Black Rose, Blue Thunder (part 14 of 19)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Dreiser

Back to Part 13
	Today was something rare for Dr. Fuyuki Umi.

	Today was a good day. And why was it a good day? 
For one reason and one reason only.

	It was the release day for all of the injured Furinkan 
High students who had come in a month ago.

	Umi wasn't sure how they had healed so quickly but 
she figured it best not to question it. Because she and 
everyone else in the hospital really wanted to get rid of these 
very moronic and often strange teenagers.

	Heaving a sigh, Umi murmured, "Maybe things will 
start to calm down with all of those idiots finally gone."

	Even as she said the words, Umi found herself not 
believing them. After all, this was Nerima.

	The strangest district in all of Tokyo.

	If you didn't count Tomobiki or Juuban.

	Well, they were in the top three at least. With all the 
strange goings on there they had to be.

	But their third place ranking gave Umi comfort 
because it meant there were places stranger than Nerima and 
doctors even more harried than she was.

	And somehow, that made her feel much better.


	"All right," said Nabiki as she looked suspiciously at 
Ranma and Kodachi. "What are you up to now?"

	"Up to? Us?" began Kodachi smoothly.

	"Why would you think that, Nabchan?" finished 
Ranma in equally smooth tones as he smiled.

	"Save it," retorted Nabiki. "And just tell me what you 
have in your warped little minds this time."

	"Warped?" Kodachi sniffed. "I'm insulted, Nabiki 
darling. I prefer to think of us as creatively skilled when it 
comes to gathering yen for our purposes."

	"Yeah," chimed in Ranma. "Don't hate us because 
we're skilled. We were born this way."

	Snorting at this, Nabiki shook her head and said, 
"Spill it already. What do you want to talk to me about?"

	"It's just this," said Kodachi as she produced a letter 
that was neatly opened and handed it to Nabiki. "I wanted to 
make sure you were aware of your options before you do 
anything hurried when it comes to the final negotiations in your 
contract with Ukyo-kun. If you were to take up this offer, I'm 
sure that the percentage you would gain in the movie making 
process would increase significantly."

	Scanning the letter quickly, Nabiki looked up and 
said, "A paid concert with Ryoga-kun and I as the stars at the 
Karaoke Citadel? How did you two get this letter?"

	"We told you," said Ranma easily. "It came to the 
house when you were gone so we figured we'd investigate and 
look out for your best interests, Nabchan."

	"Or in other words, you were being nosy," said Nabiki 
rather dryly as she frowned.

	"Nosy is such a harsh word," Kodachi said in 
dismissive tones as she smiled. "We prefer to think that were 
we acting out of concern for your welfare."

	Still frowning, Nabiki sighed and said, "I'll have to ask 
Ryoga-kun what he thinks about this before I agree to sing at 
any concert. But if he says yes, then I'm in. After all," she 
paused to smile. "It would be nice to show Ukyo that I can 
actually sing before we start filming."

	Taking another pause, Nabiki blinked and pondered 
in thoughtful tones, "I wonder why he hired me without hearing 
me sing? Do you think he was just taking Ryoga's word for it 
that I'm good because all of you used to be friends as 

	"Maybe," said Ranma. "But don't ask me. Ucchan's 
always been a bit on the odd side. When we were little he and 
I were good buds but he mostly ran after Ryoga trying to 
make sure that he didn't get lost all of the time."

	After Ranma said this, Kodachi's violet eyes gained a 
contemplative gleam but before she could comment, she found 
a small gnarled figure gripping her chest.

	It took Kodachi less than a second to react.

	And all of Furinkan High, along with most of Nerima, 
winced at the sound of her supersonic scream.

	"Jeez, Dachi," Ranma said with a loud groan as he 
plugged up his sore ears. "Lower the volume, huh?"

	"Darling! Get this thing off of me!" Kodachi demanded 
with a shriek as she swatted ineffectively at the creature 
hugging onto her chest.

	Squinting at the creature, Ranma said, "That's a weird 
looking thing. I wonder what the hell it is?"

