A Card in the Hand is Worth a Girl in the Bed
In dedication to Tracy, you are my muse; you are the Lulu to my Rikku.
I love you sweetie, happy birthday!
“Give up Tea.” Mai whispered in a low voice as she looked at the
younger girl across the table from her. Tea looked up with a smug
smile as she laid a monster card face down.
“I dare not lose this match Mai, I don’t like losing wagers.”
Tea stated as she peered over and stared at the tall blonde woman in
front of her, Mai smiled lightly as she brought one of her cards up
and kissed it lightly before she laid it down in attack position and
placed a trap card face down behind it.
“You do realize I let you win the last time we dueled, I let you
have my star chips because Yugi needed them. However this time I aim
to win our little bet Tea-sweetie.” Mai stated in a deep voice that
made Tea fidget in her seat, the score so far was Tea 500 Mai 2000.
Slowly Tea flipped her monster card face up revealing the Man-Eater
Bug, Mai hissed out loudly.
“Nice move hun, too bad it did no good.” Mai giggled softly as
she flipped her trap card over showing it to be Waboku, Tea started to
shake lightly.
“That isn’t fair Mai, it’s just not fair!” Tea grumbled before
she slowly reached over and picked up all of her cards and laid them
on the table in front of her. Tea was counting on her Man-Eater Bug to
get ride of Mai’s monster that would take her for 2500 life points if
she didn’t destroy it, unfortunately for Tea the monster card Mai was
using destroyed her Man-Eater Bug and took her for 900 direct life
“Life isn’t fair little Tea, I would think that you would have
learned that by now. Well, nonetheless it looks like I am the victor
meaning I win the bet. Luckily for you I don’t plan on collecting just
yet, but Tea just remember when the Pied Piper of Hamelin comes a
calling you better be ready to pay.” Mai stated as just stood up and
walked out of the room, Tea blinked in slight confusion but soon her
attention was drawn away from Mai and replaced by something on the
table in front of her. It was a card but one that she had never seen
before, one she had never even heard of, in the back of her mind Tea
wondered if it was a new card of Mai’s that she dropped carelessly.
Slowly Tea reached out and picked the card up and eyed it over, the
cards attribute was light and its attack and defense was 1000. There
was nothing particularly special about the card, except Tea found
herself looking at the card with transfixed eyes as she read its name
out loud.
“The Wild Card,” Stated Tea as she slowly moved on to read the
card description in a low voice barely above a whisper. “Alone we are
but a pawn in the game of life but as a pair we are on a celestial
level. Bow before us for the time of the gathering is here.” Tea
stated in a dry tone, for some reason the inscription on the card made
her shiver ever so slightly. “I better keep this just incase it is
Mai’s.” Tea stated as she slowly placed the odd card in her deck for
Weeks past by slowly as Tea waited for Mai to show up and ask
for her payment, whatever that might be. It was only when Tea and Joey
were playing a friendly game of duel monsters did she fully remembered
the bet she and Mai had made a few weeks ago.
“I play Red Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode, ATTACK!” Screamed
Joey with a smirk that made Tea’s stomach curl into a tight ball, all
of the cards in her hand couldn’t help her against Joey’s dragon.
Reaching out a shaking hand Tea drew one card from the top of her
deck; confusion slowly over took the pale brunette’s face as she
stared blankly at The Wild Card.
“I play this, in defense mode.” Tea whispered meekly as she laid
the odd card face down, Joey grinned wider as he placed another high
level monster card out on the field; destroying the remainder of Tea’s
life points.
“Wow Tea, you sure are distracted. I’ve never seen you lose so
easy before, is something on your mind?” Inquired the blonde duelist
as he scooped up his deck and frowned, shaking her head Tea picked up
her cards and stood up.
“Just a little edgy that is all, nothing a good night’s sleep
won’t cure.” Tea half lied as she walked towards the door as her head
buzzed lightly with an oncoming headache, sighing lightly as she
passed through a long hallway Tea suddenly froze as she heard a low
voice spill into the darkness that filled the surrounding area.
“Ready to pay up Tea-sweetie?” Mai inquired semi-rhetorically as
she stepped into clearer view, a soft smile played its way on Tea’s
face as she looked at the older woman.
“And what prey tell do I owe you?” Countered Tea lamely, a soft
grin spread its way across Mai’s face as she moved closer to the
younger woman and breathed into her ear.
“Anything I want.”
"Oh gods Mai!" Tea rasped out in a loud voice as the older woman
pushed her onto a large bed; fear glinted in the brunette's eyes as
she looked up at the blonde woman who was smirking down at her
"What is wrong Tea-sweetie, I thought you would like my little
idea of retribution. Mmm, I know I love the idea myself." Mai giggled
into her hand as she lowered herself onto the queen-sized bed causing
Tea to back away towards the headboard.
