Tenderness 4

a Mahou Sensei Negima! fanfiction by Carola "Ryûchan" Eriksson

This is a sequel to "Tenderness 3". Like with previous parts, please have patience with any and all OOC behaviour, and also beware that I might come to hint at/imply/mention other possible female couples of Negima, like for instance Mana/Kaede (see Tenderness Sidestory: Things That Go Nin-nin In The Night, for their story)


Looking back one would always say that the years had passed by quickly, no matter how slowly time passed while you were right in the middle of events, and ironically the more chaotic a certain period was, somehow it had passed all the more quickly, or so it seemed.

These were the things that a slightly sentimental Konoe Setsuna pondered while standing on the wooden walkway on the backside of her house, looking out at the darkening spring sky. Just to think, if she had told the girl she had been only  four years ago that on this day she would be standing here, be the person she was now, well... she wouldn't have believed herself.

Like the house, for instance. To say that it was hers was of course somewhat false, in truth it was just a small part of the vast properties of the Konoe family, and it was not even as if it was truly a separate house. Here in Kono-chan's ancestral home in Kyoto the building complexes were almost a small city unto themselves, much like Mahora had been, and one way or another contained most of what either of them could need. Master Eishun... her soon-to-be father-in-law, had kindly provided Konoka and Setsuna with a small building of their own, off one side of the main complex, where the two could have some privacy and some illusion of a normal home.

Konoka could be domestic to her heart's content, cook and clean and all those things that for some reason she took pleasure in, where in the rest of the vastness of her home she had servants that would perform every little task before she could even think about it. Setsuna on the other hand more than anything appreciated that in this house they were away from everyone else, as no-one bothered them there unless it was for something important. Behind closed doors they could be like any young couple deeply in love, and not concern themselves with the status that they held more here than anywhere else in the world.

The house had been a gift for them shortly after their engagement had been made official, during a short trip back to Kyoto for formality's sake, and the young Setsuna had shed a few tears in private when it had dawned on her that rather than just a place to stay for a while she now had a place to call home. They had stayed in it for the few occasional holidays over the following years when they had been able to go back to Kyoto, but it was not until after they finished school that they could truly move in.

It was... quiet there, and peaceful. Sometimes Setsuna found herself missing the life of the dorms, with friends nearby on all sides, but all she needed to do when the odd pang of longing came upon her was to walk over to the main building and the constant activity there, or walk over to the dojo where the young shinmeiryuu warrior was more than welcome, her skills having gotten famous among her peers over the years.

She imagined that in time they would miss the constant presence of their friends, but for now there had been no opportunity to do so. After all, they had graduated from Mahora only a short while ago, and now, this special spring, she and Kono-chan were to get married at long last.

The past week friends from all over had dropped in, until the last ones to arrive showed up the day before, leaving them all back together again. Some friends had complained that they had not been given the opportunity to throw Setsuna and Konoka bridal showers - or, as someone had joked about Setsuna, a bachelor's party - but considering that all of Kono-chan's friends were also Setsuna's friends and vice versa, the party bit had proved too awkward to arrange. The planned wedding-party would compensate for this to the more party-hungry guests, they hoped, as it was going to be a big one.

Setsuna smiled up at the sky. She was going to marry Kono-chan.

As if summoned by Setsuna's thoughts a pair of arms appeared to wrap themselves around her waist and a warm body pressed up against her back. Setsuna placed a tender kiss into the palm of one hand before folding her arms over them, hearing Kono-chan's pleased hum against the back of her shoulder.

"What are you doing out here Secchan?"

Setsuna turned around so she could face her love as she held her close, feeling again that small tickle of amusement that still showed up on rare occasion regarding the fact that these days she actually had to look down a little when she met Kono-chan's eyes. Setsuna's growth spurt had taken time in coming, but once it did she had shot up almost as if overnight, becoming a tall woman with a strong, lean body and... if Setsuna had to acknowledge it herself... somewhat more attributes than her early years had to show for her.

"Thinking of you, love."