	"Darrrrrrrling!" Kodachi wailed rather dramatically in 
tones that managed to sound very kawaii. "Help me!!"

	With a careless shrug, Ranma bunched his hand into a 
fist and slammed it into the creature's head causing it to fall to 
the ground and reveal that it was in fact a man.

	And upon discovering this, Kodachi reacted in even 
less time then when it had been glomping her chest.

	"Pervert!" shrieked Kodachi who produced a large 
mallet out of nowhere and tried to slam it on the dirty old man.

	The old man lazily lifted up a finger and sent the mallet 
flying into the air causing the three teenagers to look at him in 
certain surprise.

	"What it is with pretty ladies and mallets in this town?" 
asked the old man in sad tones. "You think they'd be glad that 
I appreciate their healthy figures."

	"They usually do," said Ranma drolly. "But only if 
you're a handsome young stud like me and you go about 
expressing your admiration a little more subtly."

	"Impertinent aren't you?" the old man asked as he 
narrowed his eyes. "Who might you be?"

	"Saotome Ranma at your service," replied Ranma with 
a smile. "And ladies find my impertinence charming."

	Hearing this, Nabiki snorted while Kodachi sidled up 
to Ranma and grabbed his ear sharply to bring it down to her 
mouth. She then hissed, "Darling! Don't carry on a 
conversation with this pervert! Punish him on my behalf!"

	Looking from the old man to his girlfriend, Ranma 
squinted his gaze a bit before he sighed. Turning back to the 
old man, Ranma said, "Sorry about this, but it looks like I'm 
going to have to beat you up, Gramps."

	"Really?" the old man quirked an eyebrow in 
amusement as he looked at Ranma. "Somehow I don't think 
that's going to happen anytime soon."

	"Oh yeah? And why's that?" asked Ranma.

	"Because," the old man began with a smile. "I'm 
Happosai of the Anything Goes school of martial arts." He 
then paused to add, "And your Master."

	A long moment of silence passed when a stunned 
Nabiki, Kodachi, and Ranma, all echoed, "Master?"


	"I don't like it," Cologne grumbled. "Picking out the 
business and setting it up all without my permission."

	"Oh, lighten up," said Siren in teasing tones as she 
grinned. "I think this is the perfect business and it's certainly 
more interesting than any of your ideas. Besides, this will help 
Kasumi along in her training."

	Watching as Siren flicked her wrist in an easy 
movement to put the finishing touches on the sign to their new 
business Cologne said, "That might be true but do you 
honestly expect to get customers with this kind of store? What 
use does a normal person have for items sold in a Wiccan 
shop of sorcery anyway?"

	"Cologne," chided Siren who sounded rather 
disappointed with the Matriarch. "I've just arrived here and 
even I know that no one normal lives in Nerima."

	"Funny," said Cologne dryly before she hopped into 
the shop which Siren had inappropriately named Sensual 

	"Ah, the sound of your held back complaints is music 
to my ears," said Siren with an easy smile as she followed 
Cologne into the shop.

	Holding back the urge to snort at this, Cologne turned 
to regard Siren with lidded eyes and asked, "Why, after all of 
these years, won't you finally leave me alone?"

	When Cologne asked this, she said it in tones that 
would have turned the most stoic of Amazon warriors into 
quailing cowards who are fearful for their very lives.

	Luckily for Siren, and unluckily for Cologne, the Mage 
wasn't like most Amazon warriors.

	Because she was made of sterner stuff than the 
warriors and had a sense of humor and a playfulness that most 
of them would never be able or want to achieve.

	This meant Siren found Cologne's tones not 
threatening but rather more on the humorous side. And why 
did she find it humorous? Probably because she knew that 
Cologne couldn't or wouldn't ever really do anything to get rid 
of her in the permanent sense of the word.

	Which meant Siren could go on tormenting Cologne 
and teasing her silly until her final days on this Earth.

	Now wouldn't you find that humorous?

	Siren certainly did but from the look on Cologne's 
face it didn't seem like the Matriarch shared her opinion.