"Now listen here Mia, I am not like that, so just stop it now.
Seriously what inclination of info convinced you that I would go for
this?" Breathed Tea in a swallow voice as Mai crawled her way up
towards the brunette, stopping just short of her sock clad feet the
beautiful blonde reached out a slender finger and ran it down the heel
of the younger girl's foot causing her to jerk her leg over the side
of the bed.
"Well, if you must know, Joey told me you have a little crush on
me. He is such a loudmouth; he also told me you are terribly ticklish.
Which I see is very true indeed," Mai gently ran her nail up the
brunette's other foot causing Tea to swing her leg over the other side
of the bed, leaving her in an spread eagle position. "Mmm, and I see
he wasn't lying about you being limber either." Chortled Mai in a
husky voice as she slowly continued moving towards Tea, a dark hue of
blush covered the brunette's cheeks as she hit the back of the
headboard finding no more room to put between herself and the
attractive blonde.
"Hey listen Mai," Tea choked out as she tried to pull her legs
back to her body. "Just, leave me alone okay, I will do anything you
ask me to, just stop this!"
"Awe, what's wrong Tea-sweetie? Don't like my idea of payback, I
thought you would like to do something like this. But, if you are sure
you don't want to continue on with what I had planned," Mai murmured
as her tall frame closed the distance between her and the younger
woman, her body barely hovering above that of Tea's.
"Mai," Whimpered Tea as the gorgeous blonde slowly began to
stroke the sides of her face with a long slender finger, lightly
dragging a glossy nail over her cheek. "Please…." Begged the brunette
but found her words falling short as Mai lowered her head and gazed
deeply into her pale eyes.
"Please what, Tea-sweetie?" Giggled Mai as she leaned in closer
to the younger duelist; opening her mouth meekly Tea whispered in a
shallow voice that the blonde woman had to strain to hear.
"Please don't tease me," Uttered Tea in a low somber tone as she
averted her gaze so she wouldn't have to look at the beauty that was
on top of her. "It would be okay if you hated me, but please don't
torture me like this. I know I am a freak because I like other women,
but gods Mai you don't have to be so cruel and pretend to like me
too." Tea stated as she forced herself not to cry, with a firm and
steady hand Mai tilted Tea's head back towards herself.
"You think I am just playing some kind of sick joke on you? Oh
Tea, don't be such a pessimistic all the time, what makes you think
that I don't like you too?" Breathed the blonde woman as she smiled
sweetly down at t he younger girl beneath her lithe frame.
"For one, you never showed any interest, for two you are
straight and for three…." Tea rambled absentmindedly before Mai
clamped her lips around the brunette's mouth kissing her with a fury
that promised more to come if she would let it, the low audible moan
that instantly escaped Tea's throat encouraged Mai to further her
advances on the girl. Arching her back Tea brought her body crashing
against that of Mai's as she gave access to the blonde woman's probing
tongue, the soft feel of Tea's lips parting was all Mai needed before
she deepened the kiss, pressing against the younger duelist pulling
her closer into the embrace.
"Tea-sweetie," Whispered Mai as her hands roamed over the
younger girl's body seeking out the hem of her skirt and pushing it up
with vigor, skillfully the blonde duelist slid her palm up and down
Tea's inner thigh causing the brunette to gasp and squirm violently.
"Do you want this?" Panted Mai as sweat started to bead up on her
forehead causing her thick locks to stick as lust burned in her eyes.
"Yes, please don't stop." Begged Tea as she reached down and
took a firm grip on Mai's hand and forced it against her crotch.
"Please, please don't stop." Moaned the brunette as her body began to
rock against the older woman's hand, Mai blinked at the forward
manners of the younger girl beneath her, the blonde loved the feeling
of being begged to do something, she loved the power of being able to
make the shorthaired dancer whimper and moan with the most gently of
"Where do you want me to touch you?" Impishly inquired Mai as
she bit her bottom lip trying to keep the smirk from beaming too
wickedly, shivering Tea nodded her head causing tears to trickle down
her face, leaning down the young blonde kissed the brunette's cheeks
before she flicked her tongue out and teasingly lapped up the salty
liquid that marred the petite brunette's face. Snapping her eyes open
Tea stared up at Mai with embarrassment and shame showing in her
facial features.
"Please don't toy with me Mai, I want you, please…please take
me." Murmured Tea as her body bucked forward knocking Mai off balance
sending her frame on top of the younger duelist's.
"Mmm, I love hearing you talk like that sweetie." Chirped Mai as
her hands found the waist band of Tea's panties and with a light tug
the damp silk slid down her legs and bunched up around her ankles,
grinning coyly as her blue eyes scanned Tea's half clad body Mai
trailed her hand back up the younger girl's smooth legs examining her
from toe to head.
