed loudly. "You’re going to university?! I don’t believe it! 
Ow!" The last was directed at Furiko, who had loyally bashed Yuki with 
her backpack in defense of Minako. 

Minako smiled her thanks at Furiko, who dimpled in response. 

Furiko now turned on Yuki with some heat. "Stop trashing Aino-san! 
She’s smarter than you are!"

Hannah, a transfer student from England, put one hand on Furiko’s 
shoulder and spoke quietly. "Please Furiko-san," she still used the 
honorifics a bit hesitantly, "Yuki-san didn’t mean it." Furiko backed 
down, but she was clearly ready to leap to Minako’s defense in a 

Minako nodded. Yuki really didn’t mean it - it was just the way she 
was. Brash, loud and headstrong, Yuki was a real leader on the 
volleyball court, but could be a pain sometimes off of it.

Yuki shrugged indifferently and began to turn away from the others, 
but Minako held her back. "Yuki-chan, can you come shopping with me 
this weekend? I need a new dress for the spring dance and I’d like you 
to meet someone."

Yuki’s face lit up and she agreed eagerly. Minako let go of the 
younger girl and pushed her gently away. "I really have to go, now." 
she said lightly. She turned towards the Juuban shopping center and 
waved over her shoulder as Yuki called her farewell. Furiko ran a few 
steps to catch up with her, followed by the tall, and nearly silent 

"Can we walk with you?" Furiko panted. 

"Sure." Minako said. "Why? Got something on your mind?"

Furiko didn’t answer, but the slight blush on her cheeks betrayed her. 
Minako smiled but did not speak. She’d had her own crushes as a 
freshman, she remembered. For that matter, she thought, she still had 
them now. It wasn’t a bad feeling, she acknowledged, being looked up 

The three girls walked silently and Minako thought about her new 
friends. She had joined the volleyball club once again when she 
entered high school. It had felt right, somehow. She was surprised how 
easily it all came back to her. As a sophomore, she had been asked to 
join the senior team and it was with great pleasure that she had 
become co-captain this year, the youngest captain of the team ever. 
Furiko, now silent and brooding at her side, was the best of the new 
members. Hannah, a junior like Minako, had come from England halfway 
through the year and had turned out to be an old hand at competitive 
volleyball. Her height was a great advantage, even if her Japanese was 
a little slow and stilted at times. She was as quiet as Yuki was loud.

"Aino-san," Furiko blurted out suddenly, "why don’t you have a 

"Furiko-san!" Hannah was shocked at the younger girl’s lack of tact.

Minako hid her surprise in a loud laugh. "Like I can fit them in my 
busy social schedule..." 

Furiko interrupted her. "Really, Aino-san! You’re beautiful and good 
at sports and smart..."

Smart? thought Minako. Well, my grades *have* improved...thank you 
Ami-chan! Minako patted Furiko’s shoulder and grinned. "I guess I 
haven’t found my Prince yet, that’s all." Furiko stared at her 
intensely and Minako became a bit uncomfortable at the dark eyes 
boring into her. Furiko had hit a sore point with Minako. She had 
dated, of course, and as often as possible. But it never worked out. 
Either she ended up canceling one too many dates, or lying to the boy 
wasn’t worth the effort. It wasn’t like she could tell anyone why she 
had to run off. "Oh, sorry - I have to go! I’m Sailor Venus and 
there’s an emergency!" Minako could feel the heat in her face, and 
cursed her own fair coloring.

Hannah smacked Furiko’s arm lightly, drawing her attention away from 
Minako. "I cannot believe how rude you are being, Furiko-san." She 
tried to lighten the moment, as was her habit. Furiko looked up 
suddenly and reddened in embarrassment. She bowed to Minako formally.

"I apologize, Aino-san, I was very rude. Please forgive me." 

Minako waved it all away with a laugh. "Forget it. Look, I have to go 
now...I’m late as it is. I’ll see you tomorrow at practice, right?" 

Furiko nodded, her brows furrowed, then her face cleared. "You 
promised to show me your signature move, right?"

Minako smiled slyly. "Sure, I’ll show you - but don’t think its so 
easy to do."

Furiko laughed and walked off arm in arm with Hannah. Minako noticed 
that Hannah had braided daisies into her hair today. It was a little 
joke between them. One of the girls on the team had mentioned that 
Hannah’s name meant "flower" in Japanese. Now she always wore a floral 
pattern, or a flower somewhere on her person. Hannah was 
sweet...except on the volleyball court. Minako smiled at the thought 
and then, running, caught the bus to Hikawa shrine. But Furiko’s 
question stuck in her mind, like an unpleasant rumor.

Onwards to Part 1

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