	"I'll leave you alone," Siren began in unusually quiet 
and subdued tones. "When you reveal the truth about yourself 
to everyone in the tribe. Including your kin who I think 
deserve to know what's lurking inside their blood."

	Since Cologne's expression before could be described 
as dark it now looked downright murderous as she gazed 
upon the figure of Siren with blazing eyes.

	"I'm not going to have this conversation with you 
again, Siren," said Cologne tightly. "My decision is final. It dies 
with me unless you're going to break our vow."

	"I won't," murmured Siren. "A vow is not something I 
take lightly." She paused a moment and her sapphire eyes 
gleamed almost playfully as she added, "I also don't give up 
easily. Sooner or later I'll convince you to change your mind, 
Cologne. Trust me on that."

	On hearing this, Cologne gave a snort of humorous 
skepticism while a hint of a smile played on her ancient 
features as she looked at her companion.

	She was about to reply when Siren suddenly whirled 
around to look at the door to the shop which had been pushed 
open barely an inch.

	That was when Cologne saw the almost always 
haggard figure of Perfume in her pixie form flying into the shop 
spewing vulgarities in melodic bell like sounds.

	Cologne was used to seeing this but Siren wasn't.

	In fact, it occurred to Cologne that Siren didn't know 
about Perfume's curse which had been acquired during the 
time that the Mage was traveling the world.

	While Siren gaped at the tinkling and sparkling figure 
of Perfume pixie Cologne couldn't help but form a smug smile.

	Because no matter how old she got, Cologne always 
loved to be the one with the advantage.

	This was something, that thanks to Perfume, she finally 
had managed to acquire over Siren.

	An auspicious fact which helped to make Cologne's 


	"Master?" Ranma said with some disdain. "Sorry, old 
man but Saotome Ranma has no Master and he never will. 
Unless you count Dachi and my mothers of course."

	"I'm afraid that's not so, lad," said Happosai. "I was 
the one who trained your good for nothing father all those 
years ago and it was he who trained you, am I right? And if 
I'm not mistaken, he taught you what I taught him. All of that 
ends up making me your Master, boy."

	Snorting at this, Ranma said derisively, "That's gotta 
be the lamest thing I've ever heard. Just because you taught 
my Pop some stuff doesn't mean I'm gonna let you teach me. 
Besides, grabbing onto girls chests is something I learned to 
do a long time ago."

	Seconds after he said this Ranma felt a sharp slap on 
the back of his head and looking at Nabiki, he said in rather 
wounded tones, "What'd you do that for?"

	"Try and control your ego and hormones for a second 
will you?" asked Nabiki dryly. She then stepped in front of 
Ranma to glare at Happosai. "Look," she said. "I don't believe 
that my father or even Ranma's would learn anything from you. 
If you expect us to believe your story we're going to need 
some proof."

	Quirking an eyebrow, Happosai said, "A forceful 
woman. I like that. Very well," he said with some deal of 
exaggeration. "Come with me and you'll see for yourselves just 
how well I know your father, little Nabiki."

	With that, the old man leapt into the air and bounded 
off into the distance but not before glomping a few random 
girls before he left.

	Watching his exit, Nabiki could only say dimly, "How 
did he know my name?"

	"Beats me," said Ranma as his cobalt eyes narrowed. 
"But something tells me that old man just ain't normal. Did you 
feel his level of chi? I haven't felt anything near that except 
when around the old ghoul or Grandma."

	"Grandma?" asked Nabiki curiously.

	"Yeah," Ranma said with a nod. "My Grandma gives 
off the same sort of chi energy as he does. Which doesn't 
make sense because she's a--"

	Ranma suddenly found himself interrupted when a 
hand sharply grabbed his ear and he found himself looking into 
enraged violet eyes.

	"Hey, Dachi," said Ranma as he gave a very nervous 
grin to his obviously upset girlfriend.
	"Darling!!" Kodachi exclaimed with more than a hint 
of menace. "I thought you were going to punish that pervert 
for tarnishing my honor! You let him get away!"

