Welcome to the Shoujo-Ai Archive

Author: metallium

Name: Elizabeth Metallium
E-mail: mazoku@metallium.org
Homepage: tenshi.akuma : futatsu no watashi

Elizabeth Metallium has written 3 fanfics:



Her added 2001-06-12
Parts: [1] [2]
Pairing: Lina/Sylphiel
A drabble about love.

Intimacy added 2001-06-13
The nature of the relationship between Lina and the Lord of Nightmares is revealed.

One of Those Things added 2001-06-13
Parts: [1] [2] [3]
Pairing: Lina/Sylphiel
Lina and Sylphiel are convinced that there is something going on between Xelloss and Zelgadis.