Konoka was rather tall as well, though in a group of unusually tall women she had been one of the shorter ones. Few among them would not gladly have given their height and any one random appendage of choice to have Konoka's looks however... when the lovely Kyoto heiress had filled out she had gotten a body that would make any model or movie star weep, and combined with her angelic face, sparkling eyes and the long shiny hair, Konoka was simply stunning. When they during their latter years at Mahora had been walking in town Setsuna had gotten the habit of always looking as intimidating as possible, to stave off the talent scouts and the men erroneously thinking that a woman without male companionship must be single and therefore free game.

A soft giggle interrupted further admiration of Konoka's alluring curves. "Yes... I think I can see that, Secchan."

Konoka wrapped her arms around Setsuna's neck, a heated look in her eyes as she purred, close to Setsuna's ear. "See something you like?"

"Very." Setsuna rumbled and kissed Konoka's neck, leading to the sharing of several toe-curling kisses that left them both slightly breathless. Konoka growled and clung to the front of Setsuna's shirt, taking a moment to recover while Setsuna tenderly kissed her head and lightly ran fingers through Konoka's long hair.

"Whose idea was it anyway, not to make love for a whole week before getting married?" She groused slightly, lifting her face enough to give Setsuna an adorably pouty look.

Setsuna grinned. "That would be yours, Kono-chan."

Konoka growled again and bumped her head playfully against Setsuna's shoulder. "Really? How silly of me." She took a step back and began pulling gently at Setsuna's hand, smiling widely. "Now why would I do that, Secchan?"

"Wedding night, love." Setsuna said affectionately, amused with her beloved's antics, and willingly let herself be led back inside the house.

"Wedding night, huh? Hmm, I suppose so..." Konoka pretended to think it over as she led them to the living room. "Oh alright, have it your way." She grinned and pulled Setsuna close again. "But you had better be sure you rest well until tomorrow, Secchan... because I don't plan on letting you have any sleep."

"Yes, whatever you want... ojousama." Setsuna answered, voice and face as deadpan as she could manage.

"Mou! Secchan!" Konoka laughed and grabbed a small pillow off the couch to hit Setsuna with. Setsuna retaliated by tickling, and they fell to the couch, laughing and squealing. They squirmed around for a while before settling down just holding one another.

"Secchan..." Konoka whispered, her head leaning of Setsuna's shoulder. "Tomorrow."

"Yes... tomorrow."


So came the day when childhood friends turned lovers would wed, with all the paraphernalia as befitting the Konoe name.

Before the sun had begun to rise Mana, Kaede, Evangeline and Chachamaru came to take Setsuna with them and aid her with her preparations for the day, while others would come to do the same for Konoka. The day ahead of them was long and with a somewhat complicated schedule, and so Konoka and Setsuna each had a group of helpers to get them through all the necessary preparations on time.

The actual marriage ceremony was a traditional one, held at a famous Shintô shrine where a long line of Konoka's ancestors had done the same, in equally full traditional gear. Rather than both women wearing wedding kimonos it had been agreed upon that Konoka wear one and Setsuna wear the male counterpart, something which suited her fine as Setsuna felt far more comfortable in that attire anyway. Konoka was calm and solemn as she waited for the ceremony to begin, however Setsuna had that morning been caught up by a bout of nerves and nearly fainted, twice, as she was led to the shrine by her friends. Evangeline rolled her eyes with an air of exasperation, but in truth she found the whole thing very amusing.

After the ceremony it was time for the traditional wedding photos, where Evangeline and Asuna were asked to join the family on either side to honour their importance to the young couple, which proved a bit tricky to handle before a suitable camera could be enchanted that would be able to capture Evangeline's image. The rest of the guests headed out to the luxurious hotel that the Konoe clan had booked up completely for the grand three days of celebration, to change into less traditional festive attire, and some of them to put the finishing touches on the prepared second ceremony to be held outdoors behind the hotel.

The second ceremony was a western one and performed mostly due to a specific request on Konoka's part, a short exchange of vows, Konoka in a simple white wedding gown and Setsuna in a white woman's tuxedo, followed by the exchange of rings. It took place in a large white pavilion decorated with flowers that Ayaka had personally overseen as a favour to the couple, and then the wedding reception was to be held out there as well. Later in the day, when the newlyweds took their leave the party was set to move indoors, where the hotel had prepared for drinking, dancing and singing for as long during the three days as the guests wanted. There were dining and swimming and various calmer and quieter forms of entertainment available as well, and all the guests were given rooms in the hotel for the duration.