	"C'mon, Dachi," said Ranma while he winced. "He's 
just an old man. What'd you want me to do? If I punched him 
I could've given him a heart attack and ended up killing him. 
Then I'd be a murderer. You don't want that to happen now 
do you?"

	"Somehow," said Nabiki dryly as she watched 
Kodachi get even more infuriated. "I don't think that is an 
excuse that she's going to except right now."

	With a gulp and a nervous nod of his head, Ranma let 
loose a loud squeak and hastily dodged the large mallet that 
Kodachi produced out of nowhere and ran off into the 
distance as he followed Happosai's exiting path.

	As she observed this, Nabiki couldn't help but sigh 
and give a shrug as she murmured, "I might as well follow 
them. Without me there who knows what sort of trouble they 
might get themselves into this time?"

	But as she followed after the couple, Nabiki had a 
sinking feeling that whether or not she followed them they 
would just end up getting into trouble anyway.

	It was something that seemed to be a repeating trend 
when it came to dealing with Ranma and Kodachi.


	Shampoo looked at the hundred or so boys that were 
wrapped in bandages, wearing casts, using crutches, and 
sitting in wheelchairs with puzzled scarlet eyes.

	"Can Shampoo help you with something?"

	"Shampoo!" said the muffled voice of the boy leading 
the group. He was bandaged from head to toe and leaning on 
crutches as his left leg was in a cast. "We come to tell you 
we're leaving to punish he who tricked us in the matter of your 
love! We leave now for China to track down the treacherous 
Grocery Bag and punish him on your behalf!"

	"Her behalf?!"

	"What about ours?!"

	"Both of my legs are broken!"

	"And I have to eat out of a tube!"

	"Yeah! Plus my ovaries still hurt!"

	"Dammit, Yoshi! You have no ovaries!"

	"Oh yeah..."

	Blinking at the sudden outburst from the crowd full of 
injured boys, Shampoo asked, "Uhm... is Shampoo supposed 
to know you? Because Shampoo lost right now."

	"You mean you don't remember us?!"

	"We who pledged our devotion to you?!"

	"We who sacrificed our lives for you?!"

	"We who got our asses kicked by you?!"

	"Dammit, Shampoo! It wasn't that long ago! It only 
happened back in Chapter Eight of the series!"

	"Hospitalizing Idiots, remember?! We're the idiots!"

	There was a long pause as everyone looked at Shiro 
and mulled over his words.

	"We're the idiots?"

	"No way!"

	"But we were hospitalized..."

	"Hey, now that chapter title actually makes sense."

	"This sucks! I'm not an idiot! And my ovaries still 

	"Dammit, Yoshi! You have no ovaries!"

	Coughing loudly, the leader of the mass of boys, now 
revealed to be named Shiro, looked at Shampoo then said, 
"We leave now for China. To defend your honor and get 
revenge on Grocery Bag for causing you to injure us."

	With that, the huge group of injured boys all hobbled, 
limped, and wheeled away while a perplexed Shampoo 
observed them with wide eyes.

	"Well," said Shampoo after a long moment. "Shampoo 
is having no idea what that was about."


	"You have a curse and you didn't tell me?" asked 
Siren in stunned tones as she looked at her granddaughter.

	Forming a grimace, Perfume muttered, "It not 
something I was wanting to advertise and I was hoping to 
have gotten rid of it before the time I saw you next."

	"Small chance of that child," said Cologne from where 
she resided behind the counter to their sorcery shop arranging 
various spell books and potions. "There are no available cures 
for Jusenkyo curses as we know it."

	"I refuse to believe that," said Perfume tightly. Rising 
to her feet, she bunched her hand into a fist then declared, "I'm 
going to find a cure to my curse and never have to turn into 
annoying kawaii pixie again!"

	"A pixie, so that's what you turn into," Siren murmured 
as her face gained a look of recognition and she snapped her 
fingers. "I was wondering what it was. For awhile there I 
thought you were a fairy and wouldn't that be an ironic curse 
for you, eh Perfume?"

	"Grandmother," Perfume hissed while she twitched 
slightly. "Somehow I'm not finding those words so funny."

