Slowly Dawning (part 1 of 6)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Erica Friedman

Minako was a little out of breath by the time she reached the 
shrine...but then, she had taken the steps two at a time. All that 
time training as a Senshi - and on the court - was really making a 

She slid the door to Rei’s room aside and announced her presence to a 
completely silent room. 

Everyone looked up at Minako in some surprise. 

Ami glanced at her watch. "Is it that late already?" she asked.

Minako nodded. "Five o’clock, on the dot. I’m getting better!" she 
made a "V" for victory and winked at her friends happily.

Makoto made some room at the table for Minako. "Have some food - 
you’re probably starving after practice."

"You’ve got that right!" Minako did not have to be asked twice. As she 
ate, she reflected on the relationships she had with these friends. In 
any other company, polite refusals would have to be followed with 
polite insistence. Minako took a big bite of a sandwich and chewed 
contentedly, as Makoto returned to her studies. Not here. Here, she 
was more at home than, well, at home. This was so different than her 
friendships from the volleyball team. There she was a figure of 
authority, a role, she was just one of the girls. Minako 
sighed with satisfaction. These friends really understood her, better 
than anyone else ever could. Minako regarded her companions 

Ami was reading, periodically taking notes, Minako noticed, Rei was 
practicing calligraphy. Makoto was working on a math problem, chewing 
thoughtfully on a pencil...

"Where’s Usagi?" Minako asked suddenly.

Makoto pointed over to the corner without looking up. Usagi lay, 
curled up in a ball, sound asleep. Minako’s first reaction was to be 
annoyed - the slacker! But then she thought of the youma they had 
destroyed last night, and how much energy it had taken for Usagi to 
defeat it. Eh, Minako shrugged, let her sleep.

Minako pulled out a history text and plunged into the not-terribly 
fascinating world of modern history (wasn’t that an oxymoron?) In a 
few minutes, silence fell once again over the room, broken only by 
little noises, and Usagi’s deep breathing.

An hour had passed when Usagi awoke. Spluttering, she demanded to know 
why they hadn’t awakened her. Ami commented, rather dryly, that they 
last time they had, she had demanded to know why they didn’t let her 
sleep. Usagi laughed at that and scooted up to the table to return to 
her studies.

Minako looked around at the faces round her. Even preoccupied with 
their studies, each girl’s personality was distinct. She reflected on 
the changes they had all undergone over the last several years. Even 
she and Usagi, once the most recalcitrant of students, could put in an 
hour or two or three, if absolutely necessary. And it showed in their 
grades. Usagi and she were no longer at the bottom of their classes - 
very nearly a miracle in Minako’s eyes.

They continued to study until night had fallen. As they prepared to 
split up for the evening, Minako thought about her request of Yuki, 
and turned to Rei. 

"Can you meet me for lunch on Saturday? I have a friend I want to 
introduce to you."

"Oh, is that Yuki-chan?" Usagi asked inquisitively. "She was nice. Not 
as nice as Hannah-san, though." 

"Yes, Hannah-san is very sweet and a little shy. I though Rei-chan and 
Yuki-chan might get along." Minako winked at Usagi where Rei couldn’t 
see her. Usagi stifled a laugh and winked back.

"And why is that?" Usagi gave Minako the straight line she had 

"Because they’re both loudmouthed and rude." Minako ducked just in 
time to avoid being hit by Rei, who had just managed to get in a quick 
to kick to Usagi’s bottom. Usagi squeaked and jumped away, giggling at 
the well-worn joke, grabbing Minako as she ran and pulling her away 
with her.

"12 o’clock at the Crown!" Minako yelled over her shoulder at Rei.

"I’ll be there - you’d better not be late!" Rei shouted after them.

Onwards to Part 2

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