The vows were exchanged, along with the rings, and then sealed with a kiss which had most part of the gathered guests cheering and clapping. Then came dinner, with toasts and speeches, and the fancy multi-layered wedding cake, which one part of the newlywed couple in a few quick movements with a sword had managed to cut up in nice, even pieces for all present. A strangely stunned applause followed that event, until the expected cake-feeding part was started by Konoka. Konoka had her own ideas on how to eat her wedding cake, as was evident when Setsuna's dainty attempts to eat were made for naught by Konoka smearing her face with the frosting. Setsuna was not given the chance to react before her eager wife had attached herself to her intended task of cleaning the mess she had created... with her lips.

When the time for the wedding waltz came most of their friends were amused to see that despite a few years of practice, Setsuna, though not that bad at dancing by now, still had to leave it to Konoka to lead. They danced several dances together, eventually joined by the other couples present and several girls whom in lieu of dates danced with their friends.

The most eye-catching couple besides the newlyweds themselves proved to be Kaede and Mana, because they were unquestionably the best dancers, and as they swept past on the dance floor their matching long, tight and darkly shimmering dresses pulled all eyes towards them. Asuna and Ayaka also called for attention, though not necessarily in a good way, as Asuna had bounded over to Ayaka and asked her for a dance which the other woman accepted with a blush... only to discover in short order that they both kept trying to lead.

Some time later, when the blue skies were slowly starting to tint towards grey, the party was still going strong and therefore only a small group of people noticed the newlywed couple preparing to make their exit. Those that did followed Setsuna and Konoka to the hotel doors, adding a few more well-wishes and congratulations, as well as a few suggestive remarks that made the couple rush their farewells and fairly sprint to the elevators that would take them up to the floor they had to themselves with the honeymoon suite.


Konoka giggled as she clung to Setsuna's neck in the elevator. "Paru is so funny." Absently she fingered the buttons on Setsuna's shirt.

Setsuna pointed at the not-so-hidden elevator camera and smiled wryly. "Actually I think she has been watching too many science-fiction shows. Break a what? And how?"

"That's just how she is." With a content sigh Konoka leaned against her wife. "Secchan, what was grandpa saying to you earlier, after the dance? I saw you get all red before daddy dragged him off."

"Ahh..." Setsuna chuckled a little at the memory. "He clapped me on the back and told me that I had his permission now to go ahead and work on those great-grandchildren he wants." Konoka's laugh echoed pleasantly in the confined space. "I'm still not sure what he expects me to do though."

"Mmmm..." Konoka purred and looked mischievous. "Don't worry Secchan, I have plenty of ideas." She leaned in to whisper huskily in Setsuna's ear. "You know, I had them send up Eva-san's wedding gift earlier."

That had been another moment of unspeakable mortification for Setsuna, as they had gotten to Evangeline's gift and the unsuspecting warrior had opened the lid... stared uncomprehendingly... and then, her face more red than a traffic light, closed the box with a snap. Ever curious, Konoka had grabbed the box to have a look at the contents herself as Setsuna helplessly continued blinking. The little blonde hellion had waggled her eyebrows and smirked at them, and said something about the item being made special just for them and carrying an enchantment that Setsuna in particular would come to appreciate.

With her wife giggling completely without any trace of embarrassment Setsuna had thought herself doomed to more teasing, until salvation had appeared in the form of Chachamaru calmly informing them that the item in question was created with a technique that her master had created herself, causing the tiny blonde to blush violently as well and start screaming at her servant. Setsuna had snagged the box from Konoka before anyone else present decided to see for themselves what was in it, and hid it deeply among the other gifts.

With an almost frightened look at her love, Setsuna wondered if she had hidden it well enough.

Konoka grinned and gave her wife a quick kiss. "I'm just joking, Secchan."

The elevator doors opened and Konoka stepped through but stopped to give Setsuna a look over her shoulder. "Or am I?"

And then she was off laughing down the corridor with her wedding dress hiked up and Setsuna blinking after her for a moment, dumbfounded, before taking up the chase with a grin.