	"That's because you're a grump, darling," said Siren as 
she gave a dismissive wave. Resting her chin on the top of her 
hands she smiled then asked, "And what's so bad about 
turning into a kawaii pixie? I thought you were quite charming 
in your other form. And very desirable."

	"Grandmother!" Perfume exclaimed before turning 
bright red and glaring at Siren. "Why you say such things?!"

	"Because it's fun?" drawled Siren playfully. Upon 
seeing Perfume's glare strengthen she sighed then rose to her 
feet as she said, "You're really no fun, dear. But since you are 
family and I love you I'll still help you get rid of your curse 
even though I do find it entirely adorable."

	"Get rid of...?" Perfume echoed with wide eyes.

	"Impossible!" declared Cologne as she hopped out 
from behind the counter and towards Siren. "There are no 
cures for Jusenkyo curses and you know that, Siren!"

	"When exactly did I say cure?" asked Siren while she 
gave a small smirk. "I said that I would help her get rid of her 
curse. Never once did I say that I could cure it."

	"And that's not the same thing?" asked Cologne in dry 
and skeptical tones as her eyes narrowed.

	"Certainly not," Siren announced. Smiling again, she 
said, "There is another option for those with Jusenkyo curses 
to rid themselves of their magical affliction but due to the 
nature of their curse many overlook it. But I think that my 
Perfume might just be interested in it anyway."

	"So do tell us about this magnanimous other option," 
Cologne said in droll humorous tones.

	"Yes, Grandmother," said Perfume excitedly. She then 
neared Siren and looked at her with plaintive sapphire eyes. 
"Tell me how I can get rid of my curse."

	"It's quite simple really," said Siren as she formed a 
slow and easy smile. "I use my magic skills to merge your two 
selves into one combined form. Since your pixie form is quite 
human in appearance this won't cause a large shift in your 
physical form. Which is usually the reason why most people 
with Jusenkyo curses don't use this method."

	There was a long moment of pause as Perfume hung 
her head low and seemed to be considering Siren's words 
before she said softly, "I see..."

	"You see what, dear?" asked Siren in concern on 
hearing the strange tone of Perfume's voice.

	"I see that I never be rid of this curse," said Perfume 
as she lifted her head to reveal wild sapphire eyes. "I not 
change into pixie anymore if do this but instead I end up as big 
pixie all the time! I never be rid of it! I be a kawaii pixie for the 
rest of my life!!"

	After saying this, Perfume gave a mad sort of laugh 
before she went dashing out of the sorcery shop.

	Another long silence enveloped the air before Cologne 
broke it as she said, "She took that well."

	"Eventually she'll get used to the idea of being a pixie 
all of the time," said Siren unconvincingly.

	"Somehow I doubt that," replied Cologne dryly.

	"Me too," Siren said rather nervously.


	When Ranma and the others approached the dojo 
they heard the sound of loud shouting and almost maniacal 
laughter echoing throughout the air.

	"Huh," said Ranma slowly. "Somehow I'm thinking 
that this doesn't mean anything good."

	Seconds later, Genma pig went flying out of the dojo 
as they heard Soun shout, "Saotome! You come back here! If 
I'm going down for this you're coming with me!"

	Squinting at this, Ranma leapt into the air and 
produced his sheathed katana out of nowhere and then 
whacked Genma pig on the top of the head with it.

	When his father whirled around to squeal at him 
Ranma smirked then said, "Hey Pop. Where do you think 
you're going? I got some stuff to ask you about that old guy."

	Hearing this, Genma pig's eyes widened and he 
squealed even louder while he waved his hooves in the air.

	"Jeez, Pop," said Ranma as he winced at the high pitch 
of Genma's squeals. "He can't be all that bad."

	"There you are, Genma! Thought that you could 
escape from your Master did you?"

	Turning around, Ranma looked at Happosai who was 
glaring at Genma pig who immediately flew behind his son in 
an attempt to hide from the shrunken old man.

	"So," said Ranma as his cobalt eyes narrowed. 
"You're the one scaring the crap out of my Pop."

	"Yes," Happosai admitted. "What of it?"

