Interregnum (part 3 of 17)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Desslok

Back to Part 2
[September 2002]

Minako arrived at Makoto's house just before noon.  Normally, 
Mina would just have been getting dressed that early on a 
Saturday, but this was a special occasion.  During the bus ride 
and subsequent walk, she would have had plenty of time to 
rehearse what she was going to say, but she had decided the night 
before to just play it by ear.  Makoto probably wouldn't respond 
well to a prepared speech anyway.  

After Makoto and then Rei had left her and Usagi alone in the 
wake of Ami's videotape, Minako had simply sat, stunned.  Usagi 
had wanted to chase down Makoto or Rei or both, to do something, 
but Mina had counseled her to let things lie for the time being.  
If one thing was clear after seeing that bombshell go off, it was 
that they all needed some time to themselves, Minako included.  
And so it was that an hour later, the young woman found herself 
in the park near the shrine, sitting on the swing set, idly 
drifting back and forth.  

She just couldn't be angry with Ami, no matter how hard she 
tried.  As always, the genius had been absolutely right.  Mina 
had known for some time about Mako's feelings towards her.  As 
the last rays of sunlight dipped toward the horizon and Minako 
gazed into the long shadow in front of her, she realized why 
she'd never done anything about it.  After so many 
disappointments with boys, after the realization that she herself 
had a crush on someone who had no interest in her, after watching 
the spotlight shift from Sailor V to Sailor Moon, it had been 
nice to have something to cling to, some proof that she was 
desirable, popular, important.  The fact that she loved Kino 
Makoto like a sister somehow had convinced her that this was all 

Ami had been right about a lot of things.  Minako was the senshi 
of love and none of the longings or heart's desires of her 
friends had remained hidden from her view.  She chided herself 
for failing to fulfill her responsibilities to her team.   Her 
job as leader of the inner senshi did not end at battlefield's 
edge.  While Usagi would always bear the ultimate responsibility, 
Mina shared that burden when it came to their friends.  None of 
them had the experience she did, in matters both martial and 

Fortunately, self-loathing did not sit well with Aino Minako.  It 
was Sailor Mercury's job to identify and analyze threats.  Well, 
with that videotape, she had done that.  Now, it was Sailor 
Venus's job to take that information and come up with a game 
plan.  Priority number one was to make sure that the bonds of 
love and friendship between all the senshi remained strong.  


"Come on in, it's open!" Makoto called.   

Minako strolled inside, placing her shoes by the door and heading 
for the kitchen where she knew she would inevitably find Makoto.  

"I brought some soda and some chips," Mina announced, placing a 
plastic bag on the counter.  

Makoto flashed a quick smile.  Though she hadn't promised 
anything more extravagant than "lunch", the brunette had been up 
for hours preparing things.   She told herself that she was 
seizing the opportunity to work on some things she had learned at 
the culinary academy.  Part of her even believed it.  

"Thanks!  I hope you brought your appetite, too.  I have exams 
coming up, so I wanted to practice some things."   Makoto waved 
vaguely toward the array of simmering pots and plates already 
filled with various delights.  

"I skipped breakfast!" Minako cheerfully informed her friend, 
neglecting to mention that she had slept through it.  

"Good, you can go wash up and just sit on down in the dining 
room.  I'll bring out the first round."   Makoto herded Mina 
through the doors with her as she carried a tray of appetizers to 
the table.   

Lunch went quite well.  Just as Makoto had planned, her constant 
barrage of new dishes kept Minako's mouth occupied and delayed 
the inevitable.  Eventually, though, they reached the point where 
no one, except perhaps Usagi, could have continued feasting.  As 
Makoto poured tea, Minako relocated to the living room sofa.  

"That was wonderful, as always, Mako-chan," she told her hostess 
as the latter sat in the chair across from her.  "I'm sure you'll 
ace all of your exams!"

"I hope so," Makoto admitted. "It can be kind of tough, but I 
love my classes.  I wish I had more time to work with my plants, 
but I'm really enjoying the school."  

Minako smiled encouragingly and then took a deep breath.  "Mako-
chan, I think you know why I'm here."