It took a while after Setsuna and Konoka left the party, but eventually those that considered themselves in charge of the event got the party to move on over to the interior of the hotel. As people moved about the many rooms providing different kinds of entertainment there was a kind of natural separation where the former Mahora students drifted away from the other guests to party by themselves in a smaller room. Considering the sheer number of Mahora students present there were more than enough with them alone to keep a fairly decent party going, and so they did.

Evangeline had monopolized a pile of pillows in spot against the wall where she had a good view of both ends of the strangely curving room the Mahora gang had relocated to, and she lay there leisurely sipping wine that Chachamaru provided from her spot next to her Master. Or at least those that noticed hoped it was wine, since with Evangeline one could never quite be sure.

As Chizuru claimed control over the karaoke machine in the lower end of the room, belting out some song or other to the cheers and whistles of Natsumi, the twins and Kuu Fei, the cheerleader girls jointly took possession of the self-serve bar at the top end and proceeded to make drink combinations which they then forced upon unsuspecting classmates with varied results. Evangeline amused herself by making quiet comments to Chachamaru regarding whom would pass out first from excessive partying, and whom would pay for it the most come morning.

To her surprise Evangeline soon found herself joined by a number of her former classmates, beginning with Mana and Kaede that suddenly slid down to recline in a joint heap at Evangeline's right, glasses of something much too colourful and decorated in their hands. Upon their heels Haruna flopped down to Chachamaru's immediate left, armed with a tray filled with snacks and a deck of cards, smirking evilly as she arranged her treasure bags around herself.

"...on my foot!" Ayaka and Asuna came carrying more snacks and soda to go around, busy quarrelling lightly with one another and not exactly paying much attention to the rest of the world, as usual. "Hey! It wasn't my fault that you..."

Haruna hauled them down, making Asuna sit down next to her own seat and Ayaka next to the slightly cuddly couple. "There! Now, what do you say we play some cards while we wait for Kazumi and Sayo to come back with the book?"

There were groans and eye-rolling - the last one from Evangeline - in reply to Haruna's suggestion. It tended to get a bit dangerous to engage the bespectacled girl in any game where she could claim penalties as her prize, and card games were something she had bamboozled far too many of her classmates into far too many times for anyone to take the risk. Several of the girls present privately shuddered at the memory of something particularly embarrassing or unpleasant that had been their payment to Haruna at some point in the past.

"If you're waiting for Kazumi and Sayo you'll be waiting for a long time." Evangeline chuckled, holding her glass out for Chachamaru to refill. "Chachamaru and I spotted them dancing on a secluded balcony a while ago."

Chachamaru turned her head to stare into nothing at a slightly odd angle. "My sensors indicate that my little sister is still located on the balcony. It is likely that Asakura-san is there also."

"It's pretty incredible..." Asuna shook her head and raised a plastic cup with some orange-coloured soda in a salute. "You are the only one that could have come up with a way to give Sayo-chan a body by having her haunt a robotic one."

Evangeline hid a small smile behind her glass, affecting an indifferent look. "Yeah, well... let's just say that this way paparazzi and ghost-girl owe me."

Asuna smirked and put her cup down. "Eeeevaaa-chaaaaan!" She squealed and charged the small blonde to roughly muss up her hair. "Soo cute! You're just soo sweeeet Eeevaaa-chaaaan!"

"GET OFFA ME, ya moron!" Evangeline groused and pushed the playful redhead away. "Honestly, no respect at all..." She grumbled some more to herself as Asuna, grinning at a mission accomplished, returned to her seat.

"Dancing alone on a dark balcony?" Mana spoke mildly, ignoring the growling vampire struggling to get her hair back into order. "How nice to know that Asakura-san has a romantic side."

"Oh?" The woman Mana was using for a partial arm- and backrest leaned forward slightly to catch her eye. "This one can find a dark balcony of our very own to dance on if you would like de gozaru?" The offer earned Kaede a small kiss and a look full of promise for later.

"Oho? Let's all just hope this hotel has lots of sound-proofing on their rooms, if that look is anything to go by." Haruna teased, winking at the reclining couple across from her. "Unlike the dorms."

Mana gave Haruna a faintly amused look. "I'm afraid you must be mistaking us for some other couple from our old class. Kaede and I are never... loud."