"Mai," Whined the brunette as she felt the blonde woman's
piercing gaze travel all over her body, jerking her line of vision
downward Tea's cheeks turned neon crimson as she saw Mai taking
particular interest in her unshaven shorthaired womanhood. "Don't look
at it, you aren't supposed to look at it!" Yelped Tea in a
high-pitched tone, which caused Mai to pry her eyes away from her
young lover's crotch.
"And why not, I think that I should have the right to look at
something so beautiful," Giggled Mai slyly as her long index finger
stroked Tea's outer labia causing her to shiver horribly. "Anyhow, I
love to admire my dessert before I eat it, especially when it looks so
tasty." Stated the blonde woman in a low seductive purr with a small
wink, moving her lithe frame downwards Mai pressed her hands against
Tea's knees pushing them apart for easier access. Smiling sweetly Mai
brushed back her hair for her face as she slowly began to lick her
lips and make cute faces at the younger girl who sat holding her
breath waiting for the older woman to make the first move. Leaning in
the blonde duelist slid her hands from Tea's knees and hooked her arms
around her thighs, slowly Mai flicked out her tongue and ran it up
Tea's slit savouring the deep taste of her already flowing juices.
Hungrily lapping at the brunette's womanhood Mai removed her
right hand from around the girl's thigh and skillfully moved her hand
so that she slid two fingers deep inside of Tea's virgin flower, Mai
began to work her fingers in and out of Tea as hard and as fast as she
could as she suckled and licked up cum in a lust induced frenzy.
Moaning loudly Tea began to rock her hips against the older woman's
hand meeting her thrust for thrust, Tea could feel her sense of self
slipping away as her groin tightened and a warm knot form at the base
of her stomach.
"Please Mai, gods yes!" Screamed Tea breathlessly as she arched
up and pressed the blonde woman's face against her well-kempt pussy,
taking the moment in stride Mai withdrew her fingers from the younger
girl and quickly replaced them with her tongue just as the walls of
Tea's vagina clamped down and released a stream of musky cum.
Pulling away from the source of stickiness Mai smiled up at Tea
and slowly pulled her body from the tangled mess of legs and bed
sheets, Tea's face was a hue of red that the young blonde duelist had
never seen before, lovingly Mai reached out a slightly shaking hand
and stroked the sides of her face causing the brunette to blush more
and nuzzle the out stretched palm like a kitten.
"Hehe, so Tea-sweetie I am guessing I did a good job with my
little idea of retribution?" Inquired Mai in a low tone as she wrapped
her arms around Tea and held her close resting her head on her
"Yea, you could defiantly say that, Mai-baby." Mumbled Tea as
sleep began to creep up on her; Mai raised a slender eyebrow at the
sudden nickname.
"Mai-baby, hehe that's so cute." Proclaimed the blonde as she
felt pinpricks of heat raise up her cheeks, Tea feebly turned sideways
and seized the older woman's lips with her own, releasing the kiss the
would-be dancer stared longingly into Mai's deep blue orbs.
"You make me so happy, but that still doesn't mean I am not
gonna beat the crap out of Joey for telling you all of my secrets."
Mai smiled at the younger girl in her arms and swiped a loose
wisp of bangs from Tea's pale blue eyes.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, if it wasn't for him and Yugi I
wouldn't have known you liked me. Even though I think I was pretty
smooth with the whole 'there is a make-shift shower' gag back on
Pegasus' island. I was so lucky that something made a noise to scare
you." Mai said as her eyes suddenly had a far away look to them, Tea
waved a limp hand at the blonde woman.
"Hello, it was pretty smooth of me to act like I was scared. I
just wanted you near me when I was wet and naked."
"Like you are now?" Chortled Mai in a deep seductive tone as she
winked at Tea, sticking her tongue out the young brunette blew a
raspberry at the older woman and giggled.
"Yeah, just like I am now." Mused Tea dreamily as she laid her
head against Mai's shoulder and slowly slipped into a deep slumber.
"I love you so much sweetie, goodnight." Whispered Mai in a low
voice as she pressed her lips against the younger girl's forehead and
smiled down at her sleeping form, settling against both the bed and
Tea the blonde duelist slowly fell into a deep sleep of her own.
Author's notes:
Yup, that was a one shot, see what happens when you watch too much
Yu-Gi-Oh late at night…oh yeah I think you do. Anyways I hope you all
enjoyed my little fic. That was my first shot at a hentai scene so sue
me if I didn't do it right…damn me and my virgin self…like I know to
do it. This fic was written for Tracy, happy birthday sweetie, may all
of your dreams and wishes come true! Love you.
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