	A long moment of tense silence passed before Ranma 
bounded over to Happosai, grinned widely then exclaimed, 
"Please teach me how to scare him too!"

	While Genma pig squealed indignantly at this, Nabiki 
could only groan, and Kodachi scowled.

	"Darling!" Kodachi said as she stamped her foot. 
"What about defending my honor from this pervert?!"

	"Oh yeah," Ranma said quietly. Leaning down to look 
into Happosai's eyes he said, "Sorry about this but it looks like 
I'm gonna have to beat you up now."

	"You can try," said Happosai as his eyes gleamed.

	Nabiki observed as Ranma and Happosai began their 
battle which ranged throughout the entire dojo. Then she 
heard the sound of quiet sobbing and saw her father crouched 
near them as he watched the battle.

	"Daddy?" asked Nabiki.

	"Nabiki!" cried Soun as he dashed forward to grab 
onto his daughter's waist. "You'll protect your daddy from his 
evil Master won't you? It's up to you as my only heir!"

	"What?" Nabiki blinked. "Daddy, what's this all 
about? Who is that old man and why are you so afraid of 

	"Because he's evil incarnate! The most terrifying 
person you can ever imagine!" Soun wailed loudly.

	"But he claims that he's your Master," said Nabiki in 
confusion as she blinked. "Surely he can't be--"

	"Of course he's our Master!" Soun exclaimed through 
his sobs. "That's why he's so evil!"

	Before Nabiki could respond to this, Ranma went 
flying towards her thanks to a blow from the old man he'd 
been so concerned about hurting earlier.

	Frozen in shock, Nabiki could only stare woodenly as 
Ranma headed closer and closer about to crash into her when 
she felt warm hands grab her waist and pull her to safety.

	Nabiki then turned around to gaze into sandalwood 
eyes that sparkled with humor and concern.

	"Hey," Ukyo said in his charming drawl. "You feeling 
okay? You almost got squashed there, sugar."

	"I'm fine," Nabiki managed to stammer and she turned 
bright red on realizing her hands had been resting lightly on 
Ukyo's chest. Giving an embarrassed squeak, Nabiki pulled 
away quickly and blushed darkly. "Thank you for saving me. I 
don't know why I couldn't move. It's so unlike me to freeze up 
in battle like that."

	"It was no problem," said Ukyo softly as his lifted a 
gentle hand to push some stray strands of hair out of the 
transfixed Nabiki's eyeline. "What sort of gentlemen would I 
be if I didn't save a lovely lady like you from danger?"

	Nabiki could only gape at Ukyo but fortunately for 
her, the Kung Fu star turned his attention towards Ranma and 
Happosai's battle then said, "What's this all about?"

	"Ranma's trying punish Happosai on Dachi's behalf," 
said Nabiki in dry tones. "But from the looks of it I don't think 
it's working out too well. Do you?"

	"Happosai?" asked Ukyo curiously.

	"The old guy fighting Ran--"

	"Kuonji! How dare you try to lose me when I was 
following you to find Nabiki-chan! I'll get you for that!"

	Turning around, Nabiki was met with the sight of 
Ryoga breathing heavily and looking quite ragged.

	"Ryoga-kun!" cried Nabiki as she went dashing to his 
side. "Are you all right? What happened to you?"

	"Got... ran... over... by... his... fans," Ryoga heaved in 
between breaths. "Must... kill... Kuonji..."

	Ryoga started to say something more when Happosai 
stomped on his face to bound higher into the air as Ranma 
continued to pursue him in their frantic battle.

	Well, it was frantic but not so much a battle if anyone 
other than Kodachi had bothered to watch it.

	Basically what it consisted of was Ranma attempting 
to hit Happosai and Happosai continually dodging these 
attacks. All in all, not much of a fight.

	Something that Kodachi, because she was the only 
one watching, definitely noticed. "Darling!" Kodachi said in 
more than a tad annoyed tones. "Punish him already!"

	"I'm trying, Dachi!" said Ranma as he scowled at 
Happosai. "You're starting to make me mad, old man. No one 
makes Saotome Ranma look bad in front of his girl."