"Oh god! You guys just had to remind me, didn't you?" Asuna complained loudly, covering her eyes. "Have you any idea what it was like living next-door to those two? There's a reason they got an entire floor booked all to themselves, let me tell you that!"

The other women laughed softly and Asuna continued. "I swear it just took a couple of days after they moved in together before the ‘oh god Secchan yes yes!' started up... I'm scarred for life! Not to mention poor Negi."

"Yes, I think we've all had our share of evidence to Konoka and Setsuna's... friskiness." Haruna grinned and stirred her drink with a straw. "But it got better once Negi taught them the silencing spell, right?"

Asuna nodded and flipped herself until she lay flat on her pillow, unaware that in doing so she was somewhat flashing the blushing blonde sitting directly opposite her.

Ayaka cleared her throat and tried to look away. "Speaking of Negi-san, does anyone know where he went? I think I lost track of him somewhere during the dancing."

"Negi-bozu and his girlfriend went for a walk outside de gozaru."

"Aa... Negi is so grown up now." Asuna sighed forlornly. "Baby brother is all grown up." She wiped at her eyes and, after a moment, sat up, walked over to the pillow next to Ayaka, pulled it closer and finally flopped herself down on it with her head in Ayaka's lap. "Little baby Negi is all grown up, Ayaka!"

Asuna sniffled into Ayaka's lap, and the tall blonde unexpectedly providing the pillow blushed deeply but still patted the weepy redhead soothingly. She shared a sheepish look with the others.

"I guess Asuna is a bit more drunk than I thought she was." Evangeline said slowly, a bit surprised by the outburst. "Who is sharing their hotel-room with her?"

"That would be me." Ayaka said, looking even more awkward but never ceasing to stroke the head in her lap. Concentrating on Asuna she never saw the sympathetic looks sent her way.

"Ah, alright. We'll help you get her to your room later on, then." Mentally Evangeline added Asuna to her list of hangover victims. She sighed a little, having hoped the redhead would have a bit more sense than getting herself plastered like the rest of the children.

A movement at the door caught the girls' attention, as in came a grinning Kazumi and a shyly smiling Sayo holding hands and also waving a white leather-bound volume around.

"Finally!" Evangeline made a gesture of feigned impatience. "What took you two so long?"

Kazumi smiled and indicated the white scrapbook as she and Sayo sat down in Asuna's abandoned seat. "We have printed the wedding pictures, Evangeline-san." Sayo replied with a soft cheerful voice.

"Little sister, you should not try to deceive Master." Chachamaru reprimanded mildly, causing Sayo to look confused.

Evangeline smirked evilly at the new arrivals. "Yes, I see... it must have taken so much time to print those digital pictures out there on the dark balcony."

Kazumi grinned sheepishly and put a hand behind her head as if to say ‘ah, you found out', but otherwise did not care. Sayo however blushed and apologized to Chachamaru and Evangeline both.

"I am sorry Evangeline-san, Chachamaru... -ane." The white-haired girl hesitated, still not used to Chachamaru's determination that she was now her younger sister due to the nature of her physical form. At least Chachamaru had ceased insisting that Sayo address Evangeline as ‘Master' as well. "It wasn't my intention to deceive you."

Taking Sayo's hand Kazumi interrupted, not liking it when anything made Sayo sad or uncomfortable. "Hey, did you guys want to see the book or what?"  She held it out so the others could crowd around it for a better look.

The white leather-bound scrapbook was a joint wedding gift for Konoka and Setsuna from several of their friends, and would be delivered to the newlyweds in the morning as the last of the wedding pictures would not be ready until then. It had pictures of Konoka and Setsuna together as small children, though pictures of Setsuna had been hard to find, more as they were at Mahora, including pictures taken at their omiai, before and after their first date - Asuna had been sneaky - their engagement and various other pictures, up until their wedding. The official wedding picture would go into a special compartment at the front, and the pictures Kazumi had taken decorated several pages inside the album. A third of the book was empty, leaving space, Kazumi explained, for future anniversaries and children.

There was some fussing over the cuteness of Konoka and Setsuna as children and some amused reminiscing over the pictures of the school years, both before and after the engagement, until finally everyone had their little laughs over both cute and funny wedding and wedding-reception pictures.

