Eternal City, Crystal Tokyo (part 20 of 48)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 19
        There was a breathless anticipation as the lights flickered 
around the darkened stage. The opening chords rang out as the three 
figures emerged from the shadows, striking their typical dramatic poses. 
Dressed in those suits they looked stylish but clearly feminine, the 
clothes tailored to hug them snugly close.

        "Hello Crystal Tokyo," the black haired woman in a red suit 
smiled, Seiya's voice booming out from the microphone she wore beside 
her face, "It's great to be back."

        The crowd roared as Taiki stepped forward, brown hair slicked 
back and dressed in orange. She smelled her rose then smiled, casually 
tossing it out into the screaming crowd. Yaten gave a dangerous smile, 
white hair and matching suit almost glowing in the shadows.

        'Yes,' Seiya thought as the three of them broke into song, 'it 
is good to be back!'

        A little over an hour later the three of them stepped into the 
shadows of the stage in Crystal Tokyo’s central park, leaving behind a 
madly cheering audience. There had been three encores for the Three 
Lights, the girls screaming and fainting when they flashed those smiles.

        "You know," Taiki thoughtfully as they moved to their dressing 
room, "I really do think that I've missed this."

        Yaten laughed softly at that. "I know I did," she agreed with a 
grin. She tilted her head back, "Is it me or are we even more popular 
than we were back then?"

        "It's not just you," Seiya agreed. Her eyes narrowed as she saw 
the figures waiting there, four women who they had met all those years 

        "They aren't going to..." Taiki blinked, her eyes narrowing.

        Haruka Tenoh stood waiting casually, her boyishly short blonde 
hair flowing into her eyes. Beside her Michiru Kaoru held her arm, her 
lovely face framed by green hair. Just behind them Setsuna Meioh's 
greenish black hair was swept back like a cape, along with the younger 
by equally dangerous Hotaru Tomoe.

        "Been awhile," Yaten said dryly, watching the three warily.

        Haruka took a breath to say something, then puffed it out. She 
smiled wryly, "Welcome to Earth, on behalf of our Queen."

        "It's good to see you again," Michiru smiled at them warmly.

        "All right," Seiya asked suspiciously, "what's going on?"

        "I know we've had our differences," Haruka said gravely, "mostly 
because of my suspicions of you back then." She looked extremely 
reluctant as she conceded, "I was wrong about you three, and I wanted to 

        Seiya and Haruka stood there silently, sparks visibly striking 
in the air between them. They had disliked each other on first sight, 
the revelations of their being Starlights and Sailor Senshi simply 
making it even worse.

        "Think they're going to fight anyway?" Taiki said with a sigh.

        "I hope not," Setsuna sighed.

        "Apology accepted," Seiya reached out to take Haruka's hand.

        "Thanks," Haruka said before admitting, "Neo-Queen Serenity 
would be very annoyed with me if I started something again."

        Yaten snickered softly. "Our Queen Kakyuu has been known to use 
similar tactics on Seiya," she said cheerfully, getting a glare from 

        "All right," Michiru turned to call, "you can come out now."

        The two young women stepped from the shadows and the three 
tensed up, expecting a fight. Then they froze, gazing at the pink haired 
girl who so resembled Chibi-chibi, the mysterious girl who had helped in 
the battles with Galaxia so long ago. Beside her a slim black haired 
young woman stood, one who resembled Haruka.

        "Three Lights," Haruka put her hand on the young woman's 
shoulder, "she asked to meet you. I'd like to introduce Erica Tenoh."

        "So are you all fighting again?" Usagi asked curiously, stepping 
up beside Hotaru and gently taking her lover's hand.

        "No, thankfully," Hotaru answered, the two teens watching the 
stunned looked on the three women's faces.

        "She's," Seiya pointed tentatively at Erica as she looked over 
at the beaming Haruka and Michiru, "you're daughter?"

        "Michiru carried her," Haruka said with a slight smile, "but 
yeah, she's ours."

        "It's an honor to meet you," Erica bowed to the three 
cheerfully. She smiled, "You could say that I'm a Three Lights fan, 
despite my mom's irritation."

        Taiki chuckled softly at that before looking over at the pink 
haired girl standing by Hotaru and asking, "And who would you be?"

        "Usagi," she smiled, "and on behalf of my mother Neo-Queen 
Serenity I welcome you all to Crystal Tokyo." She paused before adding, 
"Mom would probably be very happy if you stopping in at the palace while 
you're here, too."

        Seiya's eyes flickered with something, some long ago sorrow as 
she said calmly, "I'll see what we can do."

        "Now that the official stuff is over," Usagi produced a small 
notebook and asked cheerfully, "can I have your autographs?"

        With a laugh Yaten signed, the others quickly following suit. 
They excused themselves to change clothes but accepted the Outers' 
invitation to join them to eat. "They surprised me a bit," Seiya 
admitted, toweling her hair off before tying it back again.

        "We've all grown up over the years," Taiki said calmly, a slight 
smile teasing at her face. She smiled wickedly as she added, "Some more 
than others."

        Yaten chuckled, running her hand through her white hair. 
"Seiya," she looked over a bit worriedly at Seiya, "are you going to be 
all right meeting her again?"

        Seiya smiled wryly, remembering an innocent, blue eyed princess 
she had once known. "I'll manage," she said, "it's been a very long 
time, after all."

        Still, Yaten and Taiki gave her a few worried glances, the three 
of them emerging in more casual clothing as they met the others. "Do you 
have any preferences about where we eat?" Haruka asked them curiously.

        "We haven't been back to the Earth since the late 21st century," 
Yaten reminded them, "we don't really know where to go."

        "Then I have a good place in mind," Setsuna smiled as they 
walked along together. "So I understand Queen Kakyuu sent you as 
diplomatic envoys?" she asked.

        "Indeed," Taiki nodded, "Her Majesty would like to see firm 
diplomatic ties between Earth and our world, as well as with star 
nations like Jurai."

        "I can't speak for my mother," Usagi offered with a smile, "but 
I suspect she'd be quite willing to see an alliance. You can never have 
too many friends."

        "And you three are powerful allies in your own right," Hotaru 
calmly said, walking arm in arm with Usagi.

        "I wasn't happy about leaving Queen Kakyuu without our 
protection while we're here," Seiya said with a frown, "but she 

        Haruka sighed, thinking of some discussions with Neo-Queen 
Serenity she'd had. "Trust me," she said, "I can sympathize." She and 
Seiya exchanged a grin, then looked mildly startled at finding a moment 
of agreement.

        "We're here," Setsuna smiled, bringing the group to a halt in 
front of an older building.

        "Arisugawa's Locket?" Yaten said curiously, looking up at the 
holographic sign that shone far above them.

        "Come on," Michiru said with a gentle smile, "I think you'll 
like it."

        "Why not," Taiki smiled.

        "Welcome," Cyber Six nodded slightly as they walked by her, the 
oddest look on the black haired woman's face.

        "Ohayo!" Excel beamed, the blonde manning the greeting post 
tonight. Leaning up against her the dark haired Hyatt looked near death, 
giving a weak smile.

        The band went inside, the Starlights looking around I awe at the 
place around them. The dance floor was busy, only a few dining tables 
occupied, and a line up stretched from the bar. The library instantly 
caught Taiki's eye while Yaten looked up the stairway thoughtfully. And 
all around them were women, nothing but women.

        "You're right," Seiya smiled slightly as she took in their 
surroundings, "I think I do like it."

        Setsuna smiled, waving to a woman who quickly cut through the 
crowd towards them. Long orange hair flowed down her back, her eyes 
shining as she looked at Setsuna. "Good to have you back, love," Juri 
drew Setsuna to her, kissing her gently.

        "Interesting," Taiki raised an eyebrow.

        "Welcome," Juri nodded, keeping an arm around Setsuna as she 
looked the three strangers over. "The Three Lights, correct?" she 

        "Hi," Yaten waved, smiling like a little kid.

        "We're here for dinner," Setsuna said, "would you care to join 

        Juri tossed a questioning glance to Seiya, clearly the leader of 
the three, who smiled. "If you're as important to Setsuna as you seem," 
she said, "I look forward to knowing you better."

        "Then let's eat," Juri lead them over to a larger table.

To be continued....

Author's Notes: The characters of Seiya, Yaten and Taiki all appear in 
the last season of Sailor Moon, called SM Stars. As the Three Lights 
they are a popular idol group, but they are also secretly the 
Starlights. Sailor Star Fighter, Healer and Maker are all really female, 
disguising themselves as boys in their idol role. Seiya falls hard for 
Usagi Tsukino, unaware she is Sailor Moon, and becomes Mamoru's rival 
for her love.

Onwards to Part 21

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