Tested in Fire (part 16 of 18)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 15
An explosion lit up the night, men bolting from the
west side building only to be confronted by a angry
and well armed force. With utter ruthlessness they
fell onto the badly shaken men, clubs and metal pipes
making short work of their enemies. Finally a figure
who was lit up by the glow of the fire called,

He stiffly leaned on a wooden cane, round glasses
gleaming on the end of his nose as he strode towards a
fallen enemy, his clothes all crisp and neat. His hair
was white and thinning out, face still oddly unlined
despite his appearance of advanced age, but there was
strength in his body and the set of his shoulders.

"Here, Mr. Davidson," Ryo said, the black haired Asian
boy yanking the shaken man to his feet, supporting him
a bit.

Davidson nodded slightly as he said, "Thank you."
Meeting the eyes of the battered captive he said in
much harder tones, "I know you were part of the group
that harassed Motoko, what I want to know is why?"

"Go to hell," the brown haired young man managed to
hiss, spitting out at Davidson.

With a smooth motion Davidson dodged, then stepped
close to hammer the boy across the face, drawing
blood. "I am not a patient man," Davidson said coldly,
"I can just kill you and ask another. Ryo?"

"Sir," from his back pocket Ryo drew out a
switchblade, the weapon popping free with a hiss as he
pressed a hidden switch. He brought the blade to to
the boy's bare throat, pressing slightly on the flesh,
then a bit harder...

"Wait," their captive blurted, voice squeaking a bit
in strain. "It was Rose from the Davie Street
enclave," he said weakly, "she paid us!"

Davidson studied the boy for a moment as he mused
aloud, "The Wolf would never try something this

Gulping breathlessly he said, "I think she paid us out
o' her private funds, I swear." He was nearly
hyperventilating, "You gotta believe me!"

Davidson nodded slightly, knowing that someone that
terrified was incapable of lying. Quietly he said to
Ryo, "Do what you want with him." As Davidson turned
away he heard the first of many blows land, their
captive crying out in pain.

"Sir," San ran up to Davidson, his long black hair
tied back in a pony tail, "we've got the rest of the
goons contained. What do you want to do with them?"

"Once we've beaten them up a bit haul them to the edge
of the Shogun's territory," Davidson said coldly,
"then tell them not to come back."

"Fits," San smiled, passing the order on to Ryo and
the others. He looked at Davidson respectfully, "Sir,
should we tell the Shogun what we've discovered?"

"No, not unless we want to create problems for him,"
Davidson said firmly. "I'd best contact Jack Scott
with this information..."

"Then let's find a phone, sir," San said as he fell
into step beside the older man warily watching their
surroundings like a good bodyguard.

At the edge of the Shogun's territory it took a bit of
time to find a shopkeeper who would let them in to
borrow a phone that late at night, but in moments
Davidson was dialing. "Hmm," he frowned after a
moment, putting the phone down, "no answer at Scott's

"Would she go to ground there or...?" San asked.

"I think we'd best check," Davidson sighed.

The two men caught a bicycle drawn cab and they went
to Granvile Street then down to Hastings, carefully
skirting the Sisterhood's headquarters and going east
to the Woodwards building. Paying the driver Davidson
and San headed to the building only to see a broken
door hanging off it's hinges, signs of a battle

"Hold it you sonso'bitches!" the voice growled, the
man behind the front desk holding a shotgun at the

"Mike, that you?" Davidson asked, peering at the dimly
lit figure.

"Damn, I was hoping that bitch came back," Mike put
his gun up with a scowl. "You here about Jack's

"Which bitch?" San asked.

"What do you mean, Jack's guest?" Davidson said at
much the same time.

"Rose from the Denman street enclave and a army of
goons," Mike sat down with a painful wince. Rubbing at
his bandaged head he said, "I'm assuming she was after
whoever Jack had with her when she bolted."

"Well, than confirms it from two sources," San
muttered grimly.

Ignoring that for now Davidson looked at Mike and
said, "We're going upstairs."

"Go on," Mike nodded, wincing in pain, "I'll be here."

San kept a eye on Davidson as they hurried upstairs,
glad to see the man's limp wasn't hurting him too bad.
They exited the stairwell then out on to the floor,
looking around warily. "There's signs of people
passing recently," San noted, "they probably also took
the stairs up."

"Fits," Davidson murmured as he retraced his steps to
Jack's office, wincing as he noted the broken glass in
the door. Inside the office was a wreck, file cabinet
opened and papers scattered around the floor. The
stuff on the desk was scattered all over the room, a
nice lamp fallen in broken pieces on the floor.

"Unprofessional," San scowled, "they didn't need to do
any of this."

"Still, it's good news," Davidson coolly noted the
broken in window, the clothes in the other room tossed
about too.

"Eh?" San blinked.

Davidson smiled grimly, "They wouldn't have wrecked
the place if they had managed to catch up with Jack or

With a dubious look San picked up a robe, the
shimmering fabric now dirty and smudged. "Ms. Scott is
going to be pissed when she sees this," he put it down

"That's an understatement," Davidson said as he lead
San back downstairs. Walking into the entryway he saw
Mike holding an icepack to his head. Fighting back his
sympathy he asked, ”Do you have any idea where Jack
would take off to?"

Mike winced slightly as he pressed the ice to a cut,
"I'm not sure. She could head up to the Victoria,

"It's not secure," San noted, "and her enemies would
go there next."

"And she can't go to the Shogun," Davidson cut that
suggestion off, "for political reasons."

"Cause then the Shogun'd have to officially admit that
Rose was leading Denman St. troops into his territory
and act against Wolf," Mike guessed, "this way he can
pretend not to know."

"Yes," Davidson acknowledged.

"Then I'd guess she'd go to the Sisterhood," Mike

"Those nutcases?" San blurted.

Davidson held up a hand to hush his guard as he looked
at Mike, "Why do you think so?"

"The Sisterhood's charter demands they take in women
in trouble," Mike said patiently, "besides, the rumors
say they owe Jack a favor from when Bannon tried to
take them out."

"I've heard that too," San admitted reluctantly. He
shook his head, "I heard they cut off a guy's... well,
you know, when he tried to break in."

"We certainly aren't going in there," Davidson
reassured his companion wryly.

"You couldn't pay me enough," Mike agreed glumly. A
slight smile, "An' they distrust Rose cause of her
attempt to double cross them a few months back."

"So, what do we do now?' San asked.

Davidson smiled coldly, "We turn our attention to
finding Rose and her allies and teaching her a little

Onwards to Part 17

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