"So..." Haruna looked at Mana and Kaede. "When will it be your turn at this?"

Kaede laughed softly. "We are not in quite as much of a hurry as these two." Mana leaned into her lover slightly. "Your answer would be: when we feel it should, I think."

She turned to Evangeline with an unreadable look on her face. "When you mention Setsuna and Konoka having children, do you mean the usual, like adoption, or have you and the others found a viable means for Setsuna and Konoka to conceive?"

Evangeline smiled somewhat evilly and leaned back. "We believe we have. Why, are you interested in having a... go at it?"

Leaning back into her lover's arms, Mana and Kaede shared a look. Then Kaede grinned even wider than usual. "Nin-nin! We would, in due time de gozaru."

The evil grin grew wider. "Oh goody, I'll have some time to come up with a... suitable... form of payment before then in that case."

"You are so kind, Master."

"Chachamaru!" Evangeline sighed deeply as the rest of the girls laughed. She got no respect at all these days.


The party carried on for its assigned three days of merriment and festivity, complete with a few ohmygod-we-did-WHAT-last-night?! moments, although the happily married couple chose not to join the rest of the world until the third day, to much amusement among their friends. It was quite a success, until of course the fourth day when there was much crying as first Negi and his family had to take their flight back to Wales - with promises of return visits of course - and then when many of the girls formerly of Mahora had their respective flights or trains to take.

A core group remained in Kyoto for a while longer, consisting of Evangeline, Chachamaru, Sayo, Kazumi, Mana, Kaede and Ayaka. In Evangeline's case she was set and determined to enjoy her full week of vacation from Mahora, leaving the other women that travelled to Kyoto with her to stay the rest of the days as well, though no-one was complaining about that. It was never stated, and no-one chose to potentially embarrass her by asking, just why Ayaka stayed along with the rest of them, but the general assumption was that she wanted to spend a little more time with Asuna.

Asuna had after finishing school found herself without any clear direction to go in or a place to stay, but found that her connection to the Konoe family did not end once she was supposedly an adult. Konoka and Setsuna considered Asuna family, and so when the couple moved to Kyoto Asuna was asked to come with them, given her own small residence on the vast estate. It took quite a while before Asuna caved in, still having issues about being a burden to anyone, and it wasn't until she was taken into the Konoe family's employ that she could finally accept the offer and the home that was cleverly disguised in her contract as a work-related perk.

Thus it was that Asuna was going to take up residence in Kyoto now that she had come for the wedding, and it was generally suspected that Ayaka was somewhat heartbroken by the concept of being so far away from her friend. And if anyone thought there might be something else besides that behind Ayaka's sadness, they at least did not say so to her face.

Before they knew it the week was over, and the women still living in the Mahora area left for their homes, leaving their friends in Kyoto with promises to visit or be visited often. Konoka and Setsuna were given another couple of weeks of concentrating on nothing else but enjoying their new life as a married couple, then it was back to school for both of them.

The difference was that this kind of school was far more important and serious than their years at Mahora. Konoka was to learn her craft and learn it well, just as Setsuna was to not only learn to improve herself as the warrior that protected Konoka, but as Konoka's permanent pactio partner as well, and beyond that they both had a lot to learn that would concern their future as the leaders of the united Magical Associations. Asuna was also to some degree put in schooling, to improve her skills as a warrior but also to subtly train her to become Setsuna and Konoka's aide. It was a process that would take many years.

Not quite four years later saw a different kind of frantic but eagerly awaited activity in Kyoto. It was at that time Setsuna and Konoka's first child was to be born.

For Setsuna the whole event was a blur that passed by fairly quickly, since the warrior went almost into hysterics from the moment it was clear that Konoka was going into labour, and because Chachamaru managed to give the hyper-ventilating woman several electric shocks in attempt to calm her down, before Evangeline noticed and made her servant stop electrocuting the soon-to-be parent. For Konoka the labour was fairly long, though she was told it was a normal-length for such a thing, and not without anxiety or pain though those in the end were quite negligible.