'And so it begins,' Makoto commented ruefully to herself.  She 
nodded curtly. 

"I guess I should start off by apologizing to you," Mina began.  
"Ami was right.  I have known for awhile now how you felt about 
me.  It was selfish of me to let you feel that way, without 
saying anything to you about it."  

Before Makoto could interrupt, Mina plowed ahead.  "Please, let 
me get this out.   I want you to know how very much I love you 
and how much I cherish your friendship.  I don't know why I don't 
feel the same way about you that you feel about me.  Trust me, 
I've thought about that a lot over the past week or two.  It is 
nothing to do with you.  You're a beautiful, loving, incredible 

Makoto blushed, a small smile touching the corners of her lips.  
"Thank you, Mina-chan," she said quietly.  "Can I say something 

Somewhat stunned by the demure, almost submissive request, Minako 
gestured to Makoto that she should go ahead.  

"You're right, Mina-chan, I did have a crush on you.  In some 
ways, you're everything that I've always hoped to be."  Makoto 
paused briefly.  "When I was watching that tape, I could feel 
myself getting angrier and angrier.  At first, I was mad because 
Ami had left without saying goodbye.  Then, it was because she 
seemed to have something to say to everyone but me.  When she.. 
told me what she told me.. it made me angrier still.  By the end, 
I just couldn't stand it anymore.  How could she say those things 
without the willingness to back them up in person?"

Minako opened her mouth to reply, but Makoto forestalled that 
with a raised hand.  "No, don't.  Nothing you can say will ever 
convince me that it was right to do what she did the way she did 
it.  But finally, just a day or two ago, I realized that that 
wasn't what had made me so mad."   

Seeing Minako's obvious confusion, Makoto chuckled.  "I know, it 
was confusing to me, too.  Please, bear with me.  You see, when I 
transferred to Juban, I made a promise to myself.  I told myself 
that I was going to keep my head down, that I wasn't going to 
make waves like I had in my past school, getting into fights, 
calling students and teachers out on things when they deserved 
it.  I wasn't going to do any of that.  I decided to play things 

"With all the risks and dangers that I faced as Sailor Jupiter, I 
soon found myself relishing the relative safety of my 'normal' 
life.  All I wanted was for things to stay the same.  I had 
friends that I loved more than anything, I had a mission, I was 
even doing passably in school, thanks to Ami.  Playing things 
safe became a habit.  

"I think that's why I always found myself attracted to these guys 
who were unattainable.  When a stranger swept me off my feet at a 
dance, it was safe to moon over him, because I knew deep down 
that I'd probably never see him again.  I don't know what I would 
have done if he'd turned out to be normal, and interested.  Being 
fascinated with any guy was always safe for me, cause I've known 
for a long time now that I'm mostly attracted to women."

It was Minako's turn to laugh.  "Do you think it's something in 
those transformation wands?  I mean, they told us in Sociology 
that the percentages are closer to 1 in 10, not 4 for 5."

Makoto grinned, visibly relaxing as the light of friendship 
illuminated the dark things which had lurked for so long unseen 
inside of her.  "Maybe so!  We'll have to ask Luna about that.  
It's a shame Ami isn't here.  I'm sure she could tell us."  
Mako's smile faded suddenly.  "I miss her a lot, you know.  More 
than I might have guessed.  The little bluebird must have wormed 
her way deeper into my life than I'd realized."  

"We're all tied together, Mako-chan.  It might not be the red 
cord, but we're tied together nonetheless.  I'm sorry, please 
finish what you were saying."

"Well, I think there's only so long you can fool yourself.  I 
guess what I've realized is that having a crush on you wasn't 
much different than having one on Motoki or even Haruka.  Even 
someone as dim as me could see that you were totally interested 
in Rei."

"Is it that obvious?" Minako asked, sweat beading on her brow.

"Yup!" Makoto informed her happily.  "At least, to everyone but 
Rei, I guess.  Have you talked to her yet?"

Minako frowned, "No, I haven't.  I guess I was hoping that she'd 
talk to me first, you know?"