	"You don't say?" murmured Happosai thoughtfully. 
Dodging another attack by Ranma, he leapt into the air to land 
on the outstretched arm Ranma had been trying to hit him 
with. "If you only want to win this battle just to appease and 
look good in front of your girlfriend then we might just be able 
to work out a deal."

	"Deal?" Ranma echoed. He paused to narrow his 
cobalt eyes and smiling slowly he said, "I'm listening."

	"I'll allow you to defeat me in front of your lovely 
girlfriend if you do something both your father and Soun could 
never do for me," said Happosai solemnly.

	"And what's that?" asked Ranma.

	His beady eyes gaining a gleam, Happosai replied, "I 
want you to steal all the ladies panties in Tokyo for me."


	Kodachi frowned as she saw Ranma talking to the 
perverted old man and was about to call to him once more 
when she was bumped by Nabiki who was being gently 
pushed back by Ryoga who was glaring at Ukyo.
	"Kuonji," Ryoga was saying with a growl. "How dare 
you try to lose me like that? I know you were doing it on 
purpose. Don't try to lie to me!"

	"Why would I do that?" asked Ukyo as he gave his 
usual easy and charming smile. "You already know where I 
stand on things so lying doesn't make any sense at all."

	On hearing this, Ryoga turned red with rage and 
started to step forward when Nabiki touched his arm and 
stalled him as Ryoga looked into her hazel eyes.

	"Ryoga-kun," said Nabiki softly. "What's going on?"

	Ryoga opened his mouth to reply but shut it and 
turning to glare at Ukyo, he said, "I'd ask Kuonji that if I were 
you. He seems to know more about it than me."

	Frowning at this, Nabiki looked to Ukyo and began in 
hesitant tones, "Kuonji-san..."

	"Call me Ukyo, sugar," said Ukyo as he flashed yet 
another charming smile that caused Nabiki to blush.

	"Ukyo," Nabiki said while she continued to blush 
furiously. "What's this all about? Aren't you and Ryoga 
friends? Why would you be fighting like this?"

	"We were friends," Ukyo said. "Were as in the past 
tense. But we can't be friends anymore, I'm afraid."

	"Why?" asked Nabiki in confusion.

	"Because," said Ukyo as his sandalwood eyes grew 
serious while they bore into Nabiki's. "It's awfully hard to be 
friends with someone when you're falling for their iinazuke and 
you want her for yourself."

	There was a long pause as everyone, even Kodachi, 
gaped at Ukyo in complete and utter shock. This included the 
observing Soun and Genma standing on the outskirts.

	Nabiki's response was somewhat predictable.

	She promptly fainted.


	Unryu Akari had a problem.

	When compared to some people's problems hers 
would seem a bit insignificant but nonetheless it was still a 
problem. A weird problem but still, it was a problem.

	And her problem was that Akari couldn't date. Well, 
that's not exactly true.

	Akari could date if she really wanted to but her honor 
wouldn't allow her. This was because she promised her 
Grandfather, who had raised her, when he was dying that she 
would only date (and marry) someone who was strong enough 
to defeat her in battle.

	They also had to care as much about her beloved and 
precious pets as she herself did.

	This promise left Akari dateless because she had yet 
to meet anyone who could defeat her in battle or loved her 
pets with as much loyalty as she herself did.

	Hence Akari's no dating problem.

	Still, all the battles that she had helped to improve her 
skills and had moved her up in the world. That was something 
to be glad about. And because of that, Akari was heading for 
Nerima where she would be living from now on.

	Forming a smile, Akari pushed one of the low hanging 
branches out of her way and murmured, "I can't believe that 
I've been made the official..."

	Her sentence trailed off as Akari saw something that 
people in her line of work would never think of seeing.

	A Clefairy riding on the back of a Tauros.

	A Clefairy riding on the back of a Tauros and both of 
them having quite a pleasant conversation together.

	"Clefairy, fairy fairy," the Clefairy was saying.

	"Tauros tauros," replied the Tauros gruffly.

	"Fairy," the Clefairy gave a nod of its head.

	Observing this rare and strange sight, Akari said, 
"They don't look like they have trainers and I don't have to be 
at the gym to get things started until tomorrow..."

	Making her mind up in that instant, Akari leapt out 
onto the dirt road the Tauros was walking on and shouted, 
"Kawaii friends, Tauros and Clefairy, I challenge you!"

	The Tauros paused in its walk to look at Akari with 
what appeared to be an irritated expression while the Clefairy 
looked almost bemused at her statement.

	"Fairy, clefairy," said the Clefairy to the Tauros.

	"Tauros," the Tauros muttered as it rolled its eyes.

	With that, the Clefairy leapt down and off of the 
Tauros back and walked towards Akari who blinked in 
surprise as she had been expecting to battle the Tauros.

	"All right then, friend Clefairy," said Akari solemnly as 
she took one of her pokeballs from where it rested on her 
waist. "Lets get to it, shall we?"

	Throwing the pokeball in a swift movement, Akari 
shouted, "My kawaii friend, Gyarados! I choose you!"

	When the huge form of the scaly Gyarados appeared 
in front of the Clefairy, the pink and cuddly creature didn't 
seem scared at all. In fact, the Clefairy smirked as it looked up 
at the towering figure before it.

	"Clefairy, fairy," said the Clefairy with a sigh.

	The Clefairy then cracked its knuckles before it began 
chanting its own name as it rocked back and forth while 
holding up its hands in the air to make an entirely mesmerizing 

	Feeling herself fall under some sort of spell, Akari 
began to move her head back in forth in accordance to the 
Clefairy's movements as did Gyarados who looked entirely 
passive as it followed the Clefairy with its eyes.

	All felt right with the world and a strange sort of 
hypnotic sense of peace passed over Akari as this occurred.

	Then an explosion sounded and in certain horror, 
Akari watched as Gyarados went flying into the air only to 
land burned and charred in front of her seconds later.

	"Gyarados!" cried Akari in horror as she went running 
to the figure of her burnt friend. "Are you all right?"

	Her Pokemon couldn't respond and only gave a weak 
groan and feeling the tears form in her eyes, Akari called him 
back into his pokeball and looked up at the Clefairy who was 
gazing at her sympathetically.

	That was when Akari finally noticed it.

	The depths of the Clefairy's blue eyes. The wisdom 
that resided there. The humanity of that gaze.

	"You," said Akari as she rose to her feet. "You're not 
an ordinary Clefairy, are you? What are you?"

	Eyeing Akari for a long moment, the Clefairy turned to 
the Tauros and said, "Fairy, clefairy."

	Moving forward, the Tauros walked towards the 
Clefairy and knelt beside it as the Clefairy began searching 
through a pack that Akari hadn't noticed on the Tauros' back.

	Maybe these two Pokemon had trainers after all. That 
would explain why the Clefairy had fought so well.

	But much to Akari's surprise, the Clefairy didn't 
produce a picture of their trainer as she expected but a small 
silver flask which it held up for her to see.

	The Clefairy stood a few feet in front of Akari when it 
twisted the lid off of the flask and poured a stream of steaming 
hot water over its small pink head.

	Akari was puzzling over what exactly the Clefairy was 
doing when she noticed something quite important.

	The Clefairy was no longer a Clefairy.

	The Clefairy was now a handsome young man.

	The Clefairy was now a naked handsome young man.

	Akari's reaction was the increasingly popular one.

	She fainted right then and there.

To be continued...


I'd like to thank Jim 
Robert Bader, Red Death, and my brother Patrick for listening 
to my goofy ideas. Also special thanks to Wade Tritschler for 
allowing me to be a part of his Altered Destinies project.

Chat with me on ICQ! My ICQ # is: 37674780 

Thanks to Red Death all of my fanfics are archived at:

Next up: Ranma's pursuit of panties and more Pokemon 
mischief and mishaps with Akari as she heads for Nerima.

-Hoshino Ruri; Martian Successor Nadesico-                                                                                                       

Onwards to Part 15

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