Evangeline, whom had worked quite a bit to make it so that she would have a few days of Kyoto vacation right when Konoka was expecting to give birth, proved to be quite helpful for Konoka as the rest of the family ran around in a panic. The tiny blonde was as calm as ever and even managed to shake some semblance of self-control back into Konoka's wife, just in time for Setsuna to be present and holding her wife as their child was born. It was with quite a bit of satisfaction that Evangeline snatched the newborn away from the midwife to present her to the stunned parents by herself.

The method Evangeline and the others had devised to make Setsuna and Konoka able to have children together was deemed a great success, as the healthy bouncing baby was a perfect combination of her two mothers: she had healthy rosy cheeks, a cap of midnight black hair, brown eyes, and, something which was discovered the first time she was bathed, a pair of tiny going-to-be-wings protrusions in her back, smooth and pink as the feathers had yet to grow in. Naturally, both parents were instantly smitten by their little miracle, the very world revolving around her. What was more surprising was how the small and imperious blonde took an instant liking to the new life, though of course Evangeline refused to admit it.

When the little one was a month old it was time to officially give her a name. Of course her parents had long since agreed upon Kimiko, but they had a little surprise in store for the guest that was summoned there for the day especially.

Thinking herself left alone with the baby for the moment, the otherwise reserved vampire walked over to the crib and the bubbling bundle and poked at her slightly. The child gurgled happily and focused chocolate brown eyes in Evangeline's direction, the blonde tickling chubby cheeks and round feet in hopes of seeing one of those toothless grins that she very privately thought were adorable but would not admit to under pain of torture.

Konoka spoke up from the doorway where she had stood for a moment, watching while Evangeline was too caught up by the baby to notice. "We're so glad you could come, Eva-san. Secchan and I couldn't imagine doing this without you here."

The child-like immortal snatched her hand away from the baby and looked away, trying to hide suddenly blushing cheeks. "Y-yeah? Well, it's another day's vacation from Mahora for me."

Konoka grinned and suppressed an urge to go over and hug Evangeline, knowing that her diminutive on and off teacher would not appreciate the gesture. Instead she walked over to stand next to Evangeline, looking down at her baby girl. "I had intended to wait until Secchan was here for this, but... Eva-san, Secchan and I have talked about this and we intend to do something a bit unusual when it comes to Kimiko's name."

Mildly interested despite herself Evangeline glanced at Konoka. "Oh?"

"Secchan and I have decided to have a second ceremony here at home later today, in which we would like to give Kimiko a western-style middle name." Konoka smiled and kept her eyes on Evangeline who subtly shrugged and looked back at the infant.

"With your permission we would like to give our daughter the middle name Angela... in honour of her very important aunt."

The blonde gave a start, and with an for her uncommon wide-eyed look of astonishment stared at the child in the crib. She tried to wrap her mind around the other woman's words and the meaning behind them. "You... want to... name her... after me?"

"If you approve, Eva-san, then yes... we do." Konoka said gently, detecting a tell-tale gleam in Evangeline's eyes, one that she felt fairly sure she had never witnessed before.

Evangeline felt her eyes sting with tears like she hadn't allowed them to for a very long time. Abruptly she turned her back on both mother and child and tried to grunt something abrasive, as though she couldn't care less, but in reality she only managed a slightly broken grunt that Konoka could easily see through.

"Eva-san, could you please keep an eye on Kimichan for a little while? I'll be right back." Konoka tried not to let her smile be heard and quickly eased out of the room, just around the corner from the door really, discreetly peeking at the blonde that had her back towards her.

When she thought herself alone with the child Evangeline wiped a treacherous tear away and turned back to the little bundle that was good-naturedly watching her surroundings without complaint. Very, very carefully, with hands that were strong and sure but felt like trembling a little, Evangeline lifted the baby to take a closer look.

"Hello Angela." She whispered, blinking another stray tear away as the baby gurgled happily, not objecting to be held by the small blonde person.

Slowly and equally carefully Evangeline angled the baby in her arms until she rested with her cheek against the downy top of the little one that was contently chewing her hand and drooling. A rare happy smile found its way to Evangeline's face.

"When you're older..." She whispered to the baby as if making a secret promise just between them. "I'll teach you how to fly." She rocked the baby a little. "Yeah... when you're older, let's fly together... Angela."


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