Makoto nodded sympathetically and reached out to pat her friend's 
knee.  "She will, Mina-chan, she will.  Ami's seen to that."  A 
quick laugh, and Makoto continued.  "Anyway, like I was saying, I 
think it was just easier to have a crush on you.   That was 

"So, you didn't have a crush on me then?" Minako tried, 
unsuccessfully, to keep the disappointment out of her voice, 
which brought another warm laugh from her friend.

"No, I wouldn't say that.  The crush was real enough.  It's just 
that now I see it for what it was.  It was my way of making sure 
that nothing ever changed.  As long as I was thinking about you, 
and you were thinking about Rei, things would just keep on going 
the way they always had and I'd have all of you here in my life 
and I'd be safe.  I guess Ami got tired of 'safe' though, and 
when she left, it all came down like a house of cards."

"Nothing has come down at all, Mako-chan!" Minako declared 
emphatically.  "I agree with you about her means, but I think 
Ami's done us all a favor.  We do have duties and 
responsibilities that we will need to face.  I don't know much 
about what will happen with Crystal Tokyo and all, but I can 
imagine it will be a lot of hard work.  At the moment, I don't 
know that I'd have any idea of where to start, and I'm pretty 
sure Usagi would say the same thing."

"I know, you're right.  That's why I've been able to stop being 

"Even with Ami?"

"Even with Ami, though she owes me big-time," Makoto pointed out 
with a dangerous grin.   

"So, what about Ami?  Did you know about the way she felt?"  

"I think I've known for awhile.  I wonder if I didn't figure it 
out about the same time that I decided that I was in love with 
you," Makoto admitted.  "I don't know what else to think, though.  
She's gone and I miss her more than I'd have ever imagined.  I 
never knew how much I took her for granted."  

Both girls sighed sadly, sharing a moment of silence in honor of 
the friend they missed so very much.  

"What are you going to do now, Mako-chan?"  Minako finally asked.

"I don't know but I do think it's time to stop playing things 
safe.   Are you angry with me, Mina-chan?"

"Why would I be angry with you?" 

"Well, 'cause I think I'm over you?"  Even as she said it, Makoto 
realized how silly that sounded.  

Minako laughed heartily.  "You're a very silly girl, Mako-chan!  
Of course, I'm not angry."   Standing up, Minako moved over to 
Makoto's chair and pulled her to her feet.  Embracing her 
tightly, she added, "I'm not good at 'angry', Mako-chan.  That's 
what we have you and Rei for.  I just wanted to make sure you 
were ok and I think it's safe to say that you are, or will be."

"'Will be', I think," Makoto whispered.  "Thank you, Mina-chan.  
I hope everything works out with Rei.  I think you two would be 
really cute together."

"I think so, too," Minako giggled.  "You don't seriously think 
I'd ever date someone who didn't look good with me, do you?  Just 
kidding!  I think I'd better get going.  Sorry I can't stay and 
help clean up."

Makoto shrugged, reluctantly releasing her hold on her friend.  
"That's ok, I'm used to it.  I'll IM you later, k?"

"You'd better!" Minako demanded. "And, do me a favor?"

"Anything, V-girl!"

"Drop Ami a line and let her know you're not mad at her anymore?  
I'm not sure what you two can sort out with an ocean between you, 
but she really loves you, Mako-chan.  I know these things and 
that's no crush.  She'll wait for you forever, I think.  If 
you're not going to be interested, well, I think she deserves to 
know that."  

Makoto sighed heavily.  "I know, Mina-chan.  I'll write to her.  
Truthfully, though, how can I tell her what I feel or don't feel, 
when I don't know myself."

"Well, just tell her that much then," Minako advised. "I think 
we've all gotten a little too complacent, too used to assuming 
things instead of discussing them.   That's not going to happen 
again on my watch!"

Makoto fired off a smart salute, receiving a stuck-out tongue in 
return.  Soon, Minako was safely on her way and even the massive 
pile of dirty dishes couldn't remove the light smile from 
Makoto's face.


Stepping off of the bus at the bottom of the hill, Minako looked 
up toward the shrine that had become a second home to her.  With 
a deep breath and an expression of resolve, she set out toward 
the top.  The first stage of her mission was complete.  It was 
time for the second.

In the inner chambers of the shrine, Rei looked up suddenly from 
her meditation.  Gazing into the sacred flame, she refocused her 
mind on the world without.  'Mina's coming,' she whispered to 

As she passed through the white archway, Minako waved to Rei, 
wondering briefly why the miko always seemed to be waiting 
outside whenever anyone visited.   "Hey Rei-chan!  I was just 
passing by and thought I'd drop in."

Rei smiled wistfully.  "I can guess why you're here, Mina-chan.  
I should have invited you myself."   She gestured for Mina to 
accompany her and headed inside to the sitting room.  "Can I 
offer you some tea, or maybe something to eat?"

Laying a hand on her bulging tummy, Minako frowned.  "I just had 
lunch at Makoto's.  I couldn't eat another bite!"  Rei simply 
laughed, knowing all to well the amount of food a stressed Makoto 
was capable of producing.

"I'm sorry I didn't come see you myself," Rei said, getting 
straight to the point.  "I've been trying to figure out what to 
say."  She grinned awkwardly. 

"Been there, done that," Minako laughed, trying to put Rei at 
ease.  Using the mental discipline gained through years of 
difficult battles, Minako managed to ignore the way the sunlight 
fluttered against Rei's dark hair.  

"Oh really?" Rei asked, raising an eyebrow pointedly.  "I take it 
you had 'the talk' with Makoto."

"'The talk'?" 

"Don't play coy with me, Mina-chan, you know what I'm talking 
about.  Usagi was here yesterday to give me 'the talk.'"  Rei 
laughed ruefully.  

"Oh, that," Minako teased.  "Yeah, we had 'the talk' over lunch 
just now.  I guess Usagi and Ami are the lucky ones."

"How so?"
"Well," Minako explained, "since they're at the ends of the 'love 
chain', they only have to do this once.  You and I are in the 
middle, so we get to experience it from both ends.  A whole new 
meaning to 'love chain encircle', huh?"

Rei's laughter glittered silver in the warmth of the room.  "I 
hadn't thought of it like that, Mina-chan.  I guess you're 

"We don't have to, you know," Mina offered, suddenly quiet and 
shy, "I'll understand.  I think I already know what I need to 

Instead of replying immediately, Rei paused.  The act of writing 
to Ami had forced her to confront a lot of things and had 
inspired certain important decisions.  Her feelings toward 
Minako, however, remained muddled no matter how hard she tried to 
pin them down.  She had hoped that sorting things out with Usagi 
might bring clarity, but somehow it hadn't.   

Rei took the time to really look at her friend, for the first 
time in a long time.  How odd that you could spend time with 
someone just about every day of your life for years on end, and 
yet never actually see them.  To the casual observer the most 
immediate item of interest might have been the similarities 
between Minako and Usagi:  the perfect complexion, the long 
golden tresses, the bright eyes, the impossibly long legs.  Rei, 
however, was anything but a casual observer.  

As Minako waited patiently, if not nervously, for her friend to 
respond, Rei took her in fully, using all of her senses.  It was 
the differences that fascinated Rei.  Where an innocent naivete 
glimmered in Usagi's eyes, Minako's harbored the kind of wisdom 
only gained through painful experience.  Both Usagi and Minako 
radiated a profound sense of duty and responsibility, but in 
different ways somehow.  It occurred to Rei that maybe she didn't 
really know Minako at all, that maybe no one did.  She smiled 
gently as she realized that something deep inside her wanted 
nothing more than to rectify that.  

"How can you know, Mina-chan, when even I don't know?"  Rei asked 
cryptically, before shifting gears. "How did it go with Makoto?"

It took Minako a moment or two to catch up.  Somehow all of her 
certainty was draining away and she felt herself losing control 
of the situation.  She was startled by the sense of relief she 
felt at that. 
"She's over me," the blonde announced in a voice somewhere 
between happy and mildly disappointed.

Rei nodded, "Good, I'm glad."  She didn't ask any more.  She 
could talk to Makoto, would talk to Makoto, later.  It wouldn't 
be right to hear about it from someone else, even Minako herself.

"Rei-chan, we've all been very bad about talking to each other 
lately, well until very recently I guess.  Ami forced our hands, 
but she shouldn't have had to.  I'm as much to blame for that as 
anyone, and I wanted to apologize."

"I'm sorry, too, Mina-chan.  That's the problem with secrets.  
They fester."  Rei sighed and turned to look out the doorway at 
the wind blowing through the trees.  "Eventually, they burrow so 
deep, that you find that you are keeping secrets from yourself."

Minako recorded the image of Rei's profile in her mind, filing it 
with all the others she had collected over the years.  She wished 
some of that wind would come into the room and sweep Rei's hair 
back off of her neck and shoulders, but wind wasn't Mina's 

"Rei-chan, I also wanted you to know that, well, I don't want 
things to be strange between us now.  I can't change how I feel, 
but I can deal."  The brief look of disappointment that flashed 
across Rei's face took Minako by surprise; so much so that she 
couldn't be quite sure she'd seen it in the first place.

"I've made some decisions," Rei announced.  "You'll be the first 
to know, other than Grandpa."

"Ooookaaay," Mina replied, befuddled at yet another odd twist to 
this conversation.

"I think Ami was right.  We all need more experience.  I think 
I've done everything I can do as a miko."  Rei turned back to 
meet Minako's eyes.  "I've asked my father to help me find a 
certain kind of position, and for once in my life he's come 
through for me.  Next week, I'm starting work with the World 
Health Organization.  I'm going to work in their Child and 
Adolescent Health Division.  After some training in Switzerland, 
I think I'll probably end up in Africa somewhere."

Minako gaped at Rei, unsure what to say in response to this.  
Before she could formulate a coherent reply, Rei continued.

"My heart has been closed for a long time, Mina-chan.  I think 
maybe it started when we were fighting Mamoru's little flowery 
boyfriend, when Usagi died.  It hurt so much, Mina-chan, and even 
when she came back, it still hurt, because I knew then how much I 
loved her and also that I could never ever have her.  I've 
thought about it and decided that I need to give something to the 
world, not as Sailor Mars, but as Hino Rei.  I think that's the 
key to finding out how to feel again.

"I didn't come to talk to you because I didn't know what to say.  
How could I tell you I don't return your feelings when I don't 
even know what feelings I have, for anyone, or if I even have any 
any more.  I can't lie to you, Mina-chan, and pretend that I 
could never think of you that way.  Right now, it would be so 
easy to take you into my arms, but that wouldn't be fair to 
either of us.  You deserve more than to be a 'rebound chick'.  I 
love you too much for that."

"So, what does that mean, Rei-chan?  You're going to leave me and 
you can't even give me enough to know whether I should move on or 
wait?" Minako asked through tears she didn't even notice.  

Rei's eyes flashed, also filling with tears, "I can't tell you 
what I don't know and I can't lie to you, Mina-chan!  I won't ask 
you to wait for me, but I can't tell you that I don't hope you 
will, because I do."

"You do?"  Minako's voice was a whisper, quivering with raw 

"I do," Rei replied in a gentle tone, dropping her gaze to the 
floor.  "I do."  

As Rei lifted her head, she could see a new light in Minako's 
eyes:  hope, mingled with amazement.  "You'll do a lot of good 
for a lot of people, Rei-chan, I just know it.  And when you do 
come back, I'll be here.  Even if things change, nothing will 
ever stop us from being friends, and I will always love you." 

Both women stood, coming together into a warm embrace.  Each 
closed her eyes against the tears falling.  Minako desperately 
tried to absorb every sensation as Rei clung to her, not knowing 
how long it might be until she had this chance again.   

With Minako pressed against her, Rei let go of the reins she 
usually clasped rigidly within herself.  Her body tingled as the 
awareness of Minako's proximity permeated her being.  
Emotionally, she was soon overwhelmed by something that was new 
to her.  She felt loved, and it was a nice feeling.  In that 
moment, the dark clouds that had always obscured her sense of her 
own future parted.  Rei knew she'd be back to Tokyo, and not 
simply to serve its future Queen.  

Onwards to Part 4

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