Tested in Fire (part 17 of 18)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 16
Rose fought back a curse, the while-blonde haired
woman standing near the corner of Granville and
Hastings streets as she looked up the street towards
the headquarters of the Sisterhood. She paced, the
slim but beautiful young woman obviously impatient as
she waited for news from her employees, her jeans and
jacket doing little to hide her gorgeous body.

Then a young man galloped up Hastings towards her,
keeping a wary eye on the former university and
shopping center. "Ma'am," he reported breathlessly.

"Did they go in?!" Rose demanded harshly.

"The lady running the old pizza place was wiling to be
bribed," he reported excitedly, some dirty blonde hair
falling into his eyes as he continued, "she saw three
women go inside earlier tonight and not come out."

"Three?" Rose blinked. She brought her thumb to her
mouth and chewed her nail thoughtfully, "Did she
describe them, James?"

"Two norms and a cat-girl," James answered her
promptly, his own delicately pointed ears twitching a

"Cole," Rose swung her fist at the wall, stone
cracking from the force of the blow, "that treacherous

"What do we do now?" a woman's voice asked from the

"You head back up to the Victoria, Lisa," Rose
addressed the other catgirl calmly, "and don't tell
your father you helped me. He's still loyal to Jack."

"I'm not that stupid, ma'am," Lisa agreed, turning to
walk away.

Rose watched the sway of the girl's hips and fought
down a pleasant but distracting surge of lust. Turning
back to her lieutenant she asked James, "We've got ten
men handy.. How many more can we get on short notice?"

"If we empty out the safe house we'd get eight more,"
James admitted, "and I might be able to round up some
local muscle..."

"No way to know how loyal they'd be," Rose fretted.

"True," James nodded, "it'd be a gamble."

Off in the distance they heard the clatter of hooves
on pavement and both tensed, going for weapons. After
a moment they saw a familiar figure hurrying up the
street, holding on to the reigns as she hurried her
horse on. Tugging firmly she brought the horse to a
stop breathlessly as she gasped, "Miss Rose!"

"Jasmine, you're supposed to be at the safe house,"
Rose growled.

Jasmine leapt down gracefully, the green scales on her
skin shining in the twilight near dawn as she said,
"It's important, ma'am." She struggled to catch her
breath and added, "The safe house has been hit!"

"What?!" both James and Rose demanded.

"Davidson hit us a hour or so ago," Jasmine reported
grimly, "leading a band of toughs. He tortured a man
until he found out you were involved then left..."

"Oh crap," Rose breathed out.

"Shit," James agreed.

"I was lucky, I was able to pretend I was knocked out
and slip away," Jasmine confessed. She looked at Rose,
"What do we do now?"

"James...?" Rose gave the man a look.

"If word's gotten around that the Shogun's man is on
the move our chances of getting any reinforcements
from the gangs is low," he said frankly. James smiled
grimly, "In fact I'd be scared to ask around, in case
it got back to Davidson."

"We'd be slaughtered if we hit the Sisterhood with
just our ten men," Rose thought to herself aloud,
chewing on a knuckle so hard it bled.

"Scott and Motoko hid out with the Sisterhood, ma'am?"
Jasmine looked thoughtful, "I could always try to
sneak in..."

"And if they caught you as a spy, you'd be lucky to
get out of there alive," James pointed out to her

"Or end up in Milly's dungeon for life," Rose added,
"thanks for offering, but no." Her lips pressed
together in annoyance before finally saying, "We're
calling it off."

"But we still could..." Jasmine offered hesitantly.

"No," Rose shook her head, "Davidson has clearly shown
he won't be blackmailed, which was our reason for
going after Motoko in the first place."

"And Scott?" James asked.

"I want to put a bullet in her more than ever," Rose
admitted honestly, "but that'll have to wait till
another day."

"What do you want us to do?" Jasmine asked.

"We're heading back to Davies' Street," Rose nodded to
Jasmine. She drew a pistol from under her jacket and
said softly, "Sorry James."

"What?" he started.

BLAM! The bullet hit him in the head, blood
splattering against the wall as he stood there a
moment then dropped bonelessly. He lay there like a
puppet, his strings cut and body sprawled out
awkwardly on the sidewalk.

"You just knew too much," Rose sighed as she slipped
the gun away.

"Should we take the horse?" Jasmine nodded towards the
restless animal.

"We'd better," Rose climbed up first then helped
Jasmine up, "I want us safely on the west side before
Davidson catches up to us."

"Please," Jasmine agreed as she held on to Rose.

A flick of the reigns started the horse going up
Hastings to Burrard Street, which would eventually
take them up to Davies. "At least there's one thought
to console me," Rose murmured.

"What?" Jasmine rested her cheek on Rose's shoulder.

"How long are they going to sit there hiding with the
Sisterhood waiting for us to attack?" Rose smirked.

There was a moment's silence and Jasmine laughed.
"Days, probably," she grinned.

The next morning Davidson frowned, the older man's
glasses shining as he looked at Lisa, "Is this him?"

"Yes sir," Lisa looked more than a bit disturbed as
the lightly furred woman said, "he was the one Rose
used to order her goons around."

"And with him dead it'll be difficult proving Rose was
involved," Ryo noted, the Asian boy standing nearby.

"Thank you for contacting me," Davidson added.

"I'm glad to help," Lisa nearly purred.

"You've made out quite well, getting paid by both me
and Rose," Davidson said as he and Ryo headed off
towards the Sisterhood's headquarters.

"Uhm..." Lisa trailed off before slinking away.

"I don't trust her," Ryo growled.

"Nor do I," Davidson agreed grimly. Once they neared
the old university and shopping center he waved Ryo to
a stop, then keeping a careful distance from the gun
wielding ladies outside he called, "Could you let Jack
Scott know Davidson is here?"

"Sure," a woman gesture for one of her companions to
go in as she added, "come closer so I can take a shot
at you!"

"I like my limbs intact, sorry."

There was a certain amount of laughter from the ladies
as they waited nervously. In a few minutes three
figures emerged from the building, all wearing swords
at their sides. "Bout time," Jack Scott said, the
sandy blonde smiling.

"Father, it's good to see you," Motoko said in her
flawless Japanese.

"And you," Davidson agreed in the same language before
hugging her close.

Onwards to Part 18

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