Eternal City, Crystal Tokyo (part 19 of 48)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 18
        Erica Tenoh puffed out a breath, walking along the street with 
her friend Catrine. "The pressure isn't letting up?" the black haired 
young woman asked sympathetically.

        "My parents want me in prep school then university," Catrine 
agreed, the blue haired girl keeping up with the longer legged girl's 
stride. The school-girl's uniform she wore was ruffled by the gentle 
breeze as they walked to the maglev line together.

        Erica sighed softly, "It's your choice, though, and they know 
that." She swung her school bag behind her head, stretching out in her 
boy's school uniform.

        Catrine nodded glumly, "But they'll be pretty unhappy by my 
decision to enter the academy to become a pilot."

        "Pilot?" Erica raised an eyebrow, obviously not having heard 
this before.

        "I've got the hand eye coordination and reflexes," Catrine said 
a bit defensively, "I think I'd be good in the mecha corps."

        "I wasn't questioning it," Erica grinned, "I was just 

        "Sorry," Catrine blushed. She looked over at the handsome young 
woman walking beside her, "Have you any thoughts about what you want to 

        Erica smiled wryly, "I assume I'm going to inherit." At 
Catrine's confused glance Erica traced an imaginary tiara, "From my 

        "Oh," Catrine murmured. She thought about that a moment as they 
walked, "Do you know which you're going to inherit?"

        "No idea," Erica shook her head. She smiled, "I've been pocked 
and prodded a few times by Lady Mercury and asked Pluto about it, but 
they're unsure." Erica chuckled, "Though Setsuna just likes to look 

        "Which ever it is," Catrine flashed a smile, "I'm sure you'll be 
good at it."

        "Thanks," Erica looked down nervously.

        It was in that moment of inattention that it happened. The 
shipping vehicle swerved, losing control as it swerved towards the 
walkway. Catrine screamed, Erica saw the vehicle barreling towards 
them.... and it happened.

        Erica grabbed Catrine, feeling her form shifting as power 
swirled around her. She leapt up, something blocking her eyes as she 
went up and over the truck, perching with incredible balance on a 
lamppost, Catrine safely cradled in her arms.

        "Erica, you...." Catrine was looking at her with the oddest look 
on her face. "You... you've become Tuxedo Kamen?!" she finally managed 
to get out.

        Erica nearly lost her balance, peering down in surprise at the 
snugly fitting black tuxedo that she now wore, a top hat and mask 
concealing her face while a red lined matching cape swirled around her 
body. "Well isn't this interesting," Erica muttered as she leapt onward, 
leaving the accident behind them.

        "Where are we going?' Catrine squeaked, holding on tightly.

        "I'm going up to the Palace to see if Ami can tell me what's 
going on," Erica said. She gave Catrine a worried look, "Do you want me 
to drop you off?"

        "Oh no," Catrine said firmly, "I want to know, too."

        "Fair enough," Erica said.

        It felt oddly good having this girl in her arms as she leapt 
across the city towards the palace. It took surprisingly little time to 
reach the palace, though the reactions when she arrived were just 
priceless. The guards gaped at her in shock, refusing admittance as they 
called upstairs for guidance.

        A few moments later a girl came running down the hall, skidding 
to a stop when she took in the figure standing there. "What in the..." 
Usagi blinked, her pink hair falling down her back in two streams. She 
peered closely a moment, "Erica?!"

        "The mask doesn't work too well," Erica noted to Catrine.

        "She does know you pretty well," Catrine answered, hiding her 

        "I can't wait until Dad sees you," Usagi noted as she circled 
Erica, looking her over admiringly, "he'll love this."

        "I'd rather have Ami see me," Erica said dryly, "thank you very 
much. I have no idea why I transformed like this."

        "Sounds like a plan," Usagi led them past the confused guards. 
She tossed Catrine a smile, "Hello again."

        "Princess," Catrine managed a respectable bow while still 
keeping up with them.

        "Just call me Usagi," she said cheerfully as they entered the 
lift, the taller girl entering the level for Ami's laboratory.

        "Yes, Usagi," Catrine stammered, face red.

        "So what happened?" Usagi asked Erica pointedly.

        Erica took the top hat off, discovering it could be folded away 
invisibly within the suit jacket. "A truck swerved towards us," Erica 
took the mask off, putting it in her breast pocket, "and I transformed 
to get us clear."

        "Oh," Catrine looked at Erica, blushing once again. "I never 
even said thank you," she said, looking up at Erica.

        "No problem," Erica blushed slightly, "I was saving myself too."

        "Right," Usagi looked up with a false sort of casualness. The 
lift chimed, the doors opening as they reached the right level. "Here we 
go," she lead the way out into the hall.

        "Here's hoping that Ami's home," Erica sighed, cutting a fine 
figure in her black suit. More than one palace staffer gave her admiring 
gazes, but she seemed not to notice them.

        'Catrine certainly does,' Usagi noted the irritable looks the 
girl was tossing the admirers. She stopped them by an unmarked door and 
hit the bell.

        A few moments later a irritable looking Rei opened the door, the 
black haired Senshi giving them a glare, "You're timing stinks."

        "Oh dear," Catrine ducked behind Erica.

        Rei clearly looked like she had just gotten out of bed, hair 
messy and wearing a hastily thrown on robe. In behind they saw a 
fiercely blushing Ami Mizuno come out of a bedroom in her own robe and 
the three girls realized what they may have just interrupted.

        "Sorry," Usagi gestured to where the tuxedo clad young woman 
stood, "but Erica's got a little problem she needs Ami's help with."

        "I'll be damned," Rei blinked at Erica in surprise.

        "Well," Ami had put her glasses on, peering at Erica 
thoughtfully as she held her robe shut with her hand, "this is 

        "Tell me about it," Erica sighed. She turned a bit to where 
Catrine still lurked behind her, "It's safe, they won't hurt you."

        "Sorry," Rei looked a bit sheepish as she smiled at Catrine. She 
looked at the others, "Excuse me while we get dressed." With that she 
firmly closed the door in their faces.

        Catrine looked up at Erica, "Do you think they were...?"

        "Oh yeah," Erica sighed.

        It wasn't long afterwards that Ami had Erica in her lab, 
performing a battery of tests on the young woman. Erica managed to 
revert to normal, causing even more intense testing while the other 
Senshi arrived to see what was going on.

        "Don't be so intimidated," Minako said to Catrine softly, noting 
that the girl looked ready to faint with excitement, "we all put our 
skirts on one leg at a time."

        "Pants," Motoko corrected her, the cyborg watching the goings on 
with amusement, "pants one leg at a time."

        "You know what I mean," Minako shrugged.

        "So what happened, exactly?" Erica finally asked, drinking a cup 
of tea.

        "And will it happen again?" Michiru asked worriedly.

        "Reminds me of the time I wore Tuxie's old suit," Haruka 
murmured to Michiru softly.

        Michiru's cheeks colored slightly, "Not in front of the 

        "Ahem," Ami cleared her throat loudly, "I do have a theory." 
Once she was sure she had everyone's full attention she continued, "I 
believe that Erica's latent Senshi powers were awakened by the danger 
she was in. However, because both the Senshi positions she is heir to 
were occupied," she nodded to Haruka and Michiru," her power seized upon 
the first open form it could take."

        King Endymion nodded thoughtfully at that, "I suppose that as 
King of Crystal Tokyo I am no longer Tuxedo Kamen."

        "So until I inherit my Mothers' position, I'm going to continue 
to change into Tuxedo Kamen whenever I'm in danger?" Erica asked.

        "I'm afraid so," Ami admitted.

To be continued....

Author's Note: Haruka really did wear the Tuxedo Kamen costume... at 
least in the manga series. I should also apologize for featuring Ami 
with Makoto in my first draft, but I've corrected that. ^_^;

Onwards